Virtual Pets

Hi Everyone! If you are looking for virtual pets, you have come to the right place! I have searched all over the net to find my virtual pets and I will share them with you. I hope you enjoy visiting my pets! I have a lot of real pets too... I guess you could just say that I love animals *S*

My baby dragons have grown into adults! They are a rare breed of twins! Their names are Ganymede and Andromeda. Aren't they cute? The sad part is, The Garden Dragon Adoption Agency, where I got them is no longer around. .

Adopt an Otter! This is the newest part of my site! After adopting so many pets, I wanted to have my own adoptions! Please come give a cute otter a good home!

Exotic Pets So, you say you are looking for an unusual pet? Here is the perfect place to look!This section includes pet rocks, bubbles, and many others!

The Nursery If you are looking for a cute and lovable baby pet (although I would have to say that all of my pets are really cute), here is the place to go! This section includes baby hedgehogs, hamsters and many others!

The Pond Come on in and splash around in the pond with some of my water pets!

Freddy and Felicity's Place Freddy and Felicity, my pet ferrets, have so many toys and accessories, that they get their own page! Come visit Freddy and Felicity! They love company!

The Cafeteria Here are some of my tastiest pets!

The Bird Cage Come on in amd visit my birds!

More Wonderful Pets As you have probably guessed, here is where you can find even more pets. These are the ones that I couldn't figure out how to fit into a category so I guess they should be happy together!!!!

Share! As you can probably tell by now I really love virtual pets! If you find a cute pet that I do not have, please tell me about it!