Descendants of: Abraham Bonjour

8 Jun 1997          Descendants of: Abraham Bonjour          

1 Abraham Bonjour b. (c)1630 d. bef  5-Jun-1729 m. unknown 
  LDS #1170426                                                                  
  2 Michel Bonjour b. _____ d. bef25-Dec-1749 m. Anne Marie Chatelain 
    Richard L. Bonjour KS chart. LDS #1170426                                     
    Richard L. Bonjour - Swiss chart. LDS #1170426                                
    3 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 20 Jun 1714 d. bef1724 m. Marie Fongier 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart, LDS #1170426                                      
      R.L. Bonjour Swiss chart - unk Bonjour                                        
      4 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 17?8 m. Henriette Dardel 
        R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart                                                    
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
        R.L. Bonjour - Swiss Chart  Last name hard to read                            
                LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Henriette Bonjour b. 1797 
          R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart                                                    
        5 Pierre Frederic Bonjour b. 1802 
          R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart, LDS #1170426, confirmed 25 Dec 1819               
        5 Jean Louis Bonjour b. 1804 
          R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart                                                    
        5 Caroline Bonjour b. 5 Jul 1806 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
                    le vingt-quatre decembre dix huit cent vingt deux Auguste fils d’ Henri
Francois Bonjour, batise a Lignieres le 20 Juillet 1805. (not entered)
Caroline fille de Jean Pierre Bonjour, b.a Lignieres le 22 Juin 1806.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1822 - 1823 Vol. 4
        5 Rose Margueritte Bonjour m. 26 Jan 1828 Jean Pierre Chanel 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
                              1828 Bans Jean Pierre Chanel & Rose Margueritte Bonjour Le vingt Janvier mil
huit cent vingt huit ont etet publies les bans du mariage entre Jean Pierre
fils de Jean Pierre Chanel, de Lignieres, domicilie a St Blaise, et Rose
Margueritte fille de Jean Pierre Bonjour, de Lignieres, ouelle est

Chanel et Bonjour Le vingt six Janvier mil huit cent vingt huit a ete beni le
mariage de Jean Pierre Chanel, baptise a Saint Blaise le trente un Janvier mil
sept cent quatre vingt seize, de Lignieres, domicilie a St Blaise, fils de
Jean Pierre Chanel; avec Rose Margueritte, baptisee a Lignieres le vingt deux
Fevier mil huit cent, de Lignieres, y domicilie, fille de Jean Pierre

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

          6 Rose Emilie Chanel b. 18 Jul 1837 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
    3 Abraham Bonjour b. Aug 1716 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss Chart (Abram).  LDS #1170426                             
    3 Jean Louis Bonjour b. 18 Sep 1718 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart, middle name hard to read                          
    3 Marie Marguerite Bonjour b. 29 Dec 1720 
    3 Jacques Bonjour b. 19 Sep 1723 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart. LDS #1170426                                      
    3 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 1724 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart                                                    
    3 Jean Bonjour b. 1729 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss Chart. LDS #1170426                                      
    3 Jean Jacques Bonjour b. 1733 
      R.L. Bonjour - Swiss chart. LDS #1170426. confirmed 25 Dec 1749               
  2 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. (c)1650 m. 8 Feb 1715 Francois Simon 
    LDS #1170426 father of Jean Louis & Jean Jaques                               
    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
    Has an action at law against the district collector of the Isle Saint-Jean    
    in 1673.  He is suspended as Justiciary in 1700.                              
    LDS #1170426                                                                  
    3 Michel Bonjour b. ___ 1697 d. ___ 1774 m. 5 Feb 1753 Susanne Marie Bonjour 
      LDS #1170426.  bonjour Bonjour book, became parish elder 1725.                
      died between Feb and 11 November 1774 when his son was born.                  
      LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 1759 d. 13 May 1829 m. 23 Jul 1785 Marie Madelaine Gauchant b. 6 Oct 1765 d. 1 Dec 1839 
                m. Julliette unknown 
        LDS #1170426, confirmed 25 Dec 1776, marr. 1785                               
        LDS #1170426, Lignieres bp. records, 1840, Marr 1785                          
        5 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 18 Apr 1786 d. bef  3-Aug-1845 m. 9 Jul 1806 Sophie Gauchat b. 1786 
          LDS #1170426, marr age 22                                                     
          LDS #1170426, marr. age 22                                                    
          6 Gustave Bonjour b. 31 Jan 1809 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Adolphe Bonjour b. 2 May 1811 m. Emelie Adele Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1812 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 27 Oct 1839 m. Sophie Clemence Chiffelle 
                            m. Sophia Julie Roth 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
              8 Louis Arnold Bonjour b. 1872 m. Olyme Cosandier 
                Olyvis Colandiat                                                              
                9 George Louis Bonjour b. 1909 m. 6 May 1939 Marthe Alice JUNOD b. 30 Apr 1918 
                  10 Jean Marc Bonjour b. 1940 
                  10 Jacques Bonjour b. 1942 m. unknown 
                    11 Anne Marie Bonjour b. 1965 
                    11 Patricia Bonjour b. 1966 
                    11 Isabelle Bonjour b. 1973 
                  10 Roland Bonjour b. 1945 m. unknown 
                    11 Fabienne Bonjour b. 1971 
                    11 Sandra Bonjour b. 1974 
                9 Louise Annie Bonjour b. 23 Jan 1911 d. 7 Feb 1992 m. 5 Apr 1940 Eric Paul JUNOD b. 26 Feb 1911 d. 2 Jan 1993 
                  Atenu le domaine "Près Devant" (au dessus de Montmollin) et a reris le domaine
                  10 Noldy Eric JUNOD b. 28 Sep 1940 m. 11 Jun 1965 Jacqueline Hèléne Debrot 
                    Agriculteur, Inspecteur du bétail et Office de Surveillance des Distilleries  
                  10 Marlène Olympe JUNOD b. 22 Sep 1941 m. 28 Sep 1963 Alfred Bühler d. 1977 
                    Agriculteur à Rochefort                                                       
                  10 Mireille Annie JUNOD b. 15 Feb 1944 m. 14 Apr 1967 Peter Flückiger 
                  10 Sylvianne Ella Alice JUNOD b. 14 Apr 1946 m. 29 Aug 1968 Fritz Läderach b. 26 Jun 1938 
                    Avantsonmariage, travaille pour diverses familles de restaurateurs, aidant pou
                    Actuellement, donne encore quelques coups de mains (extras) à un restaurant.  
                    Originaire de Worb, BE.                                                       
                                        Avant1963,aide chez des paysans. Depuis 1963, travaille comme magasinier à l'O
                    11 Brigitte Läderach b. 31 Dec 1968 
                    11 Sonja Läderach b. 30 Oct 1970 
                9 Eric Alexis Bonjour b. 1914 m. Lucie Cosandier 
                  10 Francis Eric Bonjour b. 1949 m. Jannine Veraz 
                    11 Fabrice Bonjour b. 1974 
                    11 Cynthia Bonjour b. 1976 
                9 Raymond Edgard Bonjour b. 1917 m. Susanne Geiser 
                  10 Freddy Raymond Bonjour b. 1945 
              8 Emile Adolph Bonjour b. 1873 
              8 Robert Bonjour b. 1879 m. Elise Anna Bonjour 
                9 Bernard Emiele Bonjour b. 1913 m. Emme Ritschard 
                  10 Serge Bernard Bonjour b. 1940 m. Annie Jannello 
                    11 Patricia Josephine Bonjour b. 1964 
                    11 Sophie Bonjour b. 1970 
                  10 Pierre Michel Bonjour b. 1947 m. Cosette Hani 
                    11 Christel Carine Bonjour b. 1973 
                    11 Raphael Christophe Bonjour b. 1975 
            7 Julie Louise Bonjour b. 22 Apr 1842 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
                            Anne 1842 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Julie Louise Bonjour Le vingt
un Mai mil huit cent quarante deux a ete baptese Julie Louise Bonjour nee en
loyal mariage le vingt deux Avril precedent d’ Adolphe Bonjour captaine de
milice de Lignieres ou il reside , et de Emelie Adele Bonjoue aussi de
Lignieres.  Petit du cote paternel de Francois Louis Bonjour ancien d’Eglise
et de Sophia nee Gauchat et de cote maternel de Francois Charles Bonjour et de
Margueritte nee Junod.  Parrain:  Louis Constant Bonjour.  Marrain:  Julie
Adele Gauchat

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Ida Bonjour b. 3 Aug 1845 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
          6 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 5 Jun 1812 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Alfred Bonjour b. 19 Sep 1815 m. Julie Gauchat 
                        m. 23 May 1846 Julie Gauchat b. c1825 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Louis Alfred Bonjour b. 28 May 1843 d. bef  9-Sep-1847 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Louis Alfred Bonjour b. 9 Sep 1847 m. Aline Staudler 
              LDS #1170427 #515                                                             
              8 Bertha Aline Bonjour b. 1873 m. unknown 
                9 Eugene Rene Bonjour b. 1898 
              8 Paul Alfred Bonjour b. 1874 m. Adele Descombes 
                9 Andre Rene Bonjour b. 1895 
                9 Paul Alfred Bonjour b. 1897 
                9 Octave Auguste Bonjour b. 1900 
                9 Adrien Emile Bonjour b. 1903 
                9 Adrien Emile Bonjour b. 1905 
                9 Pierre Henri Bonjour b. 1909 
                9 Adrien Robert Bonjour b. 1912 
                9 Marc Raymond Bonjour b. 1915 
                9 Jacques Edouard Bonjour b. 1917 
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1876 
              8 Mathilde Eugenie Bonjour b. 1877 m. unknown 
                9 Fritz Bonjour b. 1897 
              8 Arthur Auguste Bonjour b. 1880 
            7 Julie Adele Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #545                                                             
            7 Sophia Bertha Bonjour b. 17 Sep 1850 
              LDS #1170427 #586                                                             
            7 Paul Emile Bonjour b. 2 Dec 1852 m. Joshine Vicorine Chevaier 
              LDS #1170427  #644                                                            
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1882 
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1887 
            7 Octavie Bonjour b. 26 Oct 1854 
              LDS #1170427 #15                                                              
          6 Sophie Elise Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1818 m. Justin Junod b. c1814 
            LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Justin Maximilien Junod b. 26 Dec 1844 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 baby Junod b. 3 Mar 1846 d. 3 Mar 1846 
              LDS #1170427 bp. -- b. dead                                                   
            7 Oscar Junod b. 10 Feb 1847 
              LDS #1170427 #504                                                             
            7 Sophie Elise Junod b. 26 Nov 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #542                                                             
            7 Laure Octavie Junod b. 15 Apr 1850 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Marie Olympe Junod b. 3 Apr 1853 
              LDS #1170427 #658                                                             
            7 Paul Octave Junod b. 29 Jul 1855 
              LDS 31170427 #33                                                              
          6 Zelie Adele Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1820 m. Auguste Louis Gauchat b. 18 Sep 1822 
            LDS #1170426 pg 76 #462, confirmed 23Dec1836                                  
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
                        LDS #1170427 #45 Alcide Gauchat as Louis August.                              
            7 Louis Oscar Gauchat b. 10 Feb 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #524                                                             
            7 Julie Adele Gauchat b. 18 Jul 1849 
              LDS #1170427 #559                                                             
            7 Ida Gauchat b. 22 Feb 1851 
              LDS #1170426 #598                                                             
            7 Paul Auguste Gauchat b. 25 Aug 1852 
              LDS #1170427 #639                                                             
            7 Alcide Gauchat b. 23 Feb 1856 
                            No. 45 Naifssance de Gauchat Alcide. L’an mil huit cent cinquante-six, le
vingt-trois Fevrier a six heurs du matin a Lignieres, est ne de Gauchat
Louis-Auguste a Lignieres, cultivateur, age de trente-trois ans, originaire de
Lignieres, et de son Epouse Bonjour Zelie Adele, agee de trente-cinq ans
originaire de Lignieres tous deux y demeurant, un enfant de sexe masculin,
auquel ans ete danne les prenom de Alcide; aieul paternel de l’enfant Gauchat
Abram-Louis, aieule paternelle Krieg Marianne; aieul maternel Bonjour Francois
Louis; aieule maternelle Gauchat Sophie.  Le present acte de naissance a ete
dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant nous Daniel-August Junod,
officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Gauchat Louis-Auguste pere de
l’enfant.  Passe en presence de Descombes Gustave, huissier, age de
trente-neuf ans, et de Balimann Daniel, cultivateur, age de vingt-un ans,
tremoins requis, tous deux demeurant a Lignieres et ont le declarant et les
tremoins signe avec nous le present acte de naissance apres quil leur en ete
fait lecture. A Lignieres le premier Mars mil huit cent cinquante six a huit
heurs du soir. (signe) Ls. Augte. Gauchat		(signe) Daniel Balimann (signe)
Gustave Descombes 		huissier			(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
        5 David Louis Bonjour b. 1786/76 m. Sophia Gauchat 
          6 Gustave Bonjour b. 1809 
          6 Adolphe Bonjour b. 1811 m. Annalie Carlisle 
            note B,jout <--- don't know what this means, followed name on Sylvia's chart. 
            7 unknown bonjour 
              maybe a twin of Lewis Bonjour                                                 
            7 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 1839 m. Sophia Chevenne Chiffele 
          6 Alfred Bonjour b. 1814 m. Julie Gauchat b. c 1825 
            LDS #1170427 see #15                                                          
            LDS #1170427 see #15                                                          
        5 Charles Louis Bonjour b. 19 Oct 1787 m. 7 Feb 1824 Catherine Sophie Bourguin 
          LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
                    Registre des publications de bans et des mariages benis dans la Paroisse de
Lignieres Charles Louis Bonjour et Catherine Sophie Bourguin Le sept Fevrier
dix huit cent vingt quatre a ete beni le mariage du sieur Charles Louis
Bonjour, second souslieutenant d’infanterie, ne a Lignieres, en l’annee dix
sept cent quatre vingt dix sept., fils du sieur ancien et Justicier Francois
louis Bonjour, de Lignieres; et de sa femme Marie Madelaine nee Gauchat avec
Catherine Sophie Bourguin fille de Samuel Bourguin de Diesse; et de sa femme
Maria Catherine nee Huguenet.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

          LDS #1170426, [Bourguies]                                                     
          6 Louis Constant Bonjour b. 13 Oct 1825 d. aft  3-May-1855 m. Zelie Junod b. 1827 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
                        Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Catechummene 24 december 1841

Louis Constant, (977) baptise a Lignieres le vingt neuf Octobre mil huit cent
vingt cinq, fils du Lieutenant de milice Charles Louis Bonjour, de Lignieres.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            LDS #1170427 see #652, #69 (age 29 on Charles Louis birth.)                   
            7 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 27 Jan 1853 m. Emelie Bonjour 
              LDS #1170427 #652                                                             
              8 Gustave Emile Bonjour b. 1881 m. Maria Meir 
                9 Jean Emile Bonjour b. 1913 m. Hilda Alden 
                9 Armand Oliver Bonjour b. 1921 m. Margareta Mejer 
                  10 Bernard Bonjour b. 1953 
              8 Louis Constant Bonjour b. 1884 m. Emilie Anthonet 
                9 Norbert Gaston Bonjour b. 1923 m. Mildred Schleppi 
                  10 Thierry Bonjour b. 1957 m. unknown 
                    11 Janick Bonjour b. 1984 
                    11 Didier Bonjour b. 1986 
                    11 Sarah Bonjour b. 1987 
                    11 Olivia Bonjour b. 1991 
                    11 Kevin Bonjour b. 1993 
                  10 Michele Bonjour b. 1959 
              8 Andre Bonjour b. 1898 
            7 Cesar Bonjour b. 7 Apr 1854 
              LDS #1170427 #4                                                               
            7 Charles Louis Bonjour b. 31 Mar 1857 m. Elise Chiffelle 
                            No. 69 Naissance de Bonjour Charles-Louis L’an mil huit cent cinquante-sept,
le trente-un Mars a six heurs du matin a Lignieres, est ne de Bonjour
Louis-Constant, cultivateur, age de trente-un ans, originaire de Lignieres, et
de son Epouse Zelie nee Junod, originaire de Lignieres, et tous deux y
demeurant,, agee de vignt-neuf ans, un enfant de sexe masculin, auquel ont ete
dannes les prenoms de Charles-Louis; aieul paternel de l’enfant Bonjour,
Charles-Louis, aieule paternelle Catherine Sophie nee Bourguin; aieul maternel
Junod Theophile; aieule maternelle Rose Marguerite nee Bonjour.  Le present
acte de naissance a ete dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant
nous Daniel-August Junod, officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Bonjour
Louis-Constant, pere de l’enfant.  Passe en presence de Frederic Louis
Zurcher, harloger, age de vingt ans, beaufrere du declarant, et de Schleppy
Frederic-Aime, cultivateur, age de trente-trois ans, et de Gauchat
Francois-Louis, cultivateur, age de cinquante-un ans, temoins requis tous deux
demeurant a Lignieres, et ont le declarant et les temoins signe avec nous le
present acte de naissance apres lecture faite. A Lignieres le sept Avril mil
huit cent cinquante sept a dix heurs du soir. (signe) Louis Constant Bonjour
(signe) Frederic Louis Zurcher (signe) Francois Louis Gauchat 					(signe) Dl.
Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
              8 Charles Aime Bonjour b. 1888 
              8 Louis Marcel Bonjour b. 1893 
            7 Ami Ernest Bonjour b. 1860 
          6 Emile Bonjour b. 26 Apr 1828 m. Zelie Krieg 
            LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1844                                  
        5 Auguste Bonjour b. 1789/79 
        5 Theopile Bonjour b. 6 Apr 1791 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Theopile Bonjour b. 2 Jun 1792 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Ferdinand Bonjour b. 12 Jul 1793 m. Melanie Matthey-Doret 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Pentecost 1809                                         
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Theopile Bonjour b. 8 Oct 1795 d. aft 1854 
          (Simon? Theophile -- Sylvia's chart)                                          
          LDS #1170426, #1170427 see #5 President de Commune at age 59 in 1854          
        5 Sophie Bonjour b. 10 Jun 1797 m. 20 Nov 1830 Jean Jaques Louis Chiffelle b. 8 Jul 1801 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1812                                         
                    Bans 1830 Le vingt un Novembre mil huit cent trente ont ete publies les bans
mariage entre Jean Jaques Chiffelle et Sophia fille de l’ancien et Justier
Francois Louis Bonjour.  Les e’pouse, de Lignieres, y sont domicilies.

Chiffelle et Bonjour Le vinq Novembre mil huit cent trente a ete beni le
mariage de Jean Jaques Louis Chiffelle, ne le huit Juillet mil huit cent un,
des maries le Justicier Jean Jaques Chiffelle et Rose Margueritte Loclat; avec
Sophie, nee le dix Juin mil sept cent quatre vingt dix sept, des maries
l’ancien et Justicier Francois Louis Bonjour et Marie Magdelaine Gauchat.  Les
e’poux, de Lignieres, y sont domicilies.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

        5 Louis Auguste Bonjour b. 22 Jun 1799 d. bef 17-Jan-1801 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Louis Auguste Bonjour b. 4 Jan 1801 d. 6 Mar 1860 m. 3 Dec 1822 Sophie Julie Carrel b. 2 Feb 1803 d. 29 May 1854 
                    m. Emelie Carrel b. 2 Feb 1803 
          LDS #1170426, Lignieres bapt. records, 1840, 1801 Confirmed Christmas 1816    
          R.L. Bonjour - KS chart died in childbirth, married sister Emalie b.2Feb1803  
          LDS #1170427                                                                  
          LDS #1170426, Lignieres bp. records, 1840                                     
          6 Sophie Louise Bonjour b. 22 Mar 1822 
            Never came to US.  LDS #1170426, confirmed 21Dec1838                          
          6 Ferdinand August Bonjour b. 14 Oct 1823 d. 10-Apr-1863/60 m. 16 Mar 1844 Louise Aimie Junod b. 7 Feb 1822 d. 22 Oct 1877 
            Did not come to US.  Was the eldest and inherited the family property.        
            LDS #1170426, Bp, confirmed 24 Dec 1839                                       
                        Copie des actes de divorce et de separation des 1844 1846 Separation porn une
mmee Ferdinand Auguste Bonjour et Louise Aimee Junod La Venerable chamber
matrimoniale de Neuchatel dans sa seance en date du 2 Avril Courant aprononce
le separation de corp et de bieni et celi pour le terme d’une annee a partii
en jour him entri ferdinand Auguste Bonjour, de Lignieres, y demeurant is a
femine Louise Aimee nee Junod, letont an jilus amyile et acte du le procedure
auquel dois recours.  Dansde hatet de villls de Neuchatel le je meme Avril mil
huit cent quatrante-six (signe) FC, Barel greffier.

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1822 - 1823 Vol. 4
                        Copie des actes de divorce et de separation des 1844 1846 Separation porn une
mmee Ferdinand Auguste Bonjour et Louise Aimee Junod La Venerable chamber
matrimoniale de Neuchatel dans sa seance en date du 2 Avril Courant aprononce
le separation de corp et de bieni et celi pour le terme d’une annee a partii
en jour him entri ferdinand Auguste Bonjour, de Lignieres, y demeurant is a
femine Louise Aimee nee Junod, letont an jilus amyile et acte du le procedure
auquel dois recours.  Dansde hatet de villls de Neuchatel le je meme Avril mil
huit cent quatrante-six (signe) FC, Barel greffier.

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1822 - 1823 Vol. 4
            7 Sophia Elisa Bonjour b. 28 May 1845 d. 7 Oct 1916 m. 28 May 1877 Louis August Cosandier b. 24 Mar 1848 d. 2 Mar 1922 
              LDS #1170427 Bp. -- Reside Onaga, Kansas 1913. (Eliza)                        
              8 Pauline Alice Cosandier b. 3 Oct 1881 
                To America 1886                                                               
              8 Louis Robert Cosandier b. 20 Mar 1883 d. 12 Dec 1888 
                To America 1886.                                                              
              8 Henri Philip Cosandier b. 17 Mar 1885 d. 20 Dec 1968 m. 3 Jan 1912 Leah Rossier b. 27 Sep 1886 
                9 Alice Cosandier Smith 
                9 Loreen A. Cosandier Thomas 
                9 Lucile M. Cosandier Berges 
              8 Paul Ami Cosandier b. 22 Aug 1886 
              8 George Emile Cosandier b. 1860/80 
              8 Louis Auguste Cosandier b. 1889 d. 1890 
            7 Zelim Bonjour b. 27 Mar 1848 d. 7 May 1913 m. 1876 Eliza Mouton b. 22 Feb 1861 d. 22 Mar 1877 
                            m. Ellen Mouton b. 21 Jun 1862 d. 24 Feb 1903 
                            m. May 1903 Clarissa Clerget b. 19 Sep 1835abt d. 13 Jun 1917 
              After Eliza died (1877) Zelim married her sister Ellen.                       
              1873 Zelim came to Neuchatel.                                                 
              After his marraige to Eliza in 1876, returned to his home in Switzerland,     
              returning early april 1877, weeks after his wife and child died.              
              August, Sophie, Eliza and child all died of typhoid in 1877.                  
              First Husband was Cesar Surdez  b. 20-Sep-1846  d. 25-Nov-1894                
                            dau. Amelia Surdez                                                            
              8 Lucie Bonjour b. 1876 d. 23 Mar 1877 
                This child's mother (Eliza), Grandfather and Grand mother (August Mouton and  
                Sophie Bonjour) all died of typhoid between  14 March and 26 March 1877.      
                (age 9 mos., 23 days), Zelim returned from Switzerland "weeks" after her      
                birth. Therefore I am unsure if Lucie was born a 9 month term plus 23 days    
                outside the womb or was almost 10 months old.                                 
          6 Julie Bonjour b. 1 Apr 1826 d. 24 Nov 1848 m. 18 Dec 1846 Louis August Gauchant 
            Died of TB.  no children.                                                     
            LDS #1170426 bp., LDS #1170427 confirmed 23 Dec 1842                          
          6 girl Bonjour b. 14 Apr 1828 d. bef 26-Apr-1828 
            LDS #1170426, died before bapt.                                               
          6 Auguste Gustave Bonjour b. 2 Jan 1830 d. 14 Jun 1898 m. 11 Sep 1852 Rose Eugenia Bonjour b. 29 Jan 1826 d. 5 Apr 1899 
            b. 30-Jan-1830  d. 04-Jun-1898 per Cemetery.                                  
            to Neuchatel, KS in 1857.  Bp. 16-Jan-1830 unk source.                        
            Marriage License dated 5 SEP 1852 executed 11 SEP 1852.                       
            LDS #1170426 Bp. Gustave 12 Jan 1830.                                         
            Came to America 1850, settled in Noblesville, Indiana, m. 1853, 1856 to KS.   
            per Onaga Herald, June 16, 1898, OST pg 141-143                               
            Marriage license -- 11-Sep-1852. LDS #1170427 confirmed 23 Dec 1842           
                        R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, sister to Frederick. LDS #1170426 (Bp date fname Rose
            7 Charles Henry Bonjour b. 1854 d. 1927 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 August G. Bonjour b. 21 Jan 1856 d. 26 Mar 1920 
            7 Ephrim Bonjour 
            7 Constant A. Bonjour b. 1862 d. 1954 m. Mary Josephine Mouton b. 1865 d. 1939 
              Not sure who C.B. Bonjour is.  He may be Constant A. Bonjour with the author  
              (Old Settler's Tales) making a typo.                                          
              R.L. Bonjour - Constant B. Bonjour                                            
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Lenore E. Bonjour m. Louis S. Pierson 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Louis Alfred Bonjour b. 7 Jan 1832 d. 13 Oct 1911 m. 5 Aug 1852 Zelie Melanie Simon b. 20 Aug 1828 d. 4 Dec 1890 
                        m. 1893 Louise Mequery Henry 
            Early 1860's commissioned a Notary Public, elected Justice of the Peace and   
            served as postmaster for 15 years. He and his wife were parents of 13 children
            including 1 set of triplets. They all died in infancy with the exception of 4.
            1850 came to America and settled in New York. A little later moved to Indiana 
            and married his wife Zelia in Indiana.  Arrived on Ship Elizabeth Denison,    
            from Havre (France?) 3-May-1850. Dates per Cem book. LDS #1170426,#1170427conf
                        Marriage License executed 5-Aug-1852 in Noblesville, Hamilton Co. Indiana
between Louis Alfred Bonjour and Zelie Melanie Simon, affidavit by Fred H.

 From passport Louis Alfred Bonjour Farmboy of Lignieres To USA (thru France)
18 years old 5' - 1 3/4 Thumbs Lt Brown hair Grey-Blue eyes Thin angular nose
Medium Mouth Begining of a beard Round Chin Oval Face Complexion: Colored
            Marriage License executed 5-Aug-1852 between Louis Alfred Bonjour and         
                        Zelie Melanie Simon.                                                          
            7 Zelie Louise Bonjour b. 14 Jul 1853 d. 28 Dec 1853 
            7 boy (stillborn) Bonjour b. 25 Nov 1854 d. 25 Nov 1854 
            7 Charles Louis Bonjour b. 28 Dec 1856 d. 8 Sep 1857 
            7 Alfred A. Bonjour b. 10 Aug 1857 d. 3 Dec 1915 m. Lina Junod b. 13 Sep 1864 d. 10 Jul 1938 
              dates per cem book. "Little Alfred"                                           
              8 George Bonjour b. 12 Mar 1885 d. 6 Jul 1966 m. 19 Jun 1918 Permilia (Millie) Samatha Brown b. 9 Dec 1890 d. 1972 
       ROOTSBOOK on WOW!        
                BONJOUR, GEORGE       03-12-1885 KS 07-00-1966 66521       KS - SSI           
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                                On Compuserve Roots in the "Bird" book.  No source                            
                       ROOTSBOOK on WOW!                                    
                9 Evelyn Bonjour b. ?-Nov-1926/25 m. John Michael Scott 
         ROOTSBOOK on WOW!        
                  10 Sharon Michelle Scott 
                  10 John Michael Scott m. unknown 
                    11 Alex Scott 
                    11 Paul Scott 
                  10 Julie Scott 
              8 Marie Armand Bonjour b. 19 Oct 1890 d. 13 Jul 1947 m. 3 Sep 1918 Alice Laura Vantravers Bonjour Clark b. 19 Jul 1892 d. 26 Dec 1959 
                9 Sylvia Ellen Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1921 d. circa 1991 m. 8 Oct 1940 Paul Hartwich b. 2 May 1918 d. 25 Jul 1972 
                                    m. 6 Jan 1973 Ray Galloway b. 25 Dec 1912 
                  10 Lynn Eugene Hartwich b. 13 Sep 1944 m. 4 May 1968 Mary Patricia Weltsch b. 29 Jun 1941 
                    11 Brent Eugene Hartwich b. 29 Aug 1974 
                    11 August Hartwich b. 1980 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Jerry Leroy Hartwich b. 29 Dec 1947 m. 22 Sep 1969 Marcia June Young b. 10 Jul 1951 
                  10 Daughter Hartwich b. abt 1950 d. abt 1950 
                    Stillborn at 5 months.                                                        
                  10 Cynthia Sue Hartwich b. 27 Jul 1951 m. 30 Dec 1972 Milton Eugene Falk b. 6 Jan 1948 
                    11 Dustin Ashley Falk b. 16 Jan 1977 
                    11 Derik Falk b. 1978 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Laura Falk b. 1981 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 David Gregory Hartwich b. 7 Aug 1954 m. Susan Lynette Rezac 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Travis Christopher Hartwich b. 1978 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 William David Hartwich b. 1981 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Stanley Kent Hartwich b. 17 Nov 1955 m. Susan Lee Kufahl b. 1961 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Everett Leroy Bonjour b. 7 Feb 1923 d. 10 Jul 1972 m. 5-Dec-1951 Bertha Nicewander 
                  10 Steven Bonjour b. 30 Jan 1943 d. 1963 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (1945--1963)                                          
                  10 Roger Bonjour b. 10 Jan 1945 m. Beth Buller 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    Lives in Topeka                                                               
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Steve Bonjour b. 1978 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Scott Bonjour b. 1981 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Mark Jay Bonjour b. 9 Apr 1952 m. Judy Anderson 
                    Lives in Manhattan                                                            
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Armand Bonjour 
            7 Zelie M. Bonjour b. 10 Aug 1858 d. 9 Sep 1858 
            7 Emile Bonjour b. 4 May 1861 d. 27 Nov 18__ m. Blanch Jeannerett 
              Reside Moline, Kansas 1911.                                                   
              8 Albert Bonjour m. Lillian Oliver 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Doyle Bonjour 
                  10 Laurence Bonjour 
                    Resides in Austin Texas                                                       
                  10 Carol Bonjour 
                9 Gerald Albert Bonjour b. 15 Dec 1915 m. 1939 Mary Jane Craverns 
                  10 Terrence Albert Bonjour b. 25 Feb 1948 
                  10 Michael Oliver Bonjour b. 2 Jun 1950 d. 20 Aug 1996 m. 13 Aug 1967 Cecelia Anne Page b. 7 Oct 1951 
                    11 Troy Michael Bonjour b. 8 Mar 1968 
                    11 Jennifer Nichole Bonjour b. 8 Sep 1976 
              8 Minnie Bonjour b. _____ d. 6 Feb 1901 
                Mina? Mina died at age 17 or 18 bu, Neuchatel.                                
                Died of sudden illness                                                        
              8 Laura Bonjour 
              8 Mai Bonjour 
              8 Fritz Bonjour 
              8 Diana Bonjour 
              8 Allen Bonjour 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 George Bonjour b. 19 Apr 1863 d. 8 May 1863 
            7 Ernest Bonjour b. 19 Apr 1863 d. 26 Apr 1863 
            7 William Bonjour b. 19 Apr 1863 d. 6 May 1863 
            7 Boy (Stillborn) Bonjour b. 5 Nov 1864 d. 5 Nov 1864 
            7 Alcide Bonjour b. 1867 d. 1924 m. Alice Hammerly b. 15 Apr 1869 d. 1937 
              Resides Onaga, Kansas 1911.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                          
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Evelyn Bonjour b. _____ d. 24-Jan-1937/43 m. unknown Gibhart 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, Sylvia notes                                         
              8 Pheva Bonjour b. _____ d. 195? m. Lynn Smith 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, "Reava Bonjour"                                      
                9 Lynn Smith b. _____ d. 1976 m. unknown 
                  Lawyer at Alberquerque NM                                                     
                  10 Deanna Dexter 
                  10 unknown son Dexter 
                9 Jeanne Alice Smith 
              8 Faye Marie Sears Bonjour b. 1886 d. 1926/8 m. unknown Sears 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Ephriam Bonjour b. 22 Jul 1869 d. 23 Apr 1943 m. 31 Jan 1893 Mary Theys b. 28 Mar 1874 d. 2 Jun 1904 
                            m. Flossie Chester 
                            m. 19 Jan 1905 Leonie Cecile Rossier b. 9 Dec 1884 
                            m. Leona Rushe 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Chester Lee Bonjour b. 9 Nov 1894 d. Jun 1968 m. Harriet Grubb b. 22 Mar 1897 d. Jul 1976 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, CHESTER      11-09-1894 KS 06-00-1968 66521       KS - SSI           
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                                BONJOUR, HARRIETT     03-22-1897 KS 07-00-1976 66521       KS - SSI           
                9 John Bonjour b. _____ d. 24 Dec 1925 
                9 Earl Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Mary Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Carol Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Flossie Bonjour m. Paul Peterson 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Donald Ephriam Bonjour b. 6 May 1909 d. May 1983 m. 17 Oct 1931 Helen Marie West 
                Donald lives at Linexa, Kansas & owns a farm in Neuchatel, Kansas that        
                belonged to Louis Alfred Bonjour                                              
                BONJOUR, DONALD       05-06-1909 MO 05-00-1983 66215       KS                 
                9 Andrea Cecile Bonjour m. Mr. Crenshaw 
                  10 Collette Crenshaw 
                9 Ronald Bonjour 
              8 Donald E. Bonjour m. Helen Marie 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                9 Ronald West Bonjour m. Andrea Cecile Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Sarah Bonjour b. 7 Aug 1871 d. young 
          6 Charles Auguste Bonjour b. 7 Oct 1836 d. 1 Mar 1915 m. 15 Aug 1863 Louise Zurcher b. 18 Mar 1845 d. May 1909 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Matilda Bonjour b. 1864 d. 11 Mar 1925 m. Leonce Besancon b. 1867 d. 1906 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Eugene Bonjour b. abt1865 d. abt1866 
              Lived 1 year.                                                                 
            7 Charles A. Bonjour b. ___ 1869 d. 26 Dec 1899 m. Pauline Theys b. 17 Aug 1872 d. 27 Mar 1954 
              Accidently shot Christmas "2" years ago. ("Old Settler's Tales") pub. 1901/02 
              8 Simon Eugene (Sam) Bonjour b. 17 Apr 1895 d. Aug 1970 m. Mary Fields b. 1900 d. 5 May 1919 
                                m. aft 1919 Ellen Savage b. 1903 d. 4 Jul 1969 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, SIMON        04-17-1895 KS 08-00-1970 66521       KS - SSI           
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, died of Flu                                          
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Rosella Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Marjorie Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Dale Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Leonard (Bud) Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Betty Bonjour m. unknown 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  Betty (Bonjour) Labbe                                                         
                  10 Susie Shepherd 
                    Lives with her family in Valley Falls.                                        
                  10 Dennis Lowry 
                    Lives near Topeka KS. worked for Union Pacific Railroad 1971-1976             
                  10 Randy Lowry 
                    Lives in Manhatan with family. served 2 years with U.S. Marine Corps.         
                  10 Richard Lowry 
                    Lives with family near Marysville.  He served two years in the U.S. Army and  
                    has worked for the Union Pacific Railroad for several years.                  
                  10 Charlie Lowry 
                    Lives in Onaga where he works at the Town and Country Market as a meatcutter. 
                  10 Bob Lowry 
                    Lives with family near Marysville. Served two years in the U.S. Marine Corps. 
                    Was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad for two years.                     
                9 Mary Lou Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Leonard Floyd Bonjour b. 23 Nov 1896 d. 6 May 1967 m. Alice Hammerly b. 1905 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, LEONARD      11-23-1896 KS 05-00-1967 66521       KS - SSI           
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Lydia Mae Bonjour b. 1924 m. 11 Mar 1945 Russell Larimore b. 1923 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Steve Larimore b. 1945 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    Milwaukee, Wisc.                                                              
                9 Lawrence Bonjour b. 1930 m. Joyce Berry 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Merle Bonjour b. 1934 m. (c) 1974 Bertha Nicewander 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Pauline E. Bonjour b. 1869/70 d. 15 Jul 1955 m. Julius Perrussel b. 1869 d. 1960 
              8 Lily Perussel b. 1895 d. 1973 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Elsie Perrussel b. 1896 m. Carl Lewis 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, no children                                          
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Grace Perrussel b. 1898 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Levi Perrussel b. 1900 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Russell Perrussel b. 1902 m. Margaret Shockey b. 22 May 1908 d. 3 Apr 1972 
                R.L. Bonjour KS chart                                                         
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Russell Earl Perrussel 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Helen Pauline Perrussel 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Waunita Perrussel b. 1904 m. Emil Cass 
                R.L. Bonjour - Kansas chart                                                   
                R.L. Bonjour - Kansas Chart                                                   
                9 Vincent Cass 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Tamara Perrussel b. 1905 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Vernon Perrussel b. 1907 d. bef 1917 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, died in infancy                                      
              8 Florence Perrussel b. 1909 m. unknown Ratcliff 
                                m. Ralph Ratcliff 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Helen Perrussel b. 1912 m. Herman Kuehl 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Leni Perrussel 
              8 Esther Perrussel 
              8 Floyd Perrussel 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, died in infancy                                      
            7 Silas Bonjour b. 1873 d. 1873 
              Died at age of 2 months.                                                      
          6 Sophia Bonjour b. 26 Oct 1839 d. 26 Mar 1877 m. August Mouton b. 1835/6 d. 14 Mar 1877 
            August, Sophie, Eliza and child all died of typhoid in 1877.                  
            August, Sophie, Eliza and child all died of typhoid in 1877.                  
            7 Catherine Mouton b. 1860 d. 21 Jan 1876 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Eliza Mouton b. 22 Feb 1861 d. 22 Mar 1877 m. 1876 Zelim Bonjour b. 27 Mar 1848 d. 7 May 1913 
              August, Sophie, Eliza and child all died of typhoid in 1877.                  
              After Eliza died (1877) Zelim married her sister Ellen.                       
                            1873 Zelim came to Neuchatel.                                                 
                            After his marraige to Eliza in 1876, returned to his home in Switzerland,     
                            returning early april 1877, weeks after his wife and child died.              
              8 Lucie Bonjour b. 1876 d. 23 Mar 1877 
                This child's mother (Eliza), Grandfather and Grand mother (August Mouton and  
                Sophie Bonjour) all died of typhoid between  14 March and 26 March 1877.      
                (age 9 mos., 23 days), Zelim returned from Switzerland "weeks" after her      
                birth. Therefore I am unsure if Lucie was born a 9 month term plus 23 days    
                outside the womb or was almost 10 months old.                                 
            7 Ellen Mouton b. 21 Jun 1862 d. 24 Feb 1903 m. Zelim Bonjour b. 27 Mar 1848 d. 7 May 1913 
              After Eliza died (1877) Zelim married her sister Ellen.                       
                            1873 Zelim came to Neuchatel.                                                 
                            After his marraige to Eliza in 1876, returned to his home in Switzerland,     
                            returning early april 1877, weeks after his wife and child died.              
            7 Mary Josephine Mouton b. 1865 d. 1939 m. Constant A. Bonjour b. 1862 d. 1954 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              Not sure who C.B. Bonjour is.  He may be Constant A. Bonjour with the author  
                            (Old Settler's Tales) making a typo.                                          
                            R.L. Bonjour - Constant B. Bonjour                                            
              8 Lenore E. Bonjour m. Louis S. Pierson 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Julius A. Mouton b. 1867 d. 1931 m. Sarah (Sallie) Keeney b. 1870 d. 1954 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, Sylvia - charts                                      
              R.L. Bonjour - KS charts, Sylvia - charts                                     
            7 Anna Mouton m. Julius Davin 
              8 Blanchi Mouton m. unkonwn Becker 
                9 Eileen Becker 
                9 Lester Becker 
            7 Lena Mouton m. Andres Ladner 
              Brother is George Ladner, R.L. Bonjour - KS chart as Andrew                   
          6 Ami Louis Bonjour b. 14 Feb 1841 m. Louise Chiffelle 
            LDS #1170427, Lignieres bapt. records 1841                                    
            GodFather Ferdinand Auguste Gauchat                                           
            GodMother Melanie Bonjour nee Matthey-Dozet                                   
                        Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Ami Louis Bonjour (twin) Le
treize Mars mil huit cent quarante un a ete baptise Ami Louis ne en loyal
mariage le quatorze Fevrier precedent de Louis Auguste Bonjour, Justicier, et
de Sophie Julie Carrel Petie fils du cote paternel de l’Ancien et Justicier
Francois Louis Bonjour et de Marie Madelaine ne Gauchat: et du cote maternel
de Jean Jacob Carrel et de Emelie nee Carrel. Parrain: Ferdinand Auguste
Gauchat.  Marraine: Melanie Bonjour nee Matthey-Doret Lignieres, Neuchatel
County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and Protestant 1824 - 1857
Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Ami Louis Bonjour b. 31 Dec 1863 d. 1939 m. 5 Apr 1894 Adeline Sophie Carrol b. 20 Aug 1864 d. 24 Dec 1941 
              1888 / 1892 came to America and Neuchatel, Kansas. Carrel in Family history,  
                            Carrol in IGI. LDS IGI Batch #: 1761090                                       
              8 Irene Alice Bonjour b. 11 Feb 1896 d. 1899 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart.LDS Batch 17610980                                    
              8 Cecile Elisa Bonjour b. 26 Oct 1897 d. ___ 1966 m. Frank Perry Bishop b. ___ 1894 
                Resides in Frankfort, 1941, her mother died in her house.                     
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart. LDS Batch #: 1761090, in IGI twice as 1897 & 1847    
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Dorothy Bishop b. 1919 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Evelyn Bishop b. 1921 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Marie Bishop b. 1922 d. 1924 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Paul Robert Bonjour b. 11 Jul 1900 m. Hanna Helen Chelson b. 7 Feb 1902 d. Dec 1982 
                Resides Topeka Kansas 1941.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                          
                LDS IGI Batch 1761117                                                         
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                                BONJOUR, HANNA        02-07-1902 KS 12-00-1982 66542       KS - SSI           
                9 Alvin Louis Bonjour b. 30 Oct 1927 d. 25 Oct 1990 m. Charlotte Ann Garrett b. 1937 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R-zip 66542                                                                   
                  BONJOUR, ALVIN        10-30-1927 KS 10-25-1990 66542 - SSI                    
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Alvin Louis Bonjour b. 1956 m. Becky Brunner 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Jennifer Lynn Bonjour b. 1981 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Pamela Bonjour b. 1957 m. Davrel P. Glotzhach b. 1956 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Christopher James Glotzhach b. 1978 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Valerie Dawn Glotzhach b. 1980 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Dale Allen Bonjour b. 1960 m. Cathy Christenberry 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Michille Renee Bonjour b. 1980 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Karl Ray Bonjour b. 1961 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Bernadine Clara Bonjour b. 1 Aug 1929 m. Durwood Irvin Hines b. 1929 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Louise Bonjour 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Zelie Bonjour 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 14 Feb 1841 
            LDS #1170427, Lignieres bapt. records, 1840.                                  
            GodFather Ferdinand Auguste Bonjour, GodMother Adele Bonjour                  
                        Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Sophie Adele Bonjour (twin) Le
treize Mars mil huit cent quarante un a ete baptise Sophie Adele ne en loyal
mariage le quatorze Fevrier precedent de Louis Auguste Bonjour, Justicier, et
de Sophie Julie Carrel Petie fils du cote paternel de l’Ancien et Justicier
Francois Louis Bonjour et de Marie Madelaine ne Gauchat: et du cote maternel
de Jean Jacob Carrel et de Emelie nee Carrel. Parrain: Ferdinand August
Gauchat.  Marraine: Adele Bonjour Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland -
Births and Baptisms Catholic and Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
        5 Frederich Bonjour b. 9 Dec 1804 
          (Alex Frederick? -- Sylvia's charts)                                          
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Susanne Marie Bonjour b. 28 Apr 1770 m. 17 May 1794 Jean David Krieg b. abt 1774 
        LDS #1170426 bp. marr. confirmed 25Dec1786                                    
        LDS #1170426, marr.                                                           
        5 Marianne Krieg b. 26 Dec 1794 m. Abram Louis Gauchat 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Louis Alfred Gauchat m. Marie Louise Junod b. 8 May 1815 
            LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
            LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
            7 Sophie Louise Gauchat b. 13 Mar 1839 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Charles Gauchat b. 22 Jul 1846 
              LDS #1170427 #484                                                             
            7 Julie Adel Gauchat b. 20 Sep 1847 
              LDS #1170427 #516                                                             
          6 Sophie Gauchat b. 2 Jul 1819 m. George Frederic Junod b. 2 Apr 1820 
            LDS #1170426 #442                                                             
            LDS #1170426 pg74 #458                                                        
            7 Georges Junod b. 4 Sep 1853 
              LDS #1170427 #673                                                             
          6 Auguste Louis Gauchat b. 18 Sep 1822 m. Zelie Adele Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1820 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            LDS #1170427 #45 Alcide Gauchat as Louis August.                              
            LDS #1170426 pg 76 #462, confirmed 23Dec1836                                  
            7 Louis Oscar Gauchat b. 10 Feb 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #524                                                             
            7 Julie Adele Gauchat b. 18 Jul 1849 
              LDS #1170427 #559                                                             
            7 Ida Gauchat b. 22 Feb 1851 
              LDS #1170426 #598                                                             
            7 Paul Auguste Gauchat b. 25 Aug 1852 
              LDS #1170427 #639                                                             
            7 Alcide Gauchat b. 23 Feb 1856 
                            No. 45 Naifssance de Gauchat Alcide. L’an mil huit cent cinquante-six, le
vingt-trois Fevrier a six heurs du matin a Lignieres, est ne de Gauchat
Louis-Auguste a Lignieres, cultivateur, age de trente-trois ans, originaire de
Lignieres, et de son Epouse Bonjour Zelie Adele, agee de trente-cinq ans
originaire de Lignieres tous deux y demeurant, un enfant de sexe masculin,
auquel ans ete danne les prenom de Alcide; aieul paternel de l’enfant Gauchat
Abram-Louis, aieule paternelle Krieg Marianne; aieul maternel Bonjour Francois
Louis; aieule maternelle Gauchat Sophie.  Le present acte de naissance a ete
dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant nous Daniel-August Junod,
officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Gauchat Louis-Auguste pere de
l’enfant.  Passe en presence de Descombes Gustave, huissier, age de
trente-neuf ans, et de Balimann Daniel, cultivateur, age de vingt-un ans,
tremoins requis, tous deux demeurant a Lignieres et ont le declarant et les
tremoins signe avec nous le present acte de naissance apres quil leur en ete
fait lecture. A Lignieres le premier Mars mil huit cent cinquante six a huit
heurs du soir. (signe) Ls. Augte. Gauchat		(signe) Daniel Balimann (signe)
Gustave Descombes 		huissier			(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
          6 Julie Gauchat b. c1825 m. 23 May 1846 Alfred Bonjour b. 19 Sep 1815 
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Louis Alfred Bonjour b. 9 Sep 1847 m. Aline Staudler 
              LDS #1170427 #515                                                             
              8 Bertha Aline Bonjour b. 1873 m. unknown 
                9 Eugene Rene Bonjour b. 1898 
              8 Paul Alfred Bonjour b. 1874 m. Adele Descombes 
                9 Andre Rene Bonjour b. 1895 
                9 Paul Alfred Bonjour b. 1897 
                9 Octave Auguste Bonjour b. 1900 
                9 Adrien Emile Bonjour b. 1903 
                9 Adrien Emile Bonjour b. 1905 
                9 Pierre Henri Bonjour b. 1909 
                9 Adrien Robert Bonjour b. 1912 
                9 Marc Raymond Bonjour b. 1915 
                9 Jacques Edouard Bonjour b. 1917 
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1876 
              8 Mathilde Eugenie Bonjour b. 1877 m. unknown 
                9 Fritz Bonjour b. 1897 
              8 Arthur Auguste Bonjour b. 1880 
            7 Julie Adele Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #545                                                             
            7 Sophia Bertha Bonjour b. 17 Sep 1850 
              LDS #1170427 #586                                                             
            7 Paul Emile Bonjour b. 2 Dec 1852 m. Joshine Vicorine Chevaier 
              LDS #1170427  #644                                                            
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1882 
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1887 
            7 Octavie Bonjour b. 26 Oct 1854 
              LDS #1170427 #15                                                              
          6 Marianne Adele Gauchat b. 14 Nov 1827 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Emile Gauchat b. 2 Jul 1830 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Frederic Auguste Krieg b. 5 Oct 1796 d. bef  3-Aug-1824 
          LDS #1170426 assumed to die before brother born.                              
        5 Frederic Auguste Krieg b. 10 Feb 1798 d. 3 Aug 1824 
          LDS #1170426 Death date was margin note in church records, death not mentioned
          verify death date.                                                            
        5 Sophie Krieg b. 22 Feb 1800 m. Alphonse Louis Bonjour b. 29 Jan 1803 
          LDS #1170426. LDS #1732971 Neuchatel,Neuchatel,SwitzerlandBr/Marr. 1767-1841  
          LDS #1170427                                                                  
          LDS #1732971 Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland baptism/marriage 1767-1841     
                    LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
                              Bans 1827 Le cinq Aoust mil huit cent vingt-sept, ont, ete publies les bans du
mariage entre Alphonse Louis Bonjour et Julie Caroline Krieg.

Le vingt neuf septembre mil huit cent vingt sept a ete beni le mariage entre
Alphonse Louis fils de Jean Baptiste Bonjour, de Lignieres; et Julie Caroline
fille de Jean David Krieg, de Neuveville de Radelfinger.

Bans 1829 Le vingt deux Novembre mil huit cent vingt-neuf, ont ete publies les
bans du mariage entre Alphonse Louis fils de Jean David Krieg, de Radelfinger
et de la Neuville, domicilies les deux a Dombresson.

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

          6 Julie Adele Bonjour b. 9 May 1832 
            LDS #1732971 Neuchatel bapt/marr 1767-1841                                    
          6 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 7 Dec 1835 
            LDS #1732971 Neuchatel bapt/marr 1767-1841                                    
        5 Louis Theophile Krieg b. 22 Oct 1801 m. Louise Amelie Junod 
          LDS #1170426 of Nods., of Radelfinger, De Neuveville et Radelfinger           
          LDS #1170427                                                                  
          LDS #1170427 (mother)                                                         
          6 Louis Krieg b. 6 Oct 1832 d. bef  6-Nov-1834 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Louis Krieg b. 6 Nov 1834 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Julie Caroline Krieg b. 6 Jul 1836 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Zellie Adele Krieg b. 15 Dec 1837 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Sophie Krieg b. 1839 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Auguste Krieg b. 14 Feb 1843 
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
          6 Emilie Krieg b. 3 Sep 1846 
            LDS #1170427 #488                                                             
        5 Julie Caroline Krieg b. 23 Mar 1804 m. 29 Sep 1827 Alphonse Louis Bonjour b. 29 Jan 1803 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
                    Bans 1827 Le cinq Aoust mil huit cent vingt-sept, ont, ete publies les bans du
mariage entre Alphonse Louis Bonjour et Julie Caroline Krieg.

Le vingt neuf septembre mil huit cent vingt sept a ete beni le mariage entre
Alphonse Louis fils de Jean Baptiste Bonjour, de Lignieres; et Julie Caroline
fille de Jean David Krieg, de Neuveville de Radelfinger.

Bans 1829 Le vingt deux Novembre mil huit cent vingt-neuf, ont ete publies les
bans du mariage entre Alphonse Louis fils de Jean David Krieg, de Radelfinger
et de la Neuville, domicilies les deux a Dombresson.

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

          LDS #1732971 Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland baptism/marriage 1767-1841     
                    LDS #1170426, #1170427                                                        
                              Bans 1827 Le cinq Aoust mil huit cent vingt-sept, ont, ete publies les bans du
mariage entre Alphonse Louis Bonjour et Julie Caroline Krieg.

Le vingt neuf septembre mil huit cent vingt sept a ete beni le mariage entre
Alphonse Louis fils de Jean Baptiste Bonjour, de Lignieres; et Julie Caroline
fille de Jean David Krieg, de Neuveville de Radelfinger.

Bans 1829 Le vingt deux Novembre mil huit cent vingt-neuf, ont ete publies les
bans du mariage entre Alphonse Louis fils de Jean David Krieg, de Radelfinger
et de la Neuville, domicilies les deux a Dombresson.

 Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

      4 Jean Frederic Bonjour b. 11 Nov 1774 d. bef 25-Sep-1819 m. Susanne Marie Matthey 
        LDS #1170426 Bapt.                                                            
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 David Louis Bonjour b. 1789 m. 25 Sep 1819 Rose Kaufman b. 1792 
                    m. Rose Billman 
          LDS #1170426, marr. age 30                                                    
          LDS #1170426 #73 Kaufman, Kauffmann, marr. age 27                             
                    Passport #215 issued 4May1852 in Lignieres to USA                             
          R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Frederic Henri Bonjour b. 12 Oct 1820 d. 22 Jul 1880 m. 1851 Julia Adel Simon b. 26 Jun 1830 d. 11 Jan 1904 
            IGI 1992 New York  1851 marriage to Julia Adel Simon in Buffalo, Erie Co.     
            Film 5003222 Serial/sheet 37, Source call 1553231.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart   
            Fredriek per IGI. LDS #1170426 p78, confirmed 22Dec1837                       
            OST pg 141 -- From Switz to Buffalo, to New Orleans, to Indiana, to           
            Leavenworth (common claim with brothers&others, sold)then to Grasshopper Falls
            (Valley Falls) got a claim and sold, then to Neuchatel.  Had a farm in Indiana
            traded for farm in Iowa, traded for farm on Coal creek,                       
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart b.30-Jun-1830                                         
                        LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Adele Bonjour b. 7 Jan 1852 m. August Sandoz 
              Film F503222 - 0037  Record is altered from Source, Relatives named in source 
              (1992 IGI Indiana).  Couple moved to California.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, OST
              8 one boy, four girls 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Julia Bonjour b. 19 Oct 1853 
              Film F503222 - 0037 Altered from source, relatives named in source.           
              (1992 IGI Indiana) 1993 IGI  Batch F503222 sheet 37 Source 1553231            
              OST -- Moved to Los Angeles, California                                       
            7 Fredrick H. Bonjour b. 25 Nov 1855 d. 1946 m. Amelia Ann (Millie) Keeney b. 1865 d. 1946 
              Film 500322 - 33 (1992 IGI Kansas).  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                  
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Ruth Bonjour m. C. B. Burton 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Jasper Clarence Bonjour b. 30 Nov 1886 d. 22 Oct 1975 m. 12 Mar 1908 Sarah Sophia Cass b. 1 Jan 1891 d. 29 Nov 1974 
                IGI Kansas 1992 parent of Lester.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                    
                BONJOUR, JASPER       11-30-1886 KS 10-00-1975 66604       KS - SSI           
                IGI 1992 Kansas parent of Lester.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                    
                                BONJOUR, SARAH        01-01-1891 KS 11-00-1974 66604       KS - SSI           
                9 Melvin Henry Bonjour b. 23 Dec 1908 m. Bessie Berniece Walters b. 19 Aug 1913 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Roland Clarence Bonjour b. 1934 m. Alma Josephine Keeler b. 1938 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Lucinda Kay Bonjour b. 1960 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Robert Allen Bonjour b. 1962 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sandra Sue Bonjour b. 1965 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Donna Sue Bonjour b. 1950 m. Terry Kenneth Haug b. 1947 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Curtis Kenneth Haug b. 1969 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Dustin Clinton Haug b. 1975 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Lester Miles Bonjour b. 23 Sep 1910 d. 11 Jan 1975 m. Helen Louise Banta b. 21 Jan 1916 
                  IGI 1992/93 Kansas Film 7709711 serial/sheet 2 source 1059102 b. 23-Sep-1910  
                  d. per H.L.Banta ltr                                                          
                  BONJOUR, LESTER       09-23-1910 KS 01-00-1975 - SSI                          
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, H.L.Banta ltr                                        
                  10 Harold Marvin Bonjour b. 16 May 1934 m. 1966 Rosemarie Hankamer b. 1941 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, letter from Helen Bonjour nee Banta.                 
                    Retired June 30 as Security Chief at District 501 Schools, Topeka Kansas      
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 William Joseph Bonjour b. 13 Jun 1959 m. 1977 Aimye Dunn 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, H.L.Banta ltr9Jul94                                  
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Arthur David Bonjour b. 6 Dec 1980 
                         H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                                          
                      12 Ashley Nicole Bonjour b. 4 Nov 1983 
                         H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                                          
                    11 Rhonda Marie Bonjour b. 13 Oct 1960 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                 
                    11 Kathryn Louise Bonjour b. 23 May 1969 m. 1988 Gary Seckinger 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart,H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                  
                       H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                                          
                      12 Butne Leah Seckinger b. 13 Feb 1989 
                         H.L.Banta ltr 9Jul94                                                          
                    11 Mitchell Miles Bonjour b. 24 Oct 1971 m. Sonja Lea b. 1972 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart,H.L.Banta 9Jul94                                      
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sonja Lea Bonjour b. 5 Oct 1972 m. 24 Sep 1983 Shannon Llewelyn 
                       H.L.Banta ltr9Jul94                                                           
                       H.L.Banta ltr9Jul94                                                           
                9 Sophia Sarah Bonjour b. 2 Oct 1913 m. John William Armstrong b. 1913 d. 21 Oct 1972 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, William John per Helen Bonjour nee Banta             
                  10 Diana Kay Armstrong b. 1945 m. Cole 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Brandy Michele Armstrong b. 1972 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Ira Bonjour b. 27 Jul 1890 d. Jul 1973 m. Helen Marshall b. 1899 d. 1945 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, IRA          07-27-1890 OR 07-00-1973 97031       OR - SSI           
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Paul Arthur Bonjour b. 1935 m. Mary 
                  R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Frederick Edward Bonjour b. 1961 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Richard Paul Bonjour b. 1963 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Beverly Bonjour b. 1937 m. Lyle Jansen 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Kirk Jansen b. 1958 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Julie Jansen b. 1960 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Merry Jansen b. 1963 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Lydia F. Bonjour b. 1893 d. 19 Oct 1963 m. Frank E Zickefoose 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Samuel Frederick Zickefoose 
                  R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                9 Edward Zickefoose 
                  R.L. bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Charles Ami Bonjour b. 20 Sep 1857 d. 1900 m. 23 Sep 1885 Jenny McCord Zickefoose 
              Altered from source, relatives named in source. (1992 IGI Indiana)F503222-0037
              Birthdate comes from both INDIANA IGI, books, and family history and is solid.
              BUT Charles was "the first white child born in Neuchatel, Kansas.  This is    
              from books, but the listing is in Indiana. Also from Onaga Herald obit.       
              Marriage is weak and is based on name, location of death, and location of     
              childbirth record in 1992 IGI Kansas see Flossie May.                         
              IGI 1992 Kansas parent of Flossie May Bonjour                                 
              8 Flossie May Bonjour b. 21 May 1894 
                LDS Batch #: 7406001, Sheet #: 17, Source 934350                              
              8 Pearl Bonjour 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Ethel Bonjour 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Ulysses Bonjour b. 29 Feb 1860 d. 1875 
              Film 5005222-37 (1992 IGI Kansas)                                             
            7 Leo Paul Bonjour b. 30 Jul 1862 
              LDS Film 5005222-37 Source 1553231 (1992/93 IGI Kansas) (in IGI as Paul)      
              OSTpg 143 -- Moved to Montana                                                 
            7 Anna E. Bonjour b. 7 Aug 1864 m. William Burdette 
              Film 5003222-37 (1992 IGI Kansas) b. 7-Aug-1864                               
              Not listed in Family History.                                                 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Etta Burdette 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Cybil Burdette m. unknown 
                                m. unknown 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Lois Burdette 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 John Bill Burdette 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Margaret Burdette 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Edgar Bonjour b. 22 Jul 1866 d. 1866 
              LDS Film 500322-37 (1992 IGI Kansas). Batch #: 5003222, sheet 37,src 1553231  
              OST pg 143 -- Died when he was 2 or 3 months old.                             
            7 Heloise (Alice) Bonjour b. 7 Dec 1867 m. Lem Burdette 
              Film 5003222-37 (1992 IGI Kansas) Source 1553231                              
              Not listed in family history.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                        
              8 Gracie Burdette 
              8 three boys, two girls 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Lucia A. Bonjour b. 12 Oct 1869 d. ___ 1897 m. 16 Oct 1895 William Robson b. 8 Mar 1867 d. 2 Feb 1952 
              Film 5003222-37 Source 1553231 (1992/93 IGI Kansas)                           
              died a few years before OST (pg 143)                                          
              d. California b. Westmoreland per family history.                             
                            b. d. m. sp. Lucy H. per book "Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie"              
              8 William Robson 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Zelma Bonjour b. 2 Sep 1871 m. Charles Westlake 
              LDS Film 5003222-37 source 1553231 (1992/93 IGI Kansas) Name Zelma            
              Name is Zelina in family history and OST pg. 142                              
              8 Alvina Westlake 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Arthur Westlake 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Lucy Warren Westlake 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Stanley Westlake 
                R.L. Bonjour KS chart                                                         
          6 Lydie Adele Bonjour b. 13 Oct 1821 
            LDS #1170426 p81 #494, confirmed 21Dec1838                                    
          6 Rose Sophie Bonjour b. 6 Jun 1823 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Sophia Louise Bonjour b. 8 Jun 1824 d. 23 Mar 1895 m. 1855 Jonas Aime (Amos) Bonjour b. 9 Dec 1830 d. 23-Mar-1895/79 
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart. LDS #1170427 (Bp date 1Jun1824)                      
                        Sophia L. Bonjour ??????e Interests of Centralia and S????????  ??? Morning,
March 29, 18?? (Yr est as 1895 -- 1854 + 41, Bottom & side of article are cut

Obituary. Mrs. Sophia L. Bonjour, wife of Jonas A. Bonjour, of Neuchatel, died
at the home of her son, R. A. Bonjour, on March 24th and was buried Monday,
March 25, Rev. Perry, of Onaga, conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Bonjour
was born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 88,1824.  She went from there to
England 1844 remaining there ten years, thence to the United States, and
located at Neuchatel, in Nemaha county in 1854, where her home has been for
forty-one years.  She was married to J. A. Bonjour in 1855.  Three sons
survive the mother, Charles, who lives at Golden Gate, Washington, and J. A.
and R. A. Bonjour, who reside at Neuchatel, they are leading and prominent
citizens of that community.  The husband and one daughter having proceeded the
mother to the unknown land.  Mrs. Bonjour had a large circle of friends and
relatives who hold her in high esteem while living and honored her memory when
dead.  Many to whom her kindly hands had ministered while living pressed round
her coffin and grave eager to pay the last tribute of love and affection to
the memory of her whom they had held most dear. This aged pilgrim from early
life had adorned the doctrine of her holy religion by a godly ???? and a
chaste conversation.  She ??????? Christian death and her

Sophie Louise Bonjour, baptise a Lignieres un Juin mil huit cent vingt quatrem
fille de David Louis Bonjour. Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Births
and Baptisms Catholic and Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan 22
December 1840 Anne 1840 (frame 2)LDS film 1170427

                        Be it known, that on the 28th day of March 1855, a Marriage License was duly
issued to Amos Bonjour & Sophia Bonjour she of this county & both of lawful
age to marry without the consent of their parents or guardians all of was
proven by the affidavit of Eugene H. Droz which is on file.  .  .  ." Issued
in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. This Marriage license was issued but
not executed.
            They walked across the Ice of the Missouri River back to MO to be married.    
            d. 5-Jan-1879 per family History.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                    
                                    Passport No. 85 	26 Feb 1850 Jonas Aime Bonjour, Farmer of Lignieren, To USA,
20 years old, 4'-11thumbs, Dk. Brown Hair, Eyes: Green, Medium Nose, Medium
Mouth, Round Chin, Oval Face, Complexion: Brown Coloring.

This record is a handwriten note from Sylvia Bonjour/Galloway.  her note
follows. Jonas Aime Bonjour, related on my mothers side of the family. Her
grandmother was Sophia Bonjour Vautravers, Her brother was Jonas Aime Bonjour
                        LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1848                                  
                        OST pg 143 -- to Misouri, fall 1856, to Neuchatel 1857                        
                                    Be it known, that on the 28th day of March 1855, a Marriage License was duly
issued to Amos Bonjour & Sophia Bonjour she of this county & both of lawful
age to marry without the consent of their parents or guardians all of was
proven by the affidavit of Eugene H. Droz which is on file.  .  .  ." Issued
in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. This Marriage license was issued but
not executed.
            7 Charles J. Bonjour m. Alice 
              OST pg 143 -- Went to San Francisco,California in 1875 and then to Washington.
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Zelpha Bonjour 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 boy b. _____ d. age 9 yrs 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Amos Bonjour b. 6 Jan 1897 d. Nov 1967 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, AMOS         01-06-1897 WA 11-00-1967 98620       WA - SSI           
              8 Elva Bonjour 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Jonas Aime (Amos) Bonjour b. ___ 1860 d. ___ 1944 m. Mary Cox 
                            m. Julia Theys b. ___ 1870 d. ___ 1954 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Ray Bonjour b. _____ d. 1928 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Rose Bonjour b. ___ 1890 d. ___ 1962 m. Charles Hazlett b. 7 Sep 1889 d. 19 Dec 1960 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Kenneth Hazlett b. 30 Jun 1921 d. 21 Apr 1958 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Clarence (Slats) Hazlett m. Kay 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Linda Hazlett 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Sidney Hazlett 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Marcella Hazlett m. Dale Poore 
                                    m. Lawrence Bull 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Jean Ann Poore 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Danny Poore 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Larry Bull 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Doris Hazlett m. Harold Boucher 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Mike Boucher 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Rick Boucher 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Tunis Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1891 d. 16 Jan 1892 
                Died while infant.                                                            
              8 Rufus Bonjour b. 11 Jan 1893 d. 24 Jul 1894 
                Died while infant.                                                            
              8 Sophia Bonjour b. 21 Mar 1895 d. 3 Apr 1895 
                Died while infant.                                                            
              8 Gertrude Bonjour b. 5 Apr 1896 m. Leroy Charles Keeney b. 1896 d. 1960 
                                m. Donald Miller 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Marjorie Keeney m. Dizs Ayers 
                                    m. Orville Jenkins 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Sandra Ayers 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Judy Ayers 
                    R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                  10 David Ayers 
                    R,L, Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Goodlet C. (Doc) Bonjour b. 7 Jun 1898 d. 14 Apr 1976 m. 20 Jul 1922 Anna R. Fairbanks b. 25 Dec 1904 
                b. d. per Cem book                                                            
                BONJOUR, GOODLET      06-07-1898 KS 04-00-1976 66521       KS - SSI           
                wife per CEM book                                                             
                9 Julie Anne Bonjour b. 1925 m. Robert DeVere 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 David DeVere b. 1965 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Rose Marie Bonjour b. 1927 m. Orvel Paulsen d. 1976 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Don Le Wayne Paulsen b. 1950 m. Linda Dillon 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sean Paulsen b. 1980 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Ricky Lynn Paulsen b. 1952 m. Susan Clark 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Angelia Paulsen b. 1974 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Matthew Paulsen b. 1978 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Richard L. Bonjour b. ___ 1932 m. Adelia Suwalski b. 1924 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (author of the chart), children at age 12 per his own 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 George E. Suwalski b. ___ 1944 m. Donna 
                                        m. Sandy 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Gary Suwalski b. 1963 
                       R.L. bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Donald Suwalski b. 1963 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 David Suwalski b. 1965 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sean Suwalski b. 1977 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 James M. Suwalski b. ___ 1946 m. Fran 
                                        m. Judy 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Dana Lynn Suwalaki b. ___ 1967 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Jon Richard Suwalski b. ___ 1969 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Kathy Suwalski b. 1973 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Linda Ann Suwalski b. ___ 1950 m. Donald Kaberline 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Angela Kaberline b. 1971 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Shane Kaberline b. 1973 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ryan Kaberline b. 1974 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Laura Gail Bonjour b. 1938 m. James Terry 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Keith Bradley Terry b. 1959 m. Debbie 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Nancy Marie Terry b. 1960 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Robin Gail Terry b. 1961 m. Mike Jones 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Ginger Terry b. 1964 m. Crys Flowers 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Carolyn Arlene Bonjour b. 1941 m. Philip Davison 
                                    m. Chris Davison b. 1959 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Scott Eric Davison b. 1970 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Hazel Bonjour b. ___ 1900 d. ___ 1966 m. ___ 1922 George Dronberger b. ___ 1898 d. ___ 1966 
                b. d. m. per "Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie"  Dronderger line per same.    
                9 Dale Dronberger m. Jane 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Lisa Dronberger 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 James Dronberger 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Julie Dronberger 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Vira Bonjour b. 28 Sep 1903 m. Clarence Mitchell b. 1904 d. 1975 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Louise Mitchell b. 24 Oct 1935 m. George Trostrad 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Kris Trostrad 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Aletha (Billie) Bonjour b. 4 Nov 1905 m. Chester Pallesen 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Kay Pallesen b. 1944 m.  Gary Scarlett b. 1943 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                   Gary S: 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Craig Scarlett b. 1964 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Brad Scarlett b. 1968 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Ann Scarlett b. 1973 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Crystal Pallesen b. 1947 m. Stanley Smith b. 1946 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Ryan Smith b. 1975 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Ra Val Smith b. 1979 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Neil Pallesen b. _____ d. died age 7 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Roland (Richard) J. Bonjour b. ___ 1863 d. ___ 1939 m. Nan Burdette b. 1869 d. 1961 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Effie Bonjour b. 1885 d. 1958 m. George Talley b. 1883 d. 1947 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Walter Talley 
                9 Alberta Talley m. Ted Chavez 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Jack Chavez 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Carol Chavez 
                    R.L. Bonjour - Ks chart                                                       
                  10 Ted Chavez 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Helen Marie Talley 
              8 Walter Bonjour b. 9 Jun 1891 d. Sep 1974 m. Anna Myers b. 1895 d. 1976 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                BONJOUR, WALTER       06-09-1891 KS 09-00-1974 66521       KS                 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Galen R. Bonjour b. 6 Nov 1914 d. 6 Sep 1923 
                9 Gertrude Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Arnold Bonjour b. _____ d. infancy 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Mary Bonjour b. _____ d. infancy 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Julia Bonjour b. _____ d. age 9 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Rose Eugenia Bonjour b. 29 Jan 1826 d. 5 Apr 1899 m. 11 Sep 1852 Auguste Gustave Bonjour b. 2 Jan 1830 d. 14 Jun 1898 
            Marriage license -- 11-Sep-1852. LDS #1170427 confirmed 23 Dec 1842           
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, sister to Frederick. LDS #1170426 (Bp date fname Rose
            b. 30-Jan-1830  d. 04-Jun-1898 per Cemetery.                                  
                        to Neuchatel, KS in 1857.  Bp. 16-Jan-1830 unk source.                        
                        Marriage License dated 5 SEP 1852 executed 11 SEP 1852.                       
                        LDS #1170426 Bp. Gustave 12 Jan 1830.                                         
                        Came to America 1850, settled in Noblesville, Indiana, m. 1853, 1856 to KS.   
                        per Onaga Herald, June 16, 1898, OST pg 141-143                               
            7 Charles Henry Bonjour b. 1854 d. 1927 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 August G. Bonjour b. 21 Jan 1856 d. 26 Mar 1920 
            7 Ephrim Bonjour 
            7 Constant A. Bonjour b. 1862 d. 1954 m. Mary Josephine Mouton b. 1865 d. 1939 
              Not sure who C.B. Bonjour is.  He may be Constant A. Bonjour with the author  
              (Old Settler's Tales) making a typo.                                          
              R.L. Bonjour - Constant B. Bonjour                                            
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Lenore E. Bonjour m. Louis S. Pierson 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Julia Anne Bonjour b. 27 Sep 1827 
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart.  LDS #1170426, #1170427 - confirmed 22Dec1843        
          6 Henri August Bonjour b. 7 Apr 1829 
            LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1845                                  
          6 Constance Elise Bonjour b. 19 Jun 1831 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Ami Eugene Bonjour b. 14 Jan 1833 d. 10 Feb 1914 m. 1883 Mary Ann (Paulsen) Paulie d. 1899 
            1852 emmigrated to America, Indianapolis   b. d. per Cem book                 
            pg 140 OST -- 1855 to near Leavenworth, KS -- 18 May 1857 to Neuchatel, KS    
            LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1849 #571                             
          6 Sophia Bonjour 
          6 Charles Bonjour b. _____ d. abt1863 
            pg 140-41 OST -- Arrived in Neuchatel 18-May-1857 with brother Ami.           
            1860 went to Colorado to work the mines, where he seemed to have success.     
            Word was recieved 3 years latter that he had died.                            
            Source - "Old Settlers Tales"                                                 
          6 Celia Bonjour 
            R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
          6 Charles Adolphe Bonjour b. 7 Jan 1835 
            LDS #1170426 confirmed 24Dec1851                                              
    3 Jean Jacques Bonjour b. 1698 m. 12 Jun 1722 Judith Junod 
      LDS #1170426 R.L. Bonjour as Jesu Jacquel                                     
      bonjour Bonjour book. catacised 24 Dec 1714                                   
      LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Margaret Bonjour b. 1722 d. 21 Mar 1803 
        bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
      4 Abraham Bonjour b. 1724 d. 15 Nov 1784 m. 1756 Mariann Descombes 
        bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
        bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
        5 Jean Samuel Bonjour b. 1764 
        5 Jean Francois Bonjour b. 1766 
      4 Jean Jaques Bonjour b. 1725 d. 1 Jun 1815 m. 1 Oct 1763 Marie Marguerite Fallet d. 2 May 1781 
                m. Marie Esabeau Cosandier 
        LDS #1170426 bp.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                       
        R.L. Bonjour - Maria Learg Falleh                                             
                bonjour Bonjour book - Marie Marguerite Fallet, died giving birth to          
                Jean Jacques Louis.                                                           
        5 Charlotte Bonjour b. 1764 
          bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
        5 Charles Frederich Bonjour b. 13 Nov 1767 d. 22 Jun 1808 m. 29 Nov 1794 Francoise Marguerite Payot b. ___ 1767 d. 21 Jun 1809 
          b.1767 from R.L. Bonjour, LDS #1170426 confirmed 25 Dec 1784                  
          bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
          R.L. Bonjour - Frucola Learg Payot, LDS #1170426                              
                    bonjour Bonjour book Marguerite Pagot                                         
          6 Charles Frederic Bonjour b. 6 Aug 1796 m. Jan 1818 Julie Gauchat 
            Jonas Ami Bonjour's parents, and grandparents (Bonjour) are from data on      
            pg. 16 of Sylvia's "Swiss History. . ."      b.1796 from R.L. Bonjour         
            LDS #1170426 bp, confirmed 25 Dec 1813                                        
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Frederick Bonjour 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Louise Bonjour b. 1818 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Frederic Louis Bonjour b. 10 Dec 1818 m. Lisette Emelie Zurcher b. c 1810 
              LDS #1170426 Pg71 #429, confirmed 22Dec1835                                   
              LDS #1170427 #3                                                               
              8 Marie Emelie Bonjour b. 1 Apr 1854 
                LDS #1170427 #3                                                               
            7 August Bonjour b. 20 Aug 1820 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart LDS #1170426 p77 #469, confirmed 21Dec1838            
            7 Julie Bonjour b. 30 Jul 1822 
              LDS #1170426, confirmed 21Dec1838                                             
            7 Sophia Bonjour b. 24 Oct 1824 d. 13 Dec 1899 m. 2 Feb 1850 David Frederick Vautravers b. 18 Aug 1828 d. 19 Aug 1907 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, Sylvia's notes. LDS #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1841   
                            Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Catechummene 24 december 1841
Sophie, baptise a Lignieres le vingt un Novembre mil huit cent vingt quatre,
fille de Charles Frederic Bonjour, de Lignieres. Lignieres, Neuchatel County,
Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3
              b. loc. per Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie Mrs. Ray Galloway, Onaga, ggdau  
                            LDS #1170427 see #646                                                         
              8 Louise Vautravers b. 4 Jan 1851 d. 10 Feb 1935 m. 0 Dec 1869 Florent Theys b. 1845 d. 1894 
                Sylvia's notes.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                      
                9 Julia Theys b. ___ 1870 d. ___ 1954 m. Jonas Aime (Amos) Bonjour b. ___ 1860 d. ___ 1944 
                                    m. Alexander Junod b. 1842 d. 1923 
                  Source for family (Julie, Lina, Bertha, Edward Henry, and Eugenia.            
                                    "Old Settlers Tales" related by marr. to Paul Aime Junod,R.L. Bonjour-KS chart
                                    April 1877 family + Alfred, Aime, & Zelim Bonjour, & Paul Junod came by ship  
                                    to USA.                                                                       
                  10 Rose Bonjour b. ___ 1890 d. ___ 1962 m. Charles Hazlett b. 7 Sep 1889 d. 19 Dec 1960 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Kenneth Hazlett b. 30 Jun 1921 d. 21 Apr 1958 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Clarence (Slats) Hazlett m. Kay 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Linda Hazlett 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Sidney Hazlett 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Marcella Hazlett m. Dale Poore 
                                             m. Lawrence Bull 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Jean Ann Poore 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Danny Poore 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Larry Bull 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Doris Hazlett m. Harold Boucher 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Mike Boucher 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Rick Boucher 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Tunis Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1891 d. 16 Jan 1892 
                    Died while infant.                                                            
                  10 Rufus Bonjour b. 11 Jan 1893 d. 24 Jul 1894 
                    Died while infant.                                                            
                  10 Sophia Bonjour b. 21 Mar 1895 d. 3 Apr 1895 
                    Died while infant.                                                            
                  10 Gertrude Bonjour b. 5 Apr 1896 m. Leroy Charles Keeney b. 1896 d. 1960 
                                        m. Donald Miller 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Marjorie Keeney m. Dizs Ayers 
                                             m. Orville Jenkins 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Sandra Ayers 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Judy Ayers 
                         R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                      12 David Ayers 
                         R,L, Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Goodlet C. (Doc) Bonjour b. 7 Jun 1898 d. 14 Apr 1976 m. 20 Jul 1922 Anna R. Fairbanks b. 25 Dec 1904 
                    b. d. per Cem book                                                            
                    BONJOUR, GOODLET      06-07-1898 KS 04-00-1976 66521       KS - SSI           
                    wife per CEM book                                                             
                    11 Julie Anne Bonjour b. 1925 m. Robert DeVere 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 David DeVere b. 1965 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Rose Marie Bonjour b. 1927 m. Orvel Paulsen d. 1976 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Don Le Wayne Paulsen b. 1950 m. Linda Dillon 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Sean Paulsen b. 1980 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ricky Lynn Paulsen b. 1952 m. Susan Clark 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Angelia Paulsen b. 1974 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Matthew Paulsen b. 1978 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Richard L. Bonjour b. ___ 1932 m. Adelia Suwalski b. 1924 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (author of the chart), children at age 12 per his own 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 George E. Suwalski b. ___ 1944 m. Donna 
                                                 m. Sandy 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Gary Suwalski b. 1963 
                           R.L. bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Donald Suwalski b. 1963 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 David Suwalski b. 1965 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Sean Suwalski b. 1977 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 James M. Suwalski b. ___ 1946 m. Fran 
                                                 m. Judy 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Dana Lynn Suwalaki b. ___ 1967 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Jon Richard Suwalski b. ___ 1969 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Kathy Suwalski b. 1973 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Linda Ann Suwalski b. ___ 1950 m. Donald Kaberline 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Angela Kaberline b. 1971 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Shane Kaberline b. 1973 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Ryan Kaberline b. 1974 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Laura Gail Bonjour b. 1938 m. James Terry 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Keith Bradley Terry b. 1959 m. Debbie 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Nancy Marie Terry b. 1960 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Robin Gail Terry b. 1961 m. Mike Jones 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ginger Terry b. 1964 m. Crys Flowers 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Carolyn Arlene Bonjour b. 1941 m. Philip Davison 
                                             m. Chris Davison b. 1959 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Scott Eric Davison b. 1970 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Hazel Bonjour b. ___ 1900 d. ___ 1966 m. ___ 1922 George Dronberger b. ___ 1898 d. ___ 1966 
                    b. d. m. per "Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie"  Dronderger line per same.    
                    11 Dale Dronberger m. Jane 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Lisa Dronberger 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 James Dronberger 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Julie Dronberger 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Vira Bonjour b. 28 Sep 1903 m. Clarence Mitchell b. 1904 d. 1975 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Louise Mitchell b. 24 Oct 1935 m. George Trostrad 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Kris Trostrad 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Aletha (Billie) Bonjour b. 4 Nov 1905 m. Chester Pallesen 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Kay Pallesen b. 1944 m.  Gary Scarlett b. 1943 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        Gary S: 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Craig Scarlett b. 1964 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Brad Scarlett b. 1968 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ann Scarlett b. 1973 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Crystal Pallesen b. 1947 m. Stanley Smith b. 1946 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ryan Smith b. 1975 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ra Val Smith b. 1979 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Neil Pallesen b. _____ d. died age 7 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Lina Junod b. 13 Sep 1864 d. 10 Jul 1938 m. Alfred A. Bonjour b. 10 Aug 1857 d. 3 Dec 1915 
                    dates per cem book. "Little Alfred"                                           
                    11 George Bonjour b. 12 Mar 1885 d. 6 Jul 1966 m. 19 Jun 1918 Permilia (Millie) Samatha Brown b. 9 Dec 1890 d. 1972 
              ROOTSBOOK on WOW!        
                       BONJOUR, GEORGE       03-12-1885 KS 07-00-1966 66521       KS - SSI           
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                                              On Compuserve Roots in the "Bird" book.  No source                            
                                     ROOTSBOOK on WOW!                                    
                      12 Evelyn Bonjour b. ?-Nov-1926/25 m. John Michael Scott 
                ROOTSBOOK on WOW!        
                        13 Sharon Michelle Scott 
                        13 John Michael Scott m. unknown 
                          14 Alex Scott 
                          14 Paul Scott 
                        13 Julie Scott 
                    11 Marie Armand Bonjour b. 19 Oct 1890 d. 13 Jul 1947 m. 3 Sep 1918 Alice Laura Vantravers Bonjour Clark b. 19 Jul 1892 d. 26 Dec 1959 
                      12 Sylvia Ellen Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1921 d. circa 1991 m. 8 Oct 1940 Paul Hartwich b. 2 May 1918 d. 25 Jul 1972 
                                                 m. 6 Jan 1973 Ray Galloway b. 25 Dec 1912 
                        13 Lynn Eugene Hartwich b. 13 Sep 1944 m. 4 May 1968 Mary Patricia Weltsch b. 29 Jun 1941 
                          14 Brent Eugene Hartwich b. 29 Aug 1974 
                          14 August Hartwich b. 1980 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Jerry Leroy Hartwich b. 29 Dec 1947 m. 22 Sep 1969 Marcia June Young b. 10 Jul 1951 
                        13 Daughter Hartwich b. abt 1950 d. abt 1950 
                           Stillborn at 5 months.                                                        
                        13 Cynthia Sue Hartwich b. 27 Jul 1951 m. 30 Dec 1972 Milton Eugene Falk b. 6 Jan 1948 
                          14 Dustin Ashley Falk b. 16 Jan 1977 
                          14 Derik Falk b. 1978 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                          14 Laura Falk b. 1981 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 David Gregory Hartwich b. 7 Aug 1954 m. Susan Lynette Rezac 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                          14 Travis Christopher Hartwich b. 1978 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                          14 William David Hartwich b. 1981 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Stanley Kent Hartwich b. 17 Nov 1955 m. Susan Lee Kufahl b. 1961 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Everett Leroy Bonjour b. 7 Feb 1923 d. 10 Jul 1972 m. 5-Dec-1951 Bertha Nicewander 
                        13 Steven Bonjour b. 30 Jan 1943 d. 1963 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (1945--1963)                                          
                        13 Roger Bonjour b. 10 Jan 1945 m. Beth Buller 
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                           Lives in Topeka                                                               
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                          14 Steve Bonjour b. 1978 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                          14 Scott Bonjour b. 1981 
                             R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                        13 Mark Jay Bonjour b. 9 Apr 1952 m. Judy Anderson 
                           Lives in Manhattan                                                            
                           R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Armand Bonjour 
                  10 Bertha S. Junod b. 25 Jan 1870 d. 22 Jan 1902 m. 4 Jun 1901 Edward Henry 
                    Family lives in Denver CO, Old Settlers' Tales                                
                  10 Eugenia Junod b. _____ d. 1888 
                    Old Settlers' Tales                                                           
                9 Pauline Theys b. 17 Aug 1872 d. 27 Mar 1954 m. Charles A. Bonjour b. ___ 1869 d. 26 Dec 1899 
                                    m. unknown McDevitt 
                  Accidently shot Christmas "2" years ago. ("Old Settler's Tales") pub. 1901/02 
                  10 Simon Eugene (Sam) Bonjour b. 17 Apr 1895 d. Aug 1970 m. Mary Fields b. 1900 d. 5 May 1919 
                                        m. aft 1919 Ellen Savage b. 1903 d. 4 Jul 1969 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    BONJOUR, SIMON        04-17-1895 KS 08-00-1970 66521       KS - SSI           
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, died of Flu                                          
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Rosella Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Marjorie Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Dale Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Leonard (Bud) Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Betty Bonjour m. unknown 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       Betty (Bonjour) Labbe                                                         
                      12 Susie Shepherd 
                         Lives with her family in Valley Falls.                                        
                      12 Dennis Lowry 
                         Lives near Topeka KS. worked for Union Pacific Railroad 1971-1976             
                      12 Randy Lowry 
                         Lives in Manhatan with family. served 2 years with U.S. Marine Corps.         
                      12 Richard Lowry 
                         Lives with family near Marysville.  He served two years in the U.S. Army and  
                         has worked for the Union Pacific Railroad for several years.                  
                      12 Charlie Lowry 
                         Lives in Onaga where he works at the Town and Country Market as a meatcutter. 
                      12 Bob Lowry 
                         Lives with family near Marysville. Served two years in the U.S. Marine Corps. 
                         Was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad for two years.                     
                    11 Mary Lou Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Leonard Floyd Bonjour b. 23 Nov 1896 d. 6 May 1967 m. Alice Hammerly b. 1905 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    BONJOUR, LEONARD      11-23-1896 KS 05-00-1967 66521       KS - SSI           
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Lydia Mae Bonjour b. 1924 m. 11 Mar 1945 Russell Larimore b. 1923 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Steve Larimore b. 1945 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                         Milwaukee, Wisc.                                                              
                    11 Lawrence Bonjour b. 1930 m. Joyce Berry 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Merle Bonjour b. 1934 m. (c) 1974 Bertha Nicewander 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Mary Theys b. 28 Mar 1874 d. 2 Jun 1904 m. 31 Jan 1893 Ephriam Bonjour b. 22 Jul 1869 d. 23 Apr 1943 
                  10 Chester Lee Bonjour b. 9 Nov 1894 d. Jun 1968 m. Harriet Grubb b. 22 Mar 1897 d. Jul 1976 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    BONJOUR, CHESTER      11-09-1894 KS 06-00-1968 66521       KS - SSI           
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                                        BONJOUR, HARRIETT     03-22-1897 KS 07-00-1976 66521       KS - SSI           
                    11 John Bonjour b. _____ d. 24 Dec 1925 
                    11 Earl Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Mary Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Carol Bonjour 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Flossie Bonjour m. Paul Peterson 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Isabelle (Beth) Theys b. ___ 1881 d. ___ 1921 m. Tom Kelley b. ___ 1876 d. ___ 1960 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R%.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                      
                  10 Lloyd Kelley m. Lena Fairbanks 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Arlene Kelley m. Henry 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Irene Esther Kelley m. Richard Junod b. ___ 1907 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    source: chart by Benoit Junod                                                 
                    11 Ralph Merlyn Junod b. ___ 1928 d. ___ 1930 
                9 Simon Theys b. _____ d. 1954 m. Rose Gibson 
                                    m. Amy Kelley 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Opal Theys m. George Hunt 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Olmun Theys b. 1905 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart sex ?                                                 
              8 Emma Vautravers b. 1852 m. Simon Armstrong b. 1829 d. 1902 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, Sylvia's notes                                       
                Sylvia's notes.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                      
                9 John Armstrong 
                9 Fred Armstrong 
              8 Louis Eugene Vautravers b. 10 Dec 1852 d. 27 Jun 1935abt 
                LDS #1170427 #646                                                             
              8 David Frederick Vautravers b. 24 May 1860 d. 21 Sep 1943 m. 2 Oct 1890 Laura Henrietta Jacot b. 31 Dec 1873 d. 4 Oct 1960 
                9 Alice Laura Vantravers Bonjour Clark b. 19 Jul 1892 d. 26 Dec 1959 m. 3 Sep 1918 Marie Armand Bonjour b. 19 Oct 1890 d. 13 Jul 1947 
                  10 Sylvia Ellen Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1921 d. circa 1991 m. 8 Oct 1940 Paul Hartwich b. 2 May 1918 d. 25 Jul 1972 
                                        m. 6 Jan 1973 Ray Galloway b. 25 Dec 1912 
                    11 Lynn Eugene Hartwich b. 13 Sep 1944 m. 4 May 1968 Mary Patricia Weltsch b. 29 Jun 1941 
                      12 Brent Eugene Hartwich b. 29 Aug 1974 
                      12 August Hartwich b. 1980 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Jerry Leroy Hartwich b. 29 Dec 1947 m. 22 Sep 1969 Marcia June Young b. 10 Jul 1951 
                    11 Daughter Hartwich b. abt 1950 d. abt 1950 
                       Stillborn at 5 months.                                                        
                    11 Cynthia Sue Hartwich b. 27 Jul 1951 m. 30 Dec 1972 Milton Eugene Falk b. 6 Jan 1948 
                      12 Dustin Ashley Falk b. 16 Jan 1977 
                      12 Derik Falk b. 1978 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Laura Falk b. 1981 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 David Gregory Hartwich b. 7 Aug 1954 m. Susan Lynette Rezac 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Travis Christopher Hartwich b. 1978 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 William David Hartwich b. 1981 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Stanley Kent Hartwich b. 17 Nov 1955 m. Susan Lee Kufahl b. 1961 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Everett Leroy Bonjour b. 7 Feb 1923 d. 10 Jul 1972 m. 5-Dec-1951 Bertha Nicewander 
                    11 Steven Bonjour b. 30 Jan 1943 d. 1963 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (1945--1963)                                          
                    11 Roger Bonjour b. 10 Jan 1945 m. Beth Buller 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       Lives in Topeka                                                               
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Steve Bonjour b. 1978 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Scott Bonjour b. 1981 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Mark Jay Bonjour b. 9 Apr 1952 m. Judy Anderson 
                       Lives in Manhattan                                                            
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Walter Paul (Frenchie) Vautravers m. Ruby Milsap 
                  Sylvia's notes.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                      
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Sarah Vautravers m. Alva Gray 
                9 Harvey Gray 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Charles Vautravers 
                Died young                                                                    
              8 Bertha Vautravers b. 3 Apr 1863 d. 12 Dec 1946 m. David Labbe b. 17 Sep 1857 d. 11 May 1940 
                9 Tony Labbe 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Roland Labbe 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Fred M. Labbe b. 25 Jun 1888 d. 11 May 1957 m. Jennie Smith 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Clifford Labbe 
                  10 Lawrence Labbe 
                  10 Glenn Labbe 
            7 Adele Bonjour b. 5 Mar 1827 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Charles K. Bonjour b. 1829 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Jonas Aime (Amos) Bonjour b. 9 Dec 1830 d. 23-Mar-1895/79 m. 1855 Sophia Louise Bonjour b. 8 Jun 1824 d. 23 Mar 1895 
              d. 5-Jan-1879 per family History.  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                    
                            Passport No. 85 	26 Feb 1850 Jonas Aime Bonjour, Farmer of Lignieren, To USA,
20 years old, 4'-11thumbs, Dk. Brown Hair, Eyes: Green, Medium Nose, Medium
Mouth, Round Chin, Oval Face, Complexion: Brown Coloring.

This record is a handwriten note from Sylvia Bonjour/Galloway.  her note
follows. Jonas Aime Bonjour, related on my mothers side of the family. Her
grandmother was Sophia Bonjour Vautravers, Her brother was Jonas Aime Bonjour
              LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1848                                  
              OST pg 143 -- to Misouri, fall 1856, to Neuchatel 1857                        
                            Be it known, that on the 28th day of March 1855, a Marriage License was duly
issued to Amos Bonjour & Sophia Bonjour she of this county & both of lawful
age to marry without the consent of their parents or guardians all of was
proven by the affidavit of Eugene H. Droz which is on file.  .  .  ." Issued
in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. This Marriage license was issued but
not executed.
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart. LDS #1170427 (Bp date 1Jun1824)                      
                                          Sophia L. Bonjour ??????e Interests of Centralia and S????????  ??? Morning,
March 29, 18?? (Yr est as 1895 -- 1854 + 41, Bottom & side of article are cut

Obituary. Mrs. Sophia L. Bonjour, wife of Jonas A. Bonjour, of Neuchatel, died
at the home of her son, R. A. Bonjour, on March 24th and was buried Monday,
March 25, Rev. Perry, of Onaga, conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Bonjour
was born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 88,1824.  She went from there to
England 1844 remaining there ten years, thence to the United States, and
located at Neuchatel, in Nemaha county in 1854, where her home has been for
forty-one years.  She was married to J. A. Bonjour in 1855.  Three sons
survive the mother, Charles, who lives at Golden Gate, Washington, and J. A.
and R. A. Bonjour, who reside at Neuchatel, they are leading and prominent
citizens of that community.  The husband and one daughter having proceeded the
mother to the unknown land.  Mrs. Bonjour had a large circle of friends and
relatives who hold her in high esteem while living and honored her memory when
dead.  Many to whom her kindly hands had ministered while living pressed round
her coffin and grave eager to pay the last tribute of love and affection to
the memory of her whom they had held most dear. This aged pilgrim from early
life had adorned the doctrine of her holy religion by a godly ???? and a
chaste conversation.  She ??????? Christian death and her

Sophie Louise Bonjour, baptise a Lignieres un Juin mil huit cent vingt quatrem
fille de David Louis Bonjour. Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Births
and Baptisms Catholic and Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan 22
December 1840 Anne 1840 (frame 2)LDS film 1170427

                                          Be it known, that on the 28th day of March 1855, a Marriage License was duly
issued to Amos Bonjour & Sophia Bonjour she of this county & both of lawful
age to marry without the consent of their parents or guardians all of was
proven by the affidavit of Eugene H. Droz which is on file.  .  .  ." Issued
in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. This Marriage license was issued but
not executed.
                            They walked across the Ice of the Missouri River back to MO to be married.    
              8 Charles J. Bonjour m. Alice 
                OST pg 143 -- Went to San Francisco,California in 1875 and then to Washington.
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Zelpha Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 boy b. _____ d. age 9 yrs 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Amos Bonjour b. 6 Jan 1897 d. Nov 1967 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  BONJOUR, AMOS         01-06-1897 WA 11-00-1967 98620       WA - SSI           
                9 Elva Bonjour 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Jonas Aime (Amos) Bonjour b. ___ 1860 d. ___ 1944 m. Mary Cox 
                                m. Julia Theys b. ___ 1870 d. ___ 1954 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Ray Bonjour b. _____ d. 1928 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Rose Bonjour b. ___ 1890 d. ___ 1962 m. Charles Hazlett b. 7 Sep 1889 d. 19 Dec 1960 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Kenneth Hazlett b. 30 Jun 1921 d. 21 Apr 1958 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Clarence (Slats) Hazlett m. Kay 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Linda Hazlett 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sidney Hazlett 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Marcella Hazlett m. Dale Poore 
                                        m. Lawrence Bull 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Jean Ann Poore 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Danny Poore 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Larry Bull 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Doris Hazlett m. Harold Boucher 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Mike Boucher 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Rick Boucher 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Tunis Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1891 d. 16 Jan 1892 
                  Died while infant.                                                            
                9 Rufus Bonjour b. 11 Jan 1893 d. 24 Jul 1894 
                  Died while infant.                                                            
                9 Sophia Bonjour b. 21 Mar 1895 d. 3 Apr 1895 
                  Died while infant.                                                            
                9 Gertrude Bonjour b. 5 Apr 1896 m. Leroy Charles Keeney b. 1896 d. 1960 
                                    m. Donald Miller 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Marjorie Keeney m. Dizs Ayers 
                                        m. Orville Jenkins 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Sandra Ayers 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Judy Ayers 
                       R.L Bonjour - KS chart                                                        
                    11 David Ayers 
                       R,L, Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Goodlet C. (Doc) Bonjour b. 7 Jun 1898 d. 14 Apr 1976 m. 20 Jul 1922 Anna R. Fairbanks b. 25 Dec 1904 
                  b. d. per Cem book                                                            
                  BONJOUR, GOODLET      06-07-1898 KS 04-00-1976 66521       KS - SSI           
                  wife per CEM book                                                             
                  10 Julie Anne Bonjour b. 1925 m. Robert DeVere 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 David DeVere b. 1965 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Rose Marie Bonjour b. 1927 m. Orvel Paulsen d. 1976 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Don Le Wayne Paulsen b. 1950 m. Linda Dillon 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Sean Paulsen b. 1980 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ricky Lynn Paulsen b. 1952 m. Susan Clark 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Angelia Paulsen b. 1974 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Matthew Paulsen b. 1978 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Richard L. Bonjour b. ___ 1932 m. Adelia Suwalski b. 1924 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart (author of the chart), children at age 12 per his own 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 George E. Suwalski b. ___ 1944 m. Donna 
                                             m. Sandy 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Gary Suwalski b. 1963 
                         R.L. bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Donald Suwalski b. 1963 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 David Suwalski b. 1965 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Sean Suwalski b. 1977 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 James M. Suwalski b. ___ 1946 m. Fran 
                                             m. Judy 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Dana Lynn Suwalaki b. ___ 1967 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Jon Richard Suwalski b. ___ 1969 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Kathy Suwalski b. 1973 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Linda Ann Suwalski b. ___ 1950 m. Donald Kaberline 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Angela Kaberline b. 1971 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Shane Kaberline b. 1973 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                      12 Ryan Kaberline b. 1974 
                         R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Laura Gail Bonjour b. 1938 m. James Terry 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Keith Bradley Terry b. 1959 m. Debbie 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Nancy Marie Terry b. 1960 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Robin Gail Terry b. 1961 m. Mike Jones 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ginger Terry b. 1964 m. Crys Flowers 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Carolyn Arlene Bonjour b. 1941 m. Philip Davison 
                                        m. Chris Davison b. 1959 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Scott Eric Davison b. 1970 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Hazel Bonjour b. ___ 1900 d. ___ 1966 m. ___ 1922 George Dronberger b. ___ 1898 d. ___ 1966 
                  b. d. m. per "Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie"  Dronderger line per same.    
                  10 Dale Dronberger m. Jane 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Lisa Dronberger 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 James Dronberger 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Julie Dronberger 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Vira Bonjour b. 28 Sep 1903 m. Clarence Mitchell b. 1904 d. 1975 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Louise Mitchell b. 24 Oct 1935 m. George Trostrad 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Kris Trostrad 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Aletha (Billie) Bonjour b. 4 Nov 1905 m. Chester Pallesen 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Kay Pallesen b. 1944 m.  Gary Scarlett b. 1943 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                     Gary S: 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Craig Scarlett b. 1964 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Brad Scarlett b. 1968 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ann Scarlett b. 1973 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Crystal Pallesen b. 1947 m. Stanley Smith b. 1946 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ryan Smith b. 1975 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Ra Val Smith b. 1979 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Neil Pallesen b. _____ d. died age 7 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Roland (Richard) J. Bonjour b. ___ 1863 d. ___ 1939 m. Nan Burdette b. 1869 d. 1961 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                9 Effie Bonjour b. 1885 d. 1958 m. George Talley b. 1883 d. 1947 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Walter Talley 
                  10 Alberta Talley m. Ted Chavez 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Jack Chavez 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                    11 Carol Chavez 
                       R.L. Bonjour - Ks chart                                                       
                    11 Ted Chavez 
                       R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Helen Marie Talley 
                9 Walter Bonjour b. 9 Jun 1891 d. Sep 1974 m. Anna Myers b. 1895 d. 1976 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  BONJOUR, WALTER       06-09-1891 KS 09-00-1974 66521       KS                 
                  R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
                  10 Galen R. Bonjour b. 6 Nov 1914 d. 6 Sep 1923 
                  10 Gertrude Bonjour 
                    R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Arnold Bonjour b. _____ d. infancy 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Mary Bonjour b. _____ d. infancy 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
              8 Julia Bonjour b. _____ d. age 9 
                R.L. Bonjour - KS chart                                                       
            7 Rose Bonjour b. 1 Sep 1833 
              R.L. Bonjour - KS chart, LDS #1170426                                         
            7 Marie Louise Bonjour b. 30 Sep 1835 
              LDS #1170426 confirmed 24Dec1851                                              
            7 Emilie Bonjour b. 20 Feb 1838 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Julie Adele Bonjour b. 4 May 1840 
              LDS #1170427, Lignieres bp.rec. 1840                                          
          6 Marie Marguerite Bonjour b. Apr 1798 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 George Bonjour b. 10 Mar 1803 m. Jeannie Marguerite Duvaisin b. 1805 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
                        Registre des publications de bans et des mariages benis dans la Paroisse de
Lignieres 1823 Bans Le deize Janvier mil huit cent vingt cinq ont ete publies
pour le troisieme dimanche consecutiy et dans opposition, les bans du mariage
entre George Bonjour, age de vingt un ans, de Lignieres, domicilie a
Fontanezier, fils de Charles Frederic Bonjour et de sa femme Margueritte
Payot, avec Jeanne Margueritte Duvoisin, age de dix huit ans, de Fontanezier,
et y domicile, fille de Pierre David Duvoisin et sa femme Jeanne Francoise
Frebourg Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

            7 Auguste Bonjour b. 1829 m. Julie Duvaisin 
              8 Henri Edouard Bonjour b. 1864 
              8 Louis Auguste Bonjour b. 1869 
            7 Gustave Bonjour b. 1835 
            7 Jules Bonjour b. 1840 m. Sophie Grosjean 
              8 Jules Alfred Bonjour b. 1863 m. Barbara Maria Schuler 
                9 Jules Frederic Bonjour b. 1895 
                9 Edgard Conrad Bonjour b. 1898 
              8 Charles Bonjour b. 1873 
          6 Frederich Auguste Bonjour b. 26 Jan 1805 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Marie Emelie Bonjour b. 7 Feb 1807 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Sophie Bonjour b. 21 Nov 1824 
            LDS #1170426 Grand parents indicate that a second CFB & FMP couple may be here
            at this time, or the recorder confused CFB with his father CFB (more likely). 
        5 Rose Margueritte Bonjour b. 8 Jul 1770 m. 7 Aug 1790 David Pierre Bonjour b. 3 Dec 1766 
          LDS #1170426, Bp 15Jul1770, confirmed 25Dec1785                               
          b. per Alvin ltr 2Mar1994                                                     
          LDS #1170426, Church Elder, Jure, Justicier, farm labour                      
                    b. per Alvin L. Bonjour.  bonjour Bonjour book.                               
          6 Pierre David Bonjour b. 10 Mar 1791 
            LDS #1170426. bonjour Bonjour book.                                           
          6 Marie Rose Bonjour b. 10 Aug 1792 
            LDS #1170426, Confirmed 25 Dec 1808                                           
          6 David Aime Bonjour b. 13 Aug 1794 d. 1848-50 m. Rose Giaugue d. 1848-50 
                        m. ___ 1831 Marie Anne Matthey 
            LDS #1170426, confirmed 25 Dec 1811                                           
                        Bans 1831 Le sept Aoust mil huit cent trente un ont publies les bans du
mariage entre David Aime fils du Justicier David Pierre Bonjour, de Lignieres.
domicile au Paquier, avec Marie Anne Matthey, de Savagnier, y domicilies,
bourgeoise de Valangin

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

            LDS #1170426.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                          
                        Bans 1831 Le sept Aoust mil huit cent trente un ont publies les bans du
mariage entre David Aime fils du Justicier David Pierre Bonjour, de Lignieres.
domicile au Paquier, avec Marie Anne Matthey, de Savagnier, y domicilies,
bourgeoise de Valangin

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

            7 Frederic Aime Bonjour b. 17 Oct 1818 d. 2 Feb 1869 m. 28 May 1842 Maria Julia Ducommonin b. 25 Jan 1825 d. 18 Mar 1892 
              LDS #1170426 Nickname Fritz -- immigrated New Orleans, LA 1850 age 32         
              Originally buried on a wooded hill called White's Mound in 1869, was removed  
              and reburied, along with his son August, in 1889, thus his stone reads        
              1818-1889.  Immigrated New Orleans, LA. 1850 as Frederick Aime age 32         
              Alvin Bonjour ltr. LDS #1170427                                               
                            Walton, F.S. "Manifast of all Passenger's Taken on board Pyramid"             
                            New Orleans Genesis, 2:8(Sep 1963)pp379-383 (p381) entered New Orleans, LA    
                            1850 as Marie age 32 (same age as husband, probaly wrong)                     
              8 Ami (Thomas) Louis Bonjour b. 17 Dec 1842 d. Aug 1902 m. 4 May 1871 Fannie Jane Needham b. 14 Jan 1852 d. 1912 
                Alvin ltr, Came over in 1857, Army in 1862, as Thomas//1852 per book Rush twp 
                LDS #1170427 shows Ami Louis Bonjour b.17Dec1842,bp.1Jan1843.same parents,GP. 
                bonjour Bonjour book 1843-1903.  Immigrated New Orleans, LA., 1850 Louis age 6
                Civil War infantry/ 1862-65.                                                  
                                Bonjour T.L. Farmer: Sec. 7; P. O. Apple River, was born in Switzerland Dec.
25, 1843; came to this country with his parents in 1852; he enlisted in Co.
F., 96th Regt. I.V.I. on Aug. 14, 1862, was detailed to the 9th Ohio Battery,
and afterward transfered to the 18th Ohio; was honorably discharged June 11,
1865; he was in many severe engagements, among them being the battles of
Chicamauga, Lookout Mountain, Kenesaw, Nashville, Franklin, Jonesboro, and all
through to Atlanta; he married Fannie J. Needham, in this township, on May 4,
1871; she was born in Lincolnshire, England, Jan. 14, 1852; they have four
children; Elizabeth Ann, born March 7, 1872; William F., March 28, 1873;
Thomas H., dec. 7, 1874; Lydia Jane, July 2, 1876; Mr. Bonjour owns an
improved farm of 160 acres of land.

History of JoDaviess County, H.F. Kett & Co., 1878: Biographical directory of
JoDaviess County (IL)

Pg 726, Rush Township
                Alvin Bonjour ltr. bonjour Bonjour book.                                      
                9 Elizabeth Ann Bonjour b. 7 Mar 1872 d. 19 Jan 1954 m. John Benjamin Trevethan b. 30 May 1872 d. 9 Apr 1930 
                  10 Albert Trevethan b. 31 May 1901 d. 9 May 1938 
                  10 Fannie Belle Trevethan b. 7 Feb 1903 m. Martin Brodrecht 
                  10 Myrtle Lauretta Trevethan b. 22 Nov 1908 d. aft 1985 m. 5 Sep 1928 David Edward Rury b. 16 Feb 1902 d. 29 Mar 1982 
                                        Interview: Karen Rury's memories of grandma Myrtle. Compiler: Kenneth Rury
Date: Dec 1993 Always taught us how to play cards and was ruthless in playing.
Grandma gave us $1 or 10 cents per age for our birthdays and one year gave me
Noxima. Grandma made us all birthday cakes and the best fried chicken. Myrtle
would specially celebrate our golden birthdays which was when I was eleven.
Grandma would let me answer the door or run the cashier in the Rury store.
Grandma loved cardinals always had fake flowers, nick nacks and doilies.
Whenever I got to spend the night at grandma's she always let me have
scrambled eggs for breakfast and chicken noodle soup for lunch, which were my
favorite. Grandma kept a well groomed circle of flowers in the middle of a
very large yard.  I used to mow the lawn.

Grandpa loved bluejays and squirrels. Grandpa always had a big garden in the
back yard and remembers helping dig potatoes. Grandpa would keep potatoes in
the cellar to plant the next year. I played cards with Grandpa and the
neighboring farmers in the store in front of the pot belly stove and drink
Pepsi and eat planters spanish peanuts. Grandpa used to pay us 25 cents to
catch crawdads for bait and catch fish on the Apple River. Grandpa raised
rabbits and pigs.
                                        Interview: Val Rury Compiler: Ken Rury, Poulsbo, WA Date: Dec 1993 David
worked in construction and at a saw mill prior to farming. In 1929 David and
his wife Myrtle started farming in Gilford Township (not Miller farm). He sold
a Model A Ford to buy a horse, cow, 2 sows and an old car. He also would
borrow a horse from his brother Fred to make a team. In 1931 they moved to and
rented the Miller farm. Then in 1935 they began farming on Myrtle's mothers
farm (Elizabeth Trevethan) near Council Hill. In 1943 they bought the
Schapville farm. In 1956 they moved to Anton Schap's old place in the middle
of Schapville and remodeled the house, did some pig farming and started the
David Rury Feed store in 1957.

Grandson Ken Rury's Memories of Grandpa David When David retired from farming
he owned and operated Rury's Schapville Feed Store, Rural Route 2 Elizabeth,
IL, phone 29R32 which was the center focus of Schapville. People met there to
warm up around the pot belly stove, tell stories, and play cards. Schapville
is between Elizabeth and Scales Mound and east of Galena, IL. Grandchild Ken
remembers buying ice cream and soda pop. He also remembers mowing their lawn,
which had to be cut just the right way. Grandpa David made these marble toys
that rolled a marble down a red wooden track back and forth until it reached
the bottom. It was a simple toy, but it kept us kids busy for hours. David
loved to fish and catch crawdads and frequently took his grandchildren along.
Some of us just didn't have the patients and preferred to swim instead.
Grandma Myrtle always kept a clean house, with lots of doily cloths around and
a glass china cabinet. We used to ring the house from the store on an old
fashion crank phone and everybody had a party line and you could hear other
people talk. Grandma had an artificial silver christmas tree with red and blue
ornaments we would decorate each year. Very rarely we might spend the night
there and I can remember the smell of the guest bedrooms. They smelled like an
old antique, not a bad smell. Like a room that hasn't been touched in many
years. Grandma loved to play cards Canasta, Kings Corners, Rummy, Spite&Malice
even Slap Jack and also Scrabble. As I look back on it she had a wonderful
patience for us kids. I remember her teaching us how to make rubarb pizza and

I remember Grandpa and Grandma had a camper that they kept at Leisure Lake
outside Dubuque, IA, which they used to vacation to and go fishing. They
eventually bought a mobile home there for retirement about 1974. It was during
this time that Grandpa had gotten an infection in his toe, which ended up with
his leg being amputated. Grandpa didn't let this stop him and he still would
get in his boat to go fishing. Not long afterward his other leg was

They then moved to Maquoketa, Iowa to be near their daughter Joan and closer
to a hospital. In 1978 they had a 50th Anniversary party in Preston, IA. It
was also in Nov 1978 that they flew to Seattle, WA to attend their
granddaughter Kim's wedding. I remember taking grandpa in a wheel chair to see
the King Tut exhibit. We didn't think we were going to get in because of the
long lines, but since we had a wheel chair we got to go right in. We had flown
out with our parents from Wisconsin, our first plane trip.

I remember when we moved from WI to WA we drove down to IA to see them. This
was the last time most of us got to see grandpa. Grandma flew to WA one last
time in 1984 for my  wedding and that was the last time I saw her. She was
much thinner then, but looked good. She still loved to play cards. I never
remember her complaining about anything. As long as I can remember she always
sent each of us kids a birthday card with a dime for each of our years.

Two wonderful books written by Archie Liberman describe the families and
friends in the Schapville area. The first book was called Farm Boy (I don't
have a copy, but would like to get one), the second was called Neighbors, A
Forty-Year Portrait of an American Farm Community. This second book has a
picture of the DAVID RURY FEED store with the Rury's from Kenneth W. to
grandpa David, and Joan (Rury) Oldag's children and the people and places in
Schapville. It also has a picture of Anelle Rury stitching a quilt. If you
grew up in Jo Daviess county or find life on the farm and rural community
interesting this is a wonderful book. It can be ordered for $40 from LANDS END
Direct Merchants at 1-800-356-4444 for a limited time. Farm Boy is already out
of print.
                    11 Val Edward Rury b. 6 Feb 1931 m. 17 Jul 1953 Clara Anelle Bagley b. 12 Jul 1927 
                                              Occupation: Worked on farm and at a restaurant. Ran away from home and worked
on the railroad as a Candy Dancer and also at the Savanna Ordinance Depot
doing construction.  At the age of 20, Nov 1951-1955 Val joined the Air Force
and was stationed in San Antonio, Basic Lackland AFB and attended diesel
school in Longview, Texas and electrical school in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Assigned
to the Kirkland AFB as an Aircraft Electrician.  Sep. 1953-June 1954 was
stationed at Eniwetok, Atol, Marshal Islands for the hydrogen bomb test.
Worked at an aircraft battery shop as an Aircraft Electrician.

(1971-1976) Owned a operated a construction company called Bill & Val
Construction. (1955-1979) Farmed in Elizabeth, IL, Shawano, WI, and Pulaski,
WI. (1979-1981) Managed apartments and duplexes in Puyallup, WA and the
Stagecoach Inn in Fife. (1981-Feb 1996) Caretaker for Weyerhaeuser estate in
Gig Harbor, WA.

Biography by Ken Rury My father Val Edward Rury was born in 1931 in Gilford
Township, Scales Mound, IL. In 1943 his parents moved from the Council Hill
farm (grandmother Trevethan's farm of 200 acres) to the Schapville farm which
was located about 2 miles east of Schapville and 7 miles North of Elizabeth.
Val was in the Air Force from 1953-1955 when he met Anelle Bagley in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. They married and had one daughter Kim in Albuquerque,
NM and then moved back to Illinois to purchase the Rury Farm from his father.
They raised 6 children Kim, Kevin, Karen, Kraig, Kile and Ken. I was the
youngest gaining that honor by arriving 15 minutes after my twin brother

The Rury farm was a dairy, hog and tree farm nestled between three hills
forming a 'Y' shaped valley with the Mill creek coming down one valley and the
Furnace creek along the other valley which blended together in the middle of
the property. It contained catfish, bull heads, bass, sunfish, crawdads,
turtles, water spiders, water snakes and other various creatures. It was the
best swimming hole. The cows would go out to pasture and walk along the river.
The kids would bring the cows in for milking and would often have to be
whistled in by mom's famous whistle which could be heard for miles. I remember
I had to out race a tornado one year on my bicycle as they were a frequent
occurrence in the valley.

One year Val was approached by developers from Chicago to buy the property and
dam it to make a lake. Dad refused and they later bought another valley and
called it Apple Canyon Lake.

Val enjoyed hunting deer with old fashion muskets and bow and arrow. While
grandpa loved to fish. Labor Day we would all get together to camp by the
river, visit, tell stories, sing songs and practice shooting clay pigeons. A
group of hunters would come out from Chicago (Russ & Angie D'Agostino and son
Joe), Dekalb (Bob & Joyce Nelson), Rockford? (Lloyd & ? Gaines and children),
? (Ed & ? Jones and children). Russ taught mom how to cook Italian
mostacciolli and always brought a bottle of Chianti and pound cake. Bob &
Joyce were the oldest but road motorcycles everywhere with their camper.
                                              OCCUPATION: (198?        ) Secretary for Judy's husband? (1981        ) Duplex
Manager for Abels, Puyallup, WA (1981        ) Hotel Manager, Stagecoach INN,
Fife, WA (1980-1981) Duplex Manager, Puyallup, WA (1977-1980) Farmer, Pulaski,
WI (1976-1977) Farmer, Cecil, WI (1955-1976) Route 3 Box 39, Elizabeth,
Thomson Township, IL (?             ) Economy Fire & Casualty (?             )
Savanna Ordinance Depot (1946-1955) Secretary for FBI in Santa Fe and
Albuquerque, NM

Val & Anelle took care of 3 foster children. Donna & Linda Lawrence lived with
them during their high schools years. Clark Spangler lived with them for a
short period and helped with the farm work. Donna and Linda did much to help
take care of the children and also helped farm.
                      12 Kim Renee Rury b. 21 Sep 1955 m. 11 Nov 1978 Robert Dale Paeper b. 15 Jan 1950 
                                                 m. 8 Oct 1994 Aaron Jr Hunter b. 5 May 1955 
Prior Residences: (1993-Sep 1994) 718 North K, Tacoma, WA (               )
Puyallup, WA (               ) Federal Way, WA (               ) Alaska (
         ) IL (1955-1972) Route 3, Box 39, Elizabeth, Thomson Township, IL

Occupation: Restaurant and Catering Service owner Worked for Totem Truck Line
in Alaska and WA in 1975. Worked for Jonah Seafood, Inc. moving up to Vice
President of sales (1984). Wanting to find her own independence started her
own company called Shore to Door to sell fresh seafood and to cater. Later
bought and operated a restaurant called Park Bistro in Tacoma, WA. to run her
catering service from. Park Bistro was closed in 1995 to concentrate on
catering and her new son Aaron III.

Oldest of six children. Kim helped take care of her siblings and was the first
to leave home.  Attended Highline Community College in Illinois and took a
bicycling trip around Europe (1974) and moved to Alaska. (when & why?)

Newspaper: French connection helped Kim Paeper develop a healthy catering
enterprise Date: Sunday, Sept. 12, 1993 Publication: The Morning News Tribune
Page: F4 Photo: Kim (Rury) Paeper in dining area of Park Bistro Cafe Caption:
Although she bought it mainly to get a better kitchen, Kim Paeper has turned
Park Bistro Cafe into a successful venture while running a thriving catering
service. Company: Park Bistro and Catering. Address: 322 Tacoma Ave. S.,
Tacoma. Sales: $330,000 a year. Employees: Five full-time, up to 20

   Kim Paeper's journey on the road to business ownership began when she was
8. At that age she began helping her grandparents sell stock feed, groceries
and snacks to farm folk in their country store in Schapville, Ill. Before
long, the young Paeper was hooked on running her own business, on the concept
of control over her own destiny and on selling retail goods in her own venture
as a way to achieve that goal. The dream never left her.
   "You set your own hours and have some control over your own life," says
Paeper.  "You are not dependent on other people for success or failure. You
are personally responsible for all of that."
   It took awhile, but Paeper, 37, has reached her goal. Paeper's
dream-turned-reality is called Park Bistro Cafe and Catering, the name soon to
replace Shore to Door Inc., which she founded in the mid-80s. The cafe section
is somewhat accidental. Paeper never meant to own a restaurant; catering is
her first love.
   So, as with the rest of her experiences, the restaurant was another
building block toward a goal. She bought it four years ago because she needed
a new kitchen for her catering business.
   But she had turned that, too, into a success. Indeed, as she looks back
along the way she has come, Paeper sees most things that happened to her as
part of self-rewarding building blocks toward the realization of that
childhood dream.
   For example, her French studies at college and her visits abroad helped her
create the Mediterranean atmosphere in Park Bistro, near Tacoma's Wright Park.
And her 3 years at Totem Ocean Trailer Express in Alaska as a claims adjuster,
2 years at Icicle Seafoods in Seattle as traffic manager and 4 1/2 years at
Jonah Seafoods in Bellevue all provided experience that would serve her well
when she started her own business.
   Paeper decided to take the plunge into business ownership while vice
president of sales at Jonah. "I was on call 24 hours a day," she explains. "I
just burned out. I needed a change."
   Calling on her contacts in the industry, Paeper merged her entrepreneurial
desires with her experience and launched her own venture as a fish broker. But
the activity was too sluggish for fast-moving Paeper.
   "One December when it was really slow, (fish trader) Ben Cramer and I came
up with this idea for Shore to Door."  Paeper explains. "I always have been a
gourmet cook and I have been very much into health and nutrition. I felt there
was a need for educaiton on how to cook fish, how to buy it and what to do
with it when you get it."
   The concept she and Cramer developed was selling frozen fish door to door.
(She later bought out Cramer's share in the venture.)
   Working out of her Puyallup home, Paeper converted the back of her
husband's pickup into a refrigerated box. From there, she visited the homes of
potential clients and, when they ordered items, delivered the fish herself.
   To get the word out, Paeper started by mailing letters to all her friends
and family and anybody she knew. As she received orders, Paeper widened her
door-to-door calling circle. "Whenever I got an order, I would work around
that area," she says.  She concentrated on the middle-to upper-income areas of
Pierce County and South King County.
   "The quality was the key," says Paeper. "I guaranteed my product and I
educated people about cooking it." To the quality, she added service. Paeper
provided recipes for cooking the fish. She also packaged the fish in portions
so her clients could use them as needed rather than having some go to waste.
   Among her clients were people watching their weight or their health. She
became involved with the American Heart Association and is still on the board
of the organization.
   "It was tough," says Paeper. "A lot of times I wanted to give up."
   She did not make a fortune, although her efforts were publicized in an
article in Entrepreneur magazine and a feature on local television news.
   Paeper developed repeat business, but inevitable moves and changes meant
she had to search constantly for new customers. After a year, she employed an
assistant to take orders and conduct telemarketing from her home.
   Two years into the venture, Paeper realized the business was not likely to
grow as effectively as she hoped. As she was considering her next move, Paeper
was asked by a woman whom she met at a business club called Leads to cater her
son's wedding rehearsal dinner for 50 people.
   "It was a catalyst for me to look at going into catering full-time," says
   For the following two years, Paeper operated her catering business, using
the industrial kitchen at the First Presbyterian Church in Puyallup. She was
helped by contacts for wedding receptions and other functions developed
through the church.
   "The business really started to take off immediately," says Paeper. "It
seemed there was a real demand for it."  Paeper blended the two ventures by
using a newsletter she issued to her fish customers to advertise her new
catering business. She continued to deliver fish to her loyal customers, but
over time the business gradually fell away.
   In December 1989, Paeper bought Le Snack restaurant, which is today Park
Bistro, and moved her business out of Puyallup into Tacoma.
   "I bought it because I needed it for the kitchen," says Paeper, who hired a
chef to run the cafe operation.
   Seafood remains Paeper's specialty in her catering business. She also
prepares heart-healthy menus when requested. The restaurant, too, also
features many health-conscious dishes.
   Two years ago, Paeper was a runner-up in the Small Business of the Year
event staged by the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce. "She is real
innovative and creative," says Lavonne Cartwright of American Underwriters
Inc., one of her backers for the award. "I am impressed with the growth she
has shown in a relatively short period of time."
   Cramer, her former partner, says he has been impressed with Paeper's
enthusiasm and work ethic.
   "Of those who start restaurants, the vast majority fail," he observes. "The
mere fact she is still there and running it is testimony to her."
   Paeper says much of what she has achieved can be credited to her French
ancestors. Her French grandmother had a stron influence on her during the
years she helped her in the Illinois store, says Paeper. That's one of the
reasons for the French accent of Park Bistro.
   The emphasis on healthy foods also is attributable to her grandmother, but
in a different way. Her grandmother suffered a stroke about 10 yrars ago and
died in 1991. "It started me looking at my own life, my family history of
heart disease and what I can do now. I wanted to share that with other people
because I think it is so important."
   Asked whether she would do it all again, Paeper hesitates, then nods. "It
has its own reward. It is fun and rewarding to accomplish everything I have
set out to do."

                        13 Aaron III Hunter b. 14 Mar 1995 
                      12 Kevin Val Rury b. 29 Mar 1957 m. 28 Dec 1990 Phuong Thi b. 15 Mar 1951 
                         Occupation: Electronic pneumatic controls repairer?                           
                         When arriving in Cecil, WI for a brief period Kevin learned the bar           
                         tender trade. In Washington Kevin worked as a postage meter repairer.         
                         He now works at Johnson Controls as a repairer of electronic pneumatic        
                         controls. Kevin is recorded in the Who's Who in Business.                     
                        13 Kevin Bao Jr Rury b. 10 Aug 1991 
                      12 Karen Anelle Rury b. 11 Mar 1959 m. 14 Feb 1981 Thomas James Davis b. 25 May 1955 
                                                 m. Mark Robert Hermsen b. 10 Nov 1957 
                        13 Heather Anelle Davis b. 18 Jul 1983 
                        13 Melissa Lynn Hermsen b. 29 May 1983 
                        13 Matthew Francis Hermsen b. 2 Jun 1985 
                        13 Michael Robert Hermsen b. 20 Jan 1987 
                      12 Kraig Stephen Rury b. 24 Aug 1961 m. 13 Jun 1987 Susan A. Cudnohfsky b. 20 Nov 1958 
                      12 Kile David Rury b. 23 Feb 1963 m. 23 Nov 1985 Teresa Sue Lake b. 30 May 1962 
                        13 Caleb Andrew Rury b. 6 Nov 1993 
                      12 Kenneth William Rury b. 23 Feb 1963 m. 14 Jul 1984 Carol Ann Cooper b. 6 Sep 1962 
Prior Residences: (1987-1988) 10322 Rosedale Bay CT NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
(1986-1987) 10870 Fairview Blvd, Port Orchard, WA (1984-1985) 1700 Vale Rd,
Port Orchard, WA (1984        ) Cherry Ave., Bremerton, WA (1984        ) 233
5th St, Christian Servicemen Center, Bremerton, WA (1983        ) Warren Ave.,
Bremerton, WA (1982-1983) 10322 Rosedale Bay CT NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
(1981-1982) Dec. 1105 15th ST NW, Puyallup, WA (1981        ) Stagecoach Inn,
Fife, WA (1980-1981) 1314 - 12th Ave NW, Puyallup, WA (1977-1980) Pulaski, WI
(1976-1977) Cecil, WI (1976        ) Elizabeth, IL in town (1963-1976) Route 3
Box 39, Elizabeth, Thomson Township, IL

Occupation: Worked on family farm growing up. Worked at McDonalds, Puyallup,
WA in 1980 for the summer. Used the money to purchase an Apple II computer and
started a Computer Dating Service called Data Date for High School and College
fund raisers. In 1983 worked for Scott Wetzel Services as a Burster/Decolater
(trimmed computer paper) and data entry clerk. In 1983 joined EDS to work on
IBM PCs at Housing and Urban Development in Seattle. In 1985 the EDS offices
were consolidated in Poulsbo where Ken helped implement the first LANs in EDS,
and wrote a book on implementing CD-ROMs. In 1992 Ken was promoted to Advanced
Systems Engineer.

Ken attended Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts while growing up in Elizabeth, IL.
Favorite events were camping in the forest, swimming in the river and going to
the Boy Scout Camp near Apple River.

Ken witnessed the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 from his parents back
yard in Puyallup,WA. A little ash actually landed on the cars in Puyallup, but
more of it actually landed in Pulaski, WI where the family had recently moved

Being a Twin: I was born a twin. Fifteen minutes after my older brother. The
last of six children.  I was the baby in the family. I don't know why fifteen
minutes made that much different, but when it came down to it. I was the
youngest in the family. Even more interesting is the fact my mother didn't
know she was having twins until after we were both born. You would think she
would have had an inkling this was going to happen. We are not identical
twins, but faternal twins. I won't go into all the details of what that means
other than to say we aren't expect to look or be anymore a like than siblings
born farther apart. I don't believe that to be entirely true. Maybe
scientifcally its true, but reality growing up the exact same age and
environment tends to build similar traits. I am not trying to say we were a
like though either. We were opposites in personalities as you will soon hear,
but also very much alike in the way life took us.

I guess I also completed a trend my parents started when they named their
children. My name is Ken or Kenney as my mom would sometimes say or even rarer
it would be Kenneth when she wanted my attention. My twin brothers name is
Kile, next a brother Kraig, a sister Karen and brother Kevin and sister Kim.
Six children whos names started with a K.

I will have to admit I don't remember very much about my life, but I will
share some things about being a twin that must have happened because I have
pictures to prove it. The earliest pictures I have show my brother and I
laying on a blanket. Don't worry we were decent. The next shows the two of us
in the crib, then the bath, then the high chairs and so on. You would think we
were tied by a magical string that kept us together when pictures were taken.
Actually I think they were just saving film. I still have a hard time telling
us apart in the pictures, but there were two distinctions we had as babies.
One was my brother had a birth mark right at the edge of his hair line. Not
very noticable. The other was if one was smiling and the other wasn't. My
family would be quick to tell me the smiling one was Kile and the other was
me. At our birthday parties we would have one cake and one set of candles. We
wore matching clothes when we were toddlers, but rarely when we were older,
because our clothes came from our older brothers and sometimes sisters.

I was the serious one, an introvert, a deep thinker, and visionary. At the age
of eight I could see where my life was headed and I didn't like it. I saw my
redemption in Jesus Christ and my life has never been the same. I shared this
experience with my brother, but it wasn't until high school that he came to
the same conclusion.

My twin brother Kile was an extrovert, more easy going and took life day to
day. Kile tended to be part of the in croud. I tended to support the underdog
and misfits. As a result we both had different friends. My brother shifted
toward group activities such as playing drums in the band, and going out for
group sports. I shifted toward individual activities like playing the organ,
joining a chess club, science fair, collecting stamps and butterflies. I stood
up to the bullies at school. Occasionally they mistook my brother for me and
he would end up in a fight. Interesting enough those bullies became my

Through out the school years we rarely were in the same class. We both took
different types of classes, but graduated with the exact same grade point
average. In my junior year I took advantages of our differences and started a
computer dating service called DATA DATE. I was the technician and Kile was
the marketeer.

We both went to Highline Community College in Seattle and took alot of the
same classes to get our AA, but both of us had different career plans. I
wanted to work in the computer field before I committed myself to more
college. Kile went on to get a BS degree in Business Management. For a couple
of years our lives diverged temporarily but without each of us knowing it our
lives became very similar again. We both work with computers and our deacons
in our church responsible for the church accounting. We both have receading
hair lines and look very much a like.

As you can see there have been many experiences in our lives as twins that
were similar, but also many that were different. We both had the same
opportunities, but through personality diffences we each chose a different
                        13 Janelle Marie Rury b. 8 Jun 1986 
                    11 Joan Carolyn Rury b. 28 Aug 1943 m. 2 Jun 1963 William Louis August Oldag b. 3 Jul 1942 d. bef 1990 
                      12 Julie Ann Oldag b. _____ d. abt 11 Jul 1995 m. 7 Mar 1986 Michael Schultz 
                                                 m. 19 Jun 1987 Richard Sheehan 
                                                 m. aft 1987 Jim Dean Craft d. abt 1994 
                      12 Kristal Jo Oldag b. 8 Mar 1964 m. Darwin Kaczinski 
                        13 Joshua Ray Kaczinski b. 28 Apr 1983 
                        13 Erica Lynn Kaczinski b. 1 Jul 1986 
                      12 William Felix Louis Oldag b. 28 May 1965 m. 12 Apr 1986 Pansy Deen Cox 
                        13 Brent William Oldag b. 24 Dec 1985 
                        13 John Oldag b. 10 Apr 1989 
                        13 Brandon John Oldag b. 9 Oct 1990 
                        13 Brady Patrick Oldag b. 17 May 1991 
                  10 John Benjamin Jr Trevethan b. 7 May 1910 d. 27 Feb 1957 m. Marguarete Bird 
                    11 Beverly Trevethan 
                    11 Albert Trevethan 
                9 William F. Bonjour b. 28 Mar 1873 d. 1959 m. Laura Hoch 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book. --- Prairie Farmers' Directory of   
                  JoDaviess County, Bonjour, William  (Laura Hoch)  Ch  Bernice, Viola, George, 
                  George, Myrtle,  Burr Oak Farm  Stockton  R1  Rush  Sec22  O160a  (1873)      
                  Alvin ltr Apr94 Haug? ---                                                     
                9 Thomas L. Bonjour b. 7 Dec 1874 d. 1944 m. Bertha Hoch 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book. --- Prairie Farmers' Directory of   
                  JoDaviess County, Bonjour, Thomas  L.  (Bertha Hoch)  Ch  Leslie, Howard,     
                  Delbert, Edmond, Leona,  Stockton  R1  Rush  Sec14  O330a  (1873)             
                  Probate Lafayette Co. WI #4177 (before 1920)                                  
                  Alvin ltr Apr94 Haug? ---                                                     
                  10 Leslie Bonjour b. 10 Jul 1902 d. Feb 1983 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    BONJOUR, LESLIE       07-10-1902 IL 02-00-1983 61085       IL - SSI           
                  10 Howard Bonjour b. 4 Mar 1904 d. Sep 1967 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    BONJOUR, HOWARD       03-04-1904 IL 09-00-1967 61085       IL                 
                  10 Delbert Bonjour 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Edmond Bonjour b. 1 Apr 1907 d. May 1966 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    BONJOUR, EDMOND       04-01-1907 IL 05-00-1966 61085       IL - SSI           
                  10 Leona Bonjour 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Lydia Jane Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1876 d. 1973 m. Henry J. Yungbluth 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                     
                  Alvin ltr 2Mar1994. bonjour Bonjour book.                                     
                  10 Thomas A. Yungbluth 
                    bonjour Bonjour biik.                                                         
                  10 Earl A. Yungbluth b. 1907 
                    Alvin ltr 2Mar1994                                                            
                9 James Sumner Bonjour b. 20 Feb 1878 d. Nov 1965 m. WFT Est 1917-19 Nannie Lorena Sherard b. 21 Oct 1884 d. 24 Oct 1979 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book. b.Aug 1878                          
                  AAI Birth Records Extraction 02-20-1878 WI as BONJOUR, JAMES                  
                  BONJOUR, JAMES        02-20-1878 WI 11-00-1965             IL - SSI           
                  Probate 1967 Estate Lafayette Co. WI 13171                                    
                  10 Charles Thomas Bonjour b. 7 Feb 1906 d. 3 Feb 1985 m. 27 Jun 1927 Ella Florence Engebretson b. 4 Nov 1905 d. 20 Nov 1971 
                    Probate Lafayette Co. WI Estate 1985 85PR15                                   
                    11 Lorraine Jean Bonjour b. Private m. 25 Feb 1948 Delbert Eldon Prine b. Private 
                      12 Roger Eugene Prine b. 3 Dec 1949 d. 30 Sep 1978 
                      12 Debra Elaine Prine b. Private m. Private Crispin Gutierrz Martinez b. Private 
                        13 Lee Crispin Martinez b. Private 
                        13 Jean Nichole Martinez b. Private 
                      12 Dorine Emilie Prine b. Private m. Private Gene Samuel Seery b. Private 
                                                 m. Private Michael Leroy Finn b. Private 
                                                 m. Private Michael John Welsh b. Private 
                        13 Brandon Delbert Prine b. Private 
                      12 Leilani Jean Prine b. Private 
                      12 Peggy Anne Prine b. 10 Jan 1970 d. 10 Jan 1970 
                    11 James Oliver Bonjour b. Private m. Private Suzzette Mary Vance b. Private 
                                             m. 28 Nov 1964 Shirley L. Hanley b. Private 
                                             m. Private JoAnn Schneider b. Private 
                      12 Yvette Yvonne Bonjour b. Private 
                      12 Royal Sumner Bonjour b. Private 
                  10 Isabel Irene Bonjour b. Private m. Private Joseph Steigner b. Private 
                  10 James Archiebald Bonjour b. 12 Jul 1912 d. 12 Dec 1993 m. 6 Nov 1943 Mable L. Noble 
                  10 Jesse Oliver Bonjour b. 2 Jan 1915 d. 18 Feb 1987 
                9 Richard H. Bonjour b. 14 Jul 1880 d. May 1974 m. Mabel Sherrard b. 9 Oct 1886 d. Nov 1975 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book. --- BONJOUR, RICHARD 07-14-1880 IL  
                  07-14-1880 IL 05-00-1974 61087  IL - SSI --- Prairie Farmers' Directory of    
                  JoDaviess County, Bonjour, Richard H.  (Mabel May)  Ch  Virgil, Vela, Roscoe, 
                  Violet,  Cedar Lawn Stock Farm  Apple River  R3  Rush  Sec8  Owner240a  (1880)
                  Alvin ltr Apr94  --- BONJOUR, MABEL 10-09-1886 IL 11-00-1975 61087 IL - SSI   
                  10 Virgil Bonjour 
                  10 Vela Bonjour 
                  10 Roscoe Bonjour 
                  10 Violet Bonjour 
                9 Susanna Bonjour b. 1883-88 d. 1883-90 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr, died as infant                                             
                9 Garfield Bonjour b. 14 Sep 1881 d. 12 Jul 1972 m. 5 Feb 1907 Eva Irene Magee 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.(b.Jul1881)  bonjour Bonjour book.(b.1881,d.1972)           
                  Margaret Bonjour Stephan ltr. 17Nov1994                                       
                  BONJOUR, GARFIELD     09-14-1881 IL 07-00-1972 61075       IL                 
                  Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                  10 Laurence Thomas Bonjour b. ___ 1908 d. 27 Apr 1927 
                  10 Margaret Bonjour b. 10 Feb 1919 m. 27 Apr 1943 John Stephan d. 8 Jan 1986 
                    11 Raymond Garfield Stephan m. 29 Jan 1966 Roseann Clasen 
                       m. Catholic Church                                                            
                      12 Nancy Stephan b. 27 Feb 1968 
                         lives in Memphis Tennensee.                                                   
                      12 Sandra Stephan b. 6 Feb 1971 m. 18 Jul 1992 Rodney Potter 
                         m. St. John church, living in Havelock NC nov 1994, husband a marine at       
                         Camp Bern                                                                     
                        13 Elizabeth Nancy Potter b. 28 Nov 1992 
                    11 Donald John Stephan b. 24 Aug 1951 m. 7 Sep 1981 Irene Puetz 
                       m. Sacred Heart Church                                                        
                      12 Katie Margaret Stephan b. 26 Oct 1986 
                      12 Benjamin John Stephan b. 26 Jul 1988 
                    11 Laurence Lee Stephan b. 1 Aug 1953 m. 1 Sep 1979 Monica Ernst 
                       m. St. Joseph Catholic Church                                                 
                      12 Eric John Stephan b. 24 Jul 1981 
                      12 Adam Louis Stephan b. 10 Apr 1983 
                      12 Kyle Stephan b. 7 May 1988 
                  10 Mary Violet Bonjour b. 10 Feb 1919 d. 5 Mar 1990 m. 26 Jul 1939 Louis A. Upmann b. 17 Jan 1916 
                    11 Joanne Marie Upmann b. 10 Mar 1940 m. 21 Jan 1961 Lawrence L. Korn b. 16 Jun 1936 
                      12 Terri Marie Korn b. 5 Jan 1962 m. 20 Oct 1984 Keith Kenitzer b. 19 Aug 1961 
                        13 Zachary Edward Kenitzer b. 10 Mar 1987 
                        13 Alexandria Marie Kenitzer b. 30 Nov 1990 
                      12 Lori Anne Korn b. 8 Feb 1962 m. 20 Apr 1985 Kort W. Harshman b. 19 Jul 1955 
                        13 Nicole Olivia Harshman b. 27 May 1989 
                        13 Ty Andrew Harshman b. 28 Nov 1990 
                      12 Jayne Valerie Korn b. 16 Jun 1964 m. 5 May 1990 James L. Paddock b. 19 May 1964 
                        13 Samantha Jayne Paddock b. 28 Jun 1994 
                    11 Robert Thomas Upmann b. 29 Apr 1942 m. 27 Oct 1962 Janice Staskal 
                       Divorced Janice before Nov 1994.                                              
                      12 Alex Upmann b. 11 Jul 1963 
                      12 Daniel Upmann b. 14 Oct 1965 
                    11 David Louis Upmann b. 18 Oct 1947 m. 20 Aug 1966 Marian Quinn b. 28 Jul 1949 
                       divorced Marian bef. Nov 1994                                                 
                      12 Duane David Upmann b. 12 Apr 1967 m. 5 Dec 1990 Susan unk 
                        13 Taryn Upmann b. 5 Aug 1991 
                        13 Logan Upmann b. 6 Aug 1993 
                      12 Dennis Patrick Upmann b. 14 Oct 1968 m. 23 Dec 1986 Tracy unk 
                        13 Cory Upmann b. 8 Aug 1987 
                        13 Kelsi Upmann b. 21 Jun 1989 
                        13 Kyle Upmann b. 9 Aug 1992 
                      12 Traci Lynn Upmann b. 8 Dec 1969 m. 27 Aug 1988 Jeffrey Summers 
                        13 Carly Marian Summers b. 7 Mar 1992 
                      12 Kerri Ann Upmann b. 24 May 1974 m. 27 May 1993 Chad Stevens 
                    11 Mary Louise Upmann b. 18 Jul 1949 m. 5 Aug 1967 Patrick Robert Quinn b. 10 Sep 1943 
                      12 Shawn Patrick Quinn b. 26 Aug 1970 m. 17 Jul 1993 Denise Jelle b. 18 May 1971 
                      12 Timothy Michael Quinn b. 18 Nov 1971 
                         engaged 6-17-95 Sameena Querishi (04-27-73)                                   
                      12 Thomas Robert Quinn b. 18 Nov 1971 m. 12 Jun 1993 Julie Amacher b. 20 Apr 1972 
                        13 Tyler Thomas Quinn b. 26 Jul 1992 
                        13 Kate Elizabeth Quinn b. 7 Mar 1994 
                      12 Jennifer Lynn Quinn b. 17 Jul 1978 d. 26 May 1987 
                         died of cancer                                                                
                      12 Joseph Anthony Quinn b. 30 Jan 1980 d. 17 Nov 1994bef 
                      12 Michael Kenneth Quinn b. 20 Feb 1983 
                    11 Michael Alan Upmann b. 5 Jun 1953 m. Wanda Enck 
                      12 Steven Upmann 
                      12 Jesse Upmann 
                    11 Timothy Lee Upmann b. 19 Jul 1958 d. 7 Nov 1994bef 
                    11 Jeffrey Wayne Upmann b. 12 Feb 1960 m. 20 Sep 1986 Susan Ann Meyer b. 14 Nov 1962 
                      12 Brent Andrew Upmann b. 17 Jul 1989 
                      12 Blake Anthony Upmann b. 14 Sep 1991 
                9 Paul Bonjour b. 28 Feb 1883 d. 1961 m. Elise Krell 
                  Alvin ltr 2Mar1994.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                    
                  Alvin ltr 2Mar1994                                                            
                  10 Merle Bonjour m. Evelyn Wrede 
                    '94 IL reunion.                                                               
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Barbara Bonjour m. unk Ragles 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Rebecca Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Douglas Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Jackie Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Timothy Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Penny Bonjour m. unk Jameison 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Missy Jameison 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                  10 Eldin Bonjour b. 16 Sep 1915 d. 25 Mar 1992 m. Dorothy Neuschwanger 
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    BONJOUR, ELDIN        09-16-1915 IL 03-25-1992 61074 - SSI                    
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Jerry Bonjour m. unk 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Gerald Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Jackie Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 J. Pierre Bonjour m. unk 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Steven Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Christopher Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Shawn Paul Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                  10 Glenn Bonjour m. 27 Oct 1946 Jean Scherman 
                    '95 IL reunion                                                                
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Randall Glenn Bonjour m. Susan Elaine Gilbert 
                                             m. Lindsay 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Joseph Michael Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Julian Frasier DiMarco b. 12 Jan 1973 m. Tracy Mize 
                                                 m. Ashley Mensik 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                         nee DiMarco                                                                   
                        13 Arianna Marie Mize b. 2 Nov 1989 
                        13 Talon Daniel Mensik b. 1995 
                      12 Kathrine Susan Bonjour b. 6 Aug 1977 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Gary S. Bonjour m. unk 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Alicia Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Sarah Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Zachary Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Raymond Bonjour 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                  10 Bernieta Bonjour m. Warren Green 
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    '94 IL reunion                                                                
                    11 Patricia Bonjour m. unk Tweedy 
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                       '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Laura Tweedy 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Steven Tweedy 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                      12 Bradley Tweedy 
                         '94 IL reunion                                                                
                9 John Harrison Bonjour b. 1 Aug 1888 d. 12 Jun 1960 m. 29 Jan 1913 Maria Kuhse b. 16 Mar 1891 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr (alvin's father)                                            
                  Prairie Farmers' Directory of JoDaviess Co. IL Copyright 1917. Bonjour, John  
                  (Mary Kuhse)  Ch  Wilbur, Orville, Dorothy,  River Valley Stock Farm  Stockton
                  R1  Rush  Sec14  Owner of 115 acre farm entering JoDaviess Co. in  (1888)     
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                  10 Wilbur L. Bonjour b. 29 Nov 1913 d. 19 Jan 1989 m. 15 Dec 1937 Thelma Pearl Williams b. 28 May 1913 d. 9 Sep 1992 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr, bypass operation                                           
                    BONJOUR, WILBUR       11-29-1913 IL 01-19-1989 61087 - SSI                    
                    Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Yvonne Marie Bonjour b. 24 Feb 1939 m. 15 Mar 1959 James Phillip Claxton 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       Divorced 22 Oct 1975                                                          
                       Divorced 22 Oct 1975                                                          
                      12 Michael Ray Claxton b. 24 Sep 1959 m. 12 Apr 1980 Jonita E. Zindars 
                        13 Tyler Michael Claxton b. 12 Aug 1984 
                        13 Erica Jonita Claxton b. 13 Sep 1985 
                      12 Todd Allen Claxton b. 24 Sep 1959 m. 19 May 1984 Shelly D. Fry 
                        13 Abigail Marie Claxton b. 19 Mar 1984 
                        13 Haley Suzanne Claxton b. 20 Feb 1990 
                      12 Jerry Lee Claxton b. 7 Jul 1962 m. 6 Sep 1980 Karen A. Lauwler 
                        13 Ashley Ann Claxton b. 26 Aug 1971 
                        13 Koree Beth Claxton b. 24 Dec 1980 
                      12 Kevin Eugene Claxton b. 26 Aug 1971 
                    11 Judy A. Bonjour b. 1 May 1942 m. Gerald F. Scott b. 28 May 1964 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Robert F. Scott b. 28 May 1964 
                      12 Terry Ann Scott b. 12 Nov 1967 
                      12 Thomas Lee Scott b. 5 Oct 1974 
                      12 Ronald Lewis Scott b. 29 Sep 1975 
                    11 Linda Lou Bonjour b. 23 Aug 1944 d. 7 Aug 1971 m. 23 Mar 1946 Ernest B. Jacobs 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       No Children per Judy Ann Scott nee Bonjour - 29 Aug 1995                      
                    11 Delvin Bonjour b. 23 Mar 1946 m. 31 Jan 1970 Carol Mae Gerloff b. 28 Jan 1949 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Justine LaRae Bonjour b. 21 Aug 1970 
                    11 Rita Rae Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1951 m. 1 Sep 1973 Daniel F. Homb b. 26 Aug 1950 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Dana Daniel Homb b. 5 Oct 1979 
                      12 Kurt Michael Homb b. 15 Jan 1982 
                      12 Kris Allen Homb b. 21 Feb 1984 
                  10 Orville Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1915 m. 5 Oct 1940 Diane Hening b. 31 Aug 1907 d. 7 Aug 1989 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                    Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Mary Bonjour 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94 - divorced twice                                              
                    11 Penny Bonjour m. unk Anderson 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                  10 Dorothy Bonjour b. 3 Feb 1917 m. 14 Feb 1936 Henry Martin Albrecht b. 1 Feb 1913 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr, bypass operation                                           
                    Married in St. Johns Lutheran Church                                          
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr, Albrecht Baith, Henry Albrecht(dif ltrs) b.2Feb1913        
                    11 Jean Marie Albrecht b. 31 Oct 1936 m. 21 Sep 1957 William Kammer 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       1994 living im Elizabeth, JoDaviess Co. IL                                    
                      12 Thomas William Kammer b. 13 Jun 1958 m. 8 Aug 1981 Beth Bautz 
                                                 m. 21 Dec 1991 Beth Ann Pahnke 
                        13 Justin Thomas Kammer b. 7 Jan 1995 
                      12 Tamara Jean Kammer b. 22 Sep 1960 m. 7 Jun 1986 Robin Julien 
                      12 Timothy Ernest Kammer b. 31 Aug 1962 m. 30 May 1987 Karen Lee Gaynor 
                        13 Wesley Ernest Kammer b. 8 Aug 1990 
                        13 Bradley Allen Kammer b. 9 Apr 1992 
                      12 Teresa Marie Kammer b. 20 Dec 1966 m. 29 Jul 1989 Michael Dean Ver Schurer 
                        13 Eric Michael Ver Schurer b. 18 May 1992 
                        13 Connor Ian Ner Schurer b. 8 Aug 1995 
                    11 Shirley Louise Albrecht b. 21 Jun 1938 m. 6 Apr 1958 Walter Ege 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Jeffery Lee Ege b. 26 Jan 1961 m. 29 Jan 1983 Diane Saunders 
                        13 Adam Daniel Ege b. 10 Feb 1983 
                        13 Ashley Lynn Ege b. 4 Nov 1985 
                      12 Jennifer Lynn Ege b. 14 Oct 1962 m. 27 Mar 1982 Ronald Zimmerman 
                         1994 living in MO                                                             
                        13 Justin Scott Zimmerman b. 7 Jan 1983 
                      12 Rhonda Sue Ege b. 2 Jul 1965 m. 14 Apr 1984 Leslie Bonvillian 
                         1994 living in IN                                                             
                        13 Leigh Ann Bonvillian b. 15 Jan 1991 
                        13 Amy Lynn Bonvillian b. 6 Mar 1995 
                      12 Ronald Scott Ege b. 16 Mar 1968 
                         1994 living in Elizabeth, JoDaviess Co. IL                                    
                    11 Ruth Ann Albrecht b. 24 Feb 1940 m. 4 Apr 1965 Dean Richtemeyer 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       1994 living in Orangeville, Stephenson Co., IL                                
                      12 Nancy Ruth Richtemeyer b. 7 Mar 1966 m. 16 Apr 1988 Mike Snider 
                         1994 living in Orangeville, Stephenson Co., IL                                
                        13 Samantha Joe Snider b. 13 Nov 1989 
                        13 Steven Michael Snider b. 20 Apr 1991 
                      12 Sue Ann Richtemeyer b. 24 Mar 1970 
                    11 Nelda June Albrecht b. 20 Jun 1942 m. 15 May 1964 Roger Boyer b. Nov 1942 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       1994 living in Billings, Yellowstone Co., MT                                  
                      12 Julie Ann Boyer b. 23 Apr 1967 m. 24 May 1985 Greg Imhoff 
                        13 Joshua Gregory Imhoff b. 2 Jan 1989 
                        13 Raelyn Julie Imhoff b. 12 Oct 1991 
                      12 Tracy Ray Boyer b. 27 Mar 1968 m. 15 Apr 1990 Patricia Jean Roberts 
                        13 Laura Lee Boyer b. 26 Oct 1990 
                        13 Michael Edward Boyer b. 4 May 1992 d. 29 Aug 1992 
                      12 Jill De Ann Boyer b. 3 Nov 1971 
                    11 Donald Henry Albrecht b. 4 Apr 1946 m. 27 Apr 1968 Shelby Veer 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                       1994 living in Wisconsin                                                      
                      12 Brian John Albrecht b. 17 Nov 1968 
                      12 Lori Ann Albrecht b. 5 Oct 1973 
                    11 Rose Elaine Albrecht b. 14 Sep 1950 
                       Alvin ltr Apr93                                                               
                       1994 living in Freeport, Stephenson Co., IL                                   
                    11 Sally Kay Albrecht b. 21 Jan 1956 m. 17 Apr 1982 Randell Powell 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                                              1994 living in Freeport, Stephenson Co. IL                                    
                      12 Vanessa Rose Powell b. 11 Jan 1983 
                    11 Larry Lee Albrecht b. 2 Oct 1958 m. 21 Sep 1985 Kristi Lynette McFarland b. 2 Oct 1958 
                       Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                       Living in Billings, Yellowstone Co., MT                                       
                      12 Christopher Martin Albrecht b. 22 Aug 1991 
                  10 Elmer Bonjour b. 20 Sep 1918 m. 10 Nov 1942 Alta Albrecht b. 10 Sep 1919 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr, 20Sep1918/22Sep1918 Elmer Elmeo (dif ltrs)                 
                    b.22 Sep 1919                                                                 
                                        1994 living in Warren, Jo Daviess County, IL                                  
                    11 Ronald Bonjour b. 4 Oct 1946 m. 12 Jul 1969 Charlotte Rowe d. 1 Oct 1982 
                                             m. Dec 1983 Carolyn Schlough 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Deanne Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1970 m. 6 Feb 1993 David Eden 
                         1994 living in warren, JoDaviess Co. IL                                       
                      12 Cara Bonjour b. 21 Sep 1974 
                      12 Thomas Bonjour b. 13 Nov 1976 
                    11 Nancy K. Bonjour b. 30 Sep 1951 m. 26 Jul 1980 Ronald Lee Hane 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94, b.20Sep51                                                    
                      12 Terri Lynn Hane b. 11 Feb 1983 d. 11 Feb 1983 
                         Nancy (Bonjour) Hane                                                          
                      12 Mathew Douglas Hane b. 22 Feb 1984 
                         Nancy (Bonjour) Hane                                                          
                      12 Ryan Lee Hane b. 20 Mar 1987 
                         Nancy (Bonjour) Hane                                                          
                  10 Alvin Edward Bonjour b. 1 Jul 1921 m. 2 Nov 1947 Gloria Neff b. 4 Jul 1926 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr (himself)                                                   
                    Alvin ltr                                                                     
                    11 Robert A. Bonjour 
                       Alvin ltr 2Mar1994                                                            
                    11 Rodney Harold Bonjour b. 18 Dec 1952 m. Linda Newcomber 
                                             m. Diane Kay Turner b. 16 Jan 1953 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Andrew Rodney Bonjour b. 6 Jul 1982 
                         Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Lawrence Micheal Turner b. 5 Nov 1978 
                         To be adopted by Rodney H. Bonjour per Diane Kay (Bonjour) Turner             
                      12 Ronald Edward Turner b. 16 Sep 1983 
                         To be adopted by Rodney H. Bonjour (Diane Kay (Turner) Bonjour)               
                  10 Lola Bonjour b. 16 Jun 1924 m. 15 Mar 1947 Raymond Korth 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                    Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Norman Korth 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Beverly Korth 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Daniel Korth 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Peter Korth 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                  10 John Bonjour b. 27 Feb 1931 m. 20 Jun 1953 Josephine Eberhardt 
                    Alvin Bonjour ltr, bypass operation                                           
                    Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                    11 Sandra Bonjour b. 8 May 1954 m. 5 Jun 1976 David Stott 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Andrew David Bonjour b. 19 Jan 1979 
                         Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Daniel John Bonjour b. 29 May 1979 
                    11 David John Bonjour b. 14 Sep 1955 m. Lynn Bussan b. 11 Sep 1956 
                       KB9NKN Technician Lic. effective 19 Apr 1996 Expires 19 Apr 2006              
                       1202 River Heights Rd, Menomonie WI 54751                                     
                      12 Amy Lee Bonjour b. 9 Feb 1979 
                      12 Jamison Bonjour b. 13 Apr 1983 
                    11 Richard Lee Bonjour b. 22 Jan 1957 m. 23 Aug 1975 Denise Alexandra Daws b. 5 Jul 1957 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Burton Garfield Bonjour b. 15 Feb 1976 
                      12 Annette Wendy Bonjour b. 20 Jul 1979 
                      12 Alex John Bonjour b. 26 Jun 1982 
                      12 Anita Babette Bonjour b. 27 May 1993 
                    11 Kathleen Jo Bonjour b. 31 Jul 1959 m. 11 Dec 1982 Michael Wolf b. 5 May 1956 
                       Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
                      12 Benjamin Michael Wolf b. 15 Mar 1985 
                      12 Timothy John Wolf b. 28 Nov 1989 d. 30 Apr 1990 
                9 Fannie Bonjour b. 1889-1891 d. 1889-1893 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr, died as infant                                             
                9 Frank Bonjour b. 29 Feb 1892 d. Jun 1963 m. Hazel Sherard b. 14 Nov 1895 d. Oct 1975 
                  Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book. -- BONJOUR, FRANK 02-29-1892 IL     
                  06-00-1963 IL - SSI --- Bonjour, Frank  (Hazel Sherard)  Apple River  R3  Rush
                  Sec18  Owner of 178 acre farm resident of JoDaviess co. IL since  (1892)      
                  Alvin ltr Apr94 Shinard - BONJOUR, HAZEL 11-14-1895 IL 10-00-1975 61087 IL SSI
              8 Uranie (Ann) Bonjour b. 8 Dec 1843 d. aft19-Dec-1913 m. John Charles Seck 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr as Ann. LDS #1170427                                        
                Immigrated New Orleans, LA., 1850 as Sophie Euranie age 5.                    
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                9 Frederick Louis Seck 
                  10 Charles Ferdinand Seck 
                    Wrote "Family Tree of Frederick Amiel Bonjour, Stockton Illinois".            
              8 Alfred (Fritz) Bonjour b. 17 Dec 1844 d. 13 Dec 1919 m. 24 Feb 1870 Emily (Emma) Townsend b. 9 Oct 1848 d. 14 May 1938 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr as Fritz.  LDS #1170427.  bonjour Bonjour book.             
                Immigrated New Orleans, LA., 1850 as Alfred age 4                             
                                Fred Bonjour Copied from an unknown newspaper, unknown date. FRED BONJOUR
KILLED 	 Old Resident Killed by Fall From Load of Hay Last Friday 	 KNOCKED
OFF BY A WIRE 	 Fell From the Top of the Load And Struck on Top of His Head 	
Fred Bonjour, a well known and pioneer citizen of this community, was
accidentally killed near his home just northwest of town last Friday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock.  Death was caused by falling from a load of hay, while trying
to dodge a telephone wire as he passed under it. With his son, A. G. Bonjour,
the two men were hauling hay from the T. H. Whitehead place northwest of town
to the A. G. Bonjour place just across the road from his father's home.  As
they were about to drive thru the gate into the yard the elder gentleman
called to his son to look out for the wires.  There are two telephone wires
down below the other string of wires running along the road at that place, one
of them being twelve feet from the ground and the other fourteen feet.  A. G.
Bonjour dodged under the first wire and as he looked around to see if his
father got under all right the old gentleman was not to be seen, having
already fallen off when he tried to dodge the wire he was pulled off by the

Will G. Stonebraker, rural carrier, who was just coming in from delivering his
route, was evidently the only person who saw the accident, and says that Mr.
Bonjour was pulled off by the wire and when he fell he struck on his head, the
fall crushing his skull and killing him instantly.  Assistance was soon at
hand and a physician called, but life had already gone out, and another sprit
had suddenly taken its flight.

Mr. Bonjour was born in Paris France, (strike through was in pen by someone
prior to the articles delivery to me. FEB) February 14, 1845. He came to
America with his parents, when he was five years old, settling with them in
Joe Daviess county, Illinois.  In 1870 he was married to Emma Townsend, of
Gratiot, Wisconsin.  Thirty-four years ago he came to Franklin county,
residing for a few years in Geneva township, then for seventeen years in
Westfork township, and for the last twelve years on his little place northwest
of town.  Mr. Bonjour was a member of the Seventh Day Advent church for
thirty-three years.  He was a kind father and husband and a good neighbor.  To
his family and his many friends his many friends his loss is keenly felt and
made doubly hard to bear at this season of the year when so much joy and good
cheer are aboard.  The suddenness and tragedy of his death was a severe shock,
taking him when in good health and going about his work as usual.

He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death.  The children are  I.
F. Bonjour, of Chapin; Herman W. Bonjour, of Geneva; Archie G. Bonjour, of
Hampton;  Mrs. R. A. Hartwell and Mrs. C. I. Hance, of Hampton; Mrs. E. W.
Wilkinson, of Geneva; Mrs. Will Frederickson, of Kensett; and Mrs. Reid
Johnson, of Geneva.  Three sisters, Mrs. Anna Seck, of Galena, Illinois; Mrs.
Sarah Raymond, of Savannah, Illinois; and Mrs. Sophia Fitzsimmons, of Dundee,
Illinois; and two brothers, Henry Bonjour, of Elizabeth, Illinois; and Charles
Bonjour, of Apple River, Illinois, also survive him.

Funeral services were held , Monday afternoon from the Seventh Day Advent
church and were conducted by Elder A. R. Ogden, assisted by Elder J. W. Beams,
both of Nevada.  The church was crowed to the doors with the many friends who
had gathered to pay a last tribute to their friend and neighbor.  Interment
was made in the Hampton cemetery. There was nearly twenty-five automobiles in
the funeral procession.

Those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Anna Seck, of
Galena, Illinois; Henry and Paul Bonjour, of Elizabeth, Illinois; Charles
Bonjour and James Bonjour, of Apple River, Illinois;  Mrs. Sarah Raymond, of
Savannah, Illinois;  Mrs. Sophia Fitzsimmons, of Dundee, Illinois; Ed Posey,
Thomas Bonjour and Tom Bonjour, of Stockton, Illinois;  William Bonjour, of
Woodbine, Illinois; and George Renderneck, of Parkersburg. 			

CARD-desire to thank all who so kindly extended us sympathy and help at the
death of our Husband and father. Mrs. Fred Bonjour and Children. -Adv.	52

                Alvin Bonjour ltr. bonjour Bonjour book.                                      
                9 Ira Fred Bonjour b. 29 Dec 1871 d. 28 Apr 1942 m. Susan Edna Nowell b. 11 Feb 1879 d. 28 Dec 1962 
                  10 Leroy Harold Bonjour b. Sep 1898 
                  10 Letha Myrtle Bonjour b. 24 Jul 1900 d. 28 Mar 1995 
                  10 Lottie Mae Bonjour b. 28 Aug 1902 
                  10 Guy Albert Bonjour b. 20 Jun 1904 d. Apr 1975 
                    BONJOUR, GUY          06-20-1904 IA 04-00-1975 50441       IA                 
                  10 Willard Aurthor Bonjour b. 19 Aug 1906 d. 22 Mar 1907 
                  10 Alvin Floyd Bonjour b. 12 Oct 1907 d. 2 Jan 1988 m. Virginia Ditberner 
                    Source Dennis Gene Bonjour son.                                               
                    BONJOUR, ALVIN        10-12-1907 IA 01-00-1988 50475       IA - SSI           
                    Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (son)                                              
                    11 Howard Eugene Bonjour 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                    11 Kenneth Dean Bonjour b. 7 Jan 1944 d. Oct 1986 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                       died of Heart Attack                                                          
                       BONJOUR, KENNETH      01-07-1944 IA 10-00-1986 - SSI                          
                    11 Beverly Ann Bonjour m. unknown Sprung 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                    11 Dennis Gene Bonjour b. 23 Sep 1946 m. Suzanne Bowens b. 19 Jun 1952 
                       source himself -- Lutheran, Neutral Politics, B.S. Law Enforcement / C.J.     
                       source spouse Dennis Gene Bonjour -- Religion Reform, B.S. Pharmacy           
                      12 Christopher Todd Bonjour b. 14 Jun 1980 
                         source father                                                                 
                      12 Scott Phillip Bonjour b. 20 Nov 1983 
                         source father                                                                 
                    11 Linda Louise Bonjour m. unknown McMullen 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                    11 Phyliss Bonjour m. unknown Stoelk 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                    11 Clifford Bonjour 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                    11 Rebecca Sue Bonjour 
                       Source Dennis Gene Bonjour (brother)                                          
                  10 Merle Clinton Bonjour b. 25 Feb 1910 d. Feb 1985 m. Ethel Irene Aldinger b. 9 May 1910 
                    BONJOUR, MERLE        02-25-1910 IA 02-00-1985 50401       IA - SSI           
                  10 Levern Nowell Bonjour b. 12 Jun 1911 d. Nov 1971 m. 26 Jul 1940 Helen Francis Mullen 
                    BONJOUR, LEVERN       06-12-1911 IA 11-00-1971 - SSI                          
                    11 Lamoyne Dalton Bonjour b. 15 Oct 1946 m. Nov 1971 Jill Diane Crandall b. 5 Jun 1946 
                       Hampton Comm. High School & College, Hampton, Iowa 50401                      
                      12 Lisa Diann Bonjour b. 13 Jun 1968 m. Mark Hommez 
                      12 Ryan Nowell Bonjour b. 28 Aug 1973 
                  10 Dallas Franklin Bonjour b. 9 May 1913 d. 14 Dec 1994 m. Leota 
                                        m. Mine 
                                        m. 22 Apr 1963 Georgia Lee Gage 
                    8th Grade, lived in Springfield, MO                                           
                    11 Joyce Elaine Bonjour m. unknown 
                      12 daughter 
                    11 Dallas Lee Bonjour b. 7 Apr 1963 
                       b. Burge Hospital                                                             
                    11 Teresa Lee Bonjour b. 18 Sep 1964 m. Mr. Smith 
                       b. Burge Hospital                                                             
                      12 Ian Michael Smith b. 19 May 1984 
                    11 Lisa Ann Bonjour b. 6 Oct 1967 m. 29 Jul 1984 Floyd Dennis Jump 
                                             m. 18 Dec 1993 Floyd Earl Climer 
                       b. Burge Hospital                                                             
                      12 Floyd Dennis jr. Jump b. 1 Feb 1984 
                      12 Brandon William Walter Jump b. 28 Dec 1986 
                      12 Joseph Michael Franklin Climer b. 25 Jun 1990 
                    11 Melisa Lou Bonjour b. 6 Oct 1967 m. Ivory Maurice Gilliam 
                       b. Burge Hospital                                                             
                      12 Keyondra Leneasha Gilliam b. 28 Jul 1990 
                      12 Ivory Maurice jr. Gilliam b. 7 Nov 1992 
                    11 Dallas Myron Bonjour b. 13 May 1970 
                       b. Cox Hospital                                                               
                    11 Toby Dean Bonjour b. 28 Dec 1972 d. 28 Dec 1972 
                       b. & d. Cox Hospital                                                          
                  10 Clarence Francis Bonjour b. 22 Oct 1914 
                  10 Leona Mable Bonjour b. 20 Mar 1916 
                  10 Lucille Marie Bonjour b. 29 Nov 1918 
                  10 Lois Margarett Bonjour b. 17 Oct 1920 
                  10 Pearl Emily Bonjour b. 10 Feb 1925 
                9 Herman W. Bonjour 
                9 Archie George Bonjour b. 29 Mar 1877 d. 3 Apr 1957 m. 6 Oct 1906 Florence Maude Peer b. 25 Sep 1886 d. 29 Jan 1983 
                  Viola Pelton ltr. bonjour Bonjour book.                                       
                  Viola Pelton ltr., bonjour Bonjour book. Karen Bonjour 2 Oct. 1994.           
                                    BONJOUR, FLORENCE     09-25-1886 IA 01-00-1983 52142       IA - SSI           
                  10 Leslie Verl Bonjour b. 8 Nov 1907 d. 30 Jul 1983 m. 21 May 1937 Ella Ruby Wickam b. 21 Jun 1909 
                    Karen Bonjour ltr. 2 Oct 1994                                                 
                    Seventh-day Adventist Obit in ST: 1983, Oct                                   
                    BONJOUR, LESLIE       11-08-1907 IA 07-00-1983 28739       NC - SSI           
                    Karen Bonjour ltr  2 Oct 1994                                                 
                    11 Waunita Ruby Bonjour b. 22 Sep 1951 m. 18 Jun 1972 Steve Adaire Dennis 
                       Email Karen Bonjour 27 Dec 1994                                               
                      12 Tara Collete Dennis b. 8 Dec 1978 
                      12 Travis Cameron Dennis b. 7 Jul 1981 
                      12 Trever Clark Dennis b. 3 Nov 1984/5 
                  10 Bernice Velma Bonjour b. 5 Sep 1911 
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                  10 Ralph Francis Bonjour b. 8 Jun 1913 d. 18 Sep 1989 
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                  10 Clayton Casper Bonjour b. 28 Mar 1917 m. 26 Feb 1947 Viola Mary Pelton b. 27 May 1923 
                    Viola Pelton ltr., Seventh-Day-Adventist, HS grad.                            
                    V. Pelton ltr. Seventh-Day-Adventist, HS grad                                 
                    11 Eileen Dale Bonjour b. 22 Sep 1949 m. 28 May 1972 Gary Lee Birth b. 30 Nov 1945 
                       V. Pelton ltr.,-- Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                
                       V. Pelton ltr.                                                                
                      12 Jeffrey Lynn Birth b. 12 Dec 1976 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr. 2 Oct 1994                                                 
                      12 Terril Scott Birth b. 17 Nov 1981 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr  2 Oct 1994                                                 
                      12 Allyn Kelly Birth b. 9 Sep 1985 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr. 2 Oct 1994                                                 
                      12 Shann Birth b. 3 May 1989 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                    11 Daniel Kent Bonjour b. 3 Oct 1952 m. 27 May 1973 Susan Kay Fristoe b. 20 Jun 1951 
                       V. Pelton ltr., Karen Bonjour ltr - 2 Oct 1994                                
                       V. Pelton ltr.  Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                  
                      12 Karen Marie Bonjour b. 14 Sep 1975 
                         ltr Karen Bonjour - 2 Oct. 1994                                               
                      12 Kim Min Jung Bonjour b. 12 Jan 1978 d. 26 Jul 1989 
                         ltr Karen Bonjour - 2 Oct 1994 - adopted                                      
                    11 Richard Miles Bonjour b. 1 May 1962 m. 4 Aug 1985 Kathleen Adel Summerton 
                       V. Pelton ltr., Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                  
                       V. Pelton ltr.                                                                
                      12 Jonathan Clayton Bonjour b. 22 Feb 1987 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr -- 2 Oct 1994                                               
                      12 David Richard Bonjour b. 10 Dec 1990 
                         Karen Bonjour ltr -- 2 Oct 1994                                               
                    11 John Archie (Jack) Bonjour b. 17 Apr 1964 m. 12 Sep 1993 Laurie Ann Olin 
                       V. Pelton ltr.                                                                
                       V. Pelton ltr.                                                                
                  10 Dorothy Mae Bonjour b. 5 Apr 1923 d. 15 Feb 1993 m. 31 Mar 1947 Russel Dale Dickinson b. 21 Oct 1920 
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                    11 David Russell Dickinson b. 16 Dec 1949 
                    11 Nancy Lee Dickinson b. 24 Dec 1952 
                    11 Charlotte Dickinson b. 15 Apr 1954 
                    11 Ann Marie Dickinson b. 10 Sep 1960 
                  10 Forrest LeWayne Bonjour b. 17 Jan 1933 m. 27 Aug 1961 LaVonne Pauline McAhren b. 13 Aug 1935 
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                    Karen Bonjour ltr 2 Oct 1994                                                  
                    11 Diane Elaine Bonjour b. 13 Dec 1964 
                    11 Sharon Kay Bonjour b. 1 May 1968 
                9 R. A. Hartwell, Mrs. 
                9 C. I. Hance, Mrs. 
                9 Sadie Dell Bonjour b. 24 Nov 1881 d. 3 Jun 1975 m. 21 Dec 1900 Elijah W Wilkinson b. 11 Apr 1876 d. 28 Feb 1943 
                  10 Emma Marie Wilkinson b. 30 Jul 1901 d. 2 Jun 1971 m. Private Andrew Janssen b. Private 
                                        m. Aug 1920 Cecil Edwin Craighton b. 21 Aug 1892 d. Oct 1944 
                    11 Keith E Craighton b. Private m. Private Doris Kothenbeutel b. Private 
                      12 _____ Kathy b. Private 
                      12 _____ Nancy b. Private 
                    11 Iva Marie Craighton b. Private m. Private Frank Mahoric b. Private 
                      12 _____ Sheryle b. Private m. Private Nile Gouker b. Private 
                        13 _____ Alex b. Private 
                        13 _____ Derek b. Private 
                    11 Lois Lavon "Bonnie" Craighton b. 24 Feb 1925 d. 30 Nov 1984 m. Private Wilfred Hartkopp b. Private 
                      12 Kenneth W Hartkopp b. Private 
                      12 Randy L Hartkopp b. Private m. Private _____ Cheryl b. Private 
                                                 m. Private _____ Teri b. Private 
                        13 Nicole Lavon Hartkopp b. Private 
                        13 Aaron Duane Hartkopp b. Private 
                      12 Barbara Jean Hartkopp b. Private 
                    11 Jack Cecil Craighton b. Private m. Private Norma Iona Barnes b. Private 
                      12 Jean Marie Craighton b. Private m. Private Richard Joseph Rewerts b. Private 
                        13 Daniel Joseph Rewerts b. Private 
                        13 Brianna Marie Rewerts b. Private 
                      12 Gayle Ann Craighton b. Private m. Private Michael Allen Martin b. Private 
                        13 Nathan John Martin b. Private 
                        13 Keslee Ann Martin b. Private 
                      12 Mary Allyson Craighton b. Private m. Private Kevin Lee Shrode b. Private 
                    11 Merna Louene Craighton b. Private m. Private Charles Barney b. Private 
                      12 _____ Tyndra b. Private 
                      12 _____ Charles b. Private 
                    11 Lyle Leslie Craighton b. Private m. Private Deloris "Dee, Dody" b. Private 
                                             m. Private _____ Linda b. Private 
                      12 _____ Danny b. Private m. Private _____ Marceen b. Private 
                        13 Cody Lee Craighton b. Private 
                        13 Cammy Marie Craighton b. Private 
                      12 _____ Leslie b. Private m. Private _____ Shelly b. Private 
                        13 Nolan Andrew Craighton b. Private 
                        13 Clay Craighton b. Private 
                      12 _____ Keith b. Private m. Private _____ Julie b. Private 
                        13 _____ Michael b. Private 
                      12 _____ Janet b. Private 
                        13 _____ Devon b. Private 
                      12 _____ Robbie b. Private 
                    11 Dean Darwin Craighton b. Private m. Private Lillian Mutzle b. Private 
                      12 _____ Dennis b. Private 
                        13 _____ Jesse b. Private 
                        13 Cody Lee Craighton b. Private 
                      12 David Michael Craighton b. Private m. Private Cheri Linn Chaplin b. Private 
                      12 _____ Ann b. Private 
                        13 _____ Jimmy b. Private 
                        13 _____ Shanna b. Private 
                        13 _____ Becky b. Private 
                      12 Debra Jeanne Craighton b. Private m. Private Craig James Chaney b. Private 
                        13 _____ Ryan b. Private 
                    11 Donna Mae Craighton b. Private m. Private Ray Bryant b. Private 
                      12 _____ Dawn b. Private 
                      12 _____ Connie b. Private 
                      12 _____ Toni b. Private 
                    11 Don M Craighton b. Private m. Private Beverly McDaniels b. Private 
                                             m. Private _____ Alice b. Private 
                      12 Gordon Craighton b. Private 
                      12 Tricia Craighton b. Private 
                    11 Earl Edwin Craighton b. Private m. Private Sandy Day b. Private 
                                             m. Private Linda D b. Private 
                      12 _____ Johnny b. Private 
                      12 _____ Jody b. Private 
                      12 _____ Jimmy b. Private 
                      12 _____ Julie b. Private 
                      12 Kyle L Craighton b. Private 
                      12 Kelly Kristine Craighton b. Private m. Private Rex Allen Crosser b. Private 
                        13 Kortney Shae Crosser b. Private 
                    11 Sharon Kay Craighton b. Private m. Private Clifton C. Ruth b. Private 
                      12 _____ Marci b. Private 
                      12 _____ Bradley b. Private 
                  10 Earl Leslie Wilkinson b. 1 Jun 1904 d. 31 Oct 1992 m. Private _____ Elsie b. Private 
                    11 _____ Norma b. Private 
                    11 _____ Doreen b. Private m. Private Randy Van Stane b. Private 
                  10 Dorothy May Wilkinson b. Private m. Private James Manifold b. Private 
                  10 Lyle Elwood Wilkinson b. Private m. Private _____ Betty b. Private 
                  10 Leota April Wilkinson b. Private 
                9 Will Frederickson, Mrs. 
                9 Reid Johnson, Mrs. 
              8 Rose (Jennie) Eugenie Bonjour b. 22 Nov 1846 d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Fred Wolfred 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr as Jennie.  LDS #1170427 #501                               
                Immigrated New Orleans, LA., 1850 as Eugenie age 3                            
                Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book as Walford.                          
              8 Zelie (Amelia) Adele Bonjour b. 24 Jun 1848 d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Andrew Deam 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr as Amelia.  LDS #1170427 #537                               
                Immigrated New Orleans, LA., 1850 as Adele are 1                              
                Alv6n Bonjour ltr Dean.  bonjour Bonjour book - Deam                          
                9 Julia Deam m. unk 
                                    m. George Beacock b. 1850 d. aft 1900 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
              8 Lina Bonjour b. 26 Feb 1850 d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. George Evans 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr as Lena.  LDS #1170427 #574                                 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Lizzie Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Trif Bouvia 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Sarah Bonjour b. 1852 d. 1933/4 m. Mose Raymond Jr. d. 1917 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr. bonjour Bonjour book                                       
                Alvin Bonjour ltr. bonjour Bonjour book.                                      
                9 Mary Raymond 
                  bonjour Bonjour book. never married.                                          
                9 Julia Raymond m. Michael Turner 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Paul Turner m. unk 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Paul Turner jr. 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Allen Turner 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Albert Turner 
                  10 Sarah Turner 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Lillian Raymond b. 1874 d. 1950 m. John Reagan 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book                                                          
                  10 Bernardine Elizabeth Reagan b. 17 Feb 1904 m. George Levette Manson b. 10 Jan 1904 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 John Clarence Manson b. 20 Mar 1927 m. Gail Jean Gennrich b. 2 Sep 1927 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                       bonjour Bonjour book                                                          
                      12 John Levette Manson b. 8 Apr 1951 
                         bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                      12 Bruce Paul Manson b. 6 May 1953 
                         bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                      12 Elizabeth Ann Manson b. 3 Jun 1955 
                         bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                      12 George Arthur Manson b. 29 Apr 1958 
                         bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                      12 William Gennrich Manson b. 28 May 1965 
                         bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 John T. (Jack) Reagan b. 8 Jul 1905 m. Esther Haskett 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Patsy Reagan 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Margret (Mickey) Reagan 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Jack Reagan jr. 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Frank Reagan b. 7 Aug 1909 m. Julie Karth 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Tom Reagan 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Tim Reagan 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Amelia Raymond m. Herman Rimers 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Kenneth Rimers b. _____ d. 1910 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Gerald Rimers 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Dorothy Rimers m. George Bush 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Jospehine Raymond m. Louis Taylor 
                                    m. Charles Hill 
                  bonjour Bonjour book                                                          
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Blanch Taylor 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.  Died at age 17                                         
                9 Margaret Raymond 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Elizabeth Raymond m. Harry Stevens 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Helen Stevens m. Herb McCall 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Buster Stevens 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Thomas Raymond m. Gussie Kickbush 
                                    m. Algie Ange 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Thomas Raymond 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Katherine Raymond m. John Cooper 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Gladys Cooper m. Thomas Kustas 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 David Raymond m. Fannie Smith 
                  bonjour Bonjour book                                                          
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Mary Raymond m. Charles Schraeder 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Charles Raymond 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Sandra Raymond 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Miriam Raymond m. unk Gruder 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    bonjour bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 Gerry Gruder 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                    11 David Gruder m. Ruby 
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                       bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 Helen Raymond m. Russell Stutzman 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  10 Robert Stutzman 
                    bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                9 George Raymond b. _____ d. aft 1924 m. Martha Knuck 
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
                  bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
              8 August Bonjour b. 1856 d. 1864 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr, died at age 8.  bonjour Bonjour book.                      
                Originally buried on White's Mound and moved in 1889.                         
              8 Henry Bonjour b. _____ d. aft19-Dec-1913 m. Louise Hurst 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Louise Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Henry Taylor 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Julia Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. 16 Nov 1876 Edward Posey 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                9 Nellie (Ella) Posey b. 13 Apr 1877 d. 21 Apr 1924 m. Louis Fitzsimmons 
                  no children                                                                   
                9 George Posey m. Sephronia Harwick 
                  living in MN in 1924                                                          
                9 James Abraham Posey b. 14 Sep 1881 d. 2 Oct 1965 m. Marguerite Mosley 
                  Possible two sons, Edwin  and James, one of them still alive (1996) in        
                  Elizabeth, IL                                                                 
                9 Jane Posey 
                  died at 2 yrs.                                                                
                9 Pearl Posey m. Martin Hexon 
                  living in MN in 1924                                                          
                9 Frank Edward Posey b. 28 Jul 1889 m. Laura 
                  Living in Mason City Iowa in 1924                                             
                9 John Frances Posey b. 28 Mar 1891 m. Bernice Crawford 
                  Living in Huron SD 1924                                                       
                9 Ida Posey m. Clinton Robertson 
                                    m. Bert Anlstad 
                  living in Mason City Iowa in 1924                                             
                9 Ruben Posey m. Mae Helmbrecht 
                  living in Montoon, IL in 1924                                                 
                9 Vera Posey m. Farlow Steffins 
                  Living in Stockton, IL in 1924                                                
                  10 Delbert Steffins 
                  10 Lloyd Steffins 
                  10 Burdelle Steffins 
                9 Samuel Oneil Posey 
                9 Freddie Posey 
                  died as infant                                                                
              8 Mary Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Charles Schultz 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Charles Bonjour b. _____ d. aft19-Dec-1913 m. Laura Kenney 
                Alvin ltr 2Mar1994  --  Prairie Farmers' Directory of JoDaviess County,       
                Bonjour, Charles  (Laura Kenney)  Ch  Freeman, Alfred, Lily, Roy, Walter,     
                Clarence,  Cream House Farm Apple River  R3  Rush  Sec7  Owner of 252a  (1862)
                Alvin ltr 2Mar1994 bonjour Bonjour book - Kurney, Kinney? Louise              
                9 Freeman Bonjour 
                9 Alfred Bonjour 
                9 Lily Bonjour 
                9 Roy Bonjour 
                9 Walter Bonjour 
                9 Clarence Bonjour 
              8 Alice Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 m. Edward Brown 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Angeline Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                     
              8 Ida Bonjour m. John Roberts 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Sophia Bonjour b. _____ d. 1949 m. John Fitzsimmons 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
                Alvin Bonjour ltr                                                             
              8 Freddie Bonjour b. _____ d. bef 19-Dec-1913 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr, died young                                                 
              8 infant 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                     
              8 infant 
                Alvin Bonjour ltr.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                     
            7 Rose Julie Bonjour b. 14 Jul 1820 
              LDS #1170426, confirmed 23Dec1836                                             
            7 Sophie Rose Bonjour b. 13 Feb 1822 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Frederic Bonjour b. 1823 m. Marianne Caroline Junod b. c1822 
                            m. Rose Caroline Junod b. 1821 
              LDS #1170426, Confirmation indicates Bp in Nods, Bp record indicates Lignieres
              Alvin ltr Apr94 - b.25Dec1823 (after bp.)                                     
              bonjour Bonjour book bp.25Dec1823 in Dombresson.                              
              LDS #1170427 #629, parent,confirmed marriage to Marianne Junod & son of David.
              Per a note dated 2 March, 1936 in LDS#1170427 #79, ROSE Caroline is wrong,    
              and should be Marianne Caroline Junod.  Thus both wives are the same person.  
              LDS #1170427 #629 - parent                                                    
                                          No. 79 Naissance de Bonjour Sophie-Emma Par ordre du Departement de Justice du
2 Mars 1936, l’inscription ci-contra est ?zaelisiee en ce deus que le prenoms
de la mere sont Marianne Caroline et non pas Rose Caroline. Lignieres, le 16
Mars 1936 L’OFFICIER DE L’ETAT CIVIL (signe) Henri Descombes L’an mil huit
cent cinquante-sept, le vingt-deux Aout, a neuf heurs du soir a Lignieres, est
ne de Bonjour Frederic, cultivateur, age de trente-cinq ans, originaire de
Lignieres, et de son Epouse Rose-Caroline nee Junod, age de trente-cinq ans,
originaire de Lignieres, et tous deux y demeurant, un enfant de sexe feminin,
auquel ont ete dannes les prenoms de Sophie-Emma; aieul paternel de l’enfant
Bonjour David-Aime, aieule paternelle Rose-nee Giauque; aiuul paternel(sic)
Junod Jean-Samuel, aieule maternelle Lisette nee Meyrat.  Le present acte de
naissance a ete dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant nous
Daniel-August Junod, officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Bonjour
Frederic, pere de l’enfant.  Passe en presence de Schrab Jonas, cultivateur,
age de vignt-neuf ans, et de Junod Jean-David, cultivateur, age de
soixante-trois ans, temoins requis tous deux demeurant a Lignieres, et ont le
declarant et les temoins signe avec nous le present acte de naissance apres
lecture faite. A Lignieres le trente-un Aout mil huit cent cinquante sept a
neuf heurs du matin. (signe) Francois Bonjour (signe) Jean David Junod (signe)
Johannes Oifngerb <-- very hard to read 					(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
              Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
              8 Henri Emile Bonjour b. 27 Apr 1852 
                LDS #1170426 #629                                                             
              8 Sophie Emma Bonjour b. 22 Aug 1857 
                                No. 79 Naissance de Bonjour Sophie-Emma Par ordre du Departement de Justice du
2 Mars 1936, l’inscription ci-contra est ?zaelisiee en ce deus que le prenoms
de la mere sont Marianne Caroline et non pas Rose Caroline. Lignieres, le 16
Mars 1936 L’OFFICIER DE L’ETAT CIVIL (signe) Henri Descombes L’an mil huit
cent cinquante-sept, le vingt-deux Aout, a neuf heurs du soir a Lignieres, est
ne de Bonjour Frederic, cultivateur, age de trente-cinq ans, originaire de
Lignieres, et de son Epouse Rose-Caroline nee Junod, age de trente-cinq ans,
originaire de Lignieres, et tous deux y demeurant, un enfant de sexe feminin,
auquel ont ete dannes les prenoms de Sophie-Emma; aieul paternel de l’enfant
Bonjour David-Aime, aieule paternelle Rose-nee Giauque; aiuul paternel(sic)
Junod Jean-Samuel, aieule maternelle Lisette nee Meyrat.  Le present acte de
naissance a ete dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant nous
Daniel-August Junod, officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Bonjour
Frederic, pere de l’enfant.  Passe en presence de Schrab Jonas, cultivateur,
age de vignt-neuf ans, et de Junod Jean-David, cultivateur, age de
soixante-trois ans, temoins requis tous deux demeurant a Lignieres, et ont le
declarant et les temoins signe avec nous le present acte de naissance apres
lecture faite. A Lignieres le trente-un Aout mil huit cent cinquante sept a
neuf heurs du matin. (signe) Francois Bonjour (signe) Jean David Junod (signe)
Johannes Oifngerb <-- very hard to read 					(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Louis Bonjour b. 3 Mar 1826 m. Louise Sandoz 
              LDS #1170427, confirmed 23 Dec 1842.  bonjour Bonjour book.                   
              Alvin ltr Apr94                                                               
            7 Emilie Bonjour b. 30 Aug 1827 m. 31 Dec 1847 Louis Constant Hodel 
              Alvin Bonjour ltr, LDS #1170427 - confirmed 22Dec1843                         
              bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
            7 Fritz Bonjour b. 1830 d. aft 1845 
              Alvin Bonjour ltr. bonjour Bonjour book.                                      
            7 Lina Bonjour b. 5 Jan 1834 
              LDS #1170426, #1170427 #571 confirmed 24 Dec 1849                             
            7 girl b. 13 Feb 1836 d. 23 Feb 1836 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Aimee Bonjour b. 5 Oct 1837 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Henri Louis Bonjour b. 22 Sep 1843 
              |LDS #1170427                                                                 
          6 Julie Bonjour b. 18 Jan 1797 d. 26 May 1812 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Sophie Bonjour b. 26 Nov 1798 m. 7 Aug 1821 Charles Frederic Bonjour b. 18 Apr 1793 d. bef  7-Apr-1849 
                        m. 1833 Victor Thallmann 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
                        Bans Les vingt, vingt sept Janvier et trois Fevrier mil huit cent trente trois
ont ete publies les bans du mariage entre Victor, domicilie a Bellach, fils de
Nicolas Thallmann, de Bellach, canton de Soleure; et Sophie domicilie a
Lignieres, veuve de Charles Frederic Bonjour, de Lignieres, et fille du
Justicier David Peirre Bonjour.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

            LDS #1170426, bp, confirmed 25 Dec 1810, LDS #1170427 see #551 d.bef 1849     
                        Lt of Militia                                                                 
            7 Charles Auguste Bonjour b. 9 Jan 1822 d. 11 Feb 1829 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Louis Henri Bonjour b. 5 Dec 1823 m. Maria Anna Hafeli 
              LDS #1170427 Catechuminan 22 December 1840                                    
              Louis Henri Bonjour (993), baptise a Lignieres,ne le cinq Decembre mil huit   
              cent vingt trois, de Charles Frederic Bonjour, de Lignieres.                  
              LDS #1170427 see #506                                                         
              8 Ulysse Alfred Bonjour b. 16 Mar 1847 
                LDS #1170427 #506                                                             
              8 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 7 Apr 1849 
                LDS #1170427 #551                                                             
              8 Louis Eugene Bonjour b. 14 Dec 1851 
                LDS #1170427 #620                                                             
            7 Frederic Ulysse Bonjour b. 2 Oct 1825 
              LDS #1170426, LDS #1170427 Confirmed 24 Dec 1841                              
                            Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Catechummene 24 december 1841

Frederic Ulysse (963) baptise a Lignieres le deux Octobre mil huit cent vingt
cinq fils de Charles Frederic Bonjour de Lignieres

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Sophie Julie Bonjour b. 25 Sep 1827 
              LDS #1170426, #1170427 - confirmed 22Dec1843                                  
            7 Auguste Bonjour b. 11 Nov 1829 
              LDS #1170426, #1170427 confirmed 24 Dec 1845, b.15-Nov-1829 per confirmation  
          6 Marie Isabelle Bonjour b. 24 Jun 1800 unknown 
                        m. Jaques Henri Dessouslavy 
            LDS #1170426, confirmed 25 Dec 1816                                           
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 fille illegitime morte Bonjour b. 13 Aug 1828 
              Nee illegitime morte sans bapteme.                                            
            7 Marie Emilie Dessouslavy b. 18 May 1841 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
                            Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Marie Emelie Dessouslavy
(1174) Le vingt six Juin mil huit cent quarante un a ete baptise Marie Emelie
ne en loyal mariage le dix huit Mai precedent de Jaques Henri Dessouslavy, de
Fenin, bourgeois de Valangin, domicilie au Gratterel riere Lignieres,
naturalise et de Marie Isabelle Bonjour, de Lignieres. Petit fille du cote
paternel de Pierre Dessouslavy et d’ Elisabeth nee Anker: et du cote maternel
de David Pierre Bonjour, ancien d’ Eglise et Justicier, et de Rose Margueritte
nee Bonjour.  Parrain: David Pierre Bonjour: Marrain: Evodie Schlappi.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
          6 David Auguste Bonjour b. 19 Mar 1802 m. 1829 Marie Cathrine Marthier 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
                        1829 Bans David Auguste Bonjour & Marie Cathrine Marthier Le vingt deux
Novembre mil huit cent vingt-neuf ont ete publies les bans du mariage entre
David Auguste (#982) fils du Justicier David Pierre Bonjour, de Lignieres, y
demeurant; et Marie Cathrine fille de David Henri Marthier, de Dombresson, y

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland Marriages, Catholic and Protestant
1824 - 1851 Vol. 5

          6 Pierre Frederich Bonjour b. 20 Jul 1804 
            LDS #1170426, this entry matches Alvin Bonjour's but the mothers name on the  
            LDS film is wrong (listed as Maria Ann Bonjour), confirmed 25 Dec 1821        
          6 David Pierre Bonjour b. 25 Oct 1813 m. Cecile Bonjour b. 29 Aug 1814 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            Alvin Bonjour ltr, LDS #1170427 bapt. record                                  
                        dau of David Louis Bonjour                                                    
            7 Baby boy Bonjour b. 15 Nov 1846 d. 15 Nov 1846 
              LDS #1170427 #498                                                             
            7 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 1847 
              LDS #1170427 #520                                                             
            7 Marie Augustine Bonjour b. 9 Feb 1852 
              LDS #1170427 #624                                                             
            7 Charles Ulysse Bonjour b. 2 Apr 1853 
              LDS #1170427 #659                                                             
          6 Louis Samuel Bonjour b. 4 Feb 1817 m. Pauline Touillion 
            LDS #1170426. bonjour Bonjour book.  immigrated to Paris.                     
            bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
            7 Louis Paul Philippe b. 1840 
              bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
          6 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 16 Aug 1827 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Suzanne Bonjour b. 15 Jun 1773 d. 7 Nov 1777 
          bonjour Bonjour book. Note -- birth of Susanne and her sister Marianne        
          are about 6 months apart, this is virtually impossible.                       
        5 Marianne Bonjour b. 12 Dec 1773 
          bonjour Bonjour book.  Note -- Marianne and her sister were born about        
          6 months apart, this is virtually impossible.                                 
        5 Suzanne Marguerite Bonjour b. 10 Jun 1778 
          bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
        5 Jean Jacques Louis Bonjour b. 18 Mar 1781 m. Marie Sophie Rollier d. 2 May 1781 
          bonjour Bonjour book.  Catacised 1797                                         
          bonjour Bonjour book.                                                         
          6 Louis Auguste Bonjour b. 1805 m. Jeanne Marguerite Descombes 
            7 morte nee Bonjour b. 18 Sep 1849 
            7 Louise Henriette Bonjour b. 22 Feb 1851 
          6 Francois Charles Bonjour b. 1807 
          6 Jean Jaques Louis Bonjour b. 1809 d. bef24 Dec 1851 m. 26 Oct 1833 Emelie Rollier 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 fille est morte Bonjour b. 14 Nov 1833 d. 14 Nov 1833 
            7 Louise Isaline Bonjour b. 10 Feb 1835 
              lds #1170427 #469                                                             
              Godfather Charles Frederic Chopard of Somvilliers                             
              Godmother Verine Krwchel of Eggissyl.                                         
            7 Lina Bonjour b. 26 Jun 1837 
              lds #1170427 #469                                                             
              Godfathers Theophile Bonjour, brother of the father, & Aime Rollier of Nods.  
              Godmothers Rose Sunier of Nods & Sophie Botteron dau. of Jean Pierre of Nods. 
            7 Louis Jules Bonjour b. 18 Aug 1839 
              LDS #1170426 #469                                                             
              Godfathers David Louis Rollier of Nods & Louis Bonjour of Lignieres.          
              Godmothers Sophie Junod of Nods & Sophie Adele Bonjour of Lignieres.          
            7 Frederic Alexis Bonjour b. 14 Nov 1841 
              Lds #1170427 #469                                                             
              Godfathers Alexis Bonjour & Frederic Aime Bonjour of Lignieres.               
              Godmothers Rosette Junod of Lignieres & Henriette Botteron of Nods.           
          6 Theophile Bonjour b. 22 Dec 1813 m. Susanne Schlatter 
                        m. Rosalie Jaquet 
            lds #1170427                                                                  
            7 boy morte Bonjour b. 10 Apr 1840 d. 10 Apr 1840 
            7 Theophile Auguste Bonjour b. 6 Apr 1841 
              lds #1170427                                                                  
                            Anne 1841 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Theophile Auguste Bonjour Le
vingt quatre Avril mil huit cent quarante un a ete baptise Theophile Auguste
ne en loyal mariage le dix precedent de Theophile Bonjour (1528) , de
Lignieres ou il reside; et de Susanne Schlatter, de Beichveiler ou Canton de
Schaffouse. Petit fils du cote paternel de Jean Jaques Louis Bonjour et de
Marie Sophie nee Rollier: et du cote maternel de d’ Henri Schlatter et de
Marianne ne Rilschard. Parrain: Charles Bonjour. Marraine: Sophia Cosandier.

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Frederic Aime Bonjour b. 11 Oct 1842 
              lds #1170427 #459                                                             
            7 son Bonjour b. 7 May 1845 
              lds #1170426 #449                                                             
            7 Theophile Auguste Bonjour b. 1866 
          6 Sophie Adele Bonjour b. 14 May 1818 
          6 Elise Bonjour b. 22 Feb 1820 
          6 Frederic Aime Bonjour b. 2 Dec 1822 
          6 baby girl morte Bonjour b. 3 Aug 1827 
        5 Auguste Bonjour b. ___ 1785 
          LDS #1170426 (not in bonjour Bonjour)                                         
        5 Jonas Pierre Bonjour b. ___ 1788 
      4 Susanne Bonjour b. 1729 d. 5 Oct 1806 m. 20 Mar 1762 Jacques Bonjour 
        LDS #1170426. bonjour Bonjour book.                                           
        bonjour Bonjour book.  lds #1170426                                           
        5 Jonas Pierre Bonjour b. ___ 1764 
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Judith Madelaine Bonjour b. 1731 m. 22 May 1756 Jean Jaques Descombes 
        bonjour Bonjour book.  lds #1170426                                           
        bonjour Bonjour book.  lds #1170426                                           
        5 Judith Magdelaine Descombes b. ___ 1757 
          lds #1170426                                                                  
      4 Susanne Marie Bonjour b. 1734 
        LDS #1170426 bp, confirmed 25 Dec 1749. bonjour Bonjour book.                 
      4 Jean Michel Bonjour b. 1737 d. 2 May 1809 m. 1776 Francoise Jaquier 
        LDS #1170426.  bonjour Bonjour book.                                          
        bonjour Bonjour book                                                          
      4 Jean Louis Bonjour b. 1739 d. aft 1756 
        LDS #1170426.  bonjour Bonjour book                                           
      4 Jacques Bonjour b. _____ d. b1813 m. Marie Madelaine Laniel 
        5 Henri Francois Bonjour b. 1772 m. Julie Junod 
          6 Julie Bonjour b. 14 Feb 1813 
          6 Henri Francois Bonjour b. 1815 
    3 Jean Louis Bonjour b. _____ d. bef  6 Aug 1771 m. Marguerite Descombes 
      LDS #1170426 father of Jean Louis & Abram                                     
      LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Jean Louis Bonjour 
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 1750 
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Abram Bonjour b. 1752 d. bef 17-Feb-1821 m. 7 Apr 1777 Marguerite Descombes b. abt 1752 d. bef 12-Jun-1832 
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Marianne b. 9 Aug 1777 
          LDS #1170426 Bp.                                                              
        5 Abram Louis Bonjour b. 11 Mar 1779 m. 30 Mar 1807 Marie Rose Rollier b. 1783 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Easter 1796 in Lignieres, marr. age 28                 
          LDS #1170426 marr. age 24                                                     
          6 Marie Rose Bonjour b. 1808 
            LDS #1170426 Bp. transcription 1830                                           
          6 Marianne Aimie Bonjour b. 26 Aug 1810 
            LDS #1170426, confirmed 6Apr1827                                              
          6 Abram Louis Bonjour b. 26 Aug 1812 m. Marie Rose Botteron 
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Marie Bonjour 
              Cousines de Nods, Noel Bonjour de Lignieres chart                             
            7 Louise Bonjour 
              Cousines de Nods, Noel Bonjour de Lignieres chart/                            
            7 Sophie Bonjour 
              Cousines de Nods, Noel Bonjour de Lignieres Chart                             
          6 Frederic Louis Bonjour b. 2 Jul 1814 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Louis Auguste Bonjour b. 14 May 1816 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Charles Louis Bonjour b. 15 Sep 1818 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Julie Bonjour b. 8 Jul 1828 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
        5 Marie Margueritte Bonjour b. 1779 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Easter 1796                                            
        5 Pierre Louis Bonjour b. 5 Jun 1781 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1799                                         
        5 Frederic Auguste Bonjour b. 1782 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1801                                         
        5 Francois Charles Bonjour b. 23 Jan 1784 m. 14 Dec 1811 Marie Marguerite Junod b. 30 May 1792 d. 11 May 1817 
          LDS #1170426 confirmed Christmas 1801                                         
          LDS #1170426, marr. age 20, #1170427 see #561 d.bef1849                       
          6 Emelie Adele Bonjour b. 13 Jul 1812 m. Adolphe Bonjour b. 2 May 1811 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
            7 Francois Louis Bonjour b. 27 Oct 1839 m. Sophie Clemence Chiffelle 
                            m. Sophia Julie Roth 
              LDS #1170426                                                                  
              8 Louis Arnold Bonjour b. 1872 m. Olyme Cosandier 
                Olyvis Colandiat                                                              
                9 George Louis Bonjour b. 1909 m. 6 May 1939 Marthe Alice JUNOD b. 30 Apr 1918 
                  10 Jean Marc Bonjour b. 1940 
                  10 Jacques Bonjour b. 1942 m. unknown 
                    11 Anne Marie Bonjour b. 1965 
                    11 Patricia Bonjour b. 1966 
                    11 Isabelle Bonjour b. 1973 
                  10 Roland Bonjour b. 1945 m. unknown 
                    11 Fabienne Bonjour b. 1971 
                    11 Sandra Bonjour b. 1974 
                9 Louise Annie Bonjour b. 23 Jan 1911 d. 7 Feb 1992 m. 5 Apr 1940 Eric Paul JUNOD b. 26 Feb 1911 d. 2 Jan 1993 
                  Atenu le domaine "Près Devant" (au dessus de Montmollin) et a reris le domaine
                  10 Noldy Eric JUNOD b. 28 Sep 1940 m. 11 Jun 1965 Jacqueline Hèléne Debrot 
                    Agriculteur, Inspecteur du bétail et Office de Surveillance des Distilleries  
                  10 Marlène Olympe JUNOD b. 22 Sep 1941 m. 28 Sep 1963 Alfred Bühler d. 1977 
                    Agriculteur à Rochefort                                                       
                  10 Mireille Annie JUNOD b. 15 Feb 1944 m. 14 Apr 1967 Peter Flückiger 
                  10 Sylvianne Ella Alice JUNOD b. 14 Apr 1946 m. 29 Aug 1968 Fritz Läderach b. 26 Jun 1938 
                    Avantsonmariage, travaille pour diverses familles de restaurateurs, aidant pou
                    Actuellement, donne encore quelques coups de mains (extras) à un restaurant.  
                    Originaire de Worb, BE.                                                       
                                        Avant1963,aide chez des paysans. Depuis 1963, travaille comme magasinier à l'O
                    11 Brigitte Läderach b. 31 Dec 1968 
                    11 Sonja Läderach b. 30 Oct 1970 
                9 Eric Alexis Bonjour b. 1914 m. Lucie Cosandier 
                  10 Francis Eric Bonjour b. 1949 m. Jannine Veraz 
                    11 Fabrice Bonjour b. 1974 
                    11 Cynthia Bonjour b. 1976 
                9 Raymond Edgard Bonjour b. 1917 m. Susanne Geiser 
                  10 Freddy Raymond Bonjour b. 1945 
              8 Emile Adolph Bonjour b. 1873 
              8 Robert Bonjour b. 1879 m. Elise Anna Bonjour 
                9 Bernard Emiele Bonjour b. 1913 m. Emme Ritschard 
                  10 Serge Bernard Bonjour b. 1940 m. Annie Jannello 
                    11 Patricia Josephine Bonjour b. 1964 
                    11 Sophie Bonjour b. 1970 
                  10 Pierre Michel Bonjour b. 1947 m. Cosette Hani 
                    11 Christel Carine Bonjour b. 1973 
                    11 Raphael Christophe Bonjour b. 1975 
            7 Julie Louise Bonjour b. 22 Apr 1842 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
                            Anne 1842 - mil huit cent quarante un - Frame 4 Julie Louise Bonjour Le vingt
un Mai mil huit cent quarante deux a ete baptese Julie Louise Bonjour nee en
loyal mariage le vingt deux Avril precedent d’ Adolphe Bonjour captaine de
milice de Lignieres ou il reside , et de Emelie Adele Bonjoue aussi de
Lignieres.  Petit du cote paternel de Francois Louis Bonjour ancien d’Eglise
et de Sophia nee Gauchat et de cote maternel de Francois Charles Bonjour et de
Margueritte nee Junod.  Parrain:  Louis Constant Bonjour.  Marrain:  Julie
Adele Gauchat

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Ida Bonjour b. 3 Aug 1845 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
          6 Adele Bonjour 
            LDS #1170426, maternal aunt to Francois Louis Bonjour                         
          6 Julie Adele Bonjour b. 15 Apr 1814 m. Francois Louis Cosandier 
            LDS 31170426, #1170427                                                        
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Marie Louise Cosandier b. Jan 1845 
              LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Charles Auguste Cosandier b. 5 Jun 1846 
              LDS #1170427 #479                                                             
            7 Louis Auguste Cosandier b. 24 Mar 1848 
              LDS #1170427 #528                                                             
            7 Adele Ida Cosandier b. 26 Aug 1849 
              LDS 31170427 #361                                                             
          6 Marie Louise Bonjour b. 25 Feb 1816 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Sophie Adelaide Bonjour b. 9 Mar 1817 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Marianne Adele Bonjour 
            LDS #1170426 Godmother of Sophie Adelaide Bonjour and sister of the father.   
        5 Bartholmew Bonjour b. 1785 
        5 Marianne Bonjour b. 14 Nov 1785 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1802                                         
        5 Daniel Bonjour b. 10 Sep 1787 d. aft   -May-1854 m. 21 Aug 1819 Rose Marriane Descombes b. 1794 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1804, marr. age 32                           
          LDS #1170426, marr age 25                                                     
                    LDS#1170426, Marianne-Rose Descombes                                          
          6 Francois Charles August Bonjour b. 3 Feb 1820 m. Julia Adele Simon b. Jun 1824 
            LDS #1170426, confirmed 23Dec1836                                             
            7 Louis Charles August Bonjour b. 26 Jan 1849 
              LDS #1170427 #547 Noel Bonjour chart as Charles August                        
            7 Julie Louise Bonjour b. 18 Jun 1850 
              LDS #1170426 #578                                                             
            7 Louis Ernest Bonjour b. 4 Apr 1851 m. Carolina Anna Amstuz 
              LDS #1170426 #610                                                             
              8 Emile Ernest Bonjour b. 1884 m. Eva Junod 
                9 Georges Ernest Bonjour b. 1914 m. Margaritte Richard 
                  10 Blaise Georges Bonjour b. 1944 m. Marie Jeanne Laroche 
                    11 Lionel Laurent Bonjour b. 1973 
                  10 Sylvain Ernest Bonjour b. 1947 m. Sylvaine Hunbert-Droz 
                    11 Jann Bonjour b. 1973 
                    11 Severine Bonjour b. 1975 
                  10 Jean Francois Bonjour b. 1950 
                  10 Claude Alain Bonjour b. 1952 m. Josette Ballif 
                    11 Michael Bonjour 
                    11 Romuald Bonjour b. 1981 
                9 Roland Maurice Bonjour b. 1922 m. Lina Lechot 
                  10 Marc Andre Bonjour b. 1948 
                  10 Fred Ernest Bonjour b. 1950 m. Erica Berger 
                    11 Sandra Bonjour b. 1976 
                    11 Nathalie Bonjour b. 1978 
                    11 Ives Daniel Bonjour b. 1984 
                  10 Jacques Roland Bonjour b. 1951 m. Anelise LeCombe 
                    11 Letitia Bonjour b. 1978 
                    11 Laurent Bonjour b. 1981 
                    11 Gaelle Bonjour b. 1986 
                  10 Christan Michel Bonjour b. 1957 m. unknown 
                    11 Daniel Bonjour b. 1987 
              8 Robert Emile Bonjour b. 1885 
              8 Paul Arnold Bonjour b. 1894 m. Julie Adele Bonjour 
                There are several Julie Adele Bonjour's in this database that may be this one.
                9 Reynold Alexandre Bonjour b. 1920 m. Ida Feutz 
                  10 Francois Daniel Bonjour b. 1952 m. Martine Mattay 
                    11 Barbara Muriel Bonjour b. 1974 
                    11 Sebastion Bonjour b. 1976 
                9 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 1924 m. Alice Mosset 
                  10 Richard Bernard Bonjour b. 1958 
            7 Louis Bonjour b. 1852 
            7 Theophile Emile Bonjour b. 31 Jan 1853 m. Berthe Vuithier 
              LDS #1170427 #651                                                             
            7 Theophile August Bonjour b. 1853 m. Julie Junod 
            7 Ami Louis Bonjour b. 1855 
            7 Sophie Elise Bonjour b. 7 Jun 1857 
                            No. 75 Naissance de Bonjour Sophie Elise L’an mil huit cent cinquante-sept, le
sept Juin a six heurs du matin a Lignieres, est ne de Bonjour
Francois-Charles, cultivateur, age de trente-sept ans, originaire de
Lignieres, et de son Epouse Julie Adele nee Simon, age de trente-trois ans,
originaire de Lignieres, et tous deux y demeurant,, agee de vignt-neuf ans, un
enfant de sexe feminin, auquel ont ete dannes les prenoms de Sophie-Elise;
aieul paternel de l’enfant Bonjour Daniel, aieule paternelle Marianne-Rose nee
Descombes; aieul maternel Simon Theophile-Auguste; aieule maternelle Julie nee
Junod.  Le present acte de naissance a ete dresse sur la declaration faite
aujour d’hui devant nous Daniel-August Junod, officier de l’Etat civil de
Lignieres par Bonjour Francois-Charles, pere de l’enfant.  Passe en presence
de Bonjour Daniel, maitre mareihal, age de soixante-neuf ans, et de Bonjour
Daniel Auguste, mareihal, age de vingt-cinq ans, frere du declarant, et de
Gauchat Francois-Louis, cultivateur, age de cinquante-un ans, temoins requis
tous deux demeurant a Lignieres, et ont le declarant et les temoins signe avec
nous le present acte de naissance apres lecture faite. A Lignieres le onze
Juin mil huit cent cinquante sept a une heurs du jour. (signe) Francois
Charles Bonjour (signe) Daniel Bonjour (signe) Daniel Auguste Bonjour
					(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
            7 Louis Cesar Bonjour b. 1861 m. Emma Gauchat 
              8 Cesar Reni Bonjour b. 1895 m. Helene Scleui 
                Not sure of last name spelling.                                               
                9 Remy Gilbert Bonjour b. 1921 m. Yvonne Bonjour 
                  10 Jean Michel Bonjour b. 1949 m. Pik Yuk Ho 
                    11 Christophe Olivier Bonjour b. 1984 
                    11 Fanny Bonjour b. 1987 
                  10 Christian Bonjour b. 1951 m. Mairy Tadorian 
                    11 Thierry Bonjour b. 1985 
                    11 Patrick Bonjour b. 1988 
                9 Eric Noel Bonjour b. 1924 m. Mirielle Stauffer 
                  10 Martini Bonjour b. 1956 
                  10 Fabinni Bonjour b. 1960 
                  10 Isabelle Bonjour b. 1961 
                  10 Jean Luc Bonjour b. 1964 m. Nathalie Schaerer 
                    11 Marcime Celestin Bonjour b. 1993 
                9 Gottlow Roger Bonjour b. 1925 
                9 Michael Rene Bonjour b. 1935 m. Monique Calannes 
                  10 Eric Denis Bonjour b. 1963 
                  10 Alain Cyril Bonjour b. 1966 
              8 Georges Emile Bonjour b. 1898 m. Alice Hulter 
                9 Antonie Yvonne Bonjour b. 1938 
              8 Marc Henri Bonjour b. 1899 m. Anna Horschlrunaner 
                9 Bluette Bonjour b. 1945 
              8 Louis Marcel Bonjour b. 1900 
            7 Marcelin Bonjour b. 1867 
              Spelling of name is not clear.                                                
          6 Daniel August Bonjour b. 22 May 1832 m. Adele Junod 
            LDS #1170426, #1170427 #543 confirmed 24Dec1848                               
            7 Placide Bonjour b. 1863 
              Noel Bonjour Chart                                                            
            7 Daniel Auguste Bonjour b. 1864 m. Caroline Stampsli 
              Noel Bonjour of Lignieres Chart                                               
              8 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1892 m. Unknown 
                9 Paul Auguste Bonjour b. 1918 
              8 Daniel Auguste Bonjour b. 1894 
              8 Edouard Bonjour b. 1895 
              8 Daniel Edouard Bonjour b. 1896 
            7 Julien Florian Bonjour b. 1869 
            7 Louis Emile Bonjour b. 1881 
        5 Rose Marguerite Bonjour b. 6 Nov 1789 d. bef  7-May-1851 m. 17 Mar 1817 Jean Louis Simon d. bef  7-May-1851 
          LDS #1170426 Confirmed Christmas 1806                                         
          LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Frederic Auguste Simon b. 23 Nov 1817 
            LDS #1170426, confirmed 23Dec1834                                             
          6 Sophie Louise Simon b. 29 Sep 1819 
            LDS #1170426 #445, confirmed 22Dec1835                                        
          6 Francois Charles Simon b. 23 Dec 1821 d. 28 Jun 1858 m. Louise Emelie Simon b. c1824 
            LDS #1170426 #498                                                             
            7 Charles Louis Simon b. 7 May 1851 
              LDS #1170426 #603                                                             
            7 Louise Emma Simon b. 28 Jan 1853 
              LDS #1170427 #654                                                             
            7 Frederic Alcide Simon b. 6 Apr 1855 
              LDS #1170427 #22                                                              
          6 Frederic Louis Simon b. 2 Sep 1823 m. Clemence Lucie Descombes b. c 1831 
            LDS #1170426 #35, #1170427 see #7                                             
            LDS #1170427 see #7                                                           
            7 baby girl b. ?? May 1854 
              LDS #1170427 #7                                                               
            7 Louise Emma Simon b. 2 Oct 1857 
                            No. 80 (Quatre-vingt) Naissance de Simon Louise-Emma L’an mil huit cent
cinquante-sept, le deux Octobre, a cinq heurs du matin a Lignieres, est ne feu
de Simon Frederic-Louis, cultivateur, originaire de Lignieres, decede le
vingt-quatre Aout mil huit cent cinquante-sept, et de son Epouse
Clemence-Lucie nee Descombes, agee de vingt-six ans, originaire de Lignieres,
et tous deux y demeurant, un enfant de sexe feminin, auquel ont ete dannes les
prenoms de Louise-Emma; aieul paternel de l’enfant Simon Jean-Louis, aieule
paternelle Rose-Marguerite nee Bonjour; aieul Descombes David Louis, aieule
maternelle Mariane-Julie nee Carrel.  Le present acte de naissance a ete
dresse sur la declaration faite aujour d’hui devant nous Daniel-August Junod,
officier de l’Etat civil de Lignieres par Descombes David Louis, cultivateur,
age de cinquante-neuf ans, originaire de Lignieres et y d demeurant, lequel
agis ici a defaut de son gendre Simon Frederic-Louis decede.  Passe en
presence de Chiffelle Charles-Auguste, cultivateur, age de cinquante-trois
ans, et de Chiffelle Jean-Jaques-Louis, cultivateur, age de cinquante-six ans,
temoins requis tous deux demeurant a Lignieres, et ont le declarant et les
temoins signe avec nous le present acte de naissance apres lecture faite. A
Lignieres le neuf Octobre mil huit cent cinquante sept a huit heurs du matin.
(signe) David Louis Descombes (signe) Charles Auguste Chiffelle (signe)
Jean-Jaques-Louis Chiffelle 					(signe) Dl. Augte. Junod

Lignieres, Neuchatel County, Switzerland - Births and Baptisms Catholic and
Protestant 1824 - 1857 Vol. 3 Catechuminan
          6 Julie Adele Simon b. 18 Jul 1825 
                        m. Jean Weber b. c 1822 
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            LDS #1170427                                                                  
            7 Frederic Louis Simon b. 5 Sep 1843 
              LDS #1170427, illegitimate son                                                
            7 Julie Louis Weber b. 22 Apr 1851 
              LDS #1170426 #602                                                             
            7 Charles Auguste Weber b. 7 Mar 1854 
              LDS #1170427 #1                                                               
          6 Marie Louise Simon b. 17 Apr 1827 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
          6 Zelie Adele Simon b. 12 Jun 1830 
            LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Jean Jacques Bonjour b. 1754 
        LDS #1170426 confirmed 6 Aug 1772                                             
      4 Marguerite Bonjour b. 1756 
        LDS #1170426 Bp.                                                              
    3 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 1723 m. Marguerite Bonjour 
      LDS #1170426 Bp.                                                              
      LDS #1170426                                                                  
      4 Jean Jacque Bonjour b. 1737 m. Madeleine Marthi 
        LDS #1170426 Confirmed 25 Dec 1750                                            
        5 Barthelemi Bonjour b. 22 Apr 1815 
          Godfather Jonas Droz, Godmother judith Descombes dau of Jean Louis Descombes  
          Margin note (death?) 18 Nov 1839                                              
      4 Matelina Bonjour 
        hard to read name                                                             
      4 Marie Isabeau Bonjour b. 1740 
        LDS #1170426 Confirmed 25 Dec 1750                                            
      4 Marie Marguerite Bonjour b. 1747 
      4 Abraham Bonjour b. abt 1760 
        LDS #1170426                                                                  
    3 Jean Paul Bonjour m. Georgenia unknown 
      R.L. Bonjour - Jesu Paul Bonjour                                              
      R.L. Bonjour                                                                  
      4 Jean Charles Bonjour b. 1747 
        R.L. Bonjour (Jesu C. Bonjour)                                                
      4 Jean Pierre Bonjour b. 1750 
        R.L. Bonjour (Jesu Peirre)                                                    
      4 Abraham Justice Bonjour b. 1752 
        R.L. Bonjour                                                                  
      4 Jean Jaques Bonjour b. 1754 
        R.L. Bonjour (Jesu Jaquel)                                                    
  2 Abraham Bonjour b. abt 1688 m. unknown 
    LDS #1170426                                                                  
    3 Jean Jacques Bonjour b. 1708 
      LDS #1170426                                                                  
    3 Abraham Bonjour b. 1713 
      LDS #1170426                                                                  

Fred Bonjour / Troy, Michigan /