This table is for use only with these three mutations as the Clearbody is an allele of the Ino gene. The Lacewing comes into this group by virtue of the fact that it is a composite of Ino and Cinnamon. However the Cinnamon will not be taken into account in this table. This table only allows for the expression of the composite form, Lacewing. Should a Cinnamon or Ino appear this is due to the genes crossing over of which I have no control for the purposes of this table.

The term Ino has been used in this table. If using a Lacewing, substitute the word Lacewing for Ino.

Clearbody Cock X Ino Hen = 50% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
50% Clearbody Hens
Ino Cock X Clearbody Hen = 50% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
50% Ino Hens
Clearbody Split Ino Cock X Clearbody Hen = 25% Clearbody Cocks
25% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
25% Clearbody Hens
25% Ino Hens
Clearbody Split Ino Cock X Ino Hen = 25% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
25% Ino Cocks
25% Clearbody Hens
25% Ino Hens
Clearbody Split Ino Cock X Normal Hen = 25% Normal Split Clearbody Cocks
25% Normal Split Ino Cocks
25% Clearbody Hens
25% Ino Hens
Normal Split Clearbody Cock X Ino Hen = 25% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
25% Normal Cocks
25% Clearbody Hens
25% Normal Hens
Normal Split Ino Cock X Clearbody Hen = 25% Clearbody Split Ino Cocks
25% Normal Split Clearbody Cocks
25% Ino Hens
25% Normal Hens

[ Genetics Index Page] [ Sex Linked ] [ Recessive ] [ Dominant ] [ Dominant to Recessive ] [ Dark Factor ] [ Crested ] [ Green, Yellowface, Blue ] [ Dilute, Clearwing, Greywing ] [ Dutch, Danish ]