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Email Me
This is me, along with my two little rugrats, Ashley (11) and Kris (6).  We were all dressed up to go out to dinner in Myrtle Beach - We're all smiling cause Mom wasn't cooking that night. CKA11-96J.jpg (17448 bytes)
nicky2.jpg (6259 bytes) This is Nick, the love of my life, the man who can do it all and without complaints. He's retired now, enjoying having time at home and with us (I'll never understand why?) but I'm really enjoying having him around to help out (okay! do "all" the housework)
This is "the real me" - yep.. that is how I really look.  I am what I suppose most would call semi-retired.  I used to  work a few days a week at a local golf course - something to get me out and make a little 'play money'. Currently looking for something 'new' to do.. any suggestions????? me01a.jpg (31665 bytes)
Ashgrd5.jpg (33259 bytes) This is Ashley, she is now 11, and already driving us nuts.. Heaven help us in the next few years when she becomes a teenager!  She's smart as a whip though and will hopefully soon have her own webpage up.
This is my little guy, Kristopher. He's my Christmas baby, and I think the best Christmas present I ever had.   He's also very smart, but one of the sweetest most considerate kids I've ever known... lucky for me he's ours!  I'm helping him to design a webpage too, coming soon! K11-28.gif (68734 bytes)
Jay11-96.gif (30374 bytes) This is Jason, can't believe the big lug is going to be 24 this year.  I missed out on the first ten years of his life, but the rest of them he's been a been a darn good kid, as he's grown, he's really made us proud.

More Family Photos
(Album courtesy of Pictranet - to view the full sized picture just click the image. Use the back button on your browser to return here.)


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Last Updated on July 19, 1998

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