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These are links to some of the nicest people I have met on the web, with great personal sites - And although I have not and may never 'really' meet them, I like to consider them all
'Great Friends'!!

( In Alphabetical order... the only kind I know... )

Alan's Home Page - In The Top 100% - Building a web page? Let Alan fill you in on every possible problem you will have. Then check his links and don't let his Cockatiels leave any surprises on your shoulder.
Camilla's Place - Where anything is possible... In Malmo, Sweden that is... Get a good laugh and learn something about her Favorites ( It's her husband... Roger, but call him Chucky... He Loves it! )
Chris Goebel's HomePage - How about visiting the site of a 13 year old that is truly amazing in his talents for webdesign? Chris is even designing pages for other countries businesses! How's that for "Impressive?"
Joey's Pics of Men - Well, Joey and his Hubby David have this great site - and its amazing how we have almost the same taste in men!  Uga-Chaka Sweetie!
Lady Bandit's Place in the Cybersun - One of the best personal sites I've come across... created by the nicest card carrying 'Cold hearted Bi..ch." I have ever met... Runs a mean egg hunt too!
Lollo's in the Mountainhome - Meet the cyberbiker himself. He is from Sweden, and is just getting started - but one of the nicest bikers you'll ever meet.
The Buddy Rich Appreciation Site - This is "Chucky's" (okay... Roger's) page - dedicated to his favorite big band drummer. And he finally acknowledged all the wonderful people in his life! It's About time!!!!
The Dover's Refrigerator - Has got to be 'The Best' thing on the web since mold free vegetable crispers. Ben and Ilene Dover have the greatest contests and humor stashed in that white box... and be sure you visit Pa... just don't get too close or he'll spit tabaccy juice on your shoes.
Vanny's Web Cabin - The one place to always feel right at home. A fantastic lady who happens to make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
Coastal 3D - The site to see if you want 3D graphics for your site. This is Nick's site, the BEST friend ( and husband ) a girl could have.

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This page is always under construction, and this is NOT "ALL" my webfriends... this is only the beginning.... there are millions of people to meet and greet in this vast cyber community... and a lot of my 'friends' will just have to make pages before I can list them...


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Last Updated on July 19, 1998

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