Abe Ezekowitz's Web Page

Hi. My name is Abe Ezekowitz & welcome to my web page. Here is my pics page. I am originally from Brooklyn, New York , spent 15 years in the Washington, DC area and now residing in Florida. Click here to see a picture of a street map that shows the street where I grew up. I graduated from Midwood High School & then Kingsborough Community College, both located in Brooklyn. Kingsborough is part of the City University of New York also known as CUNY. Click here to see my resume.

I have many hobbies, including taking long walks in the park and in the woods, watching movies & TV, computers, photography, bowling, cooking, eating (*smile*), and listening to music. I am also an animal lover. I believe if humankind is to survive, he and she needs to realize we are part of a larger scheme of things & that includes other "animals", what I affectionately call "non-humans". Here is a page with pictures of some, but obviously not all of my favorite "non-humans". click here to go to animal page.

Another thing about me, which in a way is part of my love for animals, is my love of nature. I would rather see a lone tree, or a lone fish, or even a lone bird survive rather than risk that for the profitability of a select few humans. There is a famous saying, and I might be paraphrasing, but essentially it says: "we do not inherit the planet from our parents, we borrow it from our children." I guess you could say I'm a conservationist. Everytime I see and hear about rainforests being cut down. or beaches being destroyed by oil spills and garbage, it breaks my heart because to me, this planet is a gift from G-D and we have no right to abuse and destroy it.

As you can probably tell from my name, I am of the Jewish faith & very proud of it. I am also a very big supporter of Israel. I am not so much a religious Jew but a cultural Jew. My parents, may they both rest in peace, were Holocaust survivors & instilled in me a great pride in who & what I am. My father was from a small stetl (town) called Pinscow (pronounced Pinchev) and my mother was born in Bialystok. Both towns are in Poland. I believe in the concept of Never Forget ! I would like to find a nice Jewish woman who is interested in friendship, marriage, children & growing old together. If a non-Jewish woman would convert, that would be ok too :)

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