Dear Ms-Analysis,

Ms-Analysis Appointment Note Pad

I just have to tell someone.........

Topic Of the Month
The Spring Fever Bug!

AHHHHH Spring is here! The time for new romances......otherwise known as Spring Fever! This is the time of year that many things are getting a new start on life. The Grass grows green again, the flowers bloom and birds begin building new nests. Along with the resurgence of the flora and fauna, comes the new birth of romantic desires for us too!

This is the time of year that we throw off our overcoats and our inhibitions. We begin to notice those that might have gone unnoticed when the snow was flying. Spirits are soaring as we watch life around us awaken. We start to think of bonding with someone and hope that the one that we desire is interested in us too!

We start our own coursthip dances. This is not just a passing fancy for some and relationships started now can and often do lead to summer weddings. For those that are already married, it is often a time of renewing those commitments as well. It is not a time reserved just for the young, but rather the young at heart.

You see it everywhere you go. Couples.......pairing off for what promises to be an exciting experience. So be sure to stop long enough to smell the never know who you might meet!

What's You're Favoritie
Romantic Spring Tradition?

Share your feelings about Spring Romances and maybe you can
inspire a new and exciting tradtion for someone!

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This Months Topic Of Discussion is The Spring Fever Bug!

A Previous Months Topic Of Discussion was Chat Room Hackers
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The Current Letter is Love the Second Time Around

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The Current Letter!

Love the Second Time Around

Dear Ms. Analysis,
I met a man 6 weeks ago, I know deep inside that he is the one, but I am not ready for a commitment and he claims the same. I have never told him how I feel about him other than I like him. Deep down I think he feels the same and is also not telling. Hope this makes sense..anyway, I want to know...before I wind up getting do you tell how someone feels about deep the feelings may go. He has been divorced 8 years and only dated a few women. I have been divorced 3 years and have only been dating about 6 months. If I go out with a guy and we don't click I don't waste my time or his by continuing to see him. I guess I just want to know how you really tell, without putting any pressure on them.

Back in the game!

Dear Back in the game,
I am not sure that there is anyway to tell how someone feels about you with out asking or waiting for them to tell you.

He has been out in the single scene for quite a while and he has yet to forge a serious least serious enough to make a commitment. You have, on the other hand, just put yourself back out there in the dating arena relatively recently.

It is great that you have found someone who holds your interest but, you need to give this relationship the time to grow into something other than casual dating. It sounds like he might not be looking for the same type of commitment that you are.

Perhaps you should encourage him to talk about himself and what he wants for his future and what he requires to be happy. After a divorce, many men and women have resigned themselves to the single life, not wishing to ever be in a position to be hurt as they were before. He may not have the same long term goals for his future that you do.

My advice would be to explore the possibilities of a future with him by encouraging him to tell you his dreams!
Good Luck! Hope that helps!

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