WOW! Help Pages?

Guess we only need this kind now!

Missing your WOW! friends? Can't find out where they went, or if they have already canceled? Well, here's one place to leave your mark and maybe they will find you!

This is the place to register your service changes and help those that shared this experience with you, and became your friend, to locate you now.

This is my little way of saying...........
"Thanks to all of those wonderful people that I had the good fortune to meet through WOW! They can't take the friendships away unless we let them!"

Help your friends find you!
Register in the WOW! Members Referral Book!

Find Your WOW! Friends!
Check the WOW! Members Referral Book!

Sorry, the guestbook server was down but it has been restored. If you had signed it previously, I apologize, but you will need to sign again to re-register your changes. Thank you for registering!

A NEW WOW! Page!!!
Check it Out!

Were you concerned about Chat Room Hackers on WOW! and would you have liked to see something done to stop this annoying practice? Then be sure to add your thoughts, feelings and experiences to the Group Topic Of The Month in the

Chat Room Hackers Discussion Forum!

Compuserve has announced plans to CLOSE DOWN it's WOW! Service entirely effective January 31,1997!

Do you think some of the problems discussed here could have led to that rather radical decision? Follow these links for more complete information, and to see the "offer" that Compuserve is making to it's current WOW! Members!

What's New At WOW!
Notice the confusing message they send to consumers by having the closing announcement at the top and a member survey further down the page that professes to want to help make the service better! No wonder the users were upset!
The Announcement
Compuserves Offer

If you had WOW! as your service, you already know why these pages existed! With so many great WOW! resource pages out there, it would have been redundant of me to create one of my own. Besides, these people knew alot more about how to get WOW! to run, including all the extras that WOW! forgot......and save your sanity in the process, than I make sure you drop by and send them a big thank you for all their help!

Gary's WOW! Page
This is the page that I feel started them all! Gary has been on the cutting edge of trying to help WOW! members from the beginning! Thanks Gary!
Zero Down's WOW! FAQ Page
A great place to quickly grab some useful information! Thanks Zero!
Brett's Unoffical WOW! Help Page
A virtual smorgasbord of helpful information! Thanks Brett!
WOW! Members Organization
An organized group page...trying to help and supply information! A must see page for WOW! users! Thanks Evan!

And now for something completely different!

A different type of WOW!
A positive force at just happens to be called WOW! too!

Features Magazine
Back to Features Magazine
If you know of a page
that should be added here
Please Let Me know!
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