Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue
Adoption Contract
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  • THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _______________ day of _________________ 19___ relates to the following Basset Hound and Adopting person (s).
  • NAME OF DOG______________________________sex____________
  • COLOR/MARKINGS__________________________ DOB ___________
  • NAME: (please print) ________________________________________
  • ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ CITY:_________________ STATE:_____________ ZIP: ____________
  • TELEPHONE:____________________ WORK_____________________
  • 1. Adopting person (s) agrees the dog will be a house pet, and will receive all care and attention necessary to ensure it's health and well being. Adopting person(s) will provide adequate food, fresh water, shelter, exercise, heartworm preventive, veterinary care and yearly inoculations as recommended by attending veterinarian, and license said dog according to state and local laws.
  • 2. Adopting person(s) WILL NOT PERMIT THE DOG TO RUN FREE OR OFF A LEASH OR OUT OF IMMEDIATE CONTROL. When outside, the dog will never be staked or chained.
  • 3. PRIOR TO THIS ADOPTION the adopting person(s) will provide fencing around any swimming pools, ponds or other water ways to prevent the dogs entry into the water.
  • 4. The adopting person(s) will provide inside sleeping quarters.
  • 5. Adopting person(s) will not transport the dog in an open pick up truck bed or boat.
  • 6. Adopting person(s) agrees that the dog will at all times wear a non-metal buckle collar with current rabies tag and any licensing tag. 'Training' and 'choaker' collars are strictly forbidden.
  • 7. Adopting person(s) agree to telephone Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue immediately if the dog becomes lost or stolen.
  • 8. Adopting persons will notify Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue at least ONE WEEK prior to any change of address .
  • 9. Adopting person(s) WILL KEEP THE BASSET DOG FOR SO LONG AS IT SHALL LIVE, AND WILL NOT TRANSFER THE OWNERSHIP TO ANY OTHER PERSON WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue. The dog cannot be transferred to any other person, firm, or organization for any reason including death of adopting person(s)
  • 10. If custody of the dog must be relinquished, Adopting Person (S) agrees to notify Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue IMMEDIATELY to arrange for re-adoption.
  • 11. The adopting person(s) take the dog as is, with all defects, either observable or unobservable, and assumes full risk for the dog from the date of signing this agreement. NO WARRANTY is made or implied regarding the dog's temperament or physical condition.
  • 12. Adopting person(s) agree to relinquish custody to Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue at any time these stipulations have been violated, and agree to allow Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue to inspect the premises where the dog will reside, if so requested.
      signatures of adopting person(s)
      Houston/Harris County Basset Rescue

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