My Pets
(Ok everybody, all at once now: "Awww....")

I love my pets!  I just hafta show 'em to y'all:
This is my baby, Max.   He's a goof off, and I love him to death.
This is our other cat, Ralph, buried in a pile of none other that Beanie Babies.  He's also zonked out.
This was taken about a year ago, and the one is Ralph, and the other is my old cat, Frisky.  He died last fall.
This is my last batch of baby bunnies!  I loooove them.  I don't have a picture of my other "baby", Velvet, their mother.  I'll get one on here soon.

Here is another baby bunny. She is sooooo cute.

This rabbit went to the fair last year and won grand champion. The picture above is the same bunny as a baby.

This is my sister's dog, Rosie and my cat on our sidewalk.

Go home!

Copyright 1998 by Kate.
