My QSL card   12K jpeg

JR3XUH Kobe, Japan


Greetings from JR3XUH in KOBE City

Station Operated by Yasu Yoshida

=Station information=

Operator: Yasuhiro Yoshida (Ex: JR0BFC) QTH: Higashinada-ku Kobe-City 1st QSO on: March 23rd, 1973 License: 1st Class Amateur Radio E_mail:
Updated on June.2nd.2006



Click the picture to jump the article. From left to right, 811A pp Modulator, 813s Final stage, 6146 Excitor
Yes, The AM is still alive in Japan !





My favorite old tube gear....

Homebrew Equipments

I flatter myself that I am one of the best homebrewers in Japan.
ATV transmitter used old special tube 5894, and final stage for high power AM on 6m used 4CX250B etc. are on the pages.
Needless to say, my effort to save them from damages of the quake makes all these equipments NO LOSS. This vintage radio saved has been improving right now....'RF-1 IF-2 ST tube Motorola C-QUAM AM Stereo Receiver'

AMI #1138

QSL cards

Plenty of my QSL cards are in the album.

Mobile QRV

Mobile QRV by JR0BFC is talked with QSL cards in the pages.

The Quake in 1995

I suffered a great damage from the quake in 1995.
Fortunately, there were no causalities on my families, but my old wooden house, which was built in 1920 was completely destroyed. Click here to compare the house before and after the quake.
And here is my ham equipments BEFORE and AFTER the quake, respectively.

Japanese page HERE