A Lotz Family Travel Page
COUNTRY BARNS - A Lotz Family Page
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Many fascinating barns and farm buildings can be found in eastern Tennessee. We found some located along scenic backroads and others in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Their characteristics range from up-to-date structures, to those that are clinging to vegatation for support, to the unfortunate ones that have eventually failed the tests of time and lie in a collapsed heap on the ground.

One cannot help but wonder how grand these buildings must have looked when they were first constructed. These buildings served generations of farmers protecting livestock, feed, hay, and crop harvests from the harsh weather encountered across the mountains and valleys. Some structures look as if they are ready to fall down, yet you will often find them stacked to the rafters with large rolls of hay.

Imagine the history and stories that could be told if only these wonderful buildings could talk! We hope you enjoy viewing our collection of country barn photographs as much as we did seeing and photographing them. A good friend of ours lives in Tennessee and contributed some of the photos you see here.

Don't forget to take a look at our Farmhouses and Other Buildings page!

Please be patient. While the pictures have been optimized for the web, they still take some time to load.

Barn #2 - Eastern TNBarn #19 - Eastern TN

Barn #15 - Eastern TNBarn #6 - Eastern TN
Barn #8 - Eastern TNBarn #20 - Eastern TN
Barn #12 - Eastern TNBarn #10 - Eastern TN

Barn #14 - Eastern TNBarn #16 - Eastern TN
Barn #23 - Eastern TN

All photographs copyright 1998 - 2004 by the Lotz Family

Updated: 5/23/2004

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