For Fun and Information

Riddler-If your are into brain games.
Bingo-Register to play Bingo FREE,you might win.
Focalpoint-This electronic muse and virtual community center is an open call to come and play.
Firewalking-The practice of walking across red-hot coals unscathedis not your typical hobby,and firewalking.
Science in the Public Interest-Now here`s a healthy section.
XoomCards-Keep in touch with friends and family during the holiday season.
Bluemountain-E-mail your friend a post card.
           Postcard Shop-another E-mail Post Card Service.
Marlo Awesome Greeting Cards-Send a friends an Asian Electronic Greeting Card.
-Email is fine but Web Cards are better,Send your greetings with Web Cards.

Castle Mountains Postcards-choose from the many Event Postcards.
Arcadium-If you want to learn strategies to games.
A Word a day.-)To learn get a dfferent word,and it`description.

WIZARDS AND WARRIORS-Grab your book of spells, your sword, and your favorite computer game, and head over to GameSpace, the new gaming center at GeoCities.
Destination Vietnam-interesting things from Asia.
WISS-It's mission is to connect Christians in missions,outreach and compassionate social action. It has a prayer board,a bible study area,a database for Christian out reach ministries to be listed in and chat rooms.

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