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Meow!.....Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......Hope you are enjoying the music. It is from the musical "Cats".
My name is really Karen and Tasmin was the feline matriarch in our family. The first time that I went into a chat forum Tasmin was sitting on top of my monitor and I chose to use her name to remain anonymous. Of course, now many friends, that I chat with, know me by my real name. Tasmin's life tragically ended November 23, 1997 on the road in front of our house.

I live in Hootentown, Missouri, that's down in the Ozarks, with my husband of 33 years,Jim and our feline children, Little Kitty(deceased July 2006), G.W.(disappeared November 2008), Moses (the last baby kitty that Tasmin left behind), B.J., Miller, Taileyno, Monk, Hobie (the deaf cat), Roxie, Tuck, Baby, Demi, Larry, Shep and Grey Kitty.

Our 32 year old daughter, Stannye recently moved to Nashville, TN taking our 2 granddogs and a grandkitty with her.
Gia, is a young English Mastiff and Ridik. is her 8 year old English Mastiff who has had a seizure disorder for the last 4 years.
Ridik at 10 weeks weighed about 25 pounds and when he reach his full adult size he weighed 180 pounds.
Little Miss Mia, the three-legged terror is our grandkitty.

In April 1997 I joined my husband in the track striping business and now we are together 24/7 most of the time. We spend about 90% of our time traveling around the country striping athletic tracks at high schools and colleges and living in motel rooms and out of our suitcases. Moses and Hobie travel with us. As they say "Home Is Where The Cat Is". To find out more about us follow the links.

Read About My Experience With Best Shot Digital

10 Reasons Why Cats Make Great Kids

(from a book by Allia Zobel)

These will be changed periodically, so come back often.

A cat will never beg you to let him have his nose pierced.
Cats are too couth to have burping contests.
Cats don't pick their noses.
Cats don't need dates for the Junior Prom.
Cats don't talk about you in therapy.
Your cat would never pester you to get him a dog.
You don't have to save for their college tuition.
Cats couldn't care less about MTV.
Though he may ignore you, a cat will never sass you.
Cats don't hog the computer.
Two or three hours a day on the Internet and they're more than satisfied.

Why Cats Are Better Than Men

Cats keep their opinions to themselves.
Cats don't criticize your mother.
Cats never question how much you're eating.
Cats never claim they know how to fix large appliances.
Cats understand the importance of beauty sleep.
Cats are happy to let you drive.
Cats always look good first thing in the morning.
One good purr can be worth a thousand words.
Cats don't complain when you get a short haircut.
Cats love it when you go shopping.
Cats never return the gifts you get them.
Cats are able to keep the romance alive.

My Quilt Page

Creek Monkey's Baby Book

Over 500 Cat Links

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These pages created by Ta§min.
Last updated January 6, 2009.

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