We had such fun! We miss you all!

We were visited by these esteemed guests:

Peaches from Troop 5032 in NW Atlanta GSC, Georgia
Tina from Troop 2004 in Vancouver, Washington
Gumdrop from Troop 574 in Delaware-Raritan GSC, New Jersey
Snowflake from Troop 828 also with Delaware-Raritan GSC
Sunny Bunny from Troop 454 in San Fernando Valley GSC, California
Sweetheart from Troop 104 in Magic Empire Council, Oklahoma
Krispy from Troop 3168, GS of the South Jersey Pines, New Jersey
Sky from Troop 69 in Keystone Tall Tree GSC, Pennsylvania
Daisy from Troop 037 in Black Hawk Council of GS, Wisconsin
and Pickles from 32nd Sarnia Girl Guides, Cathcart District, Lakeshore Division, Trillium Area in Canada

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last update 9/23/96