The Snugs Has Cats!

Boy Howdy, Does the Snugs Ever Have Cats!

Thinking people have cats as pets...

However, anyone with eight cats just isn't thinking - perhaps is not even capable of thinking - at least not anymore.

The Snugs Cats are, in order of their appearance:

The Story

No one plans to have eight cats. The Snugs agreed to just one cat, of course. Sweet little Danielle, just nine years old, begged for a kitten. We had just moved to a new home (in a new city, a new state - heck, we were in a new country!) and The Snugs, being the soft-headed schmuck that she is, said "Okay."

So the girls and I went to pick up a "free" beautiful Himalayan(-looking) kitten. However, as anyone with two children knows, you simply cannot, no matter how hard you try, get something for just one child. Montana saw that kitten and just had to have one, too. So we began this feline odyssey with Whiskers and Pebbles.

Pebbles came to a bad end, however, and to "make Montana feel better," a "good friend" gave us Cookie. A year later, when a pregnant stray adopted my mother (this cat thing is genetic), we got one of the babies, Spock.

Oops! But then we were not even! Three cats and two daughters! Oh no! The whole cosmos is thrown out of kilter!!!! So a month later, when Steve's, cat, Violet had kittens, we get Pookie. (Steve had not yet become my official Snuggyboo, but it seemed predestined.)

Yes, as it turns out, Steve is a cat-person, too, with Violet and Chester. Chester, unfortunately, went to that big kitty box in the sky, so when Steve moved to Columbia, SC, he adopted a dumpster-stray with a severe allergy, and, because she had the nasty habit of losing much of her fur in the Spring and Fall, named her Fuzz.

Right before Steve became my legal Snuggyboo, the girls and I took care of another parking lot stray. She was badly injured - what else could we do? We had no intention of keeping her, and even found her another home, but the new owners brought her back in less than a week, so although Callie's a temp, she's got all the benefits. She's been temping with us for four years now.

As the Snuggyboo of the household, Steve and his cats moved in. Fuzz and Violet, who hated each other on sight, also hated all of my cats on sight. As if my cats didn't hate each other already! We had fur flying like confetti! Yes, one big happy home - humans allowed in only to refill the food bowls!

So imagine my surprise when Montana brings this five-week old kitten in the house saying, "Look what I found!" Steve, apparently being even softer in the head than The Snugs, said, "What's the difference between seven cats and eight cats?" Well, I'll tell you what... I've met the devil, and her name is "Daisy"!

More later if you can stand it...

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