Henry and Ruby - The Twin Terrors

Ruby Using the Mac

Henry Using the Mac


My brother Henry is probably the most rascally cat I've ever been around. Imagine a cute, energetic little kitten that never grows up, then make him 10 pounds and very fast, and you can envision the trouble he can create!! He's a pretty good smurgler, but is still looking for additional smurgle training. His favorite pastimes are:


My sister Ruby is pretty rascally too (but she doesn't climb on Tom as much as I do!) She always wants attention, petting, food, grooming, string chasing, mousie playing, etc. She is very furry and has lots of hairballs. In fact, her talents recently led to two medals at the Catlanta Catlympics!!

Ruby - Double Salmon Winner:

Hairball Hurling: for stealth in convincing the hoomins to put her on TV to do something else and for the national placement of her hairball as Letterman's toupee.
Snooz Reporting: a special salmon snoozsreporter award to Ruby at Tom's kitty ranch for her stellar coverage of Raggle's napping.

I also like to sleep in the bowls that Tom put down to catch drips from the leaky roof!!

Obligatory CatCodes:

Henry: DS (R+W)t+W G 3 Y+ L- W- C++ I+++ T+++ A++ E H+ S+++ V+ F+++ Q- P++ B PA+ PL+ am I related to her??

Ruby: DL (R+W)t+W G+Y 3 X+ L- W C++ I+++ T+++ A+++ E- H+ S+ V- F- Q+ P B- PA- PL- am I related to him??

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