A Page About Values

Traditional American Values

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This is a page about Traditional American Values. What are Traditional American Values? I think the answer to that question is best summed up in William J. Bennett's "The Book of Virtues". Bennett's books on morals and virtues have all found themselves near the top of the New York Times best-sellers list. This shows that there is a hunger in America to live a good life that others can and do respect. Contrary to what the media may try to tell us, Traditional American Values are what the American people trully want and need. Traditional American values are something this once great nation needs if it is to ever again achieve the greatness it once had. The fact that William J. Bennett's books on morals and American values, such as "The Book of Virtues", are achieving best-seller status, and that it is as difficult as it is to get a home page in Heartland are truly a testament to how much the American people do wish for traditional values again.

A Quote to Remember:
"Yes, the president should resign. He has lied to the American people, time and time again, and betrayed their trust. He is no longer an effective leader. Since he has admitted guilt, there is no reason to put the American people through an impeachment. He will serve absolutely no purpose in finishing out his term; the only possible solution is for the president to save some dignity and resign."
Bill Clinton, 1974, commenting on Richard Nixon

Links to other Traditional American Value sites on the Web

The National Review
Heritage Foundation
The American Spectator
Town Hall
The Federalist Paper
Judicial Watch
CATO Institute
Young American's Foundation
GOP Environmentalism
Tocqueville Foundation
AHGO Foundation
Conservative Political Action Committee
Impeach Bill Clinton

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