Money advice
Welcome to Jan Wigh Nielsen's Advice Column
Hello, my name is Maria. I am Jan Wigh Nielsen's virtual secretary. Jan and I are here to give you advice about MONEY PROBLEMS. Jan is the one who gets the good ideas and answers your questions - and I help him out in the office. Today, he has some REALLY good tips to share!
Featured Dilemma:
When you want to enjoy the pleasures of life, but your wallet is empty.
Dear Jan,

My income is too small. I work hard just to make a living. But I would like to have more money at my disposal so I could do something FUN

I would like to BUY NEW THINGS for my house ... GO PLACES in my holidays ... GO TO RESTAURANTS more often. In short, I would like to ENJOY LIFE!

Could you give me some advice about how to get more money - without having to work too hard?

I know this is a very difficult problem for you to solve, but I have heard you might be able to help me.

Poor little me.
Dear  "Poor little me",

That's a tough one, but I think I can help you. Have you heard about a wonderful program called
Build Referrals? It is a fantastic plan, where people help each other to EARN EXTRA MONEY with only a very little effort.  Joining the program is absolutely FREE. If you  sign up here, you will get me as your personal sponsor. I will help you with all the questions you might have.

But wait. Maybe  you would like to try some more fantastic money-making oppurtunities too? Try these ones also:

Ask Miky for Visitors



If you have any questions, send me an e-mail.

Good luck!
Jan Wigh Nielsen