
Gone are the days of yesteryore,
Here are the things that are no more:
With the loss of each habit of every nun
The AGE of INNOCENCE was over and done.

What happened to the single bread winner?
He disappeared like the family dinner!
Oceans and rivers that were so clean
Left with our world that was so green.

Air that was so fresh and pure
Is another thing that is no more!
Pollution is an unhealthy sight.
Will we ever see another starry night?

Churches are locked up and fewer pray
Computers stop kids from going out to play!
Distances have ceased to be very far.
We no longer know where our children are!

Sports are played now only to win.
Anorexia exists because thin is in!
What happened to a nice, slow pace?
When was it replaced by this rat race?

Gone are the animals roaming free.
They are trapped in zoos for us to see!
My soul is weavy, my heart is sad
For every lassie and every lad!

A heart and soul is what we lack!
Please, dear GOD, can we have them back?
Gone are the days of yesteryore,
Let's get back the things that are no more!

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