by Judy Cook

We will find a ra in bo w,
And shine it in your eyes.
We'll hold onto empathy
And wear it in disguise.

Taking care of pain
With a smile or a pill,
We'll be there to heal
What diseases try to kill.

Using all our knowledge
To give your life a start,
When grief overwhelms you,
We'll serve you from our heart.

When pain becomes unbearable
Or bad news you've been told,
We're a soft shoulder to cry on
Or a sturdy hand to hold.

When everything seems hopeless
And you don't know what to do,
Reach out and press your bell,
And we will comfort you.

Please call on us to help
Even if you are in doubt.
We'll stay by your side
When others have walked out.

Whenever you feel alone
And things are getting worse,
Only then will you understand
We are more than just a nurse!

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