He Lives









Hello, my name is Lonnie.

I am a Christian male and this is my first attempt at

a homepage. Please enter at your own risk. {bring a hard hat :-) }





I am here to tell you about my Jesus.

He is a very important person in my life.

He leads me in every thing that I do.

Did you know that ?

Did you also know that ?

Did you know that He wants to be your FRIEND?






A little about me.


Here goes the boreing stuff, right?

I am 32 years old. I am now married and my wife and I ahave a baby that was born in July, 1999. IT"S A BOY !! here he is:

This is Joshua. He is 18 mos.

I am no longer working at one of the convience stores on the highwayor at Truckers Homestead off of Route 55. I am now employed as a bus driver for the schools in Auburn. I not only have a daily route here in town, but, I buss kids to Springfield every day too. I really like my job.

I met a lot of interesting people while working in the convience gas stations along Route 4 and interstate Route 55. But, the hours were long and someitmes very lonely. I am now working days so I can be home with my wife and baby.

My wife (Missy) and I just live just across the drive from mom and two of my brothers, and just nextdoor to mom is my other brother and his finacee. So we are still all very much a family only bigger. My brother, Dennis also now has a son. He was born just a week after our son. His name is Alexander.

As soon as I can talk Missy into a pic, I will post some pics of us . Well , I didn't talk her into it but here it is anyway. The three of us.


Well, that is all of the new stuff. Sorry, life just doesn't get any more exciting than learning to be a husband and daddy. Except of course my times with the Lord. He has been so good to me this past year. It is hard to believe that one person could be this happy in so short of time.

WEll, I will stop here and let you rest. hahah



Now let me tell you a little about my Jesus.

Jesus came into my life in a big big way. He has been my friend since I ask him into my heart. He has guided my footsteps everyday since we met. I never walk alone anymore. He has been my protection from lifes storms and kept me from falling over the stumbling blocks that satan has put in my way.

Don't think that just because I am a christian, that life is easy. It most definately is not.!! When satan sees that you are determined to serve the Lord, he comes against you with everything he can to make you sin, feel discouraged, and angry, and lonely, and without hope. But, if you keep your eyes on Jesus, He will help you over anything that satan can dish out.

Since we have moved up here, satan tried a couple of times to take my life. It did not happen. I had taken on a part time job at Taco Bell, and one morning when my neighbor and I was opening the store, a gunman appeared and grabbed me around the neck and held a gun to my head. I thought it was another employee just playing around until the gunman moved the gun infront of my face and pointed at my neighbor and made us get in the walk-in and lay on the floor with our heads down so they could open the safe. I know that only Jesus kept him from accidently firing that gun, as he was shaking worse than I was. That day changed my life forever. Every one thinks about what they would of done in my place, but no amount of fear or courage could of made me do anything else than what I did , and that was to just do as he said and not try to play the hero. I did not want to see my friend and neighbor lying on the floor in a pool of blood because I decided to be a hero. When he made us lie on the floor with our heads down, I kept waiting for the sound of the gun to explode in my ears. But, Thanks Be to God, that did not happen.

All I could do was pray that God would grant me the chance to go home and be with my family and see them again. And to be able to be with the new woman in my life. He did that, for both myself and Pam, my neighbor. She is a wife and a mother of two.


So, you see, satan comes only to rob, kill and destroy. He can rob you of your joy, kill your soul, and destroy your peace. But, Jesus will always be with you to keep you from being robbed, or from losing your peace, or from losing your soul. He is the answer to every need.

The scripture that I rely on the most is 1John 4:4. "Greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world."

Another good scripture is Phillipians 4:13; "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me."

If you don't know my Jesus, just call on Him, and ask him to forgive you and to come into your heart. You don't need some fancy prayer, or big words, just the sincerity in your heart. If he can answer a childs simple prayer, why can't he answer our simple prayers. He CAN. All you have to do is tell Him you need Him in your life and that you believe that He was born, walked on the earth, died on the cross, and rose again. It is very easy. Then once you have done that , find someone who is a Christian to talk to and also find a good church so you can hear the word, and find new friends. If that is not possible, there are a nuber of Christian chat rooms and web pages out there to keep you busy and uplifted for hours on end. There are also a lot of good television ministries that you can watch. That alone tho does not take the place of a one on one relationship with people. You should seek out friends that you can spend quality time with that believe in Jesus and let them show you that Being a Chirstian is not just something to be, it is a way of life. And against popular belief, it can be and is a lot of fun. There are Christian camps, Christian clubs, including motorcycle clubs, youth groups, Teen centers, and much much more. Finding them is not hard. Most are listed either on the w.w.w. or in the yellow pages of your local phone book.


okay that is it for now.

Have fun and talk to ya later.


Some of my favorite links:




That is all for now,

Please visit


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