What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It consists of a set of codes which are inserted in a document to control the way the document is displayed by a "web browser" such as Netscape Navigator/Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Since you are viewing this document, you must be using a web browser. If it has a "view source" feature, you can see what this web page looks like with the codes showing. In Netscape, select VIEW, then SOURCE... If you are familiar with the hidden codes used by word processors such as WordPerfect, you will see that HTML codes are very similar. A document containing these codes is called an HTML document.

An HTML document must have the proper form, so that it will be recognized and interpreted properly by the browser software. The basic form is:
You should notice two things here. Opening codes are enclosed in brackets (< >), and closing codes include a slash ().

For example, an HTML document is opened by and closed by .

This is true of most (but not all) codes. The GeoCities Basic HTML Editor (located within the File Manager Utility) will create the basic document structure for you. This is true of most (but not all) codes. The GeoCities Basic HTML Editor (located within the File Manager Utility) will create the basic document structure for you.

The best way to learn how to use HTML is to use it. Try out the tips on this home page. Each one will teach you a little more.

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