Volume 2

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No. 1 Apr. 4, 1994 Absolutely Free

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Although this quote is from an imaginary bird, Its not very far from how science explained the sky before the telescope was invented. They believed that the sky was a huge dome, and that the stars were like holes poked through it, where light on the outside of the astral canopy shined in.

Of course now we know better. The light from the stars doesn't come from outside the darkness. The light radiates from stars located within the dark expanse of space. Outside that canopy was where they thought Heaven was. But anything you can see, taste, touch, feel, hear or smell, is part of the natural world. Heaven is part of the supernatural world (John 18:36). So you can look for Heaven outside, but you won't find it.

That's how it was for the people in the Bible. They knew that God was going to send a Savior who was going to rescue His people from evil forever. They even knew when He was supposed to show up (Dan 9:25). And when Jesus showed up, right on time, many of them believed that He was that Savior.

But they were expecting Him to take over; to wage war against the evil Roman Empire, lead His people in victory, and set up His kingdom here on earth (John 6:14+15). Instead, He showed up, rode into town, and they killed Him. So, many who thought that He was the Messiah, or Savior, decided that they were mistaken.

Just like the scientists of the pre-Galileo era, their mistake was looking for Heaven around this world. The reason evil has power over people, is because they are guilty of sin. Once Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin, the power of evil was broken (Rom 5:18). And so Christ did rescue His people from evil forever.

But the kingdom He established here on earth is within you (Col 1:27). The Bible says that when He died on the cross, He defeated and humiliated evil in the spirit realm, triumphing over it (Col 2:15), even though in the natural, it appeared as though He lost.

Does it seem some times in the natural world that you're losing? When you're surrounded by darkness, just like the stars in space, He can kindle a fire in you, that will shine before others, and light the darkness for them too (2 Cor 4:6). That fire is the Holy Spirit. If you ask, Jesus will place it within you Absolutely Free.

No. 2 Apr. 11, 1994 Absolutely Free

Gun Control. Suppose that a bill was just brought up before the legislature, outlawing the sale of semi-automatic rifles. While sitting in a lobby, you find yourself sitting next to your congressman. So you ask him, "Where do you stand on this gun bill?" He answers with, "Well, I would definitely oppose any law leaving only the outlaws armed, however I question the necessity for a large volume of fire."

So where exactly does he stand on the issue? Don't you hate it when politicians dance around the question? Isn't it easier to respect a person who is wrong, but committed to their cause, as a matter of principle; than a person who is so afraid of being politically incorrect, that they'll say whatever they think the other person wants to hear?

Suppose his answer was, "I'm not really familiar with that legislation, so I guess I'll be voting blind on that one." Wouldn't it make you angry that he would make such an important decision, with no knowledge to base it on? What if he said, "Well, I'm opposed to it, but I'm voting for it," or visa-versa? What kind of sense does that make?

Controversial questions are always tough to answer. You know the next question to be asked will be, "Why do you feel that way?" In answering that one, you reveal your values, and in doing so, shine a little light on the quality of your character.

Do you believe in Jesus? Why do you feel that way? Don't vote blind. Read the Bible. The Word of God is able to save your soul (James 1:21). You are saved by believing in Jesus (John 3:16). That faith comes from hearing the Word (Rom 10:17). You can't believe in something you haven't heard (Rom 10:14).

You're not by any chance a person who says "Yes" with their words, and "No" with their actions, are you? That type of behavior really ticks Jesus off (Mark 7:6). He said that people who do that worship Him in vain (Mark 7:7). The Bible says that if your faith isn't reflected in your actions, then your faith is dead (James 2:17).

Politicians can dance around a question, but they have to vote either "Yea," or "Nay." They can't vote "Both." Neither can you. Is it time to vote? You cast the deciding ballot, on whether you get ratified or vetoed. Its a choice you are able to make, Absolutely Free.

No. 3 Apr. 18, 1994 Absolutely Free

"Beam me up Scotty...There's no intelligent life down here." Have you ever fantasized about being on a starship? Wouldn't it be cool to be able to step into a transporter, and the next thing you know, materialize somewhere else?

The implication of the word fantasize is that something becomes fantasy. Like materialize: Something becomes material. Or realize: Something becomes real. If you've never had a traffic accident, you might not realize the importance of auto insurance. But once you're involved in a wreck, its importance becomes very real. It is realized.

Science tells us that the technology for teleportation may actually be possible. So even though Star Trek isn't real, those people who fantasize about being beamed somewhere might someday realize that dream. But that's nothing new to some people.

You see although science fiction may have coined the term teleportation, its a concept that people who have read the Bible have been familiar with for centuries. There are several instances in the Bible where people vanished from one place, and appeared somewhere else (Gen 5:24, Luke 24:31+36-39, Acts 8:39+40).

The difference is that the Bible isn't a fantasy. Its real. Eventually, everyone will come to the realization of that (Rom 14:11). But just like auto insurance, the reality of Jesus, and His importance to us, may become real to some of us the hard way...too late. After you've had a wreck is the wrong time to start looking for insurance. After you've died is the wrong time to start looking for Jesus.

Well what if Jesus has never become real to you? What can you do? Make a legitimate effort to look for Him. The Bible says that those who look for Him will find Him (Jer 29:13). Many People who deep down inside really know that, yet haven't sought for Him, are afraid of what they might find. That's smart. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10). But it also says that He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in loving kindness, and relents from doing harm (Jonah 4:2).

So if you really want to seek out new life, and boldly go where no man has gone before, Captain Kirk can't help you out. But if you want to go to the real final frontier, pray to Jesus. He can take you there Absolutely Free.

No. 4 Apr 25, 1994 Absolutely Free

"...But there's booze in the blender, and soon it will render, that frozen concoction that helps me hang on." Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet.

Is one of the things that keeps you from seeking after God a propensity to get stiff? Some churches teach that when the word "wine" is used in the Bible, its talking about grape juice. That's too bad. Because its not true. In the original languages that the Bible was written in, they have words for wine, and words for juice. If they meant juice, they would have written juice. They wrote wine.

The first thing Noah did after he got off the ark and got settled in, was he planted a vineyard, made some wine, got drunk, and crashed out naked in his tent (Gen 9:20+21). The first miracle that Jesus performed according to the Bible, was at a wedding where they had drunk all the wine. He made 120 to 180 gallons more (John 2:1-11).

The Bible says that Jesus drank (Luke 7:34). It also says that Jesus never sinned. However, you're not going to find a passage in the Bible where He got drunk. It does say that there is no place in Heaven for drunkards (1 Cor 6:10). A drunkard is someone who gets drunk repeatedly.

So where do you draw the line? That's an individual decision (Rom 14:12). If you doubt that it is OK to drink, then it is a sin if you do (Rom 14:23). If when you drink, its in charge of you, rather than you being in charge of it, don't drink. You're going to be held accountable for your actions no matter who was in charge.

Jesus told a story about a sinner who showed up at the temple. He prayed and asked God to have mercy on him for all of his shortcomings. Next to him was a church dude who thanked God for not creating him as a sinner like the other guy. Jesus said that the sinner was justified, and not the church dude (Luke 18:14).

One of the things you might find out when you look into the Bible, is that you're not as terrible a person to God as you thought you were. You can be that person who goes home justified. Don't let other peoples' misconceptions about what is important in religion, and what is not, keep you from discovering Jesus in your life. He'll fix you some living water, stronger than any drink you've ever had Absolutely Free.

No. 5 May 2, 1994 Absolutely Free

The leader of the pack. Ambition. Power. Power is as good as money. Others use their money to influence those who have power. Almost every American boy has been told, "You could grow up to be president someday." The ultimate goal: Top of the heap.

It was the same in the Bible. Jesus chose 12 men to be His close associates. Then they argued about who was the most important (Luke 22:24). Once, a couple of them even told Him what offices they would like to hold (Mark 10:37). He told them that if anyone wanted to be #1, they had to make themselves a slave to the others (Mark 10:43-44).

The world needs good leaders. So, on the night Jesus had His last supper with His 12 buddies, He demonstrated God's idea of leadership. He washed their feet (John 13:5), a chore reserved for a servant or slave. He said this was their example to follow (John 13:15).

This idea of the most important person doing the least important things was totally foreign to them. Their idea of a leader was someone great and mighty, who lorded their authority over others (Mark10:42). But Jesus said that the first shall be last, and the last first (Mark 10:31). It is still difficult for most people to understand today.

It has been said that the most common last words of young men, dying in combat were, "Mama." As their life drained, and their consciousness of reality drifted away, their minds cried out to the only source of pure dependence they'd ever known.

The reason the apostles didn't understand Jesus' idea of leadership, was because they were men. As they looked for an avenue to power and glory, they completely forgot the perfect example of a leader that God had provided for them since birth: Their mother.

In a traditional home, the father left for most of the day, and worked outside of the home. Of the people left in the home, the mother was in charge. As supreme commander and queen, she fed those who were hungry, and provided drink for those who were thirsty. She pampered those who were hurt, and washed those who were dirty.

A popular psychologist has said that being a mother is the "most important job in the universe." The whole foundation of a persons character, what they amount to in this world, and much of what they carry into the next, is formed by this master builder of love: Mom.

Most of the love, most of the care, most of the service and mercy and understanding that most people have received from God, they got through their Mom, Absolutely Free.

No. 6 May 9, 1994 Absolutely Free

God is my co-pilot. Suppose one night, you're flying an aircraft, and you hear this transmission over the radio: "flight 609 (that's you), you're cleared for landing on runway 27. Begin your final approach." You look out your window toward the airport, and there's heavy ground fog. You can see the lights of the runways, but you can't see the numbers painted on them. So which one is runway 27?

The aircraft on the ground know that you're coming down, so they've gotten out of the way, and they're waiting on other runways. If you try to land on the wrong runway, you'll collide with them, killing you, your passengers and them.

Eventually this trip has to stop. Whether it ends by everyone arriving at their intended destination, or by everyone perishing in flames, depends on you. Its just like life. One runway leads to destruction, one leads to safety (Matt 7:13+14). Which is which?

Well with airplanes, the runways are laid-out according to the points on a compass. North=360°, South=180°, East=90°, and West=270°. If you are to land on runway 27, you'll be heading 270° on the runway that runs East and West. From the air its easy to tell which one that is, once you know how the system works.

Not crashing in life is just as simple, once you know how the system works (Rom 10:13+14). But there should be a sense of urgency involved. If you're just sitting back in a holding pattern, you could run out of fuel and crash (Luke 12:20).

Your passengers are those who look up to you. If someone considers you a role model, and you're headed in the wrong direction, you'll take them down with you. The Bible clearly says that if you cause someone else to crash, you'll be held responsible (Matt 18:6+7). But you could lead someone to safety (James 5:20).

But God won't be your co-pilot. That word indicates that He's second in command. If you let Him be in charge though, you needn't ever worry about arriving safely at your destination (Psalms 112:7-9).

Don't let someone else be your role model, and take you down with them. Everything you need to know to be an ace pilot of life is in your Bible (2 Tim 3:16). Inside you'll find a 1st class ticket to Paradise, on Jesus Airways Absolutely Free.

No. 7 May 16, 1994 Absolutely Free

Kill'em all, and let God sort'em out. Believe it or not, this is basically exactly what the commander of the Christian forces told his troops, at the end of the 1st crusade, when capturing Jerusalem. The crusades were called the holy wars.

How can there be a "holy" war? Opponents to Christianity bring up the crusades as an obvious case of hypocrisy. Didn't God say, "Thou shalt not kill (Ex 20:13)?" How can you be a Christian, and still be a soldier? Don't those titles contradict one another?

No. The meaning of the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," has been twisted by everyone from people wishing to avoid the draft, to vegetarians. After all, it doesn't say, "Thou shalt not kill people." The meaning is do not murder.

After God told His people not to kill, He led them to the "promised land." He told them that He was giving it to them. The only draw back was that somebody else already lived there. No problem. God told the army that they should kill every man, woman, child, and sometimes even the livestock of the enemy peoples (1 Sam 15:3).

So obviously, its not a sin to go to war. The Bible even says that God is a man of war (Ex 15:3). God's way of maintaining order is to appoint someone to carry a sword (Rom 13:4). Once Jesus said of paying taxes, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's (Mark 12:17). Many people have applied this scripture to military service, as rendering unto the government what is theirs.

The problem with the crusades was corruption. Muslims had invaded portions of Christian Europe. The pope (there was only one Christian denomination at the time: Catholic) called on the nobility of Europe to unite, counter Muslim aggression, and to recapture and preserve the holy land. These motives were honorable.

The call to fight for the sake of God, was answered so overwhelmingly by the common man, that they assembled a massive fighting force. Once nobility realized the profit they could make with such a huge force, they directed the fighting toward the taking of plunder, instead of serving God (1 Tim 6:10).

Military service is honorable because Jesus said that greater love has no man, than he would lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Jesus gave us His Absolutely Free.

No. 8 May 23, 1994 Absolutely Free

Mirror, mirror, on the wall... Suppose one day, you're getting ready to go somewhere, so you just take one quick look in the mirror before you take off. You see your hair is tangled, you've got food stuck between your teeth, your shirt's stained, your zipper's open, your pants are too short, and your socks don't match.

Just as you're thinking, "Oh man, I've got to make some changes before I do anything," the phone rings. As you go to answer the phone, you forget what you just saw in the mirror. Your friend on the phone asks if you're ready to go, and you think, "Let's see, got my shoes on, got my keys, yup, I'm ready!"

After a full day, you go home feeling pretty content. But then you see yourself in the mirror again. Egad. There's only one thing to do. Get rid of the mirror. As long as you didn't see yourself in the mirror, you were happy. But when you would see your reflection, you were uncomfortable. No mirror, no problem. Right?

Or is something wrong with that line of reasoning? Now consider this: Isn't this the same line of reasoning many people use to avoid going to church? They might say, "Too many hypocrites in church," or "All church is really after is your money." But the truth might be that they just feel uncomfortable in church. So, no church, no problem right?

Where you're getting ready to go is your eternal destination. You might want to make some changes before you leave (Matt 3:2). The Bible shows your reflection the way God sees you (1 Cor 13:12, James 1:23+24).

Avoiding the truth doesn't make it less true. Jesus is the truth personified (John 14:6). He really is God (John 1:1). Because He created us, deep down inside, everyone really knows that its true (Jer 1:5). If what He has said makes you uncomfortable, ditching the mirror doesn't solve the problem. Making the changes leads to salvation (Acts 2:37+38).

Spiritual changes. Haircuts and nerd clothes aren't required. If you visit a church that focuses on those things, keep moving. Find a church that preaches the words of Jesus, and He'll begin to change you inside, saving you, Absolutely Free.

No. 9 May 31, 1994 Absolutely Free

Stay tuned for this week's winning lottery numbers. These words come over the air as you watch TV in a local bar on your day off. The announcer says that this week's jackpot is up to $953 billion, and he rattles off the numbers.

Then some old guy down the bar says, "Well looky here, I've got the winning ticket." The bartender looks and says, "I'll be dipped, you sure do. What're you gonna do with all that money?" The old guy says, "I've already got more money than I can spend; Do you want the ticket?" He replies, "No thanks, I wouldn't know what to do with all that dough."

He offers it to others and they say, "Beat it old man. Go bother someone else." So he holds it out to you and says, "I hate to bother you, but would you accept this ticket? Its worth a lot of money." You look at it, and sure enough, its the winner.

How long do you suppose you're going to have to think about it? Do you see yourself struggling with the decision? Or do you see yourself laughing like a maniac, barreling down the road to cash it in, thinking about how your old boss is going to take the news?

So what's stopping you? This world is the bar, and God sits here quietly and offers eternal life, something no amount of money can buy, to any and all who will accept it (John 3:16). Don't you see people turning Him down all around you? What's the matter with them? If He were holding out a $25 winning ticket they'd fight each other over it.

Some don't know what they'd do with it, and they turn it down. Others are offended that He would invade their privacy, and sneer at Him. And yet He holds out Jesus; the only winning ticket (John 14:6), and offers salvation as a gift (Eph 2:8).

According to the Bible, the reason it is difficult to imagine what Heaven will be like, is because the overwhelming joy that awaits us goes so far beyond the limits of our mortal minds that we couldn't comprehend or even express it (Eph 3:19+20, Rom 8:18).

A lottery ticket is worth no more than the paper its printed on unless you use it. Neither is your faith (James 2:26). How long do you have to think about it? Why struggle with the decision? Receive Jesus and accept your salvation (John 1:12).God holds it out, easily within your reach, Absolutely Free.

No. 10, June 6, 1994 Absolutely Free

For better or worse, till death do you part. Wouldn't it be great to fall in love with and marry someone who was so attractive that mere eye contact with them would make your heart race? Some one whose body was built so well that no matter what they wore, they looked tantalizing, even irresistible?

And wouldn't it be great if your intimate time together was so exhilarating, that every romantic interlude with them left you breathless and fulfilled? And they said that they felt just as strongly toward you? In fact they loved sex so much that they wanted it all the time? And had it all the time? With the neighbors, and the person who brings the mail, and the counter attendant at the store, among others?

Or is this scene starting to sound not so good? What good does it do for you that they say they feel strongly to you, if they feel just as strongly to everyone else? Shouldn't they be faithful to you if you're the one who provides their home, and pays their bills? How would this kind of relationship make you feel? How long could you stay married feeling this way?

Wouldn't you finally have to separate yourself from them, to put an end to the pain and humiliation they've caused you; to regain your sanity and self esteem? Now you are beginning to understand the way that God feels. In the Bible, this is exactly how He describes it when people are not faithful to Him (Ezek 23:1-4).

God provides us with all that we have, whether we serve Him or not (Matt 5:45). Shouldn't we then be faithful to Him? Do you know of somebody who claims to believe in Jesus, but their actions show otherwise? What good does it do God for them to say they serve Him, but don't? He'll finally separate Himself from them (Matt 7:23).

Man and God are separated by sin (Gen 1-3). Jesus paid the penalty for sin (Rom 5:8). So now, if you'll accept allegiance to Jesus, that separation is gone (Heb 10:19-22). God wants a personal relationship with everyone so badly, that Christians are instructed to beg others to be reconciled to Him (2 Cor 5:20).

God wanted so desparately to bridge the gap between He and you, that He sent His only son to die for you, and make it possible. Crossing the bridge is something that you can do in return for all that He has done for you, Absolutely Free.

No. 11 June 13, 1994 Absolutely Free

If you've seen one, you've seen them all. One day you stop at a fast food place and order the deluxe burger, fries and a large cola. Unwrapping it, you find a fish sandwich, onion rings, and orange pop. So you tell the cashier about the mix-up. She says, "There's been no mix-up. You ordered a sandwich, a side order, and a soda. That's what you got." You ordered food, you got food. What's the problem?

Now let's apply that reasoning to religion: Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, and numerous other religions all believe that there is only one true God. So, many people outside of religious circles figure, "Call it what you will, Buddha, Allah, or whatever, it's still God. As long as you try to do good, and honor what you believe God to be, He'll honor that effort, and accept you." Wrong.

Each religion has their sacred writings which describe the character of their god, and how to conduct themselves in order to be accepted by it. All of the different religions describe different gods. If you were married, and your spouse had sex with someone else, would you honor and accept that as affection toward you?

Suppose a woman hears that some guy down the street just loves liver, so assumes that her husband must really like liver too. Her husband however despises the taste of liver. But wanting to please him, she fixes it for him every day. Would that please him?

What pleases the god of one religion, is despised by the god of another (Jer 32:35). They can't be the same guy. Unless the liver woman listens to her husband, She won't know what he likes, and won't be able to please him. Unless you listen to what God says, you won't be able to please Him either (Heb 11:6).

There is only one true God (Deut 4:35). We have all sinned (Rom 3:23), and because of that we can't be accepted by God of our own accord (Matt 19:25+26). But Jesus accepted the punishment for our sins, so that we could be accepted by God as though we were sinless (2 Cor 5:21). The only way to God is through Jesus (John 14:6).

If God wanted liver or a fish sandwich, He would have ordered it. Instead He simply asks for faith. Faith in Jesus. In return He gives you salvation Absolutely Free.

No 12. June 20, 1994 Absolutely Free

Ooh, eee, ooh ah ah, ting, tang, walla walla bing bang. "OK, if having faith in Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven (John 14:6), what about the natives in the jungles who have never heard of Jesus?" The implication of this question is that if they all go to hell, then God is unfair. If they don't, then Jesus isn't the only way.

#1. If a person who has never heard of God, does by nature those things instructed in the Bible, they demonstrate that they have the rules written in their hearts, and are a rule unto themselves (Rom 2:24+15).

#2. You have heard of God and Jesus, so that exception doesn't apply to you. Those individuals who have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and don't choose Him as their Lord and Savior have refused their acceptance into Heaven (John 3:18+19).

#3. On judgment day, Jesus will be deciding the judgment that determines whether they get to enter Heaven or not (John 5:22). So He is still the only way.

#4. God appointed each person the time and place to live that would most encourage them to seek after and find Him; even though He is not far from any of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:26-28).

#5. People who live in places unreached by the gospel are aware of the existence of God because of the undeniable evidence of His attributes (Rom 1:20).

#6. Jesus didn't come to save those who by nature do the things prescribed in the Bible. He came to save the sinners (1 Tim 1:15). Do you fit in this category?

#7. People who have never heard the gospel will not be judged as though they had heard it. Those who have heard the gospel will be held accountable for their reaction to it, with stricter judgment (Luke 12:47+48).

"Great. So I'd have been better off not having heard the gospel right?" Wrong. In the absence of the gospel, you are judged according to your every thought, word, and deed. With the knowledge of the gospel, you can choose Jesus as your savior, have your sins forgiven, and be rewarded only for the good parts of your life.

This is only possible because Jesus voluntarily accepted and endured the punishment for the sins you have committed. This He did out of love for you, Absolutely Free.

No. 13 June 27, 1994 Absolutely Free

Above and beyond the call of duty. Driving along one night, you see traffic stopped ahead, and people watching an orange glow. Pulling over, you hear "Help me, somebody help me!" Next to the road a man is trapped in the burning remains of an overturned car. Without a second thought you rush to his aid.

Using a broken sign post as a lever, you pry the wreckage from the mans body. Then you pull him to safety only moments before the explosion. When the police arrive on the scene, the crowd tells them of your bravery. A detective walks up, and shaking your hand says, "Thanks friend; Without your help we couldn't have captured this monster."

That's when you discover that the man you just rescued has admitted to molesting, torturing, and cannibalizing scores of children; the kind of person who delights in the misery of others. Had you known this, would you have risked your own life to save his?

The natural reaction to this situation would be to watch him fry. But if that's the way Jesus reacted, we'd all be doomed. We might not all be rapists or murderers, but we've all blown it (Rom 3:9-18). So where do you draw the line? How much evil is OK?

You see the great thing about the gospel of salvation is that it doesn't say, "Maybe if you're good enough you'll make it." It says, "You can make it, no matter how bad you are (Rom 10:13)." Only one person has ever been good: God alone (Luke 18:19). The rest of us all fall under sin, and the reward for sin is death (Rom 6:23).

So we are each trapped in a wreck we have created with our lives. Unless someone comes and saves you, you'll perish in the flames. But thanks to God, Jesus came to the rescue (Rom 7:24+25), and not only risked His life to save you; but died in the process.

But the beauty in this reality, is that He was fully aware of your every sin when He did it (Rom 5:6-8). So its not as though He would have changed His mind if He knew what you were really like. God is more aware of your weaknesses than you are.

So contrary to popular imagination, He is not bent on judgment; He is bent on love, and demonstrated it in this way. For love is the very fabric which makes up His being (1 John 4:8). And He is willing and eager to prove and give that love to you Absolutely Free.

No. 14 July 5, 1994 Absolutely Free

This is a limited time offer, so call now. One day you hear a knock at the door. Its the mailman with a registered letter from the IRS. Apparently you made the same mistake on your tax returns 3 years in a row, half a decade ago. With back taxes, penalties incurred, and accumulated interest, you owe the government $214,983.47. Pay up or go to jail.

Sometimes mistakes you've made come back to haunt you. What if all in one day, every mistake you have ever made came back to haunt you: One right after another, people were at the door to remind you of something that you'd done wrong, and issuing notice that you either make up for it, or suffer the consequences?

Not only would things that you had forgotten about be thrown in your face, but things you were never even aware of. As you sit there, overwhelmed at the prospect of a huge debt you can't possibly pay, another knock comes at the door.

But this time its your neighbor. He says, "I hope I'm not intruding, but I couldn't help but notice all the traffic over here, and I overheard your dilemma. I can see that you're over your head, and I was wondering if you would allow me to pay all those debts. I'd hate to see you go to jail, and I'd be happy to take the burden off your hands."

Got any neighbors like this? There is a day coming when you are going to have to face up to all your mistakes (Rev 20:12). Things that you had forgotten about, and things you never even knew about will be brought into account that day (Matt 12:36).

Only in the real deal, no neighbor is going to offer his help (Luke 16:19-31). Because Jesus has been offering you this help all along. He offers to take your burdens (Matt 11:28). He stands and knocks at the door of your heart, waiting for you to invite Him in (Rev 3:20). But so many people tell Him, "I don't need you. I'm OK. I can cover my own debts."

When they're faced with things they didn't remember or expect, it'll be too late. Jesus didn't die on the cross because it seemed like a neat thing to do. It was absolutely necessary in order for you to go to Heaven (Matt 26:39). Your sins have to be punished, and because He doesn't want to see you go to hell, He was willing to pay that debt for you (John 3:16).

Don't leave Jesus standing outside. Answer the door and invite Him in. This is a limited time offer, and its Absolutely Free.

No. 15 July 11, 1994 Absolutely Free

Safe sex. Here's a new concept. Why? For centuries before penicillin, VD was just as deadly as AIDS. But a few years ago, some people who believed sex was harmless had it, and now they're dead.

Modern technology informed us that consuming oat bran helped burn more calories. After lots of people made investments involving millions of dollars, based on believing that information, science decided that it was untrue.

About the same time, the "Global Warming" crisis came to a halt when NASA announced that the earth is actually getting cooler. So here are 3 examples from recent events, where people lost their lives, money, or credibility, because of what they believed. Do you believe Elvis is dead? Do you believe communism is bad? Do you believe the government wastes your tax dollars? Well unless you've carded Elvis' corpse, lived in a communist country, and gone over the government's books, your beliefs are based on second hand knowledge.

Most peoples' beliefs are based on what they were told in school, and from the news. They call this knowledge. But if you didn't experience it first hand, then you don't really know, so its not knowledge. If you're simply trusting the source of information as reliable, then your opinions are based on your faith in the source. You choose to believe it.

Living by faith isn't a concept that's confined to the Bible. Its how the entire world operates: A teacher tells a child that the alphabet is the key to learning to read. The child believes that what the teacher says is true, and after practicing that belief, learns how to read. First it was faith, then it became experience: The child knows how to read.

Likewise, the Bible contains truths. Once you choose to believe them, you have to put those beliefs into practice. After practicing a Christian life, you experience that it works. This is how you come to know, and develop a relationship with the Lord. But without putting your beliefs to practice, you don't really know (James 2:20-22).

And so, you get to go to Heaven by believing in Jesus (John 1:12, John 3:16, John 6:35, John 6:47, Acts 16:30, Rom 10:9). Believing is how you accomplish anything in this life, which by the way, was given to you by Jesus Himself Absolutely Free.

No. 16 July 18, 1994 Absolutely Free

Don't forget to leave a tip. What if you stopped in a restaurant, and discovered that the owner was one of your closest teenage pals? They stop their busy routine, to sit with you, and after you talk a while, they tell you not to worry about the price of your meal, "Its paid for." Then they go back to their business.

Now suppose one of the waitresses noticed your friendship. They're the type of person who wants to be the center of attention, and when they're not, they try to spoil it for others who are. So when they refill your drink, they drop little comments like, "Boy, the boss really expects a lot from us around here. They're never satisfied." And in the kitchen, they tell the owner, "I've never met such a rude person as that one you were talking to.

Then as you go to leave, they yell, "Where do you think you're going? You didn't pay for that meal! Call the police! They're trying to skip out of here without paying." But your friend says, "No, they're free to go." "But," the waitress protests, "They had a meal, desert, and drink refills." And the owner says, "Yes, they did, and I paid for all of it."

But what if someone who wasn't a friend of the owner were to try and walk away without paying? If the same waitress said, "They didn't pay, call the police," that's probably what would have taken place. But because of your relationship with the owner, you could dine for free.

According to the Bible, when you side up with Jesus, He calls you His friend (John 15:15). And because of that friendship, all your debts have been paid (Gal 3:13+14), paid for with His blood (Eph 1:7).

The devil wants all the glory for himself (Isa 14:12-14), and he's the type who will try to spoil it for everyone else if he can't have his way; he lies to you about God (Eph 6:11), and stands before God, accusing you of all your sins (Rev 12:10). But Jesus reminds His Father that you're with Him, and He already paid for those sins (1 John 2:1+2).

But what if someone who isn't a friend of Jesus tries to slide past judgment without paying? Its a different story isn't it? Don't try to pay your own way; you can't afford it. Tell Jesus in prayer that you want to be His buddy. If you'll develop a friendship with Him, He's already paid your the bill, and you'll be Absolutely Free.

No. 17 July 25, 1994 Absolutely Free

Could you be, would you be, won't you be my neighbor? On the TV show, "the Simpsons," they have a neighbor named Ned Flanders who is always perky, and greets people with, "The Lord certainly has given us a beautiful day today hasn't He?" His wife is the perfect hostess, and his children are honor students. Its so sugary, it makes you want to puke. So upon occasion, something rains on Flanders parade, and it makes you feel good, because nobody's life should be that wonderful.

Why not? Though resenting someone who doesn't seem to face the problems you do seems like a natural reaction, what's the matter with someone else being happy? Someone can be rich, and that's OK; or we wouldn't pay $30 a ticket to watch rich people sing in concert. But "zippy" people we can't seem to stomach.

Sometimes you feel like you need to do something to ruin that person's day, to bring them into the world of reality. As though you would be doing them a favor, bringing them down to the same level as everyone else.

But what would that prove? There was a guy in the Bible who was kind of like that. His name was Job [rhymes with robe]. One day God told the devil, "Check out my servant Job, he's a good dude (Job 1:8)." The devil said, "He's only a good dude because you treat him so well. Let me at him, and we'll see how good a dude he is (Job 1:11)."

So God let the devil pick on Job (Job 2:6), and even though his happiness was taken away, he was still a good dude (Job 2:10). And when it was all over, Job wound up with twice as much stuff as he started out with (Job 42:10). Two things were demonstrated here: #1 the devil's evil nature, and #2 God's faithfulness to reward those who trust in Him.

The Bible says we all have an evil nature (Rom 3:10+11). That explains our bitterness when someone else is happy go lucky. But it also says that because of the devil's evil nature, he has a place in hell. Dang it; that means we do too.

That's why we need a savior. And because God loves us, He sent Jesus to be that savior (John 3:16). And anyone can be saved Absolutely Free.

No. 18 Aug. 1, 1994 Absolutely Free

Army of darkness. During the Korean War, General MacAurthur, and President Truman disagreed on how the war should be run. Caught up in his own importance, MacAurthur stood in defiance to the president, which resulted in his being relieved of his command. Yet many of his troops and admirers still supported MacAurthur.

Now suppose that President Truman told them, "Those of you who support MacAurthur, consider yourselves discharged from military service. We can only use troops loyal to our cause." Upon this, the members of the armed services who felt that MacAurthur was right, left their units to follow him. But after a while of no longer receiving their food and supplies from the US government, they became hungry and bitter.

Meanwhile, MacAurthur, bent on vengeance, convinced the others that they had Truman, and all those loyal to him to thank for their unhappiness. So they turn on the United States. But because they left their sophisticated war machines and resources behind when they rebelled, they had to resort to terrorist tactics and guerrilla warfare.

The US military stayed on alert around the clock. Because they had the enemy out manned and out gunned, when they would respond to calls, it wouldn't take long to quell the skirmishes. Suppose this situation were still going on today.

Then it would be very similar to the way it is in the spirit realm. Satan was once a high ranking servant of God (Ezek 28:14). But being caught up in his own importance, he stood in defiance of God, and God cast him out of Heaven (Ezek 28:17). When he was cast down, many of the angels followed him (2 Pet 2:4).

Today he is constantly on the lookout for where he can strike next (1 Pet 5:8). Just as the police respond to calls, angelic forces respond to the prayers of believers (James 5:16). The angels of God have Satan's outnumbered (Rev 12:4), and overpowered. So when we call on God to help us when the devil strikes, its not hard for them to quell it.

But Jesus said that if you're not for Him you're against Him (Matt 12:30). So it stands to reason that if you haven't made a conscious commitment to be on His side, you can't expect His angels to jump when you call. Angelic protection is one of the perks of teaming up with Jesus. Its another of the gifts He offers you, Absolutely Free.

No. 19 Aug. 8, 1994 Absolutely Free

Born to be wild. What if you overheard your neighbor say to his wife, "Listen honey, there are going to be a lot of bikers at this party tonight, and you're quite a babe, so let's just tell them that you're my sister. That way they won't hurt me to get you." Wouldn't you think he was a loser? What kind of jerk would lie to bikers like that?

What if you found out one of your neighbors was sleeping with a buddy's wife, while his buddy was out of town? Then when she got pregnant, he had his buddy killed so he could marry her, and make it look legitimate? Wouldn't you think he was a creep?

Believe it or not, these are some things that a couple of the big heroes in the Bible did (Gen 12:11+12, 2 Sam 11:1-27). They weren't heroes for doing these things, but God didn't allow these sins to cancel out the heroic things that they had done.

Likewise, more than one prostitute is described in the Bible as being examples to follow after (Luke 14:8+9, Heb 11:31). Not to become prostitutes, but when they proved their faith in God, he didn't allow their pasts as prostitutes to cancel out the recognition they deserved for the things they did to earn themselves a place in the Bible.

A lot of people think that they've already blown it: "I know I'm going to Hell when I die, because of all the things I've done." But you don't get to Heaven based on never doing anything wrong. You get there by demonstrating your faith in God (Rom 10:9).

Think about what kind of person you consider a whore to be. Do you like to consider yourself above that? How about the guys who would let their wives be had by other men, to save their own skin, or cheat on and kill their buddy? Are you at least that good?

Well if God can consider these people to be righteous, then you shouldn't have a problem making it either. The Bible points out the sins of the saints, not to promote those sins, but to prove that no one is excluded from the grace of God because of their sins.

Your destiny is established by what you believe (Acts 16:31). Don't let your sins trap you into believing that you're bound for Hell. If you believe you can't save yourself, does that mean God can't save you either? Even if you were born to be wild, you can be born again (John 3:3). So believe in Jesus, and be set Absolutely Free.

No. 20 Aug. 15, 1994 Absolutely Free

We support the troops. In 1991, businesses put out bumper stickers, buttons, and signs acknowledging their support of the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines of Desert Storm. But the country was also in the midst of an economic recession.

When some of our valiant warriors came home, they were told that they were laid-off, by the same companies that displayed "We support" banners. Meanwhile, people who didn't participate in the war, yet had slightly more seniority, still worked.

What good is that kind of support?

About the same time, government was cracking down on fathers who were delinquent in their child support payments. Payment records were reviewed, and all the men on the list who were late beyond a reasonable period were arrested.

Now suppose some of those men appeared before the judge wearing "I support my kids" T-shirts. Do you suppose that the judge would release them? Or do you suppose he will tell them that just saying that you support your kids doesn't count?

In America, the vast majority of people say they are Christians. Why? Most people don't actually try to pattern their lives according to the teachings of Jesus. Most people believe that if you're just a really nice person, you'll go to Heaven.

But that's not consistent with what Jesus taught (John 14:6). So if you say that you believe in Jesus, but you just don't pay attention to the things He said, or put any stock in them, what good is that to Him? He Himself said that lots of people who call Him "Lord" aren't going to make it (Matt 7:21). But those people who actually do know in Him will do the things He said (1 John 2:3).

Well just what does He expect of us? For starters, He tells us to love God with all our heart, and love our fellow man as ourselves (Luke 10:27). We are to pattern our lives after His (Rom 8:29). And He asks that we convince others to do likewise (Matt 28:18-20). But if you'll do these things, people will want to be like you anyway.

In doing these things, you prove that you actually do believe in Jesus. And just for believing in Jesus, you get to go to Heaven (John 1:12) Absolutely Free.

No. 21, August 22, 1994 Absolutely Free

Death before dishonor. After a battle, some Roman commanders would have all the surviving enemy soldiers rounded up. They would take dead enemy soldiers, and attach one to each surviving soldier. If it weren't bad enough, just having to haul a dead body around, they strapped the bodies limb to limb, and face to face.

Beside having their body fluids get on you, and the stench that accompanies a decaying body; all the diseases and vermin that attach themselves to a corpse eventually get on you too. It didn't take but a matter of a couple of days for the death of the corpse to overtake the living soldier also. But what an agonizing, horrendous couple of days.

Although we don't have to concern ourselves with the prospect of being captured by a legion of Roman soldiers, we do have battles to fight. The spiritual battle rages as forces of darkness try to gain control of our minds (2 Cor 10:4+5).

Because Adam and Eve ate fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, all men have a conscience that lets them know if their actions are good or evil. Demonic forces try to persuade them to disobey the precepts of God with temptation and deception.

Many people who have been deceived into submission to sin, are now subject to it: They can't free themselves. Although they know its not right, they can't free themselves from it (Rom 7:18+19). So all of the effects of sin become attached to them as well. And before long, the death that accompanies sin, overtakes them too (Rom 6:23).

So being captured by demons from Hell, is even worse than being captured by Roman soldiers, because the corruption that overtakes you lasts forever (John 5:28+29). What an agonizing and horrendous eternal existence (Luke 13:28).

Is there a sin in your life, that you have tried to resist, yet it continues to overpower you? If so, then you are Satan's prisoner, and that sin has been fastened to you. Seeing that you can't free yourself from it, you need somebody else to come to your rescue.

Who can deliver you from the body of death that has been attached to you? Only Jesus Christ the righteous (Rom 7:24+25). He has never been defeated by Satan, and all who call upon His name shall be saved (Rom 10:13), and set Absolutely Free.

No. 22, Aug. 29, 1994 Absolutely Free

The pot and the kettle. Have you ever noticed that it seems like the people who make the rules, don't have to live according to them? For example, politicians can send our military into battle, and not have to go fight with them. You can even be a politician, without ever having served in the military.

Even within the military, commissioned officers make the decisions, and enlisted personnel carry the orders out. You can be a commissioned officer without ever having to serve as an enlisted soldier. All you have to do is go to college. But in order to become a non-commissioned officer, or NCO, like a corporal or sergeant, you have to work your way up through the ranks.

For this reason, a lot of the enlisted men in the military respect non-coms more than officers, even though officers out rank NCO's. They know that an NCO will not tell them to do something that they haven't already done themselves. And a general gives orders from a fort, while a sergeant goes into combat with his men, and gives his orders from there.

This is where Jesus differs from the Gods of other religions. He was born in a barn, didn't get to go to college, or get special tutoring (Matt 13:54), and worked for a living (Mark 6:3). He didn't start preaching until He was about 30.

He was subjected to temptation from the devil himself for 40 solid days (Luke 4:2). People told lies that made Him look bad (Mark 14:56). He was arrested, beaten, whipped, ridiculed, tried and killed, for having done nothing wrong. There's nothing you can go through that He can't relate to. He's been there. He's done that. He understands.

Something that really irritated Him was when the pot would call the kettle black; Or people who have obvious shortcomings in their lifestyle, telling others what's the matter with them, and telling them how to live right (Matt 7:4+5).

Not only does He not give orders that He never had to, or wouldn't follow, but He reprimanded the temple officials who were leading the people that way (Luke 11:46). And even if you do slip up, He's willing to forgive you (John 1:9), because that mistake has already been paid for. He paid for it for you, Absolutely Free.

No. 23 Sept. 6, 1994 Absolutely Free

Ooh la la. Ever been to a strip joint? If you ever go to one, try to spend some time watching the crowd instead of the stage. You'll see a bunch of wild eyed men, holding out money. They wave it with excitement, trying to get the dancer to come close to them, and take it. As soon as she takes it, they'll dig for more.

Why do you suppose they do that? If they've ever been in a strip joint before, they know that she's not going to put out. And they know that she's going to stay up there and dance whether they give her money or not. So, knowing that they're going to get the same show regardless, why are they so eager to surrender their hard earned money?

Its because they're offering their expression of gratitude for the excitement they are experiencing. Its worship. They're worshipping the object of lust on the stage, and expressing their whole hearted approval of her performance by willingly offering up the fruit of their labors; putting their money where their mouth is.

O that men were as eager to express their gratitude to the God who died to set them free, as they are to strip tease artists. But the enthusiasm just doesn't seem to be there. Why do you suppose that is? Desire. The men in the strip joint know what they desire, they know where to find it, and they make a conscious effort to go there and get it.

Seek and you shall find (Matt 7:7). Its a biblical principle that has proven its truth in burlesque parlors. Jesus desires to develop a relationship with you (2 Cor 5:20). But you can't see the strippers until you go into the bar. Likewise you can't see the Kingdom of God until you invite Him into your heart (John 3:3).

But often times people don't desire a relationship with Jesus until they're in a Jam. When they realize that they need His help, they desire it. When they desire it, they seek it. When they seek it, they find it (Judges 3:7-11). But He reacts to the attitude of your heart (1 Sam 16:7, Psalm 34:18), not empty gestures (James 4:6).

When you're ready to acknowledge that He is in charge, and you desire a relationship with Him, tell Him so in prayer. Don't make Him allow you to get in a jam in order to straighten your heart out. Desire His grace today. The thrills are there. Seek them and you will find them Absolutely Free.

No. 24 Sept. 12, 1994 Absolutely Free

"I vant to drink your blood." Dracula (1431-1477) was the vindictive ruler of a Slavic country called Wallachia, part of what is now Romania. He was also known as Vlad the Impaler. This was the result of his practice of having hordes of people impaled on spears, then erecting the spears with the corpses on them.

He was also well known for having people blinded, strangled, and boiled alive. But this business about him drinking peoples' blood was added by Bram Stoker. Many people in Europe actually believed in vampires, and Stoker, a British author attributed that trait to Dracula in his fictitious account of Dracula's life.

Why do you suppose he did that? The actual account of Dracula's life pretty well embodies the character of evil. Why did Stoker have to dress it up? Because as a vampire, not only is Dracula immortal, but being immortal, he could still be around. And if he's still around he might be able to get you. If he gets you, you'll become like him.

The reason this account of a fictional character has been so popular over the years, is because it has simply counterfeited the dramatic aspects of a more successful literary character: Jesus. The difference is that Dracula unleashes evil on other people, while other people unleashed evil on Jesus.

Dracula was known for maiming hordes of people. Jesus was known for healing hordes of maimed people (Matt 12:15). Dracula was known for erecting people on a stick. Jesus was killed when other people erected Him on a stick (Luke 23:33). Dracula was purported to try to prolong his life by drinking others' blood. Jesus tries to prolong the life of others by offering His blood for them to drink (John 6:54).

After getting them, Dracula's victims would become like him: vampires. When you partake of the blood of Christ (in figure, by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior), you become like Him (John 15:10-12): Christians.

But Jesus is real. And He's immortal. Being immortal, He's still around. If He's still around you can still accept Him (Rom 10:13). If you accept Him, you'll become like Him (Rom 8:29). That includes being immortal (John 3:16). But unlike Dracula, He doesn't force horrors on you. He offers treasures for you to take at will, Absolutely Free.

No. 25 Sept. 19, 1994 Absolutely Free

Dignity (dîg¹ne-tê) n., pl.-ties 1. a. The presence of poise and self control in one's behavior to the degree that inspires respect. b. Standing or rank in relationship to others.

Anyone who's ever watched a John Wayne movie knows how to maintain their dignity: If you're going about your business, and someone calls you a lily-livered sissy, you punch 'em in the face. Even if you get thrown in jail for the night, it'll be worth it, because that guy with the black eye now has respect for you.

When you face a situation, the responsible thing to do is to respond in a way that best provides for all who are affected, regardless of selfish motivation. Consider this: Who will watch over your family tonight while you're in jail, because some no-account jerk called you a sissy? Who cares about him? But because of your act of selfishness, you can be of no help to those who depend on you.

So perhaps that's why Jesus said that its better to turn the other cheek (Matt 6:39). Hard to do, isn't it? But the truth is, that God cares about those you consider to be no-account jerks (1 Tim 2:4). He's not going to be any happier that you punched someone he loves, than you would be if someone punched one of your kids.

So the jerk is misguided. Maybe if you demonstrated the character of Jesus instead of the world; he, or someone that you didn't even know was watching would be inspired to respect you. But even if not, if you can find it in your heart to forgive some clown who has done something stupid, God will forgive your mistakes (Matt 6:14+15).

But as far as our rank or standing in relationship to others is concerned, Jesus said that in order to be important, you must conduct youself as less than others (Mark 10:43-45). The best we can do is see how we handle ourselves when we are put to the test (Hab 2:1).

Knowing that we have the word of God to guide our way (Ps 119:105), how will we answer for ourselves if we don't use it to base our decisions on? When we are put to the test, if we have based our behavior on anything else, we have failed (Matt 7:24-27). Its an open-book test, and the answers have been provided in the Bible, Absolutely Free.

No. 26 Sept. 26, 1994 Absolutely Free

Survival of the fittest. Not too long ago, the theory of evolution replaced the biblical account of creation in the modern classroom. This was the result of a paradox: You can't teach children two conflicting viewpoints, and tell them that both are correct. Whether you say that one is right, and one is wrong, when you throw one out, and teach one as truth, it sends a definite message to the students about what to believe and what not to.

But civilization as we know it is based on biblical principles. The modern cultures that we know in western society, otherwise known as the "free world," have emerged from cultures that are rooted in Christianity. As we look around now, it seems that all the world is modernized and advanced into the technological age.

But we didn't all evolve to this level simultaneously. Look at the Japanese. Until the 19th century, their culture hadn't changed for over 800 years. But when the industrial revolution was taking place in Christian cultures, they realized that if they didn't adapt to our way of thinking, they would soon be overrun by us.

What happened to the American Indian nations? There are still similar cultures in the jungles of South America, and civilization is beginning to overrun them as well. Why haven't their cultures evolved right along with ours?

Christianity has prevailed over all other cultures in social and technological advancement, thus has proven to be the most highly "evolved" system of beliefs known to man. So it seems that it should be our "natural selection." Odd then that evolutionary thinking implies that God doesn't play a part in the scheme of things, isn't it?

Professing themselves wise, they became fools (Rom 1:22). If the key to cultural advancement were intelligence, the Japanese would have been driving Toyotas while we were still in the dark ages. Yet almost the entire Old testament depicts a people whom God had made strong, who immediately forgot God once they got what they wanted (Gen 6:5, Ex 32:8, 2 Kings 24:20, Ezek 22:12). Sound familiar?

They gave Him no choice but to let them flounder, so that they would seek His help again (2 Cor 7:10). Does our society appear to be progressing, or regressing? Because of His mercy and grace, He promises to come to our rescue when and if we do finally turn to Him (2 Chron 7:14). And He extends this promise to us Absolutely Free.

No. 27 Oct. 3, 1994 Absolutely Free

Check under your hood. Suppose you were losing oil with your car, so you took it to a service station to have it looked at. The mechanic there said that you simply needed a tune-up. So he does it, and you still lose oil. So you go to another mechanic, and he says you need new head gaskets. So he changes them, and you still lose oil.

So you take it to another mechanic, and he says that you need a new water pump. You say, "Mind if I take a look?" So he takes you under your car, and he directs your attention to the where the water pump is, and how it works. While he's rattling on, you notice a hole in the oil pan, and there's a tiny line of oil running down from it. So you ask him, "Could this be the problem?"

And he says, "No, that's nothing." After you redirect his attention to it, he explains to you that these new oil pans that they've come out with don't get holes in them, so the problem must be found elsewhere.

One of the problems we have in our society today, is blatant ignorance of obvious problems. The Bible says that many problems that people experience in their lives are spiritual in nature, and need to be dealt with in that fashion (Matt 17:21). But our school systems, ignore spiritual realities all together.

Popular methods of psychiatry and psychology ignore the reality if spiritual influences also. So we as a culture have institutions in place, who, like service stations diagnose and treat mechanical problems, are supposed to diagnose and treat people problems; and they deliberately ignore a major source of complication (Rom 1:22).

If a serial murderer enjoys raping and cannibalizing people, its probably not because his mother didn't pay enough attention to him. Its because he has been influenced by demons. Demons aren't character flaws; they're separate entities (Mark 5:12-13).

According to the Bible, some physical infirmities are caused spiritually as well (Matt 9:32+33, Mark 2:9-12). It even has instructions for overcoming these problems (James 5:15+16). If you have challenges in your life, that weren't explained in school, or shrinks haven't been able to eliminate, maybe you need to turn to someone else.

Dr. Jesus is the people mechanic of all times. He can and will relieve your misery if you come to Him (Matt 11:28). He'll change your oil, and tune you up, Absolutely Free.

No. 28 Oct. 10, 1994 Absolutely Free

"Eureka, I'm rich!" This is what men say when they're digging for gold, and they strike a vein. But what if you lived next door to a rich old geezer who was shacking up with some model who was only after his money? Isn't she another kind of gold digger?

Suppose one day you find out that he has kicked the bucket, and left her with all the money? Well, it was his money to give away as he saw fit; so what? Now it's hers, and you can expect to see a new Porsche in the driveway tomorrow.

But what if you discovered that after talking with the preacher who did the funeral, she broke down in tears, and blurted out that she was only in it for the money, and now she wants to change? What if she gave all the money to his church, and got a low key job?

Wouldn't most people think she'd gone off her rocker? Wouldn't that be frustrating? She had everything that most people want, and she threw it all away. It almost makes a mockery of the rest of us who have to struggle. Its enough to make you mad.

It made people in the Bible mad. Once as Jesus was sitting down to dinner, a woman who was a sinner broke open a new bottle of expensive ointment, and began rubbing His feet with it. Others who thought that it could have been sold, and the money spent on more practical things became indignant and chewed her out for it (Mark 14:5, Luke 7:36-38).

It goes on to tell us that the guy who got really upset was a thief. The reason he wanted to sell it was so that he could dip into the cash (John 12:6). He loved money. The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10). It's still true. People who do evil things for money, despise the idea of giving to God, and the people who do.

But Jesus said that God knows that you need material things. If you will avoid doing evil things, but instead seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, those things will be provided for you (Matt 6:33). And if you do that, people might very well think that you're off your rocker.

But if you're willing for people to maybe look down on you for His sake, He'll stick up for you in Heaven (Matt 5:11+12, Matt 10:32). He was stuck up on a cross for our sake already. Salvation is an expensive gift that He gives to us, Absolutely Free.

No. 29 Oct. 17, 1994 Absolutely Free

"You're walking on thin ice buddy." Have you ever had a boss or a teacher who didn't like you, and singled you out to take out their frustrations on? What if you loved your job; but the only drawback was that your boss was on a power trip, and chose to pick on you, to demonstrate his power?

Then one day, you inherit 384 trillion dollars. Now you buy the company you used to work for, because you still love what you did. And you find out that some of the holdings you inherited, were the lending institutions that your boss owed money to, the property, he lived on, and a company that had a lawsuit pending against him.

Now suppose you didn't tell anybody any of this. Monday, you show up and say good morning to your boss. But he lashes back with, "Don't suck up to me you brown-nosing boot licker! Get to work, NOW!" How far would you let this go?

Jesus not only let people like this ridicule Him, He allowed them to accuse Him of things He didn't do, without sticking up for Himself; they beat Him, spit on Him, smacked His face, laughed at Him, whipped Him and killed Him.

Yet He has more than 384 trillion dollars (Hag 2:8), and owns more than the property they lived on: He owns both Heaven and hell. He has a lawsuit pending against them, and He is the judge (John 5:22). How would you deal with people like them? His way of dealing with them is by issuing a decree: the Bible, that tells them that He loves them, and if they'll confess their sins, He will forgive them (1 John 1:9).

That's the same thing you'd do right? Well, if your answer is no, its a good thing that He's God and you're not. Because we all fit in to the category of "them." Any time we've known that something was wrong, but we've gone ahead and done any way, we've been guilty of betraying Him. If we've done anything to someone else, we've done it to Him (Matt 25:40). And if we wanted to do it, we're guilty (Matt 5:21,28).

Oops. Isn't it a good thing He's more like He is, and less like us? His mercy is without end (Psalm 136). And because He still loves us in spite of our sins, He extends salvation out to us (Eph 2:4+5), Absolutely Free.

No. 30, Oct. 24, 1994 Absolutely Free

"I found a diary underneath a tree, and started reading about me. The words she'd written took me by surprise; you'd never read them in her eyes." These words from a song by the group, "Bread," begin a heartbreaking story. The guy knows who the girl is, and begins fantasizing about his future with her.

Then as he reads on, he realizes that it wasn't him at all that she was writing about. As the song wraps up, he is crushed, but hopes the best for her. She had made a decision, and though it wasn't for him, he was resigned to let her follow her own desire.

But suppose the girl was his wife. Would he give up that easily? Even if she were the model wife, he would know that her heart was not in it. You can't force someone to love you. Scorned lovers who try that, act out of possessiveness, not love.

Wouldn't it be better to have a mate who loved you with all their heart, yet didn't do everything perfectly, than one who set the text book example of good performance, but would rather be with someone else? If you know that your mate doesn't really love you, their gestures are empty, and they bring you pain instead of joy.

That's the way God explains it. In the Bible, God assimilates the relationship between He and His chosen people to that of marriage (Ezek 23:37, Eph 5:32). When people engage in routine worship, but their heart is not in it, it doesn't please Him (Isa 1:12-17).

He prefers genuine faith, even in a person who doesn't do everything perfectly, over people who follow all the rules, but their heart isn't right (Matt 9:11-13). So if there are areas in your life, that you know aren't quite right, don't think that it means that you can't have a relationship with God.

Salvation is the product of faith, not perfect behavior (Eph 2:8). If you have no faith, you are un-faithful. As in marriage, unfaithfulness can cause the relationship to end. In fact its the only acceptable reason Jesus gives for divorce (Matt 19:9).

Since you can't force someone to love you, Jesus is resigned to let you follow after your own desire (Matt 7:7). But if you desire to know Him, and to have salvation from the consequences of your sins, He will give it to you Absolutely Free.

No. 31, Oct. 31, 1994 Absolutely Free

"Your lunch money or your life, Dorkface!" Ever been brutalized by a brute? If you haven't, you can surely imagine being in a position where you are powerless to defy an oppressing force, who has decided to extort money from you.

Suppose that you are 8 years old, and every day on your way to school, a bully named Spike blocks your path, and demands that you give him money, or suffer pain. You try taking a different route, but he cuts you off at the pass. You try leaving at a different time. But he has anticipated your moves.

Nothing you do seems to be working. So when you finally decide that this problem calls for assistance, you tell your big brother. The following day, when Spike comes out to solicit your dues, your big brother steps out and clobbers him.

Wouldn't it be nice to just sit back against a tree in the cool morning sunlight, and watch your big brother pummel your problems into a heap of pulp on the ground? Ah, sweet revenge. If only he could accompany you everywhere you go. Then you wouldn't have to worry about running into Spike on your own.

That's kind of the picture the Bible paints of having a relationship with Jesus. When you choose to accept Him as your Lord and Savior, He sends His Spirit to join you (Acts 2:38+39). He becomes your Spiritual big brother (Rom 8:16+29). It's His job to pound your spiritual oppressors, because sweet vengeance is His (Heb 10:30).

You don't have to worry about running into spirit-Spike while your big brother's not around, because He will never leave you or forsake you (Matt 28:20). And if your school-of-hard-knocks books get heavy during your walk, He'll carry them for you, because He loves you, and cares for you (1 Pet 5:7).

All you have to do, is believe that He really is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6). Then seek Him (Matt 6:33). For like with an 8 year old, big brother doesn't usually step in until little brother asks Him to. If you enjoy being kicked around by the powers of this world, fine. But if not, call on your big brother Jesus. He'll step in, and kick butt, Absolutely Free.


Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

Romans 8:29 For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

No. 32 Nov. 7, 1994 Absolutely Free

'74 Vega, mechanic's special, hurry into Honest Auto Sales! Are you in the market for a convertible? How about a pick-up, or a bus, or a yacht, a jet, a helicopter, or submarine? What if you had a purpose for all these things; which would you buy?

That's where God stands in His search for a quality vehicle. The Bible describes each of us as potential carriers of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 2:20+21). God's continually looking for a vehicle with just the right qualities for just the right job (2 Chron 16:9).

The same guy who would look rich in a Mercedes, would look poor driving a Vega. The average person can relate to one image, but not to all images. God wants to be able to relate to anybody in any situation, so that He can attract all people to the Gospel of Jesus, leading some to salvation (1 Cor 9:22).

In order to accomplish this, He needs a diverse array of vehicles, or containers to pour His Holy Spirit into. That way He can portray many different roles, performing many different functions through many different people (1 Cor 12:4-6).

Its His desire to visit and appeal to every person in the world (1 Tim 2:3+4). So even though a lot of people believe that they are beyond being called on by God, because they've had a different owner for some time now, that's not the case.

Some times a used vehicle is more appropriate to perform a function than a new one: All the bugs have been worked out of it. Some people, having been "rode hard and put away wet," have proven their durability in the field, and developed rugged characteristics that God would like to use to carry Him to others considered unreachable.

Bikers and whores usually aren't attracted to Jesus by pansies. But once a hardened person decides that they're going to be a yielded vessel to the Spirit of God, there's not a demon in hell who can stand in their way while God is accomplishing His purpose through them (Rom 8:31). Could that be you? All you've got to do is be willing.

God needs you desperately (Matt 9:37). There are people that He can reach through you alone. Why not scoot over and let Jesus drive? Just tell Him in prayer that the door is open, and invite Him in. He'll steer you up the narrow road, and into the Pearly Gates, Absolutely Free.


1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all.

No. 33 Nov. 14, 1994 Absolutely Free

"Hold the pickle and the lettuce, special orders don't upset us..." Buying our meat under cellophane, its easy to get an unbalanced view of life. We'll wolf down a burger, and talk about animal rights. Yet we perceive people who work in slaughter houses as insensitive characters who casually dispense death.

By creating a market for their products, we're all just as responsible for the constant killing of animals that have done nothing deserving of death. We simply hide our eyes from the ugly part. As a result, the sacrifice that was made to provide our sustenance is withdrawn from our consciousness. We don't want to think about it.

Anyone raised on a farm where they often butchered their own livestock for meals knows the necessity for a death to occur in order to provide life sustaining meat for their family. Hunting for meat is no different from buying it in the store. The only difference is which animal dies, and who does the killing. Its the same as planting a garden instead of buying tomatoes at the store.

Everyone knows that beef comes from cows. But look at the millions of people who buy fast food every day. Of them, how many do you suppose actually stop and consider that their sandwich was once an animal, whose life came to an abrupt halt, solely to provide life-giving food for them? The blindness permeates our way of thinking.

Everyone knows that this is a Christian culture. But of the millions of people in our society, how many do you suppose actually stop and consider that their God was once a man, whose life came to an abrupt halt, solely to provide life giving food us (John 6:51)? He said that His flesh and blood are food and drink (John 6:55).

He is the word of God (John 1:14), just as necessary for life as food (Matt 4:4). Just as we understand that through our food, calcium and protein become part of our bones and muscle, when we take in the word of god, it becomes part of us, and we part of it (John 6:56+57). This is why He said that His words are Spirit and life (John 6:63).

Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:35). But we don't have to take Him for granted, simply because He offers this food Absolutely Free.


John 6:54 Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.

No. 34 Nov. 21, 1994 Absolutely Free

"Wanna see my smilin' face, on the cover of the Rolling Stone." Ever wonder what it would be like to be a big rock singer? It would be tough wouldn't it; reading all the letters from people who say they love you? What if you got one from somebody who said they just love you dream of having sex with you?

Big deal. Groupies want to have sex with everybody. Suppose you got one from someone else in the business, wanting to do a duet with you; but you know that they just want to ride on your popularity. So its your money, not you that they respect. Then you got one from someone who said that they loved your music and someday they hope to meet you. But since that's unrealistic, they just wrote to say, "You're great."

At the peak of their career, stars get thousands of letters like these a week. Even if you had time to read them, you couldn't respond to them all. But if you could, which of the letters above would you most like to reply to?

Wouldn't it be the last one? That's the kind God prefers (Isa 66:2). And He can respond to them all. But because some don't get their letters/prayers answered, they decide that God either isn't real, or that He doesn't care or answer prayer. But the problem could actually be the attitude of their heart (James 4:6).

Like reading between the lines of a letter, God reads the attitude of your heart, as well as your words (1 Sam 16:7). Some people pray hoping to satisfy the desires of their flesh. Some people just pray to appear holy, and receive attention (Matt 6:5).

Even if they're in the business, a preacher or evangelist, if their motive is selfish or evil, God is not bound to honor and answer that prayer (James 4:2+3). But when someone approaches Him in true humility, with recognition and gratitude for things He has done, it touches His heart. These evoke a response from Him (James 5:16).

So if you were a big hit, able to fulfill some fan's dream, by spending some time with them: Wouldn't you want to? Wouldn't you do it? Well surprise! God adores you, and His fondest wish is that you would spend some time with Him (2 Cor 5:20). Through Jesus, the lines are open, so you can call Him and arrange it, Absolutely Free.


2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

No. 35 Nov. 28, 1994 Absolutely Free

World's fattest midget swallows circus thin man. One day you're standing in line at a check-out counter reading the headlines of the trash magazines about an actor named "Flash." One says, "Flash sleeps with alien, and has mutant baby," and another, "Is Flash really Elvis in disguise? Revealing photos inside."

Some people next to you start talking. One says, "Oh, I just love that Flash. I read that he was a spy, and helped bring down the Berlin wall." The other says, "I believe it. I read that he is the reincarnation of Ghandi, and plans to establish world peace."

They've got some stuff right, but mostly, they're out in la-la land. After listening , you get so disgusted, you can't stand it any more. So you say, "Listen, I don't know where you heard all this, but Flash is just a regular guy." They get so irate that they complain to the manager, and he threatens to call the cops if you don't leave. Sound possible?

Once there was this big star named Jesus. And as He hung out down here on earth, He overheard some people claiming to be experts on God, talking just as foolishly. They had some of their facts right, but for a large part, they were out in left field.

Although they had access to the word of God (John 5:37), much of what they were saying was based on stuff that men had made up (Col 2:20-22). Then they were pushing it as commandments from God (Matt 15:7-9). He got hot because they were turning others away from God (Luke 11:52).

Although He was the very God that they claimed to worship, they were outraged that He would question their judgment (Matt 26:3+4). So in their pride they turned against Him (John 5:39+40). Eventually they had Him killed.

It's the same today. There is nothing in the Bible about what a man and wife can do in bed; that it's a sin to drink; or what kind of clothes you should wear. Yet there are rules, and even laws imposed by so-called religious folks against these things. And it's exactly that sanctimonious attitude that turns people away from Jesus today.

But that's not Him. He's still cool (Heb 13:8). And though they killed Him, He shook it off three days later. So He's still around, accepting you as you are, Absolutely Free.

Colossians 2:20 ...Why...are ye subject to ordinances, 21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not; 22 Which are all to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?

No. 36, Dec. 5, 1994 Absolutely Free

< > Accepted in Hell. Once you qualify for credit, it's way too easy to fall into the "instant gratification" trap: Things that you can't really afford, are suddenly within reach. All you have to do is whip out your plastic. Temptation only has to override your brain for a brief moment, and you're committed to the sale: It's too late.

The result is, that people charge their credit cards to the limit, never paying them off. Rather, they create an environment of indentured servitude to the credit company, through perpetual payments. With ability to spend more than you make, many people over extend themselves to the point of poverty.

Once a credit company lures you into spending more than you can pay back, you're theirs. They dictate how much you are to pay, and when; not you. So it is with Satan. Once he lures you into sinning with temptation, you're trapped (1 Tim 6:9). He is given power over you through your disobedience (Rom 6:16).

Do you think he doesn't have power over you? How many times have you done something that you knew was wrong, but you just couldn't help it? The reason you don't have power over your own will, is that you are his captive (Rom 7:14+15); just as you don't have authority over your own money, when in debt to creditors.

Many people finance things beyond their ability to pay back, as soon as they acquire credit. The Bible tells us that this is what you did the first time you sinned: The price is death, and you bought it (Rom 6:23). Once you're in debt so far that you cannot recover, the only way to escape punishment, is if someone else pays it for you.

How many people do you know who are willing to die for you, because you crumbled under the pressure of temptation?

Jesus (John 3:16). He doesn't care what you did to get into a jam: When you come to Him and say, "I played, and now I can't pay. I need you to bail me out," He says, "Done" (1 John 1:9). Anyone qualifies for His assistance (Rom 10:13).

On judgment day, when He sees that all your debts have been paid, and all your guilt punished through His death, He will welcome you into Heaven, Absolutely Free.


Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness?

No. 37 Dec. 12, 1994 Absolutely Free

"I won't tell if you don't." Picture this: You're the proud parent of twin boys. One day you're watching them play together outside, and by accident, they break the garage window. After a while, one of them comes in to get a drink of water. You tell them that you noticed the broken window, and ask if they know anything about it.

They start to hem and haw, but then come clean with a confession. So you tell them that it's OK, you just wanted to know what happened. Then they head for the bathroom. While they're gone, the other child comes in. You ask them about the window, and they insist they don't know anything about it.

About that time the first one comes walking into the room. Now you tell them both that you were watching when it happened. Then the second one 'fesses-up too. Though they both broke it, and they both confessed, wouldn't reward the one for honesty, and punish the other for their deceit? This is such a simple picture, and yet people have such a difficult time accepting that God could forgive sins just as easily.

The Bible clearly tells us that everybody has sinned (Rom 3:23). Yet some will receive mercy, and others condemnation (John 5:28+29). But God's grace is available to everyone (Rom 10:13). All you have to do is fess-up: If you deny your guilt, you're guilty of lying too (1 John 1:8+9).

But forgiveness of sins is only available through Jesus. When He died on the cross, He accepted the punishment for your sins (1 John 2:2). So, once you hear, understand, and believe the Gospel of Jesus, accept Him as Lord. Then you can appeal to God's mercy through Him, and be forgiven (John 1:12).

Judgment Day will be too late. Jesus gives you your entire life to appeal to Him for forgiveness. That's the whole reason He showed up to begin with (John 3:17). He gives you the life, the opportunity, the mercy and grace, all Absolutely Free.


1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

John 3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

No. 38 Dec. 19, 1994 Absolutely Free

Parental supervision required. Imagine that you are the proud parent of some really bright kids. You really love them, so, on Christmas, you give them a go cart. It comes in kit form, and requires assembly. So you also buy them a socket set and all the other tools required to put their present together. That way they can assemble it themselves, and have a sense of accomplishment along with their gift.

Christmas morning they open it up, and squeal with delight. They carry everything into the garage to begin the project. But when you go in there later, they've got it all screwed up. They've stripped threads, trying to put the wrong nuts on the right bolts, and so on, ruining some of the necessary parts.

So you go in, explain what they did wrong, fix the broken pieces, and put it together correctly. Afterward, some of your children are grateful. Not only did they learn a lot from the experience, but because of their admiration for you, they've decided to pattern their life, with you as their role model.

But some of them resent that you intruded on them when they were in the middle of doing it their way; even though you showed them why it wouldn't work that way. And for all you've done, they despise you rather than thank you. Jeez.

No, Jesus. Now you know how Jesus feels. God had given us our life and breath (Gen 2:7). He put man in charge of creation (Gen 1:28), and gave us every tool we needed, and we were smart enough to use them (Gen 11:6). He even wrote down the instructions, for us to go by (Ex 31:18).

But after we screwed it all up, He decided He would have to proceed with "plan B" (Jer 31:31-33). So He came down here in the form of a man, as Jesus, and walked through this life, showing us how it was done correctly (2 Cor 5:21). At the end of this demonstration, He fixed everything we had done wrong, by accepting the punishment for our sins, so that we could enjoy our gift (1 John 2:2).

Most kids aren't fortunate enough to get a go cart for Christmas. Of all God's creatures, salvation is a gift available only to man, and it's Absolutely Free.


Jeremiah 1:33 ...After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be My people.

No. 39 Dec. 27, 1994 Absolutely Free

"I like chicken, I like liver, I like tuna, please deliver..." You're probably familiar with that wonderful litter box aroma. Suppose you own a cat or two, and you have company over. Later in the day you go out for a while. When you get back home, opening the door, the smell becomes overpowering.

Suddenly you realize that it reeked like that earlier when you had company. It just wasn't so noticeable to you, because you live there. But to them, it must have been repulsive. Realizing that your friend is willing to overlook this disgusting aspect of your life, there's no need to change the kitty litter is there? You're used to it, and apparently it doesn't disturb them enough to damage your friendship, so why bother?

Or is your feeling more like one of embarrassment? Like: "If I had known how it seemed to others, I would have tried to do something?" That's a natural reaction. For example, if you realized that you had a booger hanging out your nose, you'd wipe it. Or would you say, "Oh well, it doesn't bother me," and leave it?

Once your friend demonstrated their affection toward you, by putting up with the stout smell of ammonia urine, wouldn't you want to apologize? Then wouldn't you try to clean it up, so that it wouldn't smell so bad, and your friend would enjoy spending time with you more? This is why we should to turn from our sins.

Once you hear the Gospel (John 3:16), it should kindle a spark of faith in your heart (Rom 10:17). When you then spend time with God by reading your Bible and praying, you begin to see how the smelly areas of your life, sin, seem to Him (Rom 12:2).

Then, because He has already demonstrated His affection for you, you desire to show your love in return (1 John 4:19). Some people change their entire way of life radically. For others, the sins begin to drop away one by one. The more that you stop doing things that displease Him, the more like Him you become (Rom 8:29).

So it's not a matter of, "Gee, God's watching, so I can't do anything fun now." It's, "Oh man I didn't realize how bad it stank." But Jesus doesn't wait for us to clean up our act before He comes to visit (Rom 5:8). Although we live in stink, He's not ashamed to be our friend (Rom 10:32). And He bestows this honor upon us Absolutely Free.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

No. 40 Jan. 3, 1995 Absolutely Free

Of The people, by the people, and for the people. We live in the greatest form of civilization ever known to man. In our democratic capitalistic society, everybody gets to be educated, vote, and may rise above their circumstances to affluence.

And since there is so much freedom here, there are people who abuse their freedom. Perversion of justice is evident in every level of government. But putting up with corruption and high taxes beats the tar out of watching your family get massacred in an African tribal conflict, or starving or freezing to death in war-torn eastern Europe.

So even though some of the people in the system are all screwed up, ours remains the best game in town. And though corruption abounds, the rest of us realize that democracy works, no matter how many clowns try to mess it all up.

Having this example to go by, why do you suppose people don't realize that it is the same situation in church? When government corruption is exposed, people don't lose faith in democracy, and emigrate to foreign countries. But when church corruption is exposed, people leave church, and discontinue practicing their faith.

Nowhere in the Bible does it demand that Christians go to church. But it does say not to stop meeting together (Heb 10:25). Isn't that the same thing?

The call goes forth from God to any who will hear, to come to Him for salvation (Isa 45:22, Rev 22:16+17). Once saved, members of the church are given spiritual gifts to help train and equip each other, to be used by God (Eph 4:11+12).

God needs you (Matt 9:37+38). And when you go to church, you can spur others on to doing more for Him (Heb 10:24). Kind of like a pep rally before the big game. But the game is out here in the world, where we are called to act as ambassadors for Christ, drawing others to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:20).

It's great to live in the free world, in spite of corruption in politics. Likewise, it's great to serve God, even though some who claim to do so are obviously faking it. Don't let them keep you from what Jesus has, and wants to give you, Absolutely Free.


Isaiah 45:22 Look unto Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth: For I am God, and there is none else. Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.

No. 41 Jan. 9, 1995 Absolutely Free

Don't pick it, or it'll never heal. Did you ever get a scrape, and then instead of letting it heal, pick at the scab? Sometimes when you do that, you try to pull the scab off, and wind up pulling some fresh flesh off in the process, or cause an infection, making the final scar bigger and deeper than if you'd have left it alone.

Have you noticed that as you grow older, and get into arguments with someone close, that you do it all over again? When you argue, do you or they bring up something that happened in the past, to show just how wrong the other person is?

Men and wives do this all the time. For example, if someone stays out late, that usually irritates the spouse. However, unless it's a chronic problem, it shouldn't lead to divorce. But if the spouse reflects on every time they have ever been mad, and opens up all the old wounds, they might actually give divorce consideration.

When you were a child and would get a scrape, wouldn't you go running home for one of your parents to fix it up? As an adult, that's what you need to learn to do now. The Bible tells us that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to become as little children (Matt 18:3). So when you get hurt, run home in prayer (1 Pet 5:7).

Your Heavenly Father will help you clean the wound, apply antiseptic, and put a dressing on it. When you ask Him to forgive your shortcomings, He cleans it up. When you forgive the person who made you upset, the antiseptic that prevents from infection is applied. If you don't forgive, the wound will irritate you until you do, if ever.

The dressing is love. Love covers a multitude of sin (1 Cor 13:4-7, 1 Pet 4:8). When it's someone you're close to, this love should come naturally. So instead of reliving our hurt, we need to forgive, in love, realizing that we've made stupid mistakes as well.

The same judgment we pass on others will be passed on us (Matt 7:2). In fact the Bible says that you should forgive, so that God can forgive you. If you don't, He won't (Mark 11:25). Look at our example: Jesus.

Our sins made it necessary for Him to go to the cross, if we were to make it to Heaven at all. And in His dying words, He asked God to forgive us (Luke 23:34). Can't we forgive those who hurt us? Jesus did us, Absolutely Free.


Matthew 18:3 And said, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

No. 42, Jan. 16, 1995 Absolutely Free

Smile, You're on Candid Camera. Imagine being a teenager, working at a fast food place, and dropping a meat patty on the floor. Realizing that nobody saw it, you go ahead and sell it, because you're in a hurry. Then your boss calls you into the office to let you watch it all on tape from the security camera. Oops.

When you hire on at a job, they assign you a station, responsibilities, and equipment. It's their stuff. You are supposed to use it for their purposes. But how much time do you spend at work serving your own purposes? Would you change some of your work habits if you knew that your boss was going to watch a video tape of your day?

If you get fired, you don't get to take any of their stuff with you. Likewise, you come into this world with nothing, and will leave the same way. The stuff you get while you are here is on loan. You're supposed to use it for the Boss' purposes.

According to the Bible, when this life comes to an end, we're going to have to stand before the Boss, and watch our whole life on tape, accounting for our actions, thoughts, and words (Matt 12:36). On that day, all excuses will fail (Rom 1:20). That makes it kind of tough to slide doesn't it? But the slide provision is in there.

The Old testament amounted to an employment contract for people to serve God: He laid out the rules for His us to follow (Deut 30:16-19). Reviewing the security tape, He found that according to the rules, everyone deserved to be fired (Rom 3:23).

But although He made the rules saying that disobedience must be punished, His desire to be merciful, outweighs His will to judge (James 2:13). And so, seeing that punishment was called for, He came to earth in the form of a man, Jesus Christ, and accepted the punishment on our behalf (2 Cor 5:21).

Anyone who understands, appreciates and accepts this selfless act on God's part, by believing in Jesus, and accepting Him as lord, erases the tape of their sins (Col 2:13+14). So, with the option of salvation available to us, God has given us the remote to the VCR, and allowed us to edit the tape, Absolutely Free.


Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He quickened together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross;

No. 43, Jan. 23, 1995 Absolutely Free

Quick, everyone out the back way... My parents are home! Being trusted with responsibility, before being mature enough to handle it, often causes kids to violate the trust of their parents. New responsibilities bring about new temptations: A kid who is never trusted to watch the house, is never tempted to throw a party there.

So parents should begin trusting their children with a little responsibility, and then more when they prove themselves trustworthy. Giving children a huge responsibility, without testing their faithfulness in a small thing first, would be foolish.

So it is with God. Moses demonstrated his desire to serve God on behalf of the Jews at the age of 40, but he acted rashly (Acts 7:23-25). Then for 40 more years, he worked as a shepherd, learning to take care of someone else's flock (Ex 3:1). Only then did God trust him to deliver the Jews from Egypt (Acts 7:30).

But as Moses was on a mountain, getting the 10 commandments from God, he handed God's flock over to his brother Aaron. Aaron didn't get 40 years of preparation for the job, and wasn't responsible enough yet to handle it. So when Moses came down from the mountain, he found them all partying hardy (Ex 32:19).

Lots of people hear the Gospel of Jesus and believe, but become discouraged, and quickly fall away from the faith (Matt 13:20-21). If you're doing your best to be faithful to Him, yet it seems that your faith is continually being tested, it could be because He has something big in store for you, and He's trying to prepare you to for it.

Jesus said that if you are faithful with little, you will be faithful with much, and likewise with unfaithfulness (Luke 16:10). And so the Bible tells us to rejoice when we are tested, knowing that we are being perfected (James 1:2-4).

Not everybody has to get 40 years of discipline before God can use them. David was a teenager when he killed Goliath. So with every trial, you're a little closer to being used by God to glorify Him. It's a privilege that Jesus gives us, Absolutely Free.


James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

No. 44 Jan. 30, 1995 Absolutely Free

Service with a smile. Suppose you're looking to buy a shirt. Seeing a nice selection in one shop, you walk on in. But as you make your way to the shirt section, someone says to you, "Hey! You're tracking up my floor!"

You look down, and can see that they had just mopped. So you apologize. But they say, "Well if you'd have read the sign when you walked in, you wouldn't have to apologize. Now that section will have to be mopped again, thanks to you." If you were their boss, how would you feel about them talking to your customers this way?

Jesus had business to do here on earth: reconcile men to God (Col 1:19-21). When He showed up, He found His employees, the temple officials, acting in a similar way. They had imposed so many man-made rules that the people could not follow them all (Matt 23:4). They made the people feel guilty continually as though the breaking of those laws were the committing of sins (Matt 15:7-9).

It's no wonder then, as you read the accounts of Jesus' life, that time and again, He would scold the sanctimonious temple dudes, and comfort the crowd (Luke 11:39-48, Matt 5:1-12). He knew who the customer was, and who was the servant.

But even with this example to go by, there is no shortage today of church people who have a smug, holier-than-you attitude. They're just as wrong as the temple dudes of Jesus' day. It's supposed to be the church dude's job to draw people to God, by telling of His grace through Jesus (2 Cor 5:20-21).

The apostle Paul wrote to his friend Timothy, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief (1 Tim 1:15)." He wasn't trying to say, "Paul of Tarsus was the worst sinner." He was teaching Christians to say, "I am the worst one."

That sort of rules out being judgmental, doesn't it? There are really great church people too. Don't let the sanctimonious crowd keep you away from Jesus. You're the customer. Church is the store. Ministers are God's employees. Salvation from the punishment of your sins is the product, and the price is Absolutely Free.


Colossians 1:20 And having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. 22 In the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight.

No. 45 Feb. 6, 1995 Absolutely Free

Behind the scenes. Movie directors go to great lengths to make illusions seem real. They film the scenes from only certain angles that won't betray the stage props, and other illusionary deceptions. So when you watch it on the screen, you only get to see things from the perspective that the director wants you to see them.

In essence the director controls how you see things. He manipulates your emotions, and leads the conclusions that you draw with your reasoning faculties, by directing your attention to selected points of interest. Situations that seem spontaneous are actually calculated and choreographed for a desired effect. Lots of times documentaries will show how the movies were made, or you can tour the set, and see the props. So you don't get a realistic view until you look at the situation from a different angle.

The movies present images that appear dangerous, but in reality can't harm you. And this world presents some images that appear harmless, but are very dangerous. Often situations that seem spontaneous are actually calculated schemes. That's because there is a master of deception behind the scenes, directing them (1 John 5:19).

So where can you turn for a different angle, that gives you a realistic view? The Bible. That's why you should read it. It's the documentary on life. The word of God is living, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of men's' hearts (Heb 4:12). The world says, "If it feels good, do it." But God says, "Consider your ways" (Hag 1:5).

Jesus came to earth, as the embodiment of God's word (John 1:14). He is the embodiment of truth (John 14:6). But when He came, the world rejected Him. Yet those who do not reject Him, but believe Him, He gives the right to become children of God (John 1:10-13). But how can you believe Him, and receive this magnificent gift of God's grace, if you're not exposed to it (Rom 10:14)?

It's all in there, Check it out. It takes you behind the scenes, and gives you a glimpse of the powers that be. This guided tour is Absolutely Free.


Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

No. 46 Feb. 13, 1995 Absolutely Free

Excuse me, I didn't see you standing there. Imagine that you're standing in line at the burger place, waiting to place your order. As the person in front of you moves up, two people step between you and them, one of them stepping on your foot. Then they start laughing about what they've just done.

As you stand there, fuming with indignation, trying to decide whether or not it's worth causing a scene over, they place their orders. But when their food arrives, they don't have enough money to pay for it. So one of them turns around and asks you, "Hey, we're in a jam; could you loan us five bucks?" What would your answer be?

Now would be the optimum time to bring to the attention of the cashier that these two guys just cut in front of you, and that they should be asked to leave. Suppose that they act all innocent, and pretend that they didn't know that you were in line: "Did we cut in front of you? We're sorry, we didn't see you standing there."

Would you accept this apology? What would God do? The same thing you would do. According to His word, everyone is aware of Him, seeing Him clearly, and understanding Him, whether they claim to or not. So when they pretend that they were ignorant of God, their excuse won't hold water (Rom 1:20).

Yes He is quick to forgive sins if we confess them to Him (1 John 1:9), but not when we lie to Him. If someone steps on your foot when they butt their way in front of you, will you believe them when they say they didn't see you? Their laughing about it afterward demonstrates that they knew what they were doing (Rom 1:32).

All of us have stepped on His toes somewhere along the line (Rom 3:23), and owe more than we can pay (Rom 6:23). Seeing that He has the option to either pay our bill for us, or tell the cashier that we should be asked to leave (Matt 22:13), it would behoove each of us to seek His forgiveness. And the only way to Him, to ask for forgiveness, is through Jesus (John 14:6); for it's through Jesus, that God paid for the sins of the world, that through His love and grace, we might be accepted into Heaven Absolutely Free.


Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,

even His eternal Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

No. 47 Feb. 20, 1995 Absolutely Free

For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee. So one day you're sitting down at your place in Alabama, strummin' your banjo, and you think, "Hey, maybe if I play it this way, it'll sound like a piano." So you try it, and it does.

After a while, you discover that you can make any sound you want, even that of an entire orchestra. You can make beautiful sounds that no one's ever heard before. But you're all alone at your place. If you could just make it to Nashville, then everyone could hear it, and enjoy the wonderful things you can do. You just need a way there.

So you amble on down to the highway, and stick your thumb out. But car after car passes you by. Some people act like they don't notice you. Some honk and yell at you to get off the road. And some look at you, and you can read their face saying, "Look at that stupid hick with the banjo; what a loser." If they only knew.

Now you're starting to understand how God feels. He can do anything He wants. He doesn't even need a banjo to do it. He simply wills it, and does it. But He's stuck out at His place in the Spirit realm, and He needs to hook up with someone who can carry Him into the physical world, so that He can show off His glory in front of people.

Kind of like when Moses gave Him a ride to the Red Sea; or when David gave Him a lift to meet with Goliath. These guys were willing to submit to Him. So He poured out His Spirit upon them (Ex 3:12, 1 Sam 16:13). They pulled over, and He got in.

He is continually looking for willing people, so He can display His power through them (2 Chron 16:9). How about you? The Bible tells us that if you will open the door and let Him in, He will develop a close personal relationship with you (Rev 3:20), just like He did with Moses (Josh 1:5). Why not you? Too many sins?

When you pull over for Jesus, and develop a relationship with Him, He takes the list of all those sins, and nails them to His cross, along with the charges against Him, signifying that those sins were punished at the cross (Colos 2:14). The instant that you submit to Him in faith, you are worthy! (John 8:36) So oh, Suzannah, don't you cry for me, for he whom the Son sets free is Absolutely Free!


2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him...

No. 48 Feb. 27, 1995 Absolutely Free

Now you see it, now you don't. The Bible tells us of an invisible world that goes on around us called the spirit realm, that affects us in this world (2 Kings 6:16+17, Dan 10:10-13). What if one day, all of a sudden the spirit realm isn't invisible anymore?

As you look around, there are two demons who were about to attack your kids. But now that you can see them, they stop. Then one of them walks over to you, and says, "Excuse me, but is it alright if we destroy your children?"

Well? Many times Satan and his demons can only attack your children if you allow them to. They just don't say, "Mother may I." Instead, they say, "There is nothing wrong with this [sin], go ahead and do it." The more you obey the leading of demons, the more claim they have over areas of your life (Rom 6:16).

Now you look to some of the angels flying around, and say, "Hey, help down here! Those two demons are after my kids!" But the angels say, "We're sorry, but they have every right to attack your children. You gave it to them by submitting to them."

Now that you see your children suffering because of your sins, you begin to regret and despise those sins. When these feelings are strong enough that you are willing to change, it's called repentance.

Now if only you could go back and erase your sins, eliminating your guilt, you could take away Hell's claims over areas of your life that you are spiritually responsible for. Well, maybe you can't do that, but Jesus can.

You see whether you can see in the spirit or not, this is the way that it works. And because God and His angels want desperately to help you in your plight against demons, He sent His only begotten Son to pay the penalty for sin on your behalf (Rom 5:8). So now if you rely on Him, rather than your own holiness to protect you against the schemes of the enemy, the devil has no power over you (Luke 10:19).

Then the angels of Heaven are free to minister to you and your family (Ps 91:9-11, Heb 1:14). You want the best for your children don't you? The best you can offer them, is to call upon the name of Jesus as savior, and set their angels Absolutely Free.


Psalm 91:9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

No. 49 Mar. 6, 1995 Absolutely Free

I've got bad news, and I've got good news. One day you get a phone call: "Hurry home, there's been a terrible accident." How would you take this news? Bursting through the door at home, you find your family watching TV. Nothing bad has happened. How would you take this news?

Returning to your workplace, you overhear one of your peers telling how they had sent you a prank phone call. How would you take this news? Do you see what a dramatic effect a little bit of news can have on your attitudes and emotions? Now we can see the importance of the Gospel. The word "gospel" simply means "good news."

Suppose the phone call were, "Hurry home, there's a camera crew, and a TV star, with a huge sweepstakes check made out to you!" How would you take this news? Well the Gospel is like that, only better. Better? How?

Well, first you need to be aware of the bad news: You have sinned (Rom 3:23). The wages of sin are death (Rom 6:23). Then there's the good news: But God loves you so much, He experienced that death on your behalf, so that you could experience His eternal life with Him in Heaven (John 3:16, 2 Cor 5:21).

So what if you're rich? There have been rich people who, being confined to a wheel chair or an iron lung; would trade all their wealth for health. Yet they would still have death to look forward to. But the good news of salvation through Jesus promises eternal life, eternal health, and eternal wealth (John 6:58, Rev 21:4, Matt 6:20).

Suppose you choose not to believe the sweepstakes call, and don't act on it. Whose fault is it that you didn't accept the check? By the same token, you can choose not to believe the Gospel, and not act on it, and lose the same way. It's up to you.

Hurry home! Jesus stands at your door with salvation for you. Tell Him in prayer that you choose to believe in Him, and that you accept this gift that He holds out to you. There's no purchase necessary: it's Absolutely Free!


Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Mark 16:15 And He said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature."

No. 50 Mar. 13, 1995 Absolutely Free

Big deal. Suppose someone invented something that everybody would want. Stock options for this product sell for $1 a share, and are expected to be worth $1000 in 1 month. So if you invested $20, a month later you could sell it for $20,000.

But the only people who were aware of this great deal, were the stock brokers on Wall Street. They hog it all to themselves, and only tell their favorite clients about it. As a result, the rich people simply get richer, and the poor people remain poor. Does this part sound realistic or what? But is it fair?

Suppose a stock broker were to tell you that this information was available to anyone who read the financial page of the newspaper. Have you ever tried reading the financial page? What does it mean to you if Brand X gained half a point on the Dow Jones? That stuff is only understandable to someone who is familiar with it.

Likewise, knowledge of salvation is available to anyone who reads the Bible. What does it mean to you that redemption is possible? Unless you're familiar with biblical principles, probably nothing. Just as with the stock report, it's only available to everybody, if someone who's familiar with it explains what it means (Rom 10:13+14).

Do you know someone who understands biblical concepts? Don't let them hog all that information to themselves, and their church friends. Make them explain it to you. That's their job (Mark 16:15). Be aware of what's available to you.

Redemption, in biblical terminology, is similar to being ransomed: We're doomed to pay the penalty for our sins. But Christ paid the ransom for us, by pouring out His blood on our behalf, that we might be freed from that obligation (Rom 3:23-25). For without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins (Heb 9:22).

It's only available by faith (Eph 2:8). Faith comes from hearing God's word (Rom 10:17). If you haven't heard enough of God's word to believe or understand it, ask. God wants you to know (1 Tim 2:3+4). It's available to you, and it's Absolutely Free.


Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

No. 51 Mar. 20, 1995 Absolutely Free

My compliments to the chef. One day, you invite your friends over for dinner. You start preparing the meal days ahead of time. The meat has to be aged to perfection. Then you prepare the marinade, and let it soak in overnight. You hand select the side dishes, because everything, when done correctly, compliments each other.

So the big day arrives and you have been up since dawn, making the final preparations. Your friends come over, and you lay this banquet out before them. But before they even taste it, one of them smothers theirs in ketchup, and another puts tobasco sauce on theirs. They've just wasted all your efforts. How would you feel?

Now think of all the effort Jesus put into providing a way for us to get to Heaven. Most people in our culture have heard the salvation story, and consider themselves to be Christians. And yet if you ask them how you get to Heaven, many will say, "Well, I think that as long as you are nice, and you try to do your best, you're cool."

If this is your view, you've heard the Gospel of salvation: sampled the bread of life, and ruined it by putting ketchup all over it. You still don't know what it tastes like. If everyone is going to be OK anyway, why did Jesus die on the cross? If it wasn't necessary, it makes Him look pretty silly doesn't it? Why even be a Christian? If this is your view, are you actually a Christian? What is a Christian?

It was necessary for Him to die for us (Matt 26:39), or nobody would be able to make it (Rom 3:9-18). He is the only way (John 14:6). Not everyone will make it (Matt 7:13+14). You don't get in to Heaven based on having been good. You get in because He was good (2 Cor 5:21). That way, He gets all the credit. If you accept Him, He accepts you (Matt 10:32+33). Reject Him, and He will reject you (John 3:18-21).

Anyone may go to Heaven, but He gets the credit. He gets the honor. He gets the glory. And you get to live with Him in glory forever, Absolutely Free.


Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

Matthew 26:39 And He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.

No. 52 Mar. 27, 1995 Absolutely Free

It's so hard to find good help these days. Suppose you were self-employed, and you wanted to expand your business. So you hire three people to help you out, and tell them to show up for work the next day. Only two of them show up. Then a truckload of new equipment arrives, so you tell them to go unload it. One of them goes out to the dock, but the other says, "I don't feel like it." So you go out to help.

But when you get to the dock, you find that a passerby, had noticed that your employee needed a hand, and stopped to help. You see that he's a hard worker, and you ask him if he'd like to work for you. But he says, "No, I don't have a job right now, but I'm looking for something better than this; thanks anyway."

Through the course of the week, the employee who didn't help unload the truck, didn't feel like doing much of anything else either. The passerby stopped a couple of other times, and helped out your worker again. And the one who didn't show up, was too busy running around, announcing to everyone that they had a job now, to show up. Then on Friday, all of them show up, each expecting a paycheck.

Now you're in God's shoes. God's Word and Spirit appeal to people continually to let Jesus be Lord of their life (Rev 3:20). There are those who go to church, yet none of it sinks in (James 1:22). There are those who refuse to have anything to do with structured faith, yet try to establish righteousness by good deeds (James 2:18).

There are those who talk real loud about being hooked up with Him, but their actions don't match their words (James 2:14). All of these have rejected Jesus by not complying with His will (John 3:19). Yet all of these expect that on payday, they're going to have some reward due them (Matt 7:21-23). Go figure.

Lord = boss. That's all. If you never obey someone, then they're not really your boss are they? Jesus is a cool boss to have (Matt 11:28-30). Submit to employment with Jesus, and your eternal health coverage is Absolutely Free.


Matthew 11:28 Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

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