God Thoughts

Well, my mind is ALWAYS racing and analyzing but one of my most recent God Thought is about mistakes..aren't they great??:)

Mistakes mold us into the beautiful people that we are..they discipline us and give us more empathy in life:) I have no idea what kinda person I would be without my screw-up stage!rofl It was wonderful, well, of course not at the time, but, the outcome...I regret nothing!! And, as I look back at other mistakes and problems, daily ones or old ones, I can always see the great lesson they taught me! Sooo, whenever you Lord presents you with a problem, thank him...'cause, you are growing from this awful experience!! There is a purpose for everything:) All for your own benefit too:)

I am a reborn Christian you could say--if you have any God Thoughts of your own please let me know in my guestbook, my mind and heart is always hungry for more info:) Also!! Visit this wonderful page , I'm not telling you what it's about, you have to visit it to find out:)

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