
Bio & Photos


Sarah's new photo gallery!

Computer Consulting page

Our camping page

Our new car!

Storm '98 Photos!

Here's Heather's page in the making!

My name is Dan Kirkpatrick.
I live in North Syracuse, NY Syracuse, NY and graduated in 1993 from Potsdam College with a B.A. in Computer and Information Sciences. I grew up in Lockport, NY (near Buffalo and Niagara Falls). I became interested in genealogy through my grandfather, Jeff Kirkpatrick's research and upon discovering many new sources of information, namely the Kirkpatrick Association and through computers. I currently work for SU Syracuse University in the Physics Dept. as a Unix System Administrator & Network Manager, working with Dec Logo Digital Alpha & Unix. I am also quite familiar with Sun Logo Sun Microsystems, Solaris 2.X
Here's my Resume
I'm married and our first child was born in 1997. We also have a dog, cat, and 250 gallons of fish! I also enjoy working on and improving our house and landscaping, photography, wine tasting, spending time with friends, and trying to relax.


The newest member of our family...
Sarah Marie Kirkpatrick
Born: September 30, 1997
8 lbs.      20-1/4"

Photo Album:

Dan & Heather

Dan & Heather
Kirkpatrick Family
Jewett Family
Kaila & Zoro
220gal Fish Tank

Sarah's new photo gallery!

My Photo Gallery:
(Yes... * I * took these photos!)
Best Viewed 800x600 or MORE
Atlantic Sunset #1

Atlantic Sunset #2
Maine Lighthouse
Liberty Statue
Sandy Beach
Glass Sky

Old and New

Grand Canyon #1

Grand Canyon #2

Grand Canyon #3

You can order reprints of these in any size.
I also offer photo scanning at reasonable rates.
Contact me for details.

Family & Friends:

Heather's father, Robert Jewett's web page:

Heather's older brother, Greg Jewett's web page:

Heather's younger brother, Michael Jewett's web page:

Al's Land Before Wine page:

Other Pages I host:

People for Animal Rights (of Central New York)


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Hits since Jun 27, 2000:

Thanks to Geocities for their free web page service.

This page created 20 Aug 1996 (revised 27 Jun 2000) by Daniel C. Kirkpatrick (

©1996-2000 Daniel C. Kirkpatrick
Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational, and genealogical research use by individuals. This message must appear on all copied material. All commercial or use for profit requires permission.