General Contents Page Queries for this State

Statewide information:

Information by County:

Sully Co. SD

(File: ww1-draft-gi.txt)
World War I Draft Registration, South Dakota - Names "G" - "I"
Harvey, George Reid                            5 Dec 1890   W        Sully              SD
Harvey, Guy Hazelton                          10 Oct 1891   W        Stanley            SD
Harvey, Jacob                                        1891   I        Shannon            SD[Late
Harvey, John                                         1889   I        Shannon            SD[Late
Harvey, John K.                               10 Oct 1879   W        Harding            SD
Harvey, Joseph                                       1896   I        Shannon            SD[Late
Harvey, Oscar                                 10 Jan 1895   W        Ziebach            SD
Harvey, Oscar Dale                             5 Jul 1890   W        Ziebach            SD
Harvey, Reier                                 30 Mar 1884   W        Ziebach            SD
Harvey, Wilber George                          4 Dec 1884   W        Bennett            SD

Stickney, South Dakota
(File: stickney.txt)

        This file is an every name index to "Stickney, South Dakota : 75th anniversary, 
        1905-1980", published by Argus Printers.

        This index was compiled by Barbara Pierce, 

        Copyright, 1997 by Barbara Pierce. This file may be freely copied for non-profit 
        purposes. All other rights reserved.

LAST NAME                FIRST NAME                      MAIDEN NAME               PAGE
Harvey                   (Rev.)                                                    8
Harvey                   D. M.                                                     62
Harvey                   D. M. (Rev.)                                              62
Harvey                   Dora                                                      122
Harvey                   E. A.                                                     77
Harvey                   Florence                                                  122
Harvey                   Frances                                                   114
Harvey                   George                                                    122
Harvey                   Henry                                                     122
Harvey                   Ina                             Bryan                     114
Harvey                   Julia                           Dittrick                  122
Harvey                   Lucille                                                   114
Harvey                   Marlys                                                    114
Harvey                   Robert                                                    114
Harvey                   William                                                   122

Name Index to SDGS Quatrerly
        (File: sdgsqart.txt)
        This file contains an index to the South Dakota 
        Genealogical Society Quarterly.

        Index created by Maurice Krueger, 
        copyrighted 1996 by Maurice Krueger. File may be freely
        copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights

HARVEY             Arthur              2      3            81
HARVEY             Beatrice            2      1            25
HARVEY             Fredrich            2      1            25
HARVEY             Gordon Morrison     3      4           141
HARVEY             John Thurber        4      3           104
HARVEY             May                 3      1            30
HARVEY             Robert              3      4           141
HARVEY             Thomas E.           3      2            59
HARVEY             Thomas E.           4      1             9
HARVEY             William H.          4      1             9

The United Methodist Church of Aurora
(File: aur-methodist.txt)

        This file is a name index to the book, "The United Methodist Church of 
        Aurora, 100 Years and More, 1884-1989" compiled by Mrs. Harold 
        Deethardt (Dorothy Pike). The appendix pages were not numbered 
        (pages following page 43) in the book. The compiler assigned
        page numbers to them and added an "A-" to indicate that the pages in 
        book were un-numbered.

        Index and compilation by Barbara Pierce, 

        This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes

Harvey                  (Mrs.)                                                    30
Harvey                  Clara                                                     A-75, A-83
Harvey                  Dale                                                      A-65
Harvey                  Donna                                                     20, A-83, A-84, A-86
Harvey                  Doris                                                     A-65
Harvey                  Elmer (Mrs.) [Inez]                                       24, A-84
Harvey                  Gilbert                                                   19, A-62, A-63
Harvey                  Hazel                                                     A-60, A-62, A-63
Harvey                  Kenneth                                                   A-60, A-62, A-63
Harvey                  Le Roy (Mr.)                                              A-84
Harvey                  Leonard (Mrs.) [Shirley]                                  A-84
Harvey                  Nellie                                                    A-60, A-62
Harvey                  Ralph (Mr. & Mrs.) [Dorothy]                              A-84
Harvey                  Ray                                                       A-60, A-63
Harvey                  Shirley                                                   20, A-75, A-83, A-86
Harvey                  Wayne (Mrs.) [Clara]                                      Preface, 2, A-84

(File: gar.txt)
Civil War - Union Veterans in South Dakota
        This file is an alphabetical index to the "List of G. A. R. Posts in 
        S. Dak." which was published in "South Dakota Historical Collections",
        Volume XVI, Part 1 (1932), pages 182 - 446.

        Permission has been kindly granted to post the entire article by Nancy 
        Tystad Koupal of the South Dakota Historical Society. 

        Index created by Joy Fisher,

        Copyright, 1997, Joy Fisher. All rights reserved.

Harvey, A. H.                      ABERDEEN                        186
Harvey, T. E.                      STURGIS                         409
Harvey, Thomas E.                  DEADWOOD                        239
Harvey, W. H.                      BROOKINGS                       212

(File: z-hst-20.txt)
Text of Ziebach Co., SD History (1982) - pages 380 - 400
This file is the text of the book, "South Dakota's Ziebach County, History of the Prairie", published in 1982 by the Ziebach County Historical Society, Dupree, SD

The book is still in print and can be ordered from:

County Auditor
Box 68
Dupree, SD 57623

Cost is $10 (Add $3 for shipping and handling)

Permission to publish this book in electronic form was given by Jackie Birkeland, member of the Historical Committee. This book is copyright, 1982 by the Ziebach County Historical Society, Dupree, SD.

Scanning and OCR by Terri Tosh , final editing by Joy Fisher,

Mr. Reier Harvey came by railroad emigrant car to Ziebach County in April 1912. He settled on a homestead 3 miles south of Redelm, where he lived on his homestead until 1919. Mr. Harvey recalled a time when he was lost on the prairie at night while looking for a lost cow. Mr. Harvey was married in 1913 to Emma Schroder of Humboldt, Iowa. Their children were: Gretchen (Mrs. Gerald Peterson); Jean (Mrs. Leo Schroeder); Mae (Mrs. Robert Gross); John R. Harvey.

(File: graceland.txt)
This record may be freely copied for genealogical and other non-profit purposes. It may not be sold for commercial purposes.

Questions and problems may be addressed to Judy Huber at

Graceland Cemetery is located one-fourth mile north on the east side of the city limits of Madison. It is in Lakeview Township. The original deed for 10.65 acres from Dakota Territory to the Madison Cemetery Association was granted on 10 Sept. 1884 It was surveyed and platted by John Gregor, Lake County surveyor.

In 1907 land owned by Albert A. Sponholtz was added to the west and north. The deed was registered 29 November 1912. Again in 1938 more land from Mr. Sponholtz was added to the west. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Britzuis and Miss Myrtle Pulford donated funds for the chain link fence and the corner stones fronting the east side of the cemetery in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Pulford.

The cemetery association is funded by donations and by the sale of grave sites.

Harvey      Amelia         F                25 Mar 1960
Harvey      Laura          F                1921

(File: bruhisal.txt)
Index to "1976 History of Brule County"
This file is an index of 1976 History of Brule County. This file pertains to surnames beginning with letters A-L. The index was created by Terri Tosh .

Copyright 1996, Terri Tosh. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. It may not be published in any other form without the written consent of the author.

Last Name                    First Name                Pages

Harvey                       Emily Loenza              182
Harvey                       George F.                 182
Harvey                       Jessie May                182
Harvey                       Paulette                  198
Harvey                       William S.                182
Harvey                       William Somerville        182
Harvey, Jr.                  William Somerville        182

(File: ww2.txt)
SD World War II Honor Roll
This file contains a list of World War II combat dead from South Dakota. It was extracted from "South Dakota in World War II: an account of the various activities of the people of South Dakota during the period of World War II, both in South Dakota and where South Dakotans and South Dakota units were active throughout the world" compiled by the World War II History Commission, State of South Dakota.
File uploaded with the kind permission of Nancy Tystad Koupal, Director of Research and Publishing, South Dakota Historical Society.

Harvey, Gilbert G.             Pfc                37 280 753        Brookings    KIA

(File: homestd.txt)
Aurora County, SD -- Early Homesteaders
A list of early homesteaders in Aurora County.

Information transcribed by Barbara Pierce, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author.

This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at

Harvey             Alphonso H.        Palatine         104N63W       27    NW 1/4
Harvey             Owen               Cooper           104N65W       29    NW 1/4
Harvey             Ransom D.          Aurora           101N63W       34    NE 1/4

(File: ww1-draft.txt)
SD World War I Draft Registration
The information below was abstracted from by Raymond H. Banks from civilian registration cards completed in 1917-1918. All rights reserved. Some men do not have birth locations listed because they registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was not recorded. Almost 24 million men registered for the draft --

CAUTION: Middle Eastern and East European national boundaries and country names were quite different than those seen on today's maps.

Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons). Researchers can probably order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests at local LDS family history centers. Payment for mailing costs is required. Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS -- WORLD WAR I -- although these records are not actually military records]. Orginal cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.

The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address the name and address of next of kin, occupation, work address, general physical description and occasionally listed general description of a disability. Please consult the original card to verify all information.

1ST COLUMN:   NAME                                                                                                                                    
2ND COLUMN:  BIRTH DATE                                                                                                                               
3RD COLUMN:  ETHNIC GROUP                                                                                                                             
4TH COLUMN:  BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable)                                                                                       
OTHER COLUMNS:  LOCATION OF REGISTRATION                                                                                                              
Harvey, Oscar                                     10 Jan 1895 W Cobb WI                         Ziebach            SD                                 
Harvey, Oscar Dale                                 5 Jul 1890 W Iowa Co. WI                     Ziebach            SD                                 
Harvey, Reier                                     30 Mar 1884 W                                 Ziebach            SD                                 
Harvey, George Reid                                5 Dec 1890 W Le Mars IA                      Sully              SD                                 

(File: land.txt)

Brule Co., SD - Index to Early Homesteaders

This index created by Terri Tosh using Centennial Atlas of Brule County. Centennial Atlas, P.O. Box No. 1452, Watertown, SD 57201 Statement in book: Possibility of error, no representation is made as to complete accuracy.

Last name                First Name          Sec.  Township        Township  Range
                                                 #     Map
Harvey             Geo. H.          34   Eagle             101 N   69 W
Harvey             George           13   Plainfield        103 N   67 W

(File: 1963index.txt)

Jerauld Co., SD - Index to 1963 County History

This file is a name index to "A history of Jerauld Country, South Dakota" written by Fred N. Dunham (1963).

This index was compiled by Alan Sheppard,

Copyright, 1996 by Alan Sheppard. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.

Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author.

This file is part of the free genealogy service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is

 NAME                  PAGE
 Harvey, Josephine       93

File: yankton-centennial.txt)

Index to Yankton Co., SD Centennial Book (1961)

This file is an name index to "Yankton County in Dakota Territory Centennial Year 1861 - 1961". The names were extracted by Joy R. Fisher.

This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. Copyright, 1996, Joy R. Fisher all other rights reserved.

Between pages 64 and 65 are 8 un-numbered pages containing the names of people involved in the Centennial celebration. These names were indexed; the pages were called 64A, 64B, etc.

Wherever a particular town or other location was mentioned in connection with a name, that information is included in the last column.

Surname          First Name              page             Community
Harvey           Guy H.                  69

(File: harvey.txt)

Albert S. Harvey Biography

This biography appears on pages 1351-1352 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger,

This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author.

ALBERT S. HARVEY is a native of the state of Minnesota, having been born in Dodge county, on the 27th of February, 1855, and being a son of Wiles and Harriet Harvey, the former of whom is now deceased, he having been a farmer by vocation. The subject's educational advantages were those afforded in the public schools of his native county, and from his youth up he has been identified almost continuously with agricultural pursuits. He continued to reside in Minnesota until 1878, when, as a young man of twenty-three years, he decided to cast in his lot with the territory of Dakota, toward which the tide of immigration had begun to set in. He arrived in what is now Moody county in March of that year, and took up a homestead claim of three hundred and twenty acres of government land, in Colman township, being one of the first to settle in that section, while the population of the county at the time was summed up in a small number of families, the land being practically all in its primitive condition and bearing slight resemblance to the condition which today obtains, with attractive villages, well-cultivated farms, churches, schools and all other evidences of an advanced civilization. Mr. Harvey began life here in a modest way, his original dwelling being a rude sod house of the sort so common in the early pioneer era, and through energy, perseverance and good management he has developed a fine farm, being now the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of most arable land, while the place is improved with good buildings and yields excellent returns for the labor expended in its cultivation. Mr. Harvey has shown a proper interest in all that has touched the general welfare and material advancement of the county, and has aided the cause of education and all other enterprises for the enhancement of the prosperity of the community, while in politics he is a stanch adherent of the Populist party.

Mr. Harvey has been twice married. In 1884 he wedded Miss Frances Scoville, who was born and reared in Wisconsin, and whose death occurred in 1889. She is survived by two children, Gilbert and Volney. On the 21st of February, 1895, Mr. Harvey married Mrs. Emily Morse, who was born in Wisconsin and who was a resident of Colman at the time of her marriage, while she is a daughter of C. L. Meeker, who was numbered among the early settlers in Moody county. Of this union has been born one child, Myrtle. One stepson and all four of the children still remain at the parental home.

(File: browninx.txt)

Index to Early History of Brown County, South Dakota

This index was gathered and prepared by Maurice Krueger (, 178 Southshore Drive, Mina, SD, 57462-3000), from the book "Early History of Brown County, South Dakota." This was done because the original book did not have an index. The book is available as a reference book at Aberdeen's Alexander Mitchell Public Library, 519 South Kline St., Aberdeen, SD,57401-4495.

* This work may be freely copied, but may not be sold. *



by Brown County Territorial Pioneers Association

Aberdeen, S.D.: Western Printing Co., 1965

Last Name, First Name          Pages
HARVEY, Coin                   81

(File: cemtyall.txt)

Kingsbury Co., SD - Index to WPA Graves Registration Project

This file is a compilation of the WPA Graves Registration Project files at the SD State Archives.

Compilation, 1997 by Darrell Fransen,

This compilation is copyrighted 1997 by Darrell Fransen. All rights reserved.

LNAME                 FNAME                   SEX  DIED            AGE    BLOCK   LOT       GRAVE   SECTION VETNOTES                   CITY          COUNTY    CEMETERY
Harvey                Meryl J.                 M                   3      1       35        5               N                          Manchester    Kingsbury Manchester
Harvey                Mother                   F                   41     1       35        6               N                          Manchester    Kingsbury Manchester
Harvey                Rose P.                  F                   17     1       35        7               N                          Manchester    Kingsbury Manchester
Harvey                                                             Infant 1       35        4               N                          Manchester    Kingsbury Manchester

(File: sd-index.txt)

Name Index to SD Biography Books

This file is a name index to some early histories of South Dakota. The bibliography, containing the book numbers is contained in a separate file:

This index was compiled in manuscript form by researchers at the South Dakota State Archives. Scanning and editing by Joy Fisher, from a copy provided by Richard Popp, Archivist, and uploaded with his kind permission.

This file is part of the web service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is:


Name                                   Book Number   Page
Harvey, Albert S.                            5       3151
Harvey, Guy H.                              12        308

(File: 1961.txt)

Mellette County 1911-1961 Name Index

This file contains a name index to the book, "Mellette County 1911-1961" published by the Mellette County Centennial Committee.

This index is copyrighted (1998) by the compiler, Joy Fisher,

Last Name                                 First Name    
Harvey                                    JoAnn                               

(File: oldplatt.txt)

Charles Mix Co., SD - Old Platte Cemetery

The information for this cemetery came from Lawrence Cool of Platte, SD. It was then keyed by Judy Huber for non-profit use only.

Old Platte was located about 3 miles northwest of the present town of Platte, both located in Platte township..

Old Platte once had 4 stores, a church, a doctor, hotel, blacksmith, creamery and 8 to 10 homes, only two homes remain on the site..

LNAME         FNAME   SEX     BORN    DIED    AGE     LOT     GRAVE   VET     NOTES
Harvey        George  M               1957    77      52      ?
Harvey        George  F               1917    34      52      3
Harvey        Norman  M               1887    50?     52      ?
Harvey        baby                            Inf.    52      1
Harvey        baby                            Inf.    52      2

(File: 1906atlas.txt)

Charles Mix Co., SD - Index to 1906 Atlas

This file is an index to the 1906 Chas. Mix Atlas, published by E. Frank Peterson.

This index was compiled by Joy R. Fisher, copyright by Joy R. Fisher. This file may be freely copied, but may not be sold, all other rights reserved.

Surname              First Name        Section           Township Range    Page  Township Name
Harvey               Wm T.                28               T99     R68      15   Platte Twp

(File: platte-twp.txt)

Charles Mix Co., SD - Platte Township Cemetery

The data in this file was compiled in Apr. 1940 by the WPA Graves Registration Project. This file contains the names of those buried in Platte Township Cemetery, which is located in Platte Township, Section 11, T99N R68W. The cemetery was founded in 1884.

A later compilation of this same cemetery is "Old Platte" Cemetery:

This file was created by Joy Fisher (1997),, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.

L Name      F Name    Gr. No.   Age   Lot No.   Sex     Vet   Notes
Harvey      (infant)     1     infant    52
Harvey      (infant)     2     infant    52
Harvey      G. (Mrs.)    3               52      f

(File: land.txt)

Spink County Land Tract Records

These records may be freely copied for genealogical purpose but may not be sold or used for profit puroses. (c) Judy Huber,

LAST NAME           FIRST NAMES           TWP. NAME            SEC.     TWP. #  RANGE
Harvley             Willis                Prairie Center          25     117N    61W

(File: canistota.txt)

Canistota, McCook Co., SD History


Originally written by JOHN H. SCHLUETER and WENDALL ANDERSON in 1959 Transcribed by KENNETH THOMAS,, with permission of WENDALL ANDERSON in 1997 Copyrighted 1959 by J. Schlueter and W. Anderson

The following is a list of Canistota high school graduates down through the years.

CLASS OF 1920 -- Mae Welzin, Caroline Klueber, Ella Harvey, Stowe McKillop, and Ward Halgerson.

CLASS OF 1925 -- Mabel Kirchner, Ruth Godfrey, Alice Harvey, Martha Hinrichs, Hertha Jerman, Loretta Hinrichs, Fred Langelett, Robert Armstrong, Truman Markee, and Lyle Kostboth.

CLASS OF '29 Tom Armstrong, Bud Dawson, Helen Armstrong, Maxine Laity, Lois Hammond, John Schaller, Viola Bellack, Vernon Eichhorn, Earl White, Russell Shabino, Violet Harvey, Myrtle Schmidt, Lenora Lindbloom, Josephine Gosch, Leona Sessler, Josephine Ecklund, and Louise Schlueter.

CLASS OF '58 Arlys Harvey, Steve Clark, Jerry Kruse, Keith McKay, Gale Pletan, John Schmidt, Larry Neuberger, Margaret Rechtenbaugh, Robert McKay, Joyce Johnke, Gilbert Stickfort, Derrold Tieszen, Wayne Ortman, Wayne Tieszen, Mary Dawson, Arla Millar, Roger Faber, Lester Parry and Deanna Krumvieda.

(File: diana.txt)
Diana (Sanborn Co.) and Carthage (Miner Co.), SD - 1888 Methodist Church Records
This information is from "Palmer's Directory of the Methodist Episcopal Church for Dakota Conference - 1888" by Rev. John G. Palmer. Page 77 - 78

Information transcribed by Joy Fisher,

Diana and Carthage

Rev. A. D. Smith was appointed to this field in the fall of 1884. The charge was organized October 20 of that year, with 8 members. Rev. G. E. Neville was appointed pastor in 1885, but remained only a short time and was followed by Rev. A. F. Thompson, who succeeded in securing the erection of two church buildings. These are worth $6,000. In 1886 Rev. H. N. Smith was placed in charge of this work, and in 1887 Rev. G. J. Corwin, the pastor at present, received appointment to this charge. Members, 98; probationers, 5.

        Trustees - James Meadows, F. W. Thaxter, R. S. Whalen, Theodore Roth, H. E.
                Bly, J. W. Elliott, G. D. Mitchell, G. A. Vandervort.
        Stewards - J. W. Elliott, E. L. Ecker, E. Harvey, H. Biggle, Geo. A. Bieber,  G. A. Vandervort.
        Class Leaders - J. W. Elliott, E. Harvey.
        S. S. Superintendent - G. D. Mitchell.
        Ladies' Aid Society - Pres., Mary Rost; Sec'y, Alice Taylor; Treas., Annie

                Names of Members
Last Name        First Name          Membership Status

Harvey           Edgar               member
Harvey           Hiram               member
Harvey           Lyda                member

(File: wl-book.txt)

White Lake, Aurora Co., SD - History Index

This file is an every name index to "1882-1982...100 Years of Progress, Still Growing Through Time, White Lake, SD, July 2-3-4, 1982", The Centennial Book Committee.

This index was compiled by Barbara Pierce,

Copyright, 1997 by Barbara Pierce. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.

LAST NAME          FIRST NAME                                MAIDEN NAME       PAGE
Harvey             Viola                                     Rebensdorf        88

(File: deadwood-1878.txt)

Deadwood, Lawrence Co., SD - 1878 Business Directory

This file contains the business directory for Deadwood, Dakota Territory taken from Wolfe's Mercantile Guide, Gazetteer, and Business Directory of Cities...", published in 1878.

This information transcribed by Joy Fisher, This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.

Deadwood City Directory

Last Name                       First Name     Business
Harvey & Watson                                attorneys at law

(File: colman.txt)

COLMAN CEMETERY, Colman, Moody Co., SD

This is a listing of the Colman Cemetery in Moody County, SD from the WPA Graves Registration Project. The list was completed in the early 1940's.

The cemetery is located in or near the town of Colman in Sec. 22, T106N R50W

Information transcribed by Violet L. Sunderland, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved.

L_NAME             F_NAME       GR_#    LOT_#   DEATH      AGE        SEX
HARVEY                          8       29      1890       24 days
HARVEY             F            6       20      1889       26         F

(File: stick-1909.txt)

Stickney, Aurora County, SD - 1909 Business Directory

This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909.

Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author.


A prosperous small town in Aurora county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 11 miles southwest of Plankinton. Population 250.

Last Name                     First Name     Business
United Brethern Church                       Rev M D Harvey pastor

(File: 1958-6.txt)
Full Text of "75 Years of Sully County History, 1883 - 1958", pages 93 - 112
This file contains the full text of a part of "75 Years of Sully County History", edited by Mrs. E. L. Thompson.

Scanning and OCR by Joy Fisher,

This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at

This book was produced by the Onida Watchman and is not copyrighted. Reproduction of all editorial and pictorial matter is explicitly permitted.

......"On September 29, 1919, a permanent charter was issued to Sully Post, No. 79, American Legion Department of South Dakota, Onida, South Dakota. Charter members, besides the officers and executive committee, included Lew J. Drasky, Clyde Bloom, George R. Harvey, Frank Moushke, John McGuire, John E. Fanton, J. Ford Cole, Al E. Byrum, George Gerlach, Ralph J. Spaid, Edwin Fanton, Jr., Earl J. Becker, Ralph D. Lister, John Halverson, Russell Rilling, Anthony C. Etzkorn, Daniel C. Berg, Sam M. Harvey, W. E. Sheffer, Jess Grove, Charles 0. Telford, George E. Becker, Louis C. Spaid, Scott Emeigh, Jacob H. Wagner and Edmund S. McConnell."

                Stanley Co. SD -- World War I Draft Registration
Harvey, Guy Hazelton                              10 Oct 1891 W Mellette SD                     Stanley            SD                                 

(File: gregory-1909.txt)

Gregory, Gregory Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory.

This file contains a listing from "South Dakota State Business Directory", published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, CO in 1909. This listing shows businesses in Gregory..

This information transcribed by Joy Fisher, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.


A growing town, the largest in Gregory county, on the Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 32 miles morthwest of Fairfax. Has electric light and water plants, good streets and sidewalks, excellent schools and churches, and live, energetic business men. Surrounded by a prosperous farming section. Population 1,800..

Last Name                                  First Name       Business
Flannigan & Harvey                                          livery

(File: walsh.txt)

Walsh Co., ND - Description and History, 1884

This file is a complete transcription of the descriptive information about Walsh County as found in A. T. Andreas' "Historical Atlas of Dakota", 1884.

Walsh County, ND

..."Walsh county, which was named in honor of the Hon. Geo. H. Walsh of Grand Forks, was formed from the two northern tiers of township of Grand Forks County and the two southern tiers of Pembina, and was organized in 1881, when Governor Ordway, appointed Geo. P. Harvey, Wm Code and B. C. Askelson a board of County Commissioners. This board met for organization, on Tuesday, August 30, at the residence of Geo. P. Harvey, in Forest river Township. The board organized by the election of Geo. P. Harvey, Chairman, and W. A. Cleland, temporary clerk. N. Upham was appointed Register of Deeds and County Clerk; Jacob Reinhart, Sheriff; J. N. Nelson, Assessor; E. O. Faulkner, Judge of Probate: K. O. Skatteboe, Treasurer; Eugene Kane, Surveyor; Dr. H. H. Hamilton, Coroner; R. M. Evans, Superintendent of Schools. The liquor license was placed at $300 per annum. The Acton News was made the official paper of the county. The question of the location of the county seat then came up for consideration, and the towns of Minto, Grafton and Kensington each received one vote. Being unable to decide this question, the board adjourned."

(File: dell-rapids.txt)

Dell Rapids, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1888 Methodist Church Records

This information is from "Palmer's Directory of the Methodist Episcopal Church for Dakota Conference - 1888" by Rev. John G. Palmer. Page 100 - 101
Information transcribed by Joy Fisher,
Dell Rapids
The record of the Methodist Church in Dell Rapids commences in October, 1880, with Rev, C. W. Batchelder as pastor. The church building, which is worth $1,500, was commenced while Rev. George R. Oake was pastor. The parsonage worth $1000, was built during the pastorate of Rev. Wm. Vivian. At present there is a membership of 95; probationers, 10. Rev. J. P. Jenkins is pastor.

Harvey            G. E.             member
Harvey            Hattie            member
Harvey            Hiram             member