What the News Media is Reporting:

Here we go again!!  
The Vancouver Sun
November 30, 1998

Students are opposed to teacher layoffs
Students are adding their voices to the furious debate about the impending layoffs of 101 Vancouver teachers, a divisive issue that has raised emotions and pitted the school board against the province.

Full Story


These links are, unfortunately, no longer active, as both papers have changed their server configurations. I am attempting to locate hard copy of the news items and load them directly on our site. In the mean time the headlines are worth keeping as "grist to the mill" so to speak.

Dec. 17 / 97

April 19, 1997: "Court rules schools can't charge fees for materials"

April 17, 1997: "Music, art programs threatened"

Note in this latter article:
"Earlier this week, the Vancouver school board asked staff to review budget proposals relating to mini-schools and alternative programs, special needs student services, cost recovery from in-school daycares, staffing levels at inner city schools, and library services. All were the subject of much debate at public meetings last week.

"They are reviewing those areas and will come back with further recommendations," board communications officer Cynthia Rota said Wednesday. "

April 11, 1997: "Teachers blame funding crisis on special needs, ESL increases"

April 10, 1997: "Angry parents, school staffs condemn board"

April 24, 1997: "United front builds to fight cutbacks"

April 23, 1997: "Furious parents aim outrage at trustees"

April 13, 1997: "B.C. top spender, but it's still not enough: Teachers"

April 11, 1997: "Students worse off by $427 a year: Teachers"

April 10, 1997: "400 parents turn out to fight school cuts"

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