L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada

L'Orignal is on the west bank of Ottawa river at about half way between Montreal and Ottawa.

The West Indies Company owns large territories.  On november 27, 1764, the company lets to François Provost a land called La Seigneurie de l'Orignal.  François has no descendant.  Later, his wife gives in heritage to a neice the Seigneurie.  This is how, by succession, Paul-Joseph LeMoyne, knight of Longueuil, becomes the owner of La Seigneurie de l'Orignal. 

In 1791, Joseph Rocque-Brune gets land from Paul-Joseph at Pointe-à-L'Orignac.  At this time, no settlers come to the Seigneurie.

Later, in 1796, american Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell buys the Seigneurie from Paul-Joseph's son.  He then invites parents and friends to come.  The Marston and Cass establish themselves in Cassburn.  Other families like Smith, Boileau, Cadieux, Séguin, Huneault get lands to build a farm.  In 1812 comes war.  As he refuses to take a vow of allegance to Great Britain, the owner Treadwell looses the Seigneurie.  His son Charles finally gets it back in 1824.  He sells available lands to a hundred settlers for faster development.

Beginning 1800s, the Court House, the Registration Office and the prison are built.

About 1820, the first French-Canadians come to the Seigneurie.  The forest gives place to houses, farm buildings, cultured lands, millworks, flourmills, bakeries.

The Post Office is built about 1830.

The first church is build of stones in 1830 on a land bought from Charles Treadwell, then owner of the Seigneurie.  A second church replaces the first one in 1850.  Considered then as the prettiest one in the diocese, it is still in use today.  The first priest to live in L'Orignal is father J.H. McDonagh.  He is also in charge of the missions in Hawkesbury and Vankleek Hill.  Plus, and until 1849, he visits peridiocaly the St.Eugene mission.

Between 1895 and 1898, Albert Constantineau is the owner and editor of the french newspaper L'Interprète published in L'Orignal.

Source: BMS St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Orignal and CRCCF.