The Gross-Steinberg Family Tree presents:

Older Lists of Phila
Kosher Butchers

by James Gross

The following items were located as a result of my research
for references to my late grandfather, Samuel Gross. He was a
kosher butcher in South phila.

Various older lists of phila kosher butchers:

annual banquet,Phila Kosher butchers,1945 note: 3 pager excerpt
Check out my Public Files on myDataBus!
File pakosh45.pdf
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Samuel Cross, Phila Kosher butcher wholesaler,
butcher shop client list,Nov 1945
Check out my Public Files on myDataBus!
File pakosh46.pdf
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annual banquet,Phila Kosher butchers,1947 Note: 2 page excerpt
Check out my Public Files on myDataBus!
File pakosh47.pdf
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annual banquet,Phila Kosher butchers,1954
Check out my Public Files on myDataBus!
File pakosh54.pdf
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annual banquet,Phila Kosher butchers,1957
Check out my Public Files on myDataBus!
File pakosh57.pdf
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Surnames Polish Surnames


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