Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Vicki, the matriarch and computer nut of the family. We're from Elgin, MN, a small town in the SE corner of the state. Actually, we live a few miles out of town.

If you're interested in dairy farming, you'll want to check out Steve's page. He's got some links to useful information and other farming friends. Our farm is also one of the stops on the Minnesota Extension office's Dairy Farm Tours. Steve and I were also involved in National Milk's Young Cooperators, and welcome questions about it.

Are you a horror story lover? Visit my personal page for some neat links. I also have a few links to sites I find amusing.

And finally, there's the little Schmidt's! Josh and Stephanie aren't very old, so they don't have their own page yet. Once I figure out what I'm doing here, perhaps I'll be able to feature some of their art.

Personal Pages

You can reach me by e-mail at:

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This page last updated 01/04/97.