Thanks for stopping by!

If you're not related to one of the surnames at this site, stick around anyway. There's plenty to enjoy, and we explain what right here on this page.

If you have found your way here because you're related to one of our surnames, then ''Hello cuz!'' We have been researching these families for three decades now, and have traced some of them back to the 1600s. Slowly we're putting our databases online, but with some 2,500 names, it will take a while to get everything up and running.

Meanwhile, we are just as interested with who is alive today as we are with those who passed before us. That's why the purpose of this web site is twofold: to keep up with family events - who's getting married, having babies, graduating from school - as well as preserve our rich history.

The pages on this site are updated quite frequently. Keep an eye on our banner for what's new. (If you're browser can't read the banner, visit the What's Happening site for updates.)

Now, what's to see and do here.

Well, that's about it. Have a good time and drop us a line if you have a mind to.

By the way, these pages were designed to be viewed with Netscape 3.0 in mind, so we hope it looks as pretty to you as it does to us!