Front Page
Page 6



2. Pre-First Grade.
5. Show-Me State
6. First three letters
9. My husband's job
10. Red Sesame Street puppet
11. Jimmy _____ of "Vertigo"
13. Sharp object
15. My name
18. Former
19. Abbreviation for year
20. Units of laundry
25. Village People song
26. Hawaiian necklace
28. ____ Sweet Home
29. Electrifying fish
30. Abbreviation for Alabama
31. Short for Kimberly
32. Web address


1. Free Homepage Providers
2. Long version of Katy
3. Sleeplessness
4. Passageway into a room
6. As soon as possible
7. Setting of Cheers
8. ____ Hudson of "Pillow Talk"
10. Environmental Protection Agency
12. "_____ Edition" (a great show)
14. Doris ___ of "Pillow Talk"
16. Price of a homepage on this server
17. Teapot ____ Scandal (oh, no, not history!)
21. One in cards
22. Chip and ____
23. Form of Medication
24. ___ and Jerry
27. Listening device
28. Short for Hello