The U.S. Submarine S-51

In memory of my grandfather and the S-51 crew
whose lives ended too soon.
September 25, 1925

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Welcome to the S-51 Submarine Page. Visit often!
On the Bottom by Edward Ellsberg is now back in print! For more information and to order a copy, click here. Also, be sure to visit the new Edward Ellsberg web site!

Ron Martini's Submarine Page

S-51 Poem
by Minna Irving
U.S. Navy Report
on the S-51 Salvage Operations
Story of the Accident
S-51 Men
S-51 Resources
Submarine Links
S-51 Photo Gallery
S-51 Statistics
The S-51 Song Lyrics
Bio on Robert S. Noble
S-51 Divers
Bio on William S. Wickwire


If you have a relative who died in the S-51 accident, or if you are doing research on one of the crew members, please contact me! I would like to add biographies, obituaries, photos, etc. for each of the men who died, or survived. (Also, if you find any errors about your relative on this page, please let me know immediately so I can correct it.) For more information as to what I would like to include for the biographies, click here.

The purpose of this page is to provide information on the accident between the S-51 and the City of Rome, as well as some helpful sources for anyone doing research on the tragedy. The information given here is the result of my genealogical research on my grandfather, Henry Lee Crawford, radioman on the S-51. (More information on the story of my grandfather before the S-51 accident is available on my Searching for Crawford Family Page.) This information is only what I have discovered so far in my research, and with the help of others on the Internet.
Photos are taken from: On the Bottom by Commander Edward Ellsberg (the on-scene Salvage Officer in the S-51 salvage efforts); from The New York Times, photocopied from microfilm; photos donated by Tony Santore, researcher of Richard E. Hawes, a diver in the salvage efforts of the S-51; and from U.S. Navy Department's Report on the Salvage Operations. Other contributions to this web site are noted throughout. Thank you to all who have made contributions to this web site to preserve the memory of the men on the S-51.

Henry Lee Crawford
S-51 Radio man
Navy photos of my grandfather!

Mariners! Sign the boat's log! | View the boat's log!

If you have additional information, sources, or links to add to this page,
please e-mail me at:

Return/Go to:
My grandfather's obituary Searching for Crawford Family Tara's Home Page

Last modified: January 9, 2003.

Copyright 2003 by Tara Guthrie. Copying or downloading any content on this page, including graphics, without permission from its creator is prohibited. To obtain permission for use, please email me at and explain your purposes. Restrictions on usage may apply, depending on source of information or contributor. You may, however, make links to this page freely. Please use these S-51 Page graphics when adding a link. Thank you.

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