Biology/Xenobiology/Molecular Biology/Ecology

20 Questions for Evolution
By Dr. Walt Brown.

From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Abiogenesis, Barriers, Buffers and Chemical Pathways
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Abiogenesis and Chirality
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. Chirality is the "right-handed" vs. "left-handed" property of otherwise identical molecules.

Abiogenesis and DNA
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Abiogenesis and Proteins
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Altruism and Evolution
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Antibiotic and Other Forms of Toxin Resistance: Proof of Evolution?
Time magazine called it "proof" of evolution. What does antibiotic, pesticide and other forms of toxin resistance in nature really indicate? By EJB.

The Apple (Computer) Bites the African Eve
Impact #229, by Dr. Marvin Lubenow.

By Dave Buckna. A few thoughts on the famous morphological mosaic fossil (i.e., not a transition form, and not a stratomorphic intermediate either.)

By Dr. David Tyler. A few thoughts about this beastie, also inaccurately portrayed by many evolutionists as a stratomorphic transitional fossil.

Biogeographic Distribution: How did animals from the Ark get to where they are today?
From ChristianAnswers.Net

Common Ancestor or Master Plan?
By EJB. Frequently I read statements from evolutionary apologists claiming that similarities between different kinds of life are "evidence" or even "proof" of evolution. Yet the same patterns of similarity appear in the world of man-made artifacts. Are we to conclude that engineers are mythological, and those who believe in them are religious nuts?

Common Design Quotes
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Complex Organs (Quotes)
From Dr. Walt Brown's web site edition of his book, In the Beginning.

The Deniable Darwin
By Dr. David Berlinski (a non-creationist).This is helpful as a primer for those of you new to creation /evolution.

Design in Infant Nutrition
Impact #259, by Dr. Rex Russell.

Are Dinosaurs Alive Today?
From Creation Ex Nihilo - could some still be alive?

Embryology (Quotes & References)
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. See also the paper, Gill Slits in Human Fetuses?

Entropy and Evolution
By EJB. Work-in-progress. Is evolution possible in a universe governed by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics? What about evolutionists' claims RE: open systems and naturally occuring examples of organization such as crystals?

Is Evolution a Theory, a Fact, or a Law?
Or none of the above? By Dr. Dave Menton.

Evolution and the Snowflake
Impact #162, by Dr. Larry Vardiman. Discusses misconceptions surrounding crystallization phenomena, entropy and evolution.

Extra-terrestrials? A Biblical Framework and Predictions

An Eye for Creation
An interview with eye-disease researcher Dr. George Marshall.

The Eye: Was Dawkins Right?
Atheist Richard Dawkins claimed in his book The Blind Watchmaker that the human eye is wired backwards and poorly designed, proof that it was not designed by God. Is this really competent science? By Dr. Carl Wieland, richly illustrated article for laymen in Creation Ex Nihilo. (I also recommend this source: (Dr.) Richard Lumsden, 'Not So Blind a Watchmaker', Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 31, June 1994, pp. 13-21.)
See also Dr. Dave Menton's comments on the human eye and evolution.

Fish and the (Genesis) Flood
Impact #222, by Dr. Ken Cumming. How did marine creatures survive the cataclysmic upheavals of a global catastrophe? (Hint: most didn't!)

The Flight of Migratory Birds
Impact #159, by Dr. Werner Gitt.

Fruit Flies
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Fully Developed Organs
Quotes from Dr. Walt Brown's book, In the Beginning.

Genetic Distances Between Kinds
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Genetics: Enemy of Evolution
By Dr. Lane Lester. Written for the average person.

Genetic Information
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Gill Slits in Human Fetuses?
By EJB. Do human fetuses have gill slits? Learn the truth about this popular evolutionary fraud, still perpetuated more than one hundred twenty years after being exposed. Dr. David Menton, an anatomy professor, also has a few brief comments on the gill slit fraud.

The History of Life
By Dr. Lane Lester, written for the average person.

Homology: Evidence for Evolution?
Or against it? Article by anatomist Dr. Dave Menton.

How Did Human Races Develop?
FAQ by Dr. Walt Brown, from his book In the Beginning.

Human Evolution: Faster Than Lightspeed?
By EJB. Is it reasonable to believe tens of millions of bits of data in a profoundly complex, integrated system could have developed by natural processes within a few million years?

Immune Systems and Evolution
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Information, Conceptual Thought and Naturalism
Impact #236, by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith (holder of 3 earned science doctorates).

Information Quotes
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Interdependent Systems in Nature
By Doug Sharp.

Language and Evolution
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Law of Biogenesis Quotes
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Life on Other Planets?
Dr. Walt Brown's FAQ.

Martian Life Facing a Hard Winter
By John Noble Wilford, courtesy of the N.Y. Times News Service. Debunking claims of evidence of life on the famous meteorite.

Martian Life Found on a Meteorite?
From ChristianAnswers.Net. Each piece of evidence cited can easily be caused by non-organic as well as organic processes. There is no need to postulate that this is evidence of life.

Mendel's Laws and Evolution (Quotes)
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Microgeometry: Diatoms and Design
Impact #266 by Dr. Richard Lumsden and grad. student Mark Armitage.

Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference
By Dr. Michael Behe, author of the newly published (and highly publicized, and controversial) book, Darwin's Black Box.

The Monarch Butterfly: Female Needle Design
Impact #267, by Jules Poirer.

Mutation Fixation: A Dead-End for Macroevolution
Impact #166, by Calvin Beisner, M.A.

Mutation Quotes
From Dr. Walt Brown's web site edition of his book, In the Beginning.

The Natural Limits to Biological Change
Article by Dr. Ray Bohlin, based on the well-written book of the same name he co-authored with Dr. Lane Lester.

Can Natural Selection Cause Evolution?
From Dr. Walt Brown's web site edition of his book, In the Beginning.

Natural Selection - A Creationist's Idea
Impact #283, by Paul Humber.

Natural Selection (Quotes)
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

New Species (Quotes)
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny?
Brief note by anatomy professor Dr. David Menton on this old argument, still offered today by many evolutionists.

The Principle of Preformism as a Creationist Approach in Immunology and Gerontology
Impact #243, by Dr. Vladimir F. Kondalenko of the Russian National Cancer Research Center.

Probability & Evolution
Some comments by Dr. Dave Menton. We've all heard "given enough time, anything is possible." But most evolutionists do not believe the earth is eternal (nor can it be in an entropic universe), and even relatively short strings of information (such as this sentence) could never arise by chance in the span alloted.

Sex and Evolution
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

What is a Species?
Impact #211, by Dr. Ken Cumming.

Species, Speciation and the Genesis Kind
Article by Dr. Dave Menton. Helpful if you have been confused by anti-creationist misrepresentations of the creationist model of species and speciation.

From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

The Technology of Life
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

A Theory in Crisis
Impact #180, by Dr. John Oller. A review of non-Christian, non-creationist Dr. Michael Denton's book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

Two-Celled Life?
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

The Vanishing Case for Evolution
Impact #156, by Dr. John Morris.

Vestigial Organs
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

Virgil's Aeneid, by Chance Alone?
Impact #146, by Dr. Jean Morton.

What About the Dinosaurs?
FAQ from Dr. Walt Brown's book, In the Beginning.

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(Created: 7 November 1996 - Last Update: 29 April 1997)