Creation/Evolution Arguments and Issues

Agreement for Written Debate
Dr. Walter Brown has had an open challenge to evolutionists for over a decade. You can earn $200 by finding a qualified debater who will accept. None have accepted under the terms he proposes here. (Note: Some evolutionists claim to have accepted offers such as this, but do not accept the terms of debate. They fail to mention this to their audience, then accuse the creationist of dishonesty in continuing to make the challenge.)

An Anti-Creationist Fraud
Here's one example of how highly-regarded evolutionists will engage in lies and deceit, and continue to do so even when exposed - and how the mainstream media will defend their actions.

The Anti-Darwinian Scientists
Impact #173, by Wendell Bird, J.D.

The Anti-Darwinian Scientists, Part II
Impact #176, by Wendell Bird, J.D.

Are All Really Creationist Scientists?
To listen to the secular media, you'd think a competent scientist who believes in God doesn't exist. But if anything the evidence leans the other way...

'A Big Purple Frog Behind the Moon'
Interview with Dr. Donald Chittick, by Dr. Carl Wieland in Creation Ex Nihilo.

The Bible and Evolution
Brief comments by geologist/biologist John Woodmorappe on trying to fit evolution into the Christian worldview. See also The Pope and the Scientist below.

Biology Textbooks and Creation/Evolution
Impact #278 by Dr. Steve Deckard.

A Brief History of the Modern American Creation Movement
By Dr. Jerry Bergman, in Contra Mundum.

Can You Marry Your Relation?
Can you answer these simple questions from a biblical perspective?

Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot
Impact #264, by Dr. Larry Vardiman.

Censorship of Information on Origins
By Dr. Jerry Bergman. An extensive eye-opener for anyone who thinks there is anything less than total warfare going on against anyone critical of evolution.

Christianity and the Birth of Science
See the Reason & Revelation section of this web site for related material.

Creation in the Physics Lab
Interview with Dr. D. Russell Humphreys, creationist physicist and cosmologist. By Dr. Carl Wieland, in Creation Ex Nihilo.

Darwin Under the Microscope
By Dr. Michael Behe. Printed in the New York Times, 10/29/96, p. A25.

Debate Advice for 1-on-1 Net Encounters
This is the model I've decided to adopt for future encounters. It got some positive feedback on CRSnet.

Discrimination in Academia - The Richard Bube Case
By Dr. Jerry Bergman.

Do Creationists Publish in Refereed Science Journals?
By Dave Buckna. Niles Eldredge once made the claim that no CRS scientist had "contributed a single article to any reputable scientific journal." This was blatantly false, of course Dr. Eldredge never bothered to check before making this assertion.
Besides, since when do you get to use your own bigotry as "evidence" against a victim? If Klansmen refused to admit blacks to their college, would you accept their argument that "blacks are aren't intelligent, and the proof is none of them can get into our school!"?)

Evolution: It's Collapse in View?
By Dave Buckna.

Evolution and the New Age
Impact #165, by Dr. Henry Morris.

Galileo and the Church
Brief; I'll have to add some commentary with additional information eventually.

The Gish-Max Amarillo Debate
Impact #275 by Dr. Duane Gish.

The Great Scientific Deception
By Dr. Robert Herrmann. For laymen, briefly relates implications of the MA-model and takes the media and others to task for their brainwashing of people with dogmatic claims about origins that cannot be verified.

How Can I Become Involved in this Issue?
Advice from Dr. Walt Brown.

How Can the Creation/Evolution Issue Be Brought Into the Classroom?
Advice from Dr. Walt Brown.

How Do Evolutionists Respond to What You Say?
From Dr. Walt Brown.

The Kouznetsov Affair
By EJB. What does this case of fraud by a Russian creationist, and the response from creation science groups around the world, tell us about honesty in creation science?

Mathematical Philosophy and Evolution
By 1997 Templeton Prize nominee professor Robert Herrmann.

Pantheistic Evolution
Impact #234, by Dr. Henry Morris. Similar topic to Impact #165, listed above. Pantheistic or "New Age" evolutionism seems to have become the most common form of evolutionism now, outside the crumbling bastions of "scientific evolutionism" from which most anti-creationists sally forth.

The Pope and the Scientist

Proofs of Evolution!
This page lists every scientific proof of evolution this is! (With apologies to Dr. Scott Huse, from whose book I stole this information.)

Science and the Bible - the Story of Richard Bliss
Impact #260, "by" the late Dr. Richard Bliss. A eulogy of sorts, with lessons for us all.

The Scientific Existence of a Higher Intelligence
By Dr. Robert Herrmann, article originally appeared in the Creation Research Society Quarterly, 30(4):218 (March 1994).

Teaching Origins in Public Schools
By Dr. Dave Menton. Proposes actually returning empirical science to schools and turning speculation and religious dogmatism (i.e., evolution) out of the classroom.

The Validity of Thought
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. From Darwin himself on down, evolutionists have confronted themselves with this disturbing fact: if are brains are the result of chance processes and natural law, the same goes for our "thoughts"...

Walt Brown's Recommended Reading List
I've read all but Fix's book and Taylor's children's book, and agree that these are all good reading.

For issues regarding biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) see the Reason & Revelation section. This includes the Gap Theory, Progressive Creation, etc.

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(Created: 7 November 1996 - Last Update: 28 April 1997)