Paleontology (Fossils!)/Paleoanthropology

Abrupt Appearance
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. Where are all the ancestral critters?

Alleged Evolutionary Ancestors Coexisted With Modern Humans
Impact #286 by professor Marvin Lubenow.

From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. Some brief info.

Is Archaeopteryx a Fraud?
Archie, say it ain't so! By Dr. Brown, recounts the charge of fraud leveled against the famous mosaic fossil in the 1980's. I consider the claim unlikely personally, but interesting enough to warrant mention, so with that warning go ahead...

Australopithecus ramidus
This find was reported in newspapers around the world as a critical missing link showing the connection between apes and humans; did your newspaper follow up with a retraction? By EJB.

Bones Overthrown
Interview with professor Marvin Lubenow, a creationist paleoanthropologist. By Dr. Carl Wieland, in Creation Ex Nihilo.

"Creationists Take Over Dinosaur Dig, Worst Fears Realized by Evolutionists!"
Research at one of the richest dinosaur sites in the world is now handled by F.A.C.T., Foundation for Advancing Creation Truth.

Dragons in Paradise
Impact #241, by Dr. Henry Morris.

Evolution is Supported by the Fossil Record?
Some quotes offered by anatomist Dr. Dave Menton, admissions by evolutionists.

Those Fossils Are a Problem!
For evolutionism, that is. From Creation Ex Nihilo, anonymous.

Fossil Gaps
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. Many quotes & citations.

Fossil Man
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown. Brief mention of some of the "too old" human fossils.

The Fossil Record: What is It Telling Us?
From ChristianAnswers.Net.

Horse Evolution?
From ChristianAnswers.Net. Brief treatment of this old but common interpretation of evidence in an evolutionary perspective.

Human Fossils in Flood Strata?
From ChristianAnswers.Net. Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling gives some reasons why we shouldn't expect human fossils to be commonly found with, for example, dinosaurs.

Human Fossils: "Just-So" Stories of Apes and Humans
By Dr. Ray Bohlin, scientist on staff at Probe Ministries.

Kanapoi: The Man Who Was Too Old
From ChristianAnswers.Net.

Living Fossil Quotes
A couple quotes on living fossils, creatures found deep in the geologic record, and alive today as well.

Out-of-Order Fossils
From In the Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown.

The Paluxy River Mystery
Impact #151, by Dr. John Morris. A cautionary note regarding claims of human and dinosaur footprints found together at the Paluxy site.

Pollen Found in Precambrian Rock
By Drs. Emmett Williams, George Howe, Eugene Chaffin, et al. A response to (partly dishonest) criticism of reports of pollen found in precambrian strata. I am skeptical of the full implication of these reports, but I don't appreciate the incompetent criticisms of anti-creationists so I encourage folks to study this response along with the original reports before making up their mind.

Scientific Evidence for the Origin of Man
Dr. Menton goes over some of the evidence, past and present, as interpreted by evolutionists for the origin of humankind.

Startling Discoveries Support Creation
Impact #171, by Dr. Duane Gish. An overview of some discoveries from the mid-80's (when this was written), such as the "225 million" year old modern-type birds that have been reported. As I write this, claims of a "121 million" year old feathered (?) dinosaur are making headlines. Refresh my memory: are evolutionists trying to claim birds evolved from dinosaurs, or INTO dinosaurs? :-)
10/29: I'll be writing an "expose" soon showing how the media has misrepresented the evidence regarding the putative "feathered" compsagnathid to give the lay reader the impression evidence for evolution has been found. (12/2: Got the source data; just have to get around to writing it up...)(3/27/97: OK, so I forgot :-) (Seriously, someday I'll post this, faster if someone asks for it. In the meantime, here is one quote from Univ. of Kansas paleontologist regarding the "feathered dinosaur" claim: "We generally get more hard evidence with alien abductions than we have here." CEN 19(2):6)

When is a Whale a Whale?
Impact #250, by Dr. Duane Gish.
"The mesonychids were wolf-like, hoofed carnivores that, as far as anyone knows, never went near the water. Carroll states, "Mesonyx was the size and proportions of a wolf and, perhaps, had a similar way of life." Carroll and others believe that the skull shape and the dentition of what they think were early whales resembled mesonychids. They therefore have adopted the mesonychids as the land mammal from which whales evolved. Now Carroll suggests we place the mesonychids in the Cetacea. Presto! These wolf-like animals are now whales! Who says evolutionists have no transitional forms?"

Where Are All the Human Fossils?
If Humans lived before the Cataclysm that created most of the geologic record, shouldn't we find human fossils buried all through it? By Dr. Andrew Snelling in Creation Ex Nihilo.

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(Created: 7 November 1996 - Last Update: 28 April 1997)