Smotherman & Smitherman Family Mailing Lists

There are Smotherman and Smitherman Family mailing lists so everyone 
researching the SMOTHERMAN, SMITHERMAN, and SMOTHERMON surnames can 
exchange information.  The Smotherman mailing list was established 
in March, 1997, and the Smitherman mailing list was established in 
January, 2000.  Both lists are hosted by ROOTSWEB at
    List Name                 Hosted by

    SMOTHERMAN-L              Marsha Banasiewicz <>

Please direct any questions about this list to the listowner, Marsha.

    SMITHERMAN-L              Margie Wear <>

Please direct any questions about this list to the listowner, Margie.

To SUBSCRIBE to the SMOTHERMAN-L mailing list

      Send a message as follows:

         From: <your email address>
      Subject: subscribe


Be sure to turn your email "signature" OFF when sending the request to 
subscribe!  In the body of your message, include nothing more than the 
word "subscribe".  Spelling is very important!  You can only POST 
messages to public lists without being subscribed.  The address to post 
messages to the list is <>

To subscribe to the SMITHERMAN-L mailing list the process is the
same as above, only substitute SMITHERMAN-L for SMOTHERMAN-L.


There are many other regional lists and surname lists available at  Be sure to check it out!