Whole Wheat Bread (for KitchenAid)

Yield:  1 large round loaf (or 2 smaller ones)

4-6 c. whole-wheat flour
1/2 c. sunflower seeds, chopped (optional)
2 T. vital wheat gluten
2 t. salt
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
2 Tbsp. active dry yeast (I use rapid-rise)
1-1/2 c. lukewarm water minus 2 Tbsp.
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 T. honey

With standard mixing attachment, thoroughly combine first five ingredients 
into large mixing bowl.  Add yeast and combine thoroughly.  Add liquids 
and honey; mix only until dough starts to form a ball -- approximately 
10-20 seconds.

Attach dough hook to mixer and knead dough for approximately 8-10 minutes.  
Remove dough to greased glass container; cover loosely with tea towel or 
plastic wrap.  Set in a warm, draft-free location until doubled in bulk; 
punch down.  Repeat.

Divide dough into two equal-sized pieces.  Form into round loaves and 
place on lightly greased (I use cooking spray) cooking sheets.  Place in 
warm, draft-free location for the final rise; cut a cross into the top of
the loaves with a sharp, clean knife (a single-edged razor blade works
well for this).  Cover loosely with tea towel or plastic wrap.

Preheat oven to 500F while dough is rising.

Turn heat down to 375 (or 350 if using convection); immediately uncover 
loaves and place into oven for 35-45 minutes, until crusts are nicely 
browned and loaves test done.  Melt 3 Tbsp. butter over low heat in saucepan
during last 10 minutes of baking.  Remove loaves to cooling racks.  As soon 
as loaves are removed from oven, brush butter lightly over crusts for softer 

Allow loaves to cool for at least 60 minutes before slicing.  If freezing 
loaves for later use, cool thoroughly (about 2 hours).

    Source: geocities.com/heartland/8098/text

               ( geocities.com/heartland/8098)                   ( geocities.com/heartland)