Honey-Glazed Pan Rolls

Makes about 15 rolls

1 c. milk
2 T. honey
4 T. butter
1 t. salt

2-1/4 t. yeast
1 egg + 1 yolk
1 c. all-purpose flour

2-1/2 c. all-purpose flour

2 T. butter, melted
1 T. honey
1/3 c. confectioner's sugar
1 egg white

Preheat oven to 350F.  Grease 9"x13" pan.

Heat milk, honey, butter, and salt in small saucepan over medium
heat until butter is melted.  Transfer to mixing bowl; cool.

When milk mixture has cooled so that it is slightly warm (about
100-105F), blend in yeast, egg, yolk, and 1 cup flour.  Mix
until smooth.  Stir in remaining flour; knead until smooth
(about 8 minutes).  Cover; set aside to rise until doubled.

While dough is rising, whisk together glaze ingredients.  Blend
until smooth.

Drop dough by spoonfuls in greased pan, 3 dollops across and
5 dollops down.  Drizzle half the honey glaze mixture over the
surface.  Cover; let rise until doubled.  Drizzle on remaining
honey mixture.  

Bake 25-30 minutes, or until nicely browned.  Cool on rack 10
minutes; serve immediately.  If freezing rolls for later 
use, cool thoroughly (about 2 hours).

    Source: geocities.com/heartland/8098/text

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