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Why Breastfeed?

"I can confidently say that nursing my child is the most deeply satisfying experience in my entire life." ~ Laurie Flanagan

(c) 1998 by maggi
I want to encourage every mother who can to breastfeed. All sorts of mothers and babies can breastfeed, for example,

  • adoptive moms,
  • babies with severe clefts of the lip and palate,
  • moms of twins,
  • and premature babies.

    Breastmilk is the normal food for babies; God designed babies to need breastmilk. Breastfeeding helps them to grow strong physically and emotionally. In the following list you can see some reasons why:

  • Breastmilk has immune system boosting ingredients including antibodies from the mother that help prevent and minimize many sicknesses; one mom explains, "I have seen our whole family ravaged by a bad cold, yet Gracie has barely a sniffle: supermilk to the rescue!"
  • Breastmilk is the best fluid for baby when sickness occurs -- breastmilk is a clear fluid which contains nutrients and active immunites to help fight the sickness; it digests easily and quickly; and nursing provides reasuring comfort. Often children will breastfeed more frequently while sick and not have any desire for other drink (or food).
  • Breastfeeding helps prevent children from developing allergies (especially if they are exclusively breastfed for the first six months), asthma, eczema, and diaper rash.
  • Baby cannot be allergic to his mommy's milk.
  • Breastfeeding helps protect children from getting ear infections.
  • It helps protect them from becoming obese as children.
  • Breastmilk does not make an infant constipated, and breastfeeding helps prevent young children from getting diarrhea.
  • Breastfeeding promotes proper jaw, teeth, and speech development.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS. Breastmilk can provide protection from some infections that can trigger sudden death in infants. The superior oral ability of breast-fed children may also help reduce the risk.
  • Milk supplied directly from the breast is free of bacteria and is always *just right* for your baby.
  • Wherever mom goes, sweet, warm, fresh breastmilk is ready immediately.
  • Breastfeeding provides a wonderful way to calm and comfort a fussy baby.
  • It can help your child fall asleep easily.
  • It's a wonderful time to hold and be close to your child.
  • It helps the mother to relax: prolactin, the milk-producing hormone also known as the "mothering hormone," has a relaxing effect on the mother and stimulates maternal instincts; oxytocin, which produces milk ejection during lactation, also promotes calming.
  • Breastfeeding helps protect moms from getting osteoperosis, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer (studies have shown that the longer a mom breastfeeds throughtout her life, the lower her chance getting breast cancer).
  • And much, much more. . .


    The American Academy Of Pediatrics' policy on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk

    Breastfeeding: Good for Babies, Mothers, and the Planet by Alicia Dermer, M.D., I.B.C.L.C. and Anne Montgomery, M.D.; this article discusses many topics relating to breastfeeding such as the wonders of breastmilk, the importance of the act of breastfeeding for the baby, the health benefits for the mother, and environmental concerns.

    101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child brought to you by ProMoM, Inc.

    Why Breastfeed?, on Parenting Web.

    Design in Infant Nutrition by Rex D. Russell, M.D., Institute for Creation Research. In this article, it can be seen that the more the human breast and it's milk are studied, the more obvious it is that neither random chance nor survival of the fittest could explain their design and complexity.

    Why Should I Breastfeed? by Laura Marple.

    Announcing Tru-Breast A Revolutionary New Method of Infant Feeding; this is funny! This ariticle is on the ProMoM website.

    Benefits of Breastfeeding A list of important reasons you should breastfeed and research articles that support breastfeeding from Medela.

    Breast is Best Fact Sheet Benefits for mother, child, and community.

    The Benefits of Nursing Continue as Your Baby Grows Older

    advantages Advantages of Formula Is formula feeding superior to breastfeeding? An honest look at the advantages of formula feeding by Kate Halburg.

    To learn more about the dangers of bottle-feeding, please see my Nestle Boycott page.

    Breastfeeding Index Why Breastfeed? Help! FAQ Nursing Toddlers Solids Bible & BF Nestle Boycott

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