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Eddie's Birth Story

I was all set to have a home water birth. At 36 weeks I developed PIH and was put on bed rest. The day before my 38th week, my midwife came to strip my membranes (I requested it since I was going crazy on bed rest). She noticed things didn't feel right, drove me to her back up doctor and he did an US. Eddie was breech! I had an anterior placenta which made it impossible to tell from palpating. I was put on Brethine to stop the contractions I had started with nipple stimulation (she never did strip my membranes).

We were back two days later to try a version. He wouldn't budge! We discussed having a breech home birth and were told that with first babies the chance for brain damage was high when delivered vaginally. My midwife was not willing to try it, and my husband didn't like the odds. I was given a week to get him to turn, then they were going to schedule a c-section. We already had the birthing tub (one of those soft tub Jacuzzi), so I started doing exercises to turn him.

Less than 2 days later my water broke. I had my husband check to make sure the cord wasn't prolapsed, and we called the doctor and the midwife. I took a shower, and we waited a little then drove to the hospital. My husband felt justified in speeding because it was technically an emergency c-section (Men). I broke one of the hospital rules right off by insisting that John (DH) stay with me while he filled out the paperwork. I also wanted to talk personally with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. The surgeon was very nice and informative.

When the anesthesiologist finally showed up, I was completely prepped for surgery. She wouldn't even discuss general over a spinal (I was afraid of being paralyzed) and said "I just finished the book," as she walked out of the room. This was in response to my question about her experience. I was extremely upset by this and 17 months later still get flushed when I think about it (did I mention that I had high blood pressure! 210/110). They wheeled me into the operating room (3&1/2 hours after my water broke), and she harassed me as I got into position on the table. "Come on, scoot back, my arms aren't that long, etc." This is when I felt my first contraction (mild menstrual cramping). I had them for three days, just couldn't feel them.

7:46 AM 4/20/97 Eddie was born at 9lbs 4oz, 21 inches long (12 days early!). He breathed in blood before he was pulled all the way out and had to be aspirated. My midwife was taking pictures and these are very hard to look at. His first apgar was 4, second was 8. I got to look at him and hold his hand while my husband held him. They then took him up to the nursery for "observation". I had my midwife go with him since my husband didn't want to leave my side. She made sure the birth plan was followed. Eddie just laid in a warmer for an hour. This really gets to me, because mothers are the best warmers. If this ever happens again, I won't let them take my baby!

They also insisted on doing a glucose test every 15 minutes, because he weighed over 9 lbs, regardless of the fact that I didn't have GD (ARGHHHHHH!). While I was being stitched up, the evil anesthesiologist started in on me about epidurals and how I'm going to want one with my next PG. I did get to nurse him within 2 hours, and we had rooming in (I constantly had to tell the nurses that I didn't want them to put him in the nursery).

My recovery was awful. Towards the end of the surgery, the spinal was traveling UP. My head started to throb. I was throwing up in the recovery room and my oxygen levels kept dropping. I probably would have been in there longer except they had 20 women giving birth that morning and needed the space. I itched like mad (those stiff sheets are torture!) and had to fight with one of the nurses to take my catheter out(I threw a kicking, screaming fit).

The next day I made the mistake of asking to see the lactation consultant because Eddie was only nursing 5 minutes on each side. Next thing I know, they are threatening me with formula if he didn't nurse more, etc. They did a glucose test (as if his poor feet hadn't been pricked enough), and he was at the borderline so we refused. I was in tears now and felt love for my son for the first time since his birth. I was just too miserable to enjoy him before then. I was out of there in 2 and a half days. It would have been sooner, except they wouldn't let us watch them do the PKU. Since it was the only thing keeping us from leaving (without being reported to CPS for endangering our child), we consented. If I had it to do over again, I would have just left the hospital and let them report us.

I have mixed feelings on whether or not we could have done this at home. Eddie was a footling breech (one foot up, one down), he had the cord around his neck once, I had a low lying placenta (they just missed it when they cut me open), and he was huge (14 inch head and chest). I don't think I would have any problems with his size if he was head first. The high BP was not a problem (I had not other symptoms of pre-eclampsia), and it would immediately drop when I got in the water. Sometimes, I replay it in my head and don't tell anyone my water broke. I have this lovely fantasy where I deliver him by myself in the pool. Once we were home, breast feeding went great. It did sting for about 10 seconds each time he latched on for the first couple of weeks. I highly recommend a BF pillow. We bought a Boppi when he was a week old and loved it!

I've learned many things from this experience. I have developed a desire to become a childbirth educator, DOULA, and maybe someday a midwife, so I can educate other women about birth the way God intends it to be (not a medical disease, but a spiritual event). I plan on offering my training as a ministry (no fee's, just donations). We are currently trying to conceive #2 and would appreciate your prayers. I am very anxious for the healing that comes with a natural delivery. I also miss being pregnant and nursing (I regret weaning my son at 14 months). Update: Joy is now pregnant again! :)

~ Joy

Read the story of Joy's second son, Roy.

Copyright 1998 by author
Used by permission

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