by Sandra M. Krakowski

We are told in the book of Malachi that God designed marriage with the specific purpose of producing godly seed. Many seek marriage conferences that work on the marriage relationship in a desire to have a more godly marriage and godly children. How foolish this is! Satan deceives us by making us think that we can produce godly lives on a soulish level. The soul is the seat of the emotions and the will. Lives cannot be changed for the glory of God by attempting to reform our will and our emotions. This is so evident in the failure of the ever-popular psychology movement! "You are against psychology?!" you might ask. I am so against traditional methods of understanding human behavior and motives that I would agree with the psalmist when he says that we ought not *walk* in the counsel of the ungodly. ANY attempts at changing the will, the emotions, the body, and our lives on a soulish level is ungodly and even demonic. Satan knows just what he is doing, or at least attempting to do, when he confuses us with our soulish means of ministry. We desire godly marriages, so we seek a conference on learning how to love our husbands. We pray for godly children and we reach to the latest child raising book with it's various techniques. What we need to do to produce godly homes is FILL people up with the Holy Spirit! When people are walking in fellowship and obedience with the Lord Jesus Christ amazing things happen in their marriages and their children! I would love to see a marriage and home-building conference entitled: THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST IN THE BELIEVER'S LIFE. This would produce godly seed, godly marriages and churches set apart for the Lord Jesus Christ. But it would also reveal our own selfish lifestyles, our selfish motives and our soulish attempts at a godly lifestyle. Godly seed is indeed attainable, but not with the world's methods or the methods of the world masqueraded as godly wisdom in popular Christian psychology--godly seed is a product of two lives set apart for the Lord Jesus Christ at any cost.

(copyright) Sandra M. Krakowski 1997
Used by permission.

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