My Pregnancy Journal

Pregnancy Symptoms
This Month

  • Crampy
  • Very emotional
  • Sore nipples

April 21, 1998

Six weeks

Because I was still apparently nursing Ellen often enough to supress ovulation, I did not start my period until Ellen was 23 months old. That was back in November, 1997. I was kind of excited that my period had started again, because I really wanted another baby, but along with the period came more mood swings and my face started breaking out each time it was time for my period to start. Also, I got cramps and my nipples got mildly sore each cycle. Yucky.

I went terribly long between having my menstrual periods... around 42 days. Each cycle I felt like I might be pregnant, and since the cycles were so long, and I was so impatient, I always took a pregnancy test. I took one four times, and they always came out negative. . . . Then my period would start the next day.

I had been feeling crampy on and off for over a week (I still feel crampy right now). Last weekend I felt quite icky. My nipples were more sore than they usually got around the time for my period to start, and I was *incredibly* emotional. I was sure my period would start. When it didn't, I realized that maybe I wasn't due to start for another week. So I waited another week. I was sure my period would start. I couldn't remember exactly when I had had my period the month before because I decided not to write it down because I was tired of getting my hopes up every month, but I figured that by yesterday I was at least one day late. I couldn't wait any longer to take a test, so yesterday I took a test for the fifth time, and it came out positive! It's amazing. I still can't believe it!

My husband and I were really "trying" to get pregnant and were having sex more often. But finally we just kind of gave up, and we only had sex once last month! That one time was when I got pregnant. :-)

What is really neat is that our new baby was concieved on the day John stayed home from work. John had twisted his ankle the previous week. He had gone to work the day before (a Monday), but his foot hurt so badly, he thought he had better take another day off (Tuesday the 24th of March). That's the day our baby was conceived!!!!

I knew that I might be fertile when we had sex because my muscous was thin and stretchy. There were a few things different about this time we had sex, but I won't go into details. :) I laid on my back a long time afterwards with my bottom up higher so the sperm could have a good chance of swimming where I wanted them to go.

Maybe one or more of these things helped me get pregnant. Maybe I got pregnant because we had kind of given up trying so hard to get pregnant. Maybe it was because God knew that Ellen would be ready for a brother or sister in December. Anyway, for whatever reason, God chose to give us another little blessing, and we are very happy!!! I think I even ovulated earlier than normal last month. God clearly was in control of the situation! :)

According to the Olen Pregnancy Calendar, I am due on December 16, 1998. Ellen had been due around December 21-25, 1995. I had her on December 13, 1995. Maybe this baby will be born on December 13th, too. :-) December 13th is also my husband's birthday, and he doesn't mind sharing it!

April 24, 1998

During my seventh week

I am going to have a homebirth and am probably going to have a midwife present at the birth of my baby. I am hoping to find a midwife that will provide me with lots of information and support, but not interfere too much. I want as few medical interventions as possible because being pregnant is not a sickness and childbirth is a natural process.

My husband, daughter, and I interviewed a licensed midwife today. We talked for at least an hour. We really liked her. I even nursed Ellen twice during the interview and the midwife didn't mind at all. She realizes how healthy breastfeeding is for both child and mother. She even said she nursed one of her children through a pregnancy.

She says she will not make me do anything I don't want to... well, within state guidelines, I guess!? For instance, I could not have a breech delivery at home. She said that if she didn't know a baby was breech, and the mom was about to have the baby, of course she would deliver it, but apparently they do not "allow" her to do breech deliveries even though she has training in breech deliveries and has done them. She said that doctors are not trained in medical school anymore to do breech deliveries... it's just easier for them to do c-sections. She said there is only one doctor in this area who does breech deliveries, and he is in Seattle (I live in Tacoma). I think this is horrible.

She told us that 95% of her births have been waterbirths. This is great, because I would like to have a waterbirth. She said she never does episiotomies, and having so many waterbirths is one reason why. It apparently softens up the skin and helps it to be stretchy.

She doesn't mind if labor takes a really long time... the body will give birth when the time is right. She told the story of a mom who went a really long time in labor. She let the mom rest and did not worry about it. When the baby was born, he had a really short unbilical cord. She figured that the reason the labor was so long is because the baby was trying to manuver (sp?) around so he could fit just right through the birth canal.

Other things I like about her. . . She doesn't like to cut the umbilical cord until it stops pulsing. She does not suction the baby's mouth unless necessary. She does not routinely break a mother's water... she feels it is safer for the baby to be cushioned and protected inside the sac for as long as possible. She is very much for vaccination awareness. She is pro-breastfeeding (she does not like the book Babywise... this is a big plus for me).

We just really like her! We will still interview another midwife next Friday to make sure this is the one. . . but I don't think I will like the other midwife as much. She is a certified nurse midwife, and I was told that she is more medical-minded and that she routinely breaks a mother's water at 7 cm. Soooo, that does not sound like something I would want....

I feel fine. I am more tired than normal. My nipples are still sore... the right side more than the left. I did not have morning sickeness with Ellen, and I do not appear to have it yet this time... though I felt *slightly* nauseous this afternoon. I probably needed to eat something. I don't feel as crampy as I did a couple days ago. I am very thankful!

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