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Two Birth Stories

I had gestational diabetes for both pregnancy's and had to be induced. My pelvis was believed to be small and not capable of having a baby larger than 6lbs. I accepted that I would probably need a c-section (my mother did for same reason). However, my wonderful doctor told me she wanted to give nature a try. I was induced at 12pm and by 6pm nothing was happening. So, at that time my doctor broke my water and by 7pm I was having major contractions. By 9pm I was 3 centimeters and I had an epideral. It felt wonderful. At 5am I began pushing, (no episotomy) and 45 minutes later I had a beautiful 7.1/2 lb. baby girl. I was thankful and blessed to have had a vaginal birth. My husband and family thought for sure a c- section would be inevitable. My doctor too was shocked. I did tear and it was painful.

My second birth story is almost identical, except at 36 weeks my baby boy was in the breech position. My doctor told me it would almost be impossible that he would turn in one week. I was scheduled to be induced at 37 weeks. Again gestational diabetes. I was preparing for a c-section, once again. My doctor told me she could try to move the baby, but it seldom worked. After reading a book by midwives I learned the trick they used to move breech babies. I put headphones of music to my womb, in hope the baby would move his head down toward my pelvis in the head down position. I also prayed and prayed. On the day of birth my baby was head down and ready to be born. Pushing only lasted 10 minutes and a beautiful 7.4 lb. baby boy was born. I had an episotomy, it was a lot less sore than the tear. It healed much more quickly.

Copyright 2000 by author
Used by permission

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