Guess what!!

Emily and Isaac hatched their first egg and they've sent her to stay with her Nana for a little while. I'm so excited!!
Here she is.... my first great grandchild Elise!
Isn't she pretty? She has her mom's skin tone and her daddy's tummy! *L* She's very rare... you'd have to look close cause she's so tiny but... she has stars AND diamonds! She's a real beauty, isn't she!!

Please be gentle with her... she's a little shy with strangers and she misses her mommy and daddy a lot! Her mom even sent her egg with her so that she'd feel right at home.

If you happen to see her mom and dad, don't forget to tell them she's doing fine! Maybe you'd like to adopt one of the new eggs? Go the the Crater Creatures Adoption Agency. If you can provide a good home for them, Erin-Lee and Meaghan will gladly help you out.
