On this page you will find out more than you ever wanted to know about Abigail96 and her family, I am sure.

I am adopted. I was as born in St. Louis, Missouri, as I am sure you have gathered from the other pages on my web site. I lived there till I married and came to Chicago, the Big City. The people who adopted me were wonderful to me couldn't have had a better life. I believe the term is "spoiled rotten" and I surly was.

My adoption is not a average one, it's a rather strange situation, my biological parents were cousins of my adoptive parents. I have four real sisters and one brother, who lived with my real parents. I was always aware of them and spent time with them, although I lived in a different home. We are actually very close now, all of us.

It's very difficult to explain my adoption, but I will make a feeble attempt as to how it was. I saw my real parents frequently, as I did my siblings. We only lived a few blocks from one another in St. Louis. Although I lived with my adoptive parents from the time I was three months old , I wasn't legally adopted until I became eleven. There was some conflict with my real mother (who I have always called Mother Vivian) not wanting to give up legal claim and some "I want her back " times where I would be the object of a struggle she had within herself for giving me away. The only thing that would happen is both sets of parents would get together at one house and before the day ended I would be returning to my adoptive parents home with them, all unpleasantness settled. I really never knew what transpired on those occasions, I really was too young to understand most of it anyway. But I have accepted this and always felt very good about being adopted.

The people who adopted me were considerably older, mom was 55 when I was three months old and dad was 60. From this you can gather we led a very peaceful life, other than the struggle with my real parents. My adoptive father died when I was just fifteen. This devastated me, I loved him very much, a big, kind, gentle, loving man. But I consider myself very lucky for having him at all and there was the fact I still had a father, my real one. He was very good to me also taking over when dad died and being there for me when I needed him. And of course the extra added bonus of having two mothers to love me. When mom died, I was 24 and had been living in Chicago for 5 years, the loss was great, but again I had another mother, Mother Vivian, to take over and be there for me. We developed a very special mother/daughter relationship and my son simply adored her. Unfortunately, she passed away several years ago and many is the time I still start for the phone to call and tell her something special that has happened. I suppose that will pass someday. But enough of this onto other things.

On this page you will see the family tree I made listing my sisters and brother and their immediate offspring. The acorns are the parents then the children and their respective spouses and the leaves represent the grandchildren. I can assure you Thanksgiving dinner for the immediate family takes on a whole new meaning with us, for there are 45 of us not including the ones who bring their current boyfriends or girlfriends. But it is a really fun gathering always, the food is always great and the comradeship that is present in the preparation of the food is the most rewarding and fun of all.

As time goes on, I will be adding pictures as I scan them of everyone. This site will inundated with pictures of Patrick Finnigan Fricot, my GRANDSON, whom I affectionately call the Demon Child from Hell. He is adorable BUT quite a handful with his impish, mischievous (wonder where he gets this one) ways and already at 22 months old, a heartbreaker to all who meet him. And more than likely, quite a few pictures of my new grandniece, who was born January 7th and named Sarah.

The first picture is our 1995 Family Christmas picture. The second one is me now with extremely short hair, but at least I have some hair once again after the surgery. Some day I might scan a picture that was taken with the infamous wig I wore for eight months, that is IF I get brave enough hehe.

Christmas 1995                                                 Me now


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