The Hammond Gazette

Web Edition

The Hammond Gazette was a genealogical newsletter I started back in May of 1997.  Only three issues (two variants of issue one, and a second issue that was never distributed - so much for that idea !) were created , before I dropped the idea and decided to focus on this web site instead.

The new "web edition" of the Hammond Gazette will be a special section of my genealogy site offering resources for those interested in researching Hammond genealogy.

In the future, all the resources, genealogies, etc. submitted to The Hammond Gazette for publication will be included as links off of this page.

Vital Records of Watertown, Mass. 1600-1820

Revolutionary War Pensions

Scanned images from the Hammond/Wyman/Moore Family Bible

C. Richard Matthews' Hammons/Hammonds Home Page

Census Records

Marriage Records

Hammond Gazette #1

Hammond Gazette #1B

Hammond Gazette #2

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Page created 11/9/1998
Page last updated 08/02/2000