Remembering Aunt Goldie

Posted: 23 December 1996

Aunt Goldie Nestor passed away in New York on 9 December, at the age of 95.  Here are Aunt Hynda and Aunt Bunny's recollections:

"Goldie was the oldest in the family. We were very young when she married. During her married life every one of her brothers and sisters spent time in her house at one time or another. Although Goldie lived in cramped quarters she always made room for us. Goldie was never affluent but always made sure she had enough to help us. Hynda lived in Goldie's house from the time that she finished high school until she married. When Goldie came to the country in the summer she was like a mother to us. Her children are more like brother and sister to us than nieces and nephew. I guess her name Goldie was not accidental."

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