Latest Updates From Steven's Mom & Dad

Tuesday, October 9th, 2001

GOOD NEWS!! Well we are four years post transplant, This website is realy outdated. I will spend the next few months updating it. Steven is doing great!!! He is now nine years old. We met the donor and shortly after that his wife passed away.. This was hard on us all cause we grew attatched to her. We will miss her. When the donor came to see us he fell madly in love with Steven's teacher!! Yes Steven's teacher!! She is my best friend and even dropped down a grade to get Steven's little brother who was coming to Kindergarden at the time. She is a wonderful person. So we are not only bless to have all the people coming to this site praying for him but, the donor has now moved all the way to Texas from Alaska and has gotten engaged to Steven's teacher!! This June 13th, 2001 Steven will be five years post transplant!! This will be a BIG day for us cause that means we are cancer FREE!!! Please keep him in your prayers till that day and HUGS yourselves for helping to get us down this long road!! HUGS AND LOVE STEVEN'S MOMMMY

Latest Updates From Steven's Mom & Dad

Thursday, April 21st, 1999

Steven met his donor!! It was wonderful!! I cried the donor cried people watching cried. It was one of the most moving moments in my life. We met our riders , riding in their honor they too were adorable!! We had soo much fun!!! Steven is doing great. He feels good and looks good. Steven is even playing t-ball this year i am coach and his little brother is playing too. Steven's Doctor apts are every two months now. He is due for his next one. They are checking his blood for signs of the cancer.

Saturday, April 3rd, 1999

!!!!!!!!!!Steven is meeting his Donor!!!!!!!!!

Steven will meet his donor Saturday, April 10th 1999 at 11:00am at Cooks Childerns, Fort worth, Texas. The hospital will be one of the stops on the "Lone Star Circle of Life" bike tour. A cyclists will ride on behalf of Steven and his donor. Steven will get to meet his donor and their rider. There will be a activities, and a blood & bone marrow drive at the same time. We invite you to come and show your support. For more information on the bike tour click*Here* Steven has been doing great due to the life saving transplant his donor gave him in June of 1997. We are very excited about meeting the donor. Also, Steven and his little brother are playing little league t-ball. He is going really well and loves it!! I am even his coach!!! Steven was also excepted into the gifted and talented program. at his elementary school. We are very proud of him and how far our family have come together. Thankyou again for all your support and we look forward to meeting the donor and any of you that come out to meet us :) HUGS BABYLIZ

Saturday, January 31st, 1999

Christmas was alot of fun. My parents, sister and my sisters kids came to our house for a BIG family Christmas. It was alot of fun. We have been talking to the donor and his wife on the phone alot. Our families are getting really close. They send us stuff in the mail all the time. Its fun to see the things they send. We have been getting toys from a really nice lady that works for matel. We met her on the net. The last box came about the same time as Steven's Birthday. Steven is now a seven year old! He got a Zelda video game for his Birthday. We had a bit of a ruff spell last weekened. Steven got a wierd fever. No sysmtoms! He got up to 103.7. Stayed that way most of the night even with tylonal. It really scared me. We took him in for blood test and they said it wasn't a virus but his whites where really high. This freaked me out. They did a blood sculpture and it came back negative. So we never really did figure out what it was but the doctor isn't to worried. We are watching him close. His next apt. will be the 5th with his Hemotology Doctor. Then on the fouth he is seeing Dr. Zide his cleff lip and pallate Doctor. Just a check up to see if its time for fallow up work on his lip and pallate. (steven has a cleff lip and pallate in addition to the cancer) They may have to remove a tooth that has grown in his jaw bone. They are thinking about doing some touch up work on his lip. His fever has been gone and he is feeling good so we arnt to worried right now. There is alot of power in prayer :) HUGS BABYLIZ

Saturday, December 5th, 1998

I am so sorry it has taking so long to update. We have been having massive computer troubles. Steven is doing great! He is getting wonderful grades in school and looks and acts just like a regular kid. I play to go back to school myself in January if the money works out. Steven really had a great time at camp and even made it in the Hospital magizine. I will try to get a copey for the web site asap. We still dont have the rest of the computer working so no scanner. This Christmas is a real blessing. No hospital visits! He did have surgary for tubs in his ears the day b4 Thanksgiving. That was no biggy not after what we have been through. He ran a little fever and got antibotics. We are really looking forward to 1999! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Hugs Babyliz

Tuesday, August 11th, 1998

Well lots of news for you guys today. Some bad and some good. Lets start with the bad and get it out of the way. Steven had his one year exaim and they said some of his counts are a little low and he may still need to go back on IVIG. He had a echo and it looked good. Now for the good news!! Well I have three fun things to tell you all. First is Steven got another wish. It was from "The Kelsey Logan Angel Fund" The Kelsey Logan Angel fund helps take care of any needs the child or the child's family during thier battle against reacurring malignant cancer. This is a new charity and was establised by Kelseys parents. Kelsey was only 19 months when this little angel was taking from us by cancer. Kelsy touched many lives. Her partents wanted to carry on her name by make the quality of life better for childern and their families living with cancer. Molly a friend of the Logans, helping in this area was the one who brought Steven his wish. Steven wanted a nintindo 64 and Lots of games! Knowing that we have 3 boys she got three controls and 3 games that can be played by all three kids at the same time. The boys went nuts!! They loved it!!! Molly's and her family were so sweet to bring him the gift from Midland. Please see a page I will be adding to help get money into this growing charity. I think they are wonderful and would love our friends to lend them a hand. :) ok next good news Steven Started school!!! Yes our little guy is in the 1st grade! He is in public school. He gets to run and play with kids his own age. He had his first day yesterday and had a ball. He looked so cute with his little lunch box and back pack. I cried so hard. His teachers and staff there are wonderful I just ove them. I will add some pictures later. It will be his school page. Ok NOW for the grand fanally of this update: WE TALKED TO THE DONER ON THE PHONE!! Yes we talked for hours!! Him and his wife were so lovely. He is a 44 year old male from Ankarage Alaska. His 1/2 Cherokie indain and 1/4 French and 1/4 German. (please forgive my spelling) It is really neet to see how his blood line is soo close to our own. The coolest things were that his Birthday is 1-21 and Stevens is 1-29 cool huh plus he is one of 3 boys my hubby is and Steven is. This is soo much fun getting to know him and his wife. Chris our donor was burned very bad as a young child and spent months in the hospital and years getting reconstructive surgary. He is a very strong brave man. He said they flew him from Ankarage Alaska to seattle, WA for the harvest. It was all paid for like a little vaction. Chris and his wife have been sending our family so many gifts toys, hats, shirts, and all kinds off neet stuff. This is a really loving couple that I believe will be friends with us for a long time. I have a fun idea I would like to get him as soon as we can meet him. We want to life cast Steven and him holding hands and have it bronzed!!! I would like to make a copy for him and one for us. Then have it mounted and write something lovely on it for the donor. If anyone can help me with the supplies, or getting the donor and his wife together with our family we would be so thankful. The last thing is the Candlelighters of Cooks Medical center is have a "RUN FOR LIFE", 1 k and 5 k. It will be on August 22nd Down town Fort Worth. We would love to have your families join us in the fun. All the money raised will go to helping the Candlelighter ( a group that helps families with support and information) They are looking for door prizes and a little hard plastic pool for drinks for the runners. If you know anyone that can help with these things, need more info, or just want to send a donation right to them you can call 817-292-9533 or see thier web site at Thankyou all for all your prayers and love. Steven is living proof that it does work :)HUGS BABYLIZ

Thursday, July 2nd, 1998

Thursday, July 2nd, 1998

Guess what!!! Steven and Douglas are off to camp! They are going to a specail camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. They will have so much fun. We sent Michael to his aunts house for the week. That means that we have a whole week to ourselves!!! We went out to dinner with out friends, and saw Armageding. Ohh my goodness that was a wonderful movie!! We had so much fun but really miss the boys. They will be back tomarrow morning. We are excited to see how their trip went. This will be Steven's first time away like that. I cried when he got on the bus to leave! We got some great news!!! We found out that our doner is in Alaska!!!! We got the coolest package from his blood center that they said they couldn't send us a year ago and have been holding it the whole time. It was three black cordaroy hats and a tea-shirt. They had a little stuffed husky lookin out for them :) They all said ALASKA on them! Steven hasn't seen them yet. We got them while he was gone. He will see them tomarrow. I know he will love them. The doner really spoils us!!! I can't wait to put my arms around him and tell him how much he means to us! Steven wouldn't be here with out him. Now he runs and play just like every other kid and it would be hard to tell he was every sick if you just saw him on the street. Next Friday is a big day for us! We are having some major immune test to see how Steven did with the over all transplant. I dont need the test to know he is doing great. Everyone got the stomach flue in the house a little while back scared me to death and he never got it!! I know that he is ready for school but I dont know if I am ready to send my baby off. :) I guess all moms feel this way at some point. Please keep up the prayers they are working ( I know we are living it) I dont know if I would have made it without all your love, prayers and support. We still have a long road ahead. They told us 5 years before we can relax. But we are on the upward trend. I think we are going to be ok. Thankyou HUGS all BABYLIZ

Monday, June 8th, 1998

Well we have had a great month!! First of all WE ARE OFF cyclosporine!! yeah!!!!he is doing great!!! Next JUne 13th will be a BIG day for us!! Steven will be 1 year post transplant!!!! we are having a party!!! we will be aloud to get the doners name and stuff then too!!! I am soo excited!! We have been busy doing things with the candlelighters and the wish fountains really fun stuff. They spoil us!! The childerns mirical net work was filming and having a telithon. I answered phones and Steven got interviewed to help raise money. Then we got to go to SIX FLAG after word cause that is where they were taping. It was his first public thing to do since the transplant. Then we went to the Texas motor speed was for a BBQ and to meet the drivers!! it was a blast we got to watch the races for down in the pits!! Next my mom came down from CA and is staying a week I miss her soo much. To everyone who has been helping us with support letters,e-mails ectt.. THANKYOU SOOOO MUCHHHHH HUGGLES Baby liz

Monday, May 11th 1998

Well we have been off line for a bit. Our computer has been down. We it is nice to tell you all that nothing much has changed. Steven has had three hair cuts and he is putting on wieght. He is looking good he is down to the lowest dose of cycosporine. It is only a matter of time before he doesn't even have to take it any more! We are hoping to get him in school for thge first time in August. He is thrilled about it! In July he will have a complete physical. They will let us know then. JUNE 13th!!! Yes that is his one year mark!! He will be one year post transplant then!!! yeah!!! We are going to have a huge party! We have come a long way this past year. Now its only going to get better :) We will get permisson to meet our doner after June 13th. Steven got a big package from him with all kinds of stuff!! I get the feeling he wants to meet us too. I want to hug him so tight. I pray I have the right words to tell him how much he means to our family. Thankyou all for standing by us HUGE HUGSSSSSSSSS BABYLIZ

Monday, March 23rd 1998

Steven is getting weined off his cycosporine. He is off his predizone and doing good. He still isn't eating every good though. We got to do some thing really fun the other day!! Johnny Cann The stunt coordinator for Walker Texas Ranger show called us up and invited us to see a rocket lift off!! Well. Steven had sooo much fun!! Johnny introduces us to one of the rocket men and the other rocketmans family. Let me tell you this group is soo wonderful!! They are adorable and won our hearts. It was so cool to watch!! They gave us a video and tea shirts signed by rocketman himself!! Rocketman is also the stunt double for walker...It was so much fun!! Please pass there address around and get them some free advertising( they deserve it!!) It would mean alot to us!! Steven and I went out to play today. The weather is soo pretty here. We even had a barbque!! Steven's hair is back and then some he also just got a hair cut. It grew back thick and curly!! NO kiddin it was thin and streight now its thick and curly!! He hates it ha haha But I think he looks adorable!!! His face is thinnin out again. It was so swollen from the predizone. My old Steven is coming back!! YEAH!!! happy dance!! HUGS and thanks to everyone for prayin for us!!! Babyliz

Friday, Febuary 6th 1998

Steven is doing much better here is starting to get back to his old self again. He is starting to lose his predizone weight and extra hair. We are aiming for August to get him back in school. He is excitied about that cause he is so board at home. We watch alot of TV. His normal hair is coming in thick and curly. The Doctor said he is 100% engrafted. That means that the bone-marrow that is growing is the doners and not his. Steven's blood type has changed from B+ to A+. This is because even though the doner was a perfect genetic match, he had a different blood type. The doctor said that more then likey the doner will even look like Steven. Cool HUH?? *smile* I have been sending him letters and he send Steven a Teddy bear and some cards. We will be aloud to meet him in JUNE. Thankyou for all your support and prayers!! HUGS The Haley's

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